mirror of https://github.com/esphome/esphome.git synced 2025-03-24 19:48:17 +00:00
2019-06-01 22:02:03 +02:00

557 lines
20 KiB

#pragma once
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "esphome/core/defines.h"
#include "light_output.h"
#include "light_state.h"
#include "esphome/components/power_supply/power_supply.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace light {
inline static uint8_t esp_scale8(uint8_t i, uint8_t scale) { return (uint16_t(i) * (1 + uint16_t(scale))) / 256; }
struct ESPColor {
union {
struct {
union {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t red;
union {
uint8_t g;
uint8_t green;
union {
uint8_t b;
uint8_t blue;
union {
uint8_t w;
uint8_t white;
uint8_t raw[4];
uint32_t raw_32;
inline ESPColor() ALWAYS_INLINE : r(0), g(0), b(0), w(0) {} // NOLINT
inline ESPColor(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t white) ALWAYS_INLINE : r(red),
w(white) {}
inline ESPColor(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) ALWAYS_INLINE : r(red), g(green), b(blue), w(0) {}
inline ESPColor(uint32_t colorcode) ALWAYS_INLINE : r((colorcode >> 16) & 0xFF),
g((colorcode >> 8) & 0xFF),
b((colorcode >> 0) & 0xFF),
w((colorcode >> 24) & 0xFF) {}
inline ESPColor(const ESPColor &rhs) ALWAYS_INLINE {
this->r = rhs.r;
this->g = rhs.g;
this->b = rhs.b;
this->w = rhs.w;
inline bool is_on() ALWAYS_INLINE { return this->raw_32 != 0; }
inline ESPColor &operator=(const ESPColor &rhs) ALWAYS_INLINE {
this->r = rhs.r;
this->g = rhs.g;
this->b = rhs.b;
this->w = rhs.w;
return *this;
inline ESPColor &operator=(uint32_t colorcode) ALWAYS_INLINE {
this->w = (colorcode >> 24) & 0xFF;
this->r = (colorcode >> 16) & 0xFF;
this->g = (colorcode >> 8) & 0xFF;
this->b = (colorcode >> 0) & 0xFF;
return *this;
inline uint8_t &operator[](uint8_t x) ALWAYS_INLINE { return this->raw[x]; }
inline ESPColor operator*(uint8_t scale) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
return ESPColor(esp_scale8(this->red, scale), esp_scale8(this->green, scale), esp_scale8(this->blue, scale),
esp_scale8(this->white, scale));
inline ESPColor &operator*=(uint8_t scale) ALWAYS_INLINE {
this->red = esp_scale8(this->red, scale);
this->green = esp_scale8(this->green, scale);
this->blue = esp_scale8(this->blue, scale);
this->white = esp_scale8(this->white, scale);
return *this;
inline ESPColor operator*(const ESPColor &scale) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
return ESPColor(esp_scale8(this->red, scale.red), esp_scale8(this->green, scale.green),
esp_scale8(this->blue, scale.blue), esp_scale8(this->white, scale.white));
inline ESPColor &operator*=(const ESPColor &scale) ALWAYS_INLINE {
this->red = esp_scale8(this->red, scale.red);
this->green = esp_scale8(this->green, scale.green);
this->blue = esp_scale8(this->blue, scale.blue);
this->white = esp_scale8(this->white, scale.white);
return *this;
inline ESPColor operator+(const ESPColor &add) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
ESPColor ret;
if (uint8_t(add.r + this->r) < this->r)
ret.r = 255;
ret.r = this->r + add.r;
if (uint8_t(add.g + this->g) < this->g)
ret.g = 255;
ret.g = this->g + add.g;
if (uint8_t(add.b + this->b) < this->b)
ret.b = 255;
ret.b = this->b + add.b;
if (uint8_t(add.w + this->w) < this->w)
ret.w = 255;
ret.w = this->w + add.w;
return ret;
inline ESPColor &operator+=(const ESPColor &add) ALWAYS_INLINE { return *this = (*this) + add; }
inline ESPColor operator+(uint8_t add) const ALWAYS_INLINE { return (*this) + ESPColor(add, add, add, add); }
inline ESPColor &operator+=(uint8_t add) ALWAYS_INLINE { return *this = (*this) + add; }
inline ESPColor operator-(const ESPColor &subtract) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
ESPColor ret;
if (subtract.r > this->r)
ret.r = 0;
ret.r = this->r - subtract.r;
if (subtract.g > this->g)
ret.g = 0;
ret.g = this->g - subtract.g;
if (subtract.b > this->b)
ret.b = 0;
ret.b = this->b - subtract.b;
if (subtract.w > this->w)
ret.w = 0;
ret.w = this->w - subtract.w;
return ret;
inline ESPColor &operator-=(const ESPColor &subtract) ALWAYS_INLINE { return *this = (*this) - subtract; }
inline ESPColor operator-(uint8_t subtract) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
return (*this) - ESPColor(subtract, subtract, subtract, subtract);
inline ESPColor &operator-=(uint8_t subtract) ALWAYS_INLINE { return *this = (*this) - subtract; }
