mirror of https://github.com/esphome/esphome.git synced 2024-10-05 18:30:57 +01:00
2024-08-06 22:46:37 -05:00

998 lines
35 KiB

import argparse
import glob
import inspect
import json
import os
import re
import voluptuous as vol
# NOTE: Cannot import other esphome components globally as a modification in vol_schema
# is needed before modules are loaded
import esphome.schema_extractors as ejs
ejs.EnableSchemaExtraction = True
# schema format:
# Schemas are split in several files in json format, one for core stuff, one for each platform (sensor, binary_sensor, etc) and
# one for each component (dallas, sim800l, etc.) component can have schema for root component/hub and also for platform component,
# e.g. dallas has hub component which has pin and then has the sensor platform which has sensor name, index, etc.
# When files are loaded they are merged in a single object.
# The root format is
S_CONFIG_VAR = "config_var"
S_CONFIG_VARS = "config_vars"
S_COMPONENT = "component"
S_COMPONENTS = "components"
S_PLATFORMS = "platforms"
S_SCHEMA = "schema"
S_SCHEMAS = "schemas"
S_EXTENDS = "extends"
S_TYPE = "type"
S_NAME = "name"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"--output-path", default=".", help="Output path", type=os.path.abspath
args = parser.parse_args()
DUMP_RAW = False
# store here dynamic load of esphome components
components = {}
schema_core = {}
# output is where all is built
output = {"core": schema_core}
# The full generated output is here here
schema_full = {"components": output}
# A string, string map, key is the str(schema) and value is
# a tuple, first element is the schema reference and second is the schema path given, the schema reference is needed to test as different schemas have same key
known_schemas = {}
solve_registry = []
def get_component_names():
# pylint: disable-next=redefined-outer-name,reimported
from esphome.loader import CORE_COMPONENTS_PATH
component_names = ["esphome", "sensor", "esp32", "esp8266"]
for d in os.listdir(CORE_COMPONENTS_PATH):
if not d.startswith("__") and os.path.isdir(
os.path.join(CORE_COMPONENTS_PATH, d)
if d not in component_names:
return component_names
def load_components():
from esphome.config import get_component
for domain in get_component_names():
components[domain] = get_component(domain)
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from esphome.const import CONF_TYPE, KEY_CORE
from esphome.core import CORE
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position
CORE.data[KEY_CORE] = {}
# Import esphome after loading components (so schema is tracked)
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from esphome import automation, pins
from esphome.components import remote_base
import esphome.config_validation as cv
import esphome.core as esphome_core
from esphome.helpers import write_file_if_changed
from esphome.loader import CORE_COMPONENTS_PATH, get_platform
from esphome.util import Registry
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position
def write_file(name, obj):
full_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, name + ".json")
json_str = json.dumps(obj, indent=2)
json_str = json.dumps(obj, separators=(",", ":"))
write_file_if_changed(full_path, json_str)
print(f"Wrote {full_path}")
def delete_extra_files(keep_names):
for d in os.listdir(args.output_path):
if d.endswith(".json") and d[:-5] not in keep_names:
os.remove(os.path.join(args.output_path, d))
print(f"Deleted {d}")
def register_module_schemas(key, module, manifest=None):
for name, schema in module_schemas(module):
register_known_schema(key, name, schema)
if manifest:
# Multi conf should allow list of components
# not sure about 2nd part of the if, might be useless config (e.g. as3935)
if manifest.multi_conf and S_CONFIG_SCHEMA in output[key][S_SCHEMAS]:
output[key][S_SCHEMAS][S_CONFIG_SCHEMA]["is_list"] = True
def register_known_schema(module, name, schema):
if module not in output:
output[module] = {S_SCHEMAS: {}}
config = convert_config(schema, f"{module}/{name}")
if S_TYPE not in config:
print(f"Config var without type: {module}.{name}")
output[module][S_SCHEMAS][name] = config
repr_schema = repr(schema)
if repr_schema in known_schemas:
schema_info = known_schemas[repr_schema]
schema_info.append((schema, f"{module}.{name}"))
known_schemas[repr_schema] = [(schema, f"{module}.{name}")]
def module_schemas(module):
