mirror of https://github.com/esphome/esphome.git synced 2025-03-15 07:08:20 +00:00
Otto Winter bb49365a15 🏗 Merge C++ into python codebase (#504)
## Description:

Move esphome-core codebase into esphome (and a bunch of other refactors). See https://github.com/esphome/feature-requests/issues/97

Yes this is a shit ton of work and no there's no way to automate it :( But it will be worth it 👍

- Core support (file copy etc): 80%
- Base Abstractions (light, switch): ~50%
- Integrations: ~10%
- Working? Yes, (but only with ported components).

Other refactors:
- Moves all codegen related stuff into a single class: `esphome.codegen` (imported as `cg`)
- Rework coroutine syntax
- Move from `component/platform.py` to `domain/component.py` structure as with HA
- Move all defaults out of C++ and into config validation.
- Remove `make_...` helpers from Application class. Reason: Merge conflicts with every single new integration.
- Pointer Variables are stored globally instead of locally in setup(). Reason: stack size limit.

Future work:
- Rework const.py - Move all `CONF_...` into a conf class (usage `conf.UPDATE_INTERVAL` vs `CONF_UPDATE_INTERVAL`). Reason: Less convoluted import block
- Enable loading from `custom_components` folder.

**Related issue (if applicable):** https://github.com/esphome/feature-requests/issues/97

**Pull request in [esphome-docs](https://github.com/esphome/esphome-docs) with documentation (if applicable):** esphome/esphome-docs#<esphome-docs PR number goes here>

## Checklist:
  - [ ] The code change is tested and works locally.
  - [ ] Tests have been added to verify that the new code works (under `tests/` folder).

If user exposed functionality or configuration variables are added/changed:
  - [ ] Documentation added/updated in [esphomedocs](https://github.com/OttoWinter/esphomedocs).
2019-04-17 12:06:00 +02:00