static ESPColor random_color() {
uint32_t rand = random_uint32();
uint8_t w = rand >> 24;
uint8_t r = rand >> 16;
uint8_t g = rand >> 8;
uint8_t b = rand >> 0;
const uint16_t max_rgb = std::max(r, std::max(g, b));
return ESPColor(uint8_t((uint16_t(r) * 255U / max_rgb)), uint8_t((uint16_t(g) * 255U / max_rgb)),
uint8_t((uint16_t(b) * 255U / max_rgb)), w);
ESPColor fade_to_white(uint8_t amnt) { return ESPColor(255, 255, 255, 255) - (*this * amnt); }
ESPColor fade_to_black(uint8_t amnt) { return *this * amnt; }
ESPColor lighten(uint8_t delta) { return *this + delta; }
ESPColor darken(uint8_t delta) { return *this - delta; }
static const ESPColor BLACK;
static const ESPColor WHITE;
struct ESPHSVColor {
union {
struct {
union {
uint8_t hue;
uint8_t h;
union {
uint8_t saturation;
uint8_t s;
union {
uint8_t value;
uint8_t v;
uint8_t raw[3];
inline ESPHSVColor() ALWAYS_INLINE : h(0), s(0), v(0) { // NOLINT
inline ESPHSVColor(uint8_t hue, uint8_t saturation, uint8_t value) ALWAYS_INLINE : hue(hue),
value(value) {}
ESPColor to_rgb() const;
class ESPColorCorrection {
ESPColorCorrection() : max_brightness_(255, 255, 255, 255) {}
void set_max_brightness(const ESPColor &max_brightness) { this->max_brightness_ = max_brightness; }
void set_local_brightness(uint8_t local_brightness) { this->local_brightness_ = local_brightness; }
void calculate_gamma_table(float gamma) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
// corrected = val ^ gamma
auto corrected = static_cast<uint8_t>(roundf(255.0f * gamma_correct(i / 255.0f, gamma)));
this->gamma_table_[i] = corrected;
if (gamma == 0.0f) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++)
this->gamma_reverse_table_[i] = i;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
// val = corrected ^ (1/gamma)
auto uncorrected = static_cast<uint8_t>(roundf(255.0f * powf(i / 255.0f, 1.0f / gamma)));
this->gamma_reverse_table_[i] = uncorrected;
inline ESPColor color_correct(ESPColor color) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
// corrected = (uncorrected * max_brightness * local_brightness) ^ gamma
return ESPColor(this->color_correct_red(color.red), this->color_correct_green(color.green),
this->color_correct_blue(color.blue), this->color_correct_white(color.white));
inline uint8_t color_correct_red(uint8_t red) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
uint8_t res = esp_scale8(esp_scale8(red, this->max_brightness_.red), this->local_brightness_);
return this->gamma_table_[res];
inline uint8_t color_correct_green(uint8_t green) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
uint8_t res = esp_scale8(esp_scale8(green, this->max_brightness_.green), this->local_brightness_);
return this->gamma_table_[res];
inline uint8_t color_correct_blue(uint8_t blue) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
uint8_t res = esp_scale8(esp_scale8(blue, this->max_brightness_.blue), this->local_brightness_);
return this->gamma_table_[res];
inline uint8_t color_correct_white(uint8_t white) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
// do not scale white value with brightness
uint8_t res = esp_scale8(white, this->max_brightness_.white);
return this->gamma_table_[res];
inline ESPColor color_uncorrect(ESPColor color) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
// uncorrected = corrected^(1/gamma) / (max_brightness * local_brightness)
return ESPColor(this->color_uncorrect_red(color.red), this->color_uncorrect_green(color.green),
this->color_uncorrect_blue(color.blue), this->color_uncorrect_white(color.white));
inline uint8_t color_uncorrect_red(uint8_t red) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
if (this->max_brightness_.red == 0 || this->local_brightness_ == 0)
return 0;
uint16_t uncorrected = this->gamma_reverse_table_[red] * 255UL;
uint8_t res = ((uncorrected / this->max_brightness_.red) * 255UL) / this->local_brightness_;
return res;
inline uint8_t color_uncorrect_green(uint8_t green) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
if (this->max_brightness_.green == 0 || this->local_brightness_ == 0)
return 0;
uint16_t uncorrected = this->gamma_reverse_table_[green] * 255UL;
uint8_t res = ((uncorrected / this->max_brightness_.green) * 255UL) / this->local_brightness_;
return res;
inline uint8_t color_uncorrect_blue(uint8_t blue) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