# This should yield elements in order so extended schemas are resolved properly
# To do this we check on the source code where the symbol is seen first. Seems to work.
module_str = inspect.getsource(module)
except TypeError:
# improv
module_str = ""
except OSError:
# some empty __init__ files
module_str = ""
schemas = {}
for m_attr_name in dir(module):
m_attr_obj = getattr(module, m_attr_name)
if is_convertible_schema(m_attr_obj):
schemas[module_str.find(m_attr_name)] = [m_attr_name, m_attr_obj]
for pos in sorted(schemas.keys()):
yield schemas[pos]
found_registries = {}
# Pin validators keys are the functions in pin which validate the pins
pin_validators = {}
def add_pin_validators():
for m_attr_name in dir(pins):
if "gpio" in m_attr_name:
s = pin_validators[repr(getattr(pins, m_attr_name))] = {}
if "schema" in m_attr_name:
s["schema"] = True # else is just number
if "internal" in m_attr_name:
s["internal"] = True
if "input" in m_attr_name:
s["modes"] = ["input"]
elif "output" in m_attr_name:
s["modes"] = ["output"]
s["modes"] = []
if "pullup" in m_attr_name:
from esphome.components.adc import sensor as adc_sensor
pin_validators[repr(adc_sensor.validate_adc_pin)] = {
"internal": True,
"modes": ["input"],
def add_module_registries(domain, module):
for attr_name in dir(module):
attr_obj = getattr(module, attr_name)
if isinstance(attr_obj, Registry):
if attr_obj == automation.ACTION_REGISTRY:
reg_type = "action"
reg_domain = "core"
found_registries[repr(attr_obj)] = reg_type
elif attr_obj == automation.CONDITION_REGISTRY:
reg_type = "condition"
reg_domain = "core"
found_registries[repr(attr_obj)] = reg_type
else: # attr_name == "FILTER_REGISTRY":
reg_domain = domain
reg_type = attr_name.partition("_")[0].lower()
found_registries[repr(attr_obj)] = f"{domain}.{reg_type}"
for name in attr_obj.keys():
if "." not in name:
reg_entry_name = name
parts = name.split(".")
if len(parts) == 2:
reg_domain = parts[0]
reg_entry_name = parts[1]
reg_domain = ".".join([parts[1], parts[0]])
reg_entry_name = parts[2]
if reg_domain not in output:
output[reg_domain] = {}
if reg_type not in output[reg_domain]:
output[reg_domain][reg_type] = {}
output[reg_domain][reg_type][reg_entry_name] = convert_config(
attr_obj[name].schema, f"{reg_domain}/{reg_type}/{reg_entry_name}"
# print(f"{domain} - {attr_name} - {name}")
def do_pins():
# do pin registries
pins_providers = schema_core["pins"] = []
for pin_registry in pins.PIN_SCHEMA_REGISTRY:
s = convert_config(
pins.PIN_SCHEMA_REGISTRY[pin_registry][1], f"pins/{pin_registry}"
if pin_registry not in output:
output[pin_registry] = {} # mcp23xxx does not create a component yet
output[pin_registry]["pin"] = s
def setBoards(obj, boards):
obj[S_TYPE] = "enum"
obj["values"] = {}
for k, v in boards.items():
obj["values"][k] = {"docs": v["name"]}
def do_esp32():
import esphome.components.esp32.boards as esp32_boards
def do_esp8266():
import esphome.components.esp8266.boards as esp8266_boards
def fix_remote_receiver():
if "remote_receiver.binary_sensor" not in output:
remote_receiver_schema = output["remote_receiver.binary_sensor"]["schemas"]