266 lines
9.2 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
from esphome.core import CORE
from esphome.util import run_external_command, run_external_process
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def patch_structhash():
# Patch platformio's structhash to not recompile the entire project when files are
# removed/added. This might have unintended consequences, but this improves compile
# times greatly when adding/removing components and a simple clean build solves
# all issues
from platformio.commands import run
from platformio import util
from os.path import join, isdir, getmtime, isfile
from os import makedirs
def patched_clean_build_dir(build_dir):
structhash_file = join(build_dir, "structure.hash")
platformio_ini = join(util.get_project_dir(), "platformio.ini")
# if project's config is modified
if isdir(build_dir) and getmtime(platformio_ini) > getmtime(build_dir):
if not isdir(build_dir):
proj_hash = run.calculate_project_hash()
# check project structure
if isdir(build_dir) and isfile(structhash_file):
with open(structhash_file) as f:
if f.read() == proj_hash:
with open(structhash_file, "w") as f:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
orig = run._clean_build_dir
def patched_safe(*args, **kwargs):
return patched_clean_build_dir(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
return orig(*args, **kwargs)
run._clean_build_dir = patched_safe
def run_platformio_cli(*args, **kwargs):
os.environ["PLATFORMIO_FORCE_COLOR"] = "true"
os.environ["PLATFORMIO_BUILD_DIR"] = os.path.abspath(CORE.relative_pioenvs_path())
os.environ["PLATFORMIO_LIBDEPS_DIR"] = os.path.abspath(CORE.relative_piolibdeps_path())
cmd = ['platformio'] + list(args)
if os.environ.get('ESPHOME_USE_SUBPROCESS') is None:
import platformio.__main__
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# Ignore when patch fails
return run_external_command(platformio.__main__.main,
*cmd, **kwargs)
return run_external_process(*cmd, **kwargs)
def run_platformio_cli_run(config, verbose, *args, **kwargs):
command = ['run', '-d', CORE.build_path]
if verbose:
command += ['-v']
command += list(args)
return run_platformio_cli(*command, **kwargs)
def run_compile(config, verbose):
return run_platformio_cli_run(config, verbose)
def run_upload(config, verbose, port):
return run_platformio_cli_run(config, verbose, '-t', 'upload', '--upload-port', port)
def run_idedata(config):
args = ['-t', 'idedata']
stdout = run_platformio_cli_run(config, False, *args, capture_stdout=True)
match = re.search(r'{.*}', stdout)
if match is None:
return IDEData(None)
return IDEData(json.loads(match.group()))
except ValueError:
return IDEData(None)
def get_idedata(config):
global IDE_DATA
if IDE_DATA is None:
_LOGGER.info("Need to fetch platformio IDE-data, please stand by")
IDE_DATA = run_idedata(config)
return IDE_DATA
# ESP logs stack trace decoder, based on https://github.com/me-no-dev/EspExceptionDecoder
0: "Illegal instruction (Is the flash damaged?)",
1: "SYSCALL instruction",
2: "InstructionFetchError: Processor internal physical address or data error during "
"instruction fetch",
3: "LoadStoreError: Processor internal physical address or data error during load or store",
4: "Level1Interrupt: Level-1 interrupt as indicated by set level-1 bits in the INTERRUPT "
5: "Alloca: MOVSP instruction, if caller's registers are not in the register file",
6: "Integer Divide By Zero",
7: "reserved",
8: "Privileged: Attempt to execute a privileged operation when CRING ? 0",
9: "LoadStoreAlignmentCause: Load or store to an unaligned address",
10: "reserved",
11: "reserved",
12: "InstrPIFDataError: PIF data error during instruction fetch",
13: "LoadStorePIFDataError: Synchronous PIF data error during LoadStore access",
14: "InstrPIFAddrError: PIF address error during instruction fetch",
15: "LoadStorePIFAddrError: Synchronous PIF address error during LoadStore access",
16: "InstTLBMiss: Error during Instruction TLB refill",
17: "InstTLBMultiHit: Multiple instruction TLB entries matched",
18: "InstFetchPrivilege: An instruction fetch referenced a virtual address at a ring level "
"less than CRING",
19: "reserved",
20: "InstFetchProhibited: An instruction fetch referenced a page mapped with an attribute "
"that does not permit instruction fetch",
21: "reserved",
22: "reserved",
23: "reserved",
24: "LoadStoreTLBMiss: Error during TLB refill for a load or store",
25: "LoadStoreTLBMultiHit: Multiple TLB entries matched for a load or store",
26: "LoadStorePrivilege: A load or store referenced a virtual address at a ring level less "
"than ",
27: "reserved",
28: "Access to invalid address: LOAD (wild pointer?)",
29: "Access to invalid address: STORE (wild pointer?)",
def _decode_pc(config, addr):
idedata = get_idedata(config)
if not idedata.addr2line_path or not idedata.firmware_elf_path:
command = [idedata.addr2line_path, '-pfiaC', '-e', idedata.firmware_elf_path, addr]
translation = subprocess.check_output(command).strip()
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if "?? ??:0" in translation:
# Nothing useful
translation = translation.replace(' at ??:?', '').replace(':?', '')
_LOGGER.warning("Decoded %s", translation)
def _parse_register(config, regex, line):
match = regex.match(line)
if match is not None:
_decode_pc(config, match.group(1))
STACKTRACE_ESP8266_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RE = re.compile(r'[eE]xception \((\d+)\):')
STACKTRACE_ESP8266_PC_RE = re.compile(r'epc1=0x(4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})')
STACKTRACE_ESP8266_EXCVADDR_RE = re.compile(r'excvaddr=0x(4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})')
STACKTRACE_ESP32_PC_RE = re.compile(r'PC\s*:\s*(?:0x)?(4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})')
STACKTRACE_ESP32_EXCVADDR_RE = re.compile(r'EXCVADDR\s*:\s*(?:0x)?(4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})')
STACKTRACE_BAD_ALLOC_RE = re.compile(r'^last failed alloc call: (4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})\((\d+)\)$')
STACKTRACE_ESP32_BACKTRACE_RE = re.compile(r'Backtrace:(?:\s+0x[0-9a-fA-F]{8}:0x[0-9a-fA-F]{8})+')
STACKTRACE_ESP32_BACKTRACE_PC_RE = re.compile(r'4[0-9a-f]{7}')
STACKTRACE_ESP8266_BACKTRACE_PC_RE = re.compile(r'4[0-9a-f]{7}')
def process_stacktrace(config, line, backtrace_state):
line = line.strip()
# ESP8266 Exception type
match = re.match(STACKTRACE_ESP8266_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RE, line)
if match is not None:
code = match.group(1)
_LOGGER.warning("Exception type: %s", ESP8266_EXCEPTION_CODES.get(code, 'unknown'))
_parse_register(config, STACKTRACE_ESP8266_PC_RE, line)
_parse_register(config, STACKTRACE_ESP8266_EXCVADDR_RE, line)
_parse_register(config, STACKTRACE_ESP32_PC_RE, line)
_parse_register(config, STACKTRACE_ESP32_EXCVADDR_RE, line)
# bad alloc
match = re.match(STACKTRACE_BAD_ALLOC_RE, line)
if match is not None:
_LOGGER.warning("Memory allocation of %s bytes failed at %s",
match.group(2), match.group(1))
_decode_pc(config, match.group(1))
# ESP32 single-line backtrace
match = re.match(STACKTRACE_ESP32_BACKTRACE_RE, line)
if match is not None:
_LOGGER.warning("Found stack trace! Trying to decode it")
for addr in re.finditer(STACKTRACE_ESP32_BACKTRACE_PC_RE, line):
_decode_pc(config, addr.group())
# ESP8266 multi-line backtrace
if '>>>stack>>>' in line:
# Start of backtrace
backtrace_state = True
_LOGGER.warning("Found stack trace! Trying to decode it")
elif '<<<stack<<<' in line:
# End of backtrace
backtrace_state = False
if backtrace_state:
for addr in re.finditer(STACKTRACE_ESP8266_BACKTRACE_PC_RE, line):
_decode_pc(config, addr.group())
return backtrace_state
class IDEData(object):
def __init__(self, raw):
if not isinstance(raw, dict):
self.raw = {}
self.raw = raw
def firmware_elf_path(self):
return self.raw.get("prog_path")
def flash_extra_images(self):
return [
(x['path'], x['offset']) for x in self.raw.get("flash_extra_images", [])
def cc_path(self):
# For example /Users/<USER>/.platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa32/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc
return self.raw.get("cc_path")
def addr2line_path(self):
cc_path = self.cc_path
if cc_path is None:
return None
# replace gcc at end with addr2line
return cc_path[:-3] + 'addr2line'