if (this->max_brightness_.blue == 0 || this->local_brightness_ == 0)
return 0;
uint16_t uncorrected = this->gamma_reverse_table_[blue] * 255UL;
uint8_t res = ((uncorrected / this->max_brightness_.blue) * 255UL) / this->local_brightness_;
return res;
inline uint8_t color_uncorrect_white(uint8_t white) const ALWAYS_INLINE {
if (this->max_brightness_.white == 0)
return 0;
uint16_t uncorrected = this->gamma_reverse_table_[white] * 255UL;
uint8_t res = uncorrected / this->max_brightness_.white;
return res;
uint8_t gamma_table_[256];
uint8_t gamma_reverse_table_[256];
ESPColor max_brightness_;
uint8_t local_brightness_{255};
class ESPColorSettable {
virtual void set(const ESPColor &color) = 0;
virtual void set_red(uint8_t red) = 0;
virtual void set_green(uint8_t green) = 0;
virtual void set_blue(uint8_t blue) = 0;
virtual void set_white(uint8_t white) = 0;
virtual void set_effect_data(uint8_t effect_data) = 0;
virtual void fade_to_white(uint8_t amnt) = 0;
virtual void fade_to_black(uint8_t amnt) = 0;
virtual void lighten(uint8_t delta) = 0;
virtual void darken(uint8_t delta) = 0;
void set(const ESPHSVColor &color) { this->set_hsv(color); }
void set_hsv(const ESPHSVColor &color) {
ESPColor rgb = color.to_rgb();
this->set_rgb(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
void set_rgb(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) {
void set_rgbw(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t white) {
this->set_rgb(red, green, blue);
class ESPColorView : public ESPColorSettable {
ESPColorView(uint8_t *red, uint8_t *green, uint8_t *blue, uint8_t *white, uint8_t *effect_data,
const ESPColorCorrection *color_correction)
: red_(red),
color_correction_(color_correction) {}
ESPColorView &operator=(const ESPColor &rhs) {
return *this;
ESPColorView &operator=(const ESPHSVColor &rhs) {
return *this;
void set(const ESPColor &color) override { this->set_rgbw(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.w); }
void set_red(uint8_t red) override { *this->red_ = this->color_correction_->color_correct_red(red); }
void set_green(uint8_t green) override { *this->green_ = this->color_correction_->color_correct_green(green); }
void set_blue(uint8_t blue) override { *this->blue_ = this->color_correction_->color_correct_blue(blue); }
void set_white(uint8_t white) override {
if (this->white_ == nullptr)
*this->white_ = this->color_correction_->color_correct_white(white);
void set_effect_data(uint8_t effect_data) override {
if (this->effect_data_ == nullptr)
*this->effect_data_ = effect_data;
void fade_to_white(uint8_t amnt) override { this->set(this->get().fade_to_white(amnt)); }
void fade_to_black(uint8_t amnt) override { this->set(this->get().fade_to_black(amnt)); }
void lighten(uint8_t delta) override { this->set(this->get().lighten(delta)); }
void darken(uint8_t delta) override { this->set(this->get().darken(delta)); }
ESPColor get() const { return ESPColor(this->get_red(), this->get_green(), this->get_blue(), this->get_white()); }
uint8_t get_red() const { return this->color_correction_->color_uncorrect_red(*this->red_); }
uint8_t get_red_raw() const { return *this->red_; }
uint8_t get_green() const { return this->color_correction_->color_uncorrect_green(*this->green_); }
uint8_t get_green_raw() const { return *this->green_; }
uint8_t get_blue() const { return this->color_correction_->color_uncorrect_blue(*this->blue_); }
uint8_t get_blue_raw() const { return *this->blue_; }
uint8_t get_white() const {
if (this->white_ == nullptr)
return 0;
return this->color_correction_->color_uncorrect_white(*this->white_);
uint8_t get_white_raw() const {
if (this->white_ == nullptr)
return 0;
return *this->white_;
uint8_t get_effect_data() const {
if (this->effect_data_ == nullptr)
return 0;
return *this->effect_data_;
void raw_set_color_correction(const ESPColorCorrection *color_correction) {
this->color_correction_ = color_correction;
uint8_t *const red_;
uint8_t *const green_;
uint8_t *const blue_;
uint8_t *const white_;
uint8_t *const effect_data_;
const ESPColorCorrection *color_correction_;
class AddressableLight;
int32_t interpret_index(int32_t index, int32_t size);
class ESPRangeIterator;
class ESPRangeView : public ESPColorSettable {
ESPRangeView(AddressableLight *parent, int32_t begin, int32_t an_end) : parent_(parent), begin_(begin), end_(an_end) {
if (this->end_ < this->begin_) {
this->end_ = this->begin_;