remote_receiver_schema["CONFIG_SCHEMA"] = {
"type": "schema",
"schema": {
"extends": ["binary_sensor.BINARY_SENSOR_SCHEMA", "core.COMPONENT_SCHEMA"],
"config_vars": output["remote_base"].pop("binary"),
remote_receiver_schema["CONFIG_SCHEMA"]["schema"]["config_vars"]["receiver_id"] = {
"key": "GeneratedID",
"use_id_type": "remote_base::RemoteReceiverBase",
"type": "use_id",
def fix_script():
if "script" not in output:
config_schema = output["script"][S_SCHEMAS][S_CONFIG_SCHEMA]
config_schema[S_SCHEMA][S_CONFIG_VARS]["id"]["id_type"] = {
"class": "script::Script"
config_schema["is_list"] = True
def fix_font():
if "font" not in output:
output["font"][S_SCHEMAS]["FILE_SCHEMA"] = output["font"][S_SCHEMAS].pop(
def fix_menu():
if "display_menu_base" not in output:
# # Menu has a recursive schema which is not kept properly
schemas = output["display_menu_base"][S_SCHEMAS]
# 1. Move items to a new schema
schemas["MENU_TYPES"] = {
# 2. Remove items from the base schema
# 3. Add extends to this
# 4. Configure menu items inside as recursive
menu = schemas["MENU_TYPES"][S_SCHEMA][S_CONFIG_VARS]["items"]["types"]["menu"]
menu[S_EXTENDS] = ["display_menu_base.MENU_TYPES"]
def get_logger_tags():
pattern = re.compile(r'^static const char \*const TAG = "(\w.*)";', re.MULTILINE)
# tags not in components dir
tags = [
for x in os.walk(CORE_COMPONENTS_PATH):
for y in glob.glob(os.path.join(x[0], "*.cpp")):
with open(y, encoding="utf-8") as file:
data = file.read()
match = pattern.search(data)
if match:
return tags
def add_logger_tags():
if "logger" not in output or "schemas" not in output["logger"]:
tags = get_logger_tags()
logs = output["logger"]["schemas"]["CONFIG_SCHEMA"]["schema"]["config_vars"][
for t in tags:
logs[t] = logs["string"].copy()
def add_referenced_recursive(referenced_schemas, config_var, path, eat_schema=False):
assert (
S_CONFIG_VARS not in config_var and S_EXTENDS not in config_var
) # S_TYPE in cv or "key" in cv or len(cv) == 0
if (
config_var.get(S_TYPE) in ["schema", "trigger", "maybe"]
and S_SCHEMA in config_var
schema = config_var[S_SCHEMA]
for k, v in schema.get(S_CONFIG_VARS, {}).items():
if eat_schema:
new_path = path + [S_CONFIG_VARS, k]
new_path = path + ["schema", S_CONFIG_VARS, k]
add_referenced_recursive(referenced_schemas, v, new_path)
for k in schema.get(S_EXTENDS, []):
if k not in referenced_schemas:
referenced_schemas[k] = [path]
if path not in referenced_schemas[k]:
s1 = get_str_path_schema(k)
p = k.split(".")
if len(p) == 3 and path[0] == f"{p[0]}.{p[1]}":
# special case for schema inside platforms
referenced_schemas, s1, [path[0], "schemas", p[2]]
referenced_schemas, s1, [p[0], "schemas", p[1]]
elif config_var.get(S_TYPE) == "typed":
for tk, tv in config_var.get("types").items():
path + ["types", tk],
def get_str_path_schema(strPath):
parts = strPath.split(".")
if len(parts) > 2:
parts[0] += "." + parts[1]
parts[1] = parts[2]
s1 = output.get(parts[0], {}).get(S_SCHEMAS, {}).get(parts[1], {})
return s1
def pop_str_path_schema(strPath):
parts = strPath.split(".")
