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#pragma once
#ifdef USE_ESP32
#include "../i2s_audio.h"
#include <driver/i2s.h>
#include <freertos/event_groups.h>
#include <freertos/queue.h>
#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include "esphome/components/audio/audio.h"
#include "esphome/components/speaker/speaker.h"
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "esphome/core/gpio.h"
#include "esphome/core/helpers.h"
#include "esphome/core/ring_buffer.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace i2s_audio {
class I2SAudioSpeaker : public I2SAudioOut, public speaker::Speaker, public Component {
float get_setup_priority() const override { return esphome::setup_priority::PROCESSOR; }
void setup() override;
void loop() override;
void set_buffer_duration(uint32_t buffer_duration_ms) { this->buffer_duration_ms_ = buffer_duration_ms; }
void set_timeout(uint32_t ms) { this->timeout_ = ms; }
void set_dout_pin(uint8_t pin) { this->dout_pin_ = pin; }
void set_internal_dac_mode(i2s_dac_mode_t mode) { this->internal_dac_mode_ = mode; }
void set_i2s_comm_fmt(i2s_comm_format_t mode) { this->i2s_comm_fmt_ = mode; }
void start() override;
void stop() override;
void finish() override;
/// @brief Plays the provided audio data.
/// Starts the speaker task, if necessary. Writes the audio data to the ring buffer.
/// @param data Audio data in the format set by the parent speaker classes ``set_audio_stream_info`` method.
/// @param length The length of the audio data in bytes.
/// @param ticks_to_wait The FreeRTOS ticks to wait before writing as much data as possible to the ring buffer.
/// @return The number of bytes that were actually written to the ring buffer.
size_t play(const uint8_t *data, size_t length, TickType_t ticks_to_wait) override;
size_t play(const uint8_t *data, size_t length) override { return play(data, length, 0); }
bool has_buffered_data() const override;
/// @brief Sets the volume of the speaker. Uses the speaker's configured audio dac component. If unavailble, it is
/// implemented as a software volume control. Overrides the default setter to convert the floating point volume to a
/// Q15 fixed-point factor.
/// @param volume between 0.0 and 1.0
void set_volume(float volume) override;
/// @brief Mutes or unmute the speaker. Uses the speaker's configured audio dac component. If unavailble, it is
/// implemented as a software volume control. Overrides the default setter to convert the floating point volume to a
/// Q15 fixed-point factor.
/// @param mute_state true for muting, false for unmuting
void set_mute_state(bool mute_state) override;
/// @brief Function for the FreeRTOS task handling audio output.
/// After receiving the COMMAND_START signal, allocates space for the buffers, starts the I2S driver, and reads
/// audio from the ring buffer and writes audio to the I2S port. Stops immmiately after receiving the COMMAND_STOP