ESPColorView operator[](int32_t index) const;
ESPRangeIterator begin();
ESPRangeIterator end();
void set(const ESPColor &color) override;
ESPRangeView &operator=(const ESPColor &rhs) {
return *this;
ESPRangeView &operator=(const ESPColorView &rhs) {
return *this;
ESPRangeView &operator=(const ESPHSVColor &rhs) {
return *this;
ESPRangeView &operator=(const ESPRangeView &rhs) {
// If size doesn't match, error (todo warning)
if (rhs.size() != this->size())
return *this;
if (this->parent_ != rhs.parent_) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < this->size(); i++)
return *this;
// If both equal, already done
if (rhs.begin_ == this->begin_)
return *this;
if (rhs.begin_ < this->begin_) {
// Copy into rhs
for (int32_t i = 0; i < this->size(); i++)
} else {
// Copy into this
for (int32_t i = 0; i < this->size(); i++)
return *this;
void set_red(uint8_t red) override;
void set_green(uint8_t green) override;
void set_blue(uint8_t blue) override;
void set_white(uint8_t white) override;
void set_effect_data(uint8_t effect_data) override;
void fade_to_white(uint8_t amnt) override;
void fade_to_black(uint8_t amnt) override;
void lighten(uint8_t delta) override;
void darken(uint8_t delta) override;
int32_t size() const { return this->end_ - this->begin_; }
friend ESPRangeIterator;
AddressableLight *parent_;
int32_t begin_;
int32_t end_;
class ESPRangeIterator {
ESPRangeIterator(const ESPRangeView &range, int32_t i) : range_(range), i_(i) {}
ESPRangeIterator operator++() {
return *this;
bool operator!=(const ESPRangeIterator &other) const { return this->i_ != other.i_; }
ESPColorView operator*() const;
ESPRangeView range_;
int32_t i_;
class AddressableLight : public LightOutput, public Component {
virtual int32_t size() const = 0;
ESPColorView operator[](int32_t index) const { return this->get_view_internal(interpret_index(index, this->size())); }
ESPColorView get(int32_t index) { return this->get_view_internal(interpret_index(index, this->size())); }
virtual void clear_effect_data() = 0;
ESPRangeView range(int32_t from, int32_t to) {
from = interpret_index(from, this->size());
to = interpret_index(to, this->size());
return ESPRangeView(this, from, to);
ESPRangeView all() { return ESPRangeView(this, 0, this->size()); }
ESPRangeIterator begin() { return this->all().begin(); }
ESPRangeIterator end() { return this->all().end(); }
void shift_left(int32_t amnt) {
if (amnt < 0) {
if (amnt > this->size())
amnt = this->size();
this->range(0, -amnt) = this->range(amnt, this->size());
void shift_right(int32_t amnt) {
if (amnt < 0) {
if (amnt > this->size())
amnt = this->size();
this->range(amnt, this->size()) = this->range(0, -amnt);
bool is_effect_active() const { return this->effect_active_; }
void set_effect_active(bool effect_active) { this->effect_active_ = effect_active; }
void write_state(LightState *state) override {
auto val = state->current_values;
auto max_brightness = static_cast<uint8_t>(roundf(val.get_brightness() * val.get_state() * 255.0f));
if (this->is_effect_active())
// don't use LightState helper, gamma correction+brightness is handled by ESPColorView
ESPColor color = ESPColor(uint8_t(roundf(val.get_red() * 255.0f)), uint8_t(roundf(val.get_green() * 255.0f)),
uint8_t(roundf(val.get_blue() * 255.0f)),
// white is not affected by brightness; so manually scale by state
uint8_t(roundf(val.get_white() * val.get_state() * 255.0f)));
this->all() = color;
void set_correction(float red, float green, float blue, float white = 1.0f) {
this->correction_.set_max_brightness(ESPColor(uint8_t(roundf(red * 255.0f)), uint8_t(roundf(green * 255.0f)),
uint8_t(roundf(blue * 255.0f)), uint8_t(roundf(white * 255.0f))));
void setup_state(LightState *state) override {
this->state_parent_ = state;
void schedule_show() { this->next_show_ = true; }
void set_power_supply(power_supply::PowerSupply *power_supply) { this->power_.set_parent(power_supply); }
void call_setup() override;
bool should_show_() const { return this->effect_active_ || this->next_show_; }
void mark_shown_() {
this->next_show_ = false;
for (auto c : *this) {
if (c.get().is_on()) {
virtual ESPColorView get_view_internal(int32_t index) const = 0;
bool effect_active_{false};
bool next_show_{true};
ESPColorCorrection correction_{};
power_supply::PowerSupplyRequester power_;
LightState *state_parent_{nullptr};
} // namespace light
} // namespace esphome