if len(parts) > 2:
parts[0] += "." + parts[1]
parts[1] = parts[2]
output.get(parts[0], {}).get(S_SCHEMAS, {}).pop(parts[1])
def get_arr_path_schema(path):
s = output
for x in path:
s = s[x]
return s
def merge(source, destination):
run me with nosetests --with-doctest file.py
>>> a = { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'pass' : 'dog', 'number' : '1' } } }
>>> b = { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'fail' : 'cat', 'number' : '5' } } }
>>> merge(b, a) == { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'pass' : 'dog', 'fail' : 'cat', 'number' : '5' } } }
for key, value in source.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
# get node or create one
node = destination.setdefault(key, {})
merge(value, node)
destination[key] = value
return destination
def is_platform_schema(schema_name):
# added mostly because of schema_name == "microphone.MICROPHONE_SCHEMA"
# and "alarm_control_panel"
# which is shrunk because there is only one component of the schema (i2s_audio)
component = schema_name.split(".")[0]
return component in components and components[component].is_platform_component
def shrink():
"""Shrink the extending schemas which has just an end type, e.g. at this point
ota / port is type schema with extended pointing to core.port, this should instead be
type number. core.port is number
This also fixes enums, as they are another schema and they are instead put in the same cv
# referenced_schemas contains a dict, keys are all that are shown in extends: [] arrays, values are lists of paths that are pointing to that extend
# e.g. key: core.COMPONENT_SCHEMA has a lot of paths of config vars which extends this schema
pass_again = True
while pass_again:
pass_again = False
referenced_schemas = {}
for k, v in output.items():
for kv, vv in v.items():
if kv != "pin" and isinstance(vv, dict):
for kvv, vvv in vv.items():
add_referenced_recursive(referenced_schemas, vvv, [k, kv, kvv])
for x, paths in referenced_schemas.items():
if len(paths) == 1 and not is_platform_schema(x):
key_s = get_str_path_schema(x)
arr_s = get_arr_path_schema(paths[0])
# key_s |= arr_s
# key_s.pop(S_EXTENDS)
pass_again = True
if S_SCHEMA in arr_s:
if S_EXTENDS in arr_s[S_SCHEMA]:
print("expected extends here!" + x)
arr_s = merge(key_s, arr_s)
if arr_s[S_TYPE] in ["enum", "typed"]:
arr_s |= key_s[S_SCHEMA]
# simple types should be spread on each component,
# for enums so far these are logger.is_log_level, cover.validate_cover_state and pulse_counter.sensor.COUNT_MODE_SCHEMA
# then for some reasons sensor filter registry falls here
# then are all simple types, integer and strings
for x, paths in referenced_schemas.items():
key_s = get_str_path_schema(x)
if key_s and key_s[S_TYPE] in ["enum", "registry", "integer", "string"]:
if key_s[S_TYPE] == "registry":
print("Spreading registry: " + x)
for target in paths:
target_s = get_arr_path_schema(target)
assert target_s[S_SCHEMA][S_EXTENDS] == [x]
target_s |= key_s
if key_s[S_TYPE] in ["integer", "string"]:
target_s["data_type"] = x.split(".")[1]
# remove this dangling again
elif not key_s:
for target in paths:
target_s = get_arr_path_schema(target)
if S_SCHEMA not in target_s:
# an empty schema like speaker.SPEAKER_SCHEMA
assert target_s[S_SCHEMA][S_EXTENDS] == [x]
target_s.pop(S_TYPE) # undefined
target_s["data_type"] = x.split(".")[1]
# remove this dangling again
# remove dangling items (unreachable schemas)
for domain, domain_schemas in output.items():
for schema_name in list(domain_schemas.get(S_SCHEMAS, {}).keys()):
s = f"{domain}.{schema_name}"
if (
not s.endswith("." + S_CONFIG_SCHEMA)
and s not in referenced_schemas
and not is_platform_schema(s)
print(f"Removing {s}")
def build_schema():
print("Building schema")
# check esphome was not loaded globally (IDE auto imports)
if len(ejs.extended_schemas) == 0:
raise LookupError(
"no data collected. Did you globally import an ESPHome component?"
# Core schema
schema_core[S_SCHEMAS] = {}
register_module_schemas("core", cv)
platforms = {}
schema_core[S_PLATFORMS] = platforms
core_components = {}
schema_core[S_COMPONENTS] = core_components
# Load a preview of each component
for domain, manifest in components.items():
if manifest.is_platform_component:
# e.g. sensor, binary sensor, add S_COMPONENTS
# note: S_COMPONENTS is not filled until loaded, e.g.
# if lock: is not used, then we don't need to know about their
# platforms yet.
output[domain] = {S_COMPONENTS: {}, S_SCHEMAS: {}}
platforms[domain] = {}
elif manifest.config_schema is not None:
# e.g. dallas
output[domain] = {S_SCHEMAS: {S_CONFIG_SCHEMA: {}}}
# Generate platforms (e.g. sensor, binary_sensor, climate )
for domain in platforms:
c = components[domain]
register_module_schemas(domain, c.module)
# Generate components
for domain, manifest in components.items():
if domain not in platforms:
if manifest.config_schema is not None:
core_components[domain] = {}
if len(manifest.dependencies) > 0:
core_components[domain]["dependencies"] = manifest.dependencies
register_module_schemas(domain, manifest.module, manifest)
for platform in platforms:
platform_manifest = get_platform(domain=platform, platform=domain)
if platform_manifest is not None:
output[platform][S_COMPONENTS][domain] = {}
if len(platform_manifest.dependencies) > 0:
] = platform_manifest.dependencies
f"{domain}.{platform}", platform_manifest.module, platform_manifest
# Do registries
add_module_registries("core", automation)
for domain, manifest in components.items():
add_module_registries(domain, manifest.module)
add_module_registries("remote_base", remote_base)
# update props pointing to registries
for reg_config_var in solve_registry:
(registry, config_var) = reg_config_var
config_var[S_TYPE] = "registry"
config_var["registry"] = found_registries[repr(registry)]
# aggregate components, so all component info is in same file, otherwise we have dallas.json, dallas.sensor.json, etc.
data = {}
for component, component_schemas in output.items():
if "." in component:
key = component.partition(".")[0]
if key not in data:
data[key] = {}
data[key][component] = component_schemas
if component not in data:
data[component] = {}
data[component] |= {component: component_schemas}
# bundle core inside esphome
data["esphome"]["core"] = data.pop("core")["core"]
for c, s in data.items():
write_file(c, s)
def is_convertible_schema(schema):
if schema is None:
return False
if isinstance(schema, (cv.Schema, cv.All, cv.Any)):
return True
if repr(schema) in ejs.hidden_schemas:
return True
if repr(schema) in ejs.typed_schemas:
return True
if repr(schema) in ejs.list_schemas:
return True
if repr(schema) in ejs.registry_schemas:
return True
if isinstance(schema, dict):
for k in schema.keys():
if isinstance(k, (cv.Required, cv.Optional)):
return True
return False
def convert_config(schema, path):
converted = {}
convert(schema, converted, path)
return converted
def convert(schema, config_var, path):
"""config_var can be a config_var or a schema: both are dicts
config_var has a S_TYPE property, if this is S_SCHEMA, then it has a S_SCHEMA property
schema does not have a type property, schema can have optionally both S_CONFIG_VARS and S_EXTENDS
repr_schema = repr(schema)
if path.startswith("ads1115.sensor") and path.endswith("gain"):
if repr_schema in known_schemas:
schema_info = known_schemas[(repr_schema)]
for schema_instance, name in schema_info:
if schema_instance is schema:
assert S_CONFIG_VARS not in config_var
assert S_EXTENDS not in config_var
if S_TYPE not in config_var:
config_var[S_TYPE] = S_SCHEMA
# assert config_var[S_TYPE] == S_SCHEMA
if S_SCHEMA not in config_var:
config_var[S_SCHEMA] = {}
if S_EXTENDS not in config_var[S_SCHEMA]:
config_var[S_SCHEMA][S_EXTENDS] = [name]
elif name not in config_var[S_SCHEMA][S_EXTENDS]:
# Extended schemas are tracked when the .extend() is used in a schema
if repr_schema in ejs.extended_schemas:
extended = ejs.extended_schemas.get(repr_schema)
# The midea actions are extending an empty schema (resulted in the templatize not templatizing anything)
# this causes a recursion in that this extended looks the same in extended schema as the extended[1]
if repr_schema == repr(extended[1]):
assert path.startswith("midea_ac/")
assert len(extended) == 2
convert(extended[0], config_var, path + "/extL")
convert(extended[1], config_var, path + "/extR")
if isinstance(schema, cv.All):
i = 0
for inner in schema.validators:
i = i + 1
convert(inner, config_var, path + f"/val {i}")
if hasattr(schema, "validators"):
i = 0
for inner in schema.validators:
i = i + 1
convert(inner, config_var, path + f"/val {i}")
if isinstance(schema, cv.Schema):
convert(schema.schema, config_var, path + "/all")
if isinstance(schema, dict):
convert_keys(config_var, schema, path)
if repr_schema in ejs.list_schemas:
config_var["is_list"] = True
items_schema = ejs.list_schemas[repr_schema][0]
convert(items_schema, config_var, path + "/list")
config_var["raw"] = repr_schema
# pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable
if schema == cv.boolean:
config_var[S_TYPE] = "boolean"
elif schema == automation.validate_potentially_and_condition:
config_var[S_TYPE] = "registry"
config_var["registry"] = "condition"
elif schema in (cv.int_, cv.int_range):
config_var[S_TYPE] = "integer"
elif schema in (cv.string, cv.string_strict, cv.valid_name):
config_var[S_TYPE] = "string"
elif isinstance(schema, vol.Schema):
# test: esphome/project
config_var[S_TYPE] = "schema"
config_var["schema"] = convert_config(schema.schema, path + "/s")["schema"]
elif repr_schema in pin_validators:
config_var |= pin_validators[repr_schema]
config_var[S_TYPE] = "pin"
# pylint: disable-next=too-many-nested-blocks
elif repr_schema in ejs.hidden_schemas:
schema_type = ejs.hidden_schemas[repr_schema]
data = schema(ejs.SCHEMA_EXTRACT)
# enums, e.g. esp32/variant
if schema_type == "one_of":
config_var[S_TYPE] = "enum"
config_var["values"] = dict.fromkeys(list(data))
elif schema_type == "enum":
config_var[S_TYPE] = "enum"
config_var["values"] = dict.fromkeys(list(data.keys()))
elif schema_type == "maybe":
config_var[S_TYPE] = S_SCHEMA
config_var["maybe"] = data[1]
config_var["schema"] = convert_config(data[0], path + "/maybe")["schema"]
# esphome/on_boot
elif schema_type == "automation":
extra_schema = None
config_var[S_TYPE] = "trigger"
if automation.AUTOMATION_SCHEMA == ejs.extended_schemas[repr(data)][0]:
extra_schema = ejs.extended_schemas[repr(data)][1]
if (
extra_schema is not None and len(extra_schema) > 1
): # usually only trigger_id here
config = convert_config(extra_schema, path + "/extra")
if "schema" in config:
automation_schema = config["schema"]
if not (
len(automation_schema["config_vars"]) == 1
and "trigger_id" in automation_schema["config_vars"]
automation_schema["config_vars"]["then"] = {S_TYPE: "trigger"}
if "trigger_id" in automation_schema["config_vars"]:
config_var[S_TYPE] = "trigger"
config_var["schema"] = automation_schema
# some triggers can have a list of actions directly, while others needs to have some other configuration,
# e.g. sensor.on_value_rang, and the list of actions is only accepted under "then" property.
schema({"delay": "1s"})
except cv.Invalid:
config_var["has_required_var"] = True
print("figure out " + path)
elif schema_type == "effects":
config_var[S_TYPE] = "registry"
config_var["registry"] = "light.effects"
config_var["filter"] = data[0]
elif schema_type == "templatable":
config_var["templatable"] = True
convert(data, config_var, path + "/templat")
elif schema_type == "triggers":
# remote base
convert(data, config_var, path + "/trigger")
elif schema_type == "sensor":
schema = data
convert(data, config_var, path + "/trigger")
elif schema_type == "declare_id":
# pylint: disable=protected-access
parents = data._parents
config_var["id_type"] = {
"class": str(data.base),
"parents": (
[str(x.base) for x in parents]
if isinstance(parents, list)
else None
elif schema_type == "use_id":
if inspect.ismodule(data):
m_attr_obj = getattr(data, "CONFIG_SCHEMA")
use_schema = known_schemas.get(repr(m_attr_obj))
if use_schema:
[output_module, output_name] = use_schema[0][1].split(".")
use_id_config = output[output_module][S_SCHEMAS][output_name]
config_var["use_id_type"] = use_id_config["schema"]["config_vars"][
config_var[S_TYPE] = "use_id"
print("TODO deferred?")
if isinstance(data, str):
# TODO: Figure out why pipsolar does this
config_var["use_id_type"] = data
config_var["use_id_type"] = str(data.base)
config_var[S_TYPE] = "use_id"
raise TypeError("Unknown extracted schema type")
elif config_var.get("key") == "GeneratedID":
if path.startswith("i2c/CONFIG_SCHEMA/") and path.endswith("/id"):
config_var["id_type"] = {
"class": "i2c::I2CBus",
"parents": ["Component"],
elif path == "uart/CONFIG_SCHEMA/val 1/extL/all/id":
config_var["id_type"] = {
"class": "uart::UARTComponent",
"parents": ["Component"],
elif path == "pins/esp32/val 1/id":
config_var["id_type"] = "pin"
raise TypeError("Cannot determine id_type for " + path)
elif repr_schema in ejs.registry_schemas:
solve_registry.append((ejs.registry_schemas[repr_schema], config_var))
elif repr_schema in ejs.typed_schemas:
config_var[S_TYPE] = "typed"
types = config_var["types"] = {}
typed_schema = ejs.typed_schemas[repr_schema]
if len(typed_schema) > 1:
config_var["typed_key"] = typed_schema[1].get("key", CONF_TYPE)
for schema_key, schema_type in typed_schema[0][0].items():
config = convert_config(schema_type, path + "/type_" + schema_key)
types[schema_key] = config["schema"]
if S_TYPE not in config_var:
config_var["unknown"] = repr_schema
config_var["path"] = path
if S_TYPE not in config_var:
# print(path)
def get_overridden_config(key, converted):
# check if the key is in any extended schema in this converted schema, i.e.
# if we see a on_value_range in a dallas sensor, then this is overridden because
# it is already defined in sensor
assert S_CONFIG_VARS not in converted and S_EXTENDS not in converted
config = converted.get(S_SCHEMA, {})
return get_overridden_key_inner(key, config, {})
def get_overridden_key_inner(key, config, ret):
if S_EXTENDS not in config:
return ret
for s in config[S_EXTENDS]:
p = s.partition(".")
s1 = output.get(p[0], {}).get(S_SCHEMAS, {}).get(p[2], {}).get(S_SCHEMA)
if s1:
if key in s1.get(S_CONFIG_VARS, {}):
for k, v in s1.get(S_CONFIG_VARS)[key].items():
if k not in ret: # keep most overridden
ret[k] = v
get_overridden_key_inner(key, s1, ret)
return ret
def convert_keys(converted, schema, path):
for k, v in schema.items():
# deprecated stuff
if repr(v).startswith("<function invalid"):
result = {}
if isinstance(k, cv.GenerateID):
result["key"] = "GeneratedID"
elif isinstance(k, cv.Required):
result["key"] = "Required"
elif isinstance(k, (cv.Optional, cv.Inclusive, cv.Exclusive)):
result["key"] = "Optional"
converted["key"] = "String"
key_string_match = re.search(
r"<function (\w*) at \w*>", str(k), re.IGNORECASE
if key_string_match:
converted["key_type"] = key_string_match.group(1)
converted["key_type"] = str(k)
esphome_core.CORE.data = {
esphome_core.KEY_CORE: {esphome_core.KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM: "esp8266"}
if hasattr(k, "default") and str(k.default) != "...":
default_value = k.default()
if default_value is not None:
result["default"] = str(default_value)
# Do value
convert(v, result, path + f"/{str(k)}")
if "schema" not in converted:
converted[S_TYPE] = "schema"
converted["schema"] = {S_CONFIG_VARS: {}}
if S_CONFIG_VARS not in converted["schema"]:
converted["schema"][S_CONFIG_VARS] = {}
for base_k, base_v in get_overridden_config(k, converted).items():
if base_k in result and base_v == result[base_k]:
converted["schema"][S_CONFIG_VARS][str(k)] = result
if "key" in converted and converted["key"] == "String":
config_vars = converted["schema"]["config_vars"]
assert len(config_vars) == 1
key = list(config_vars.keys())[0]
assert key.startswith("<")
config_vars["string"] = config_vars.pop(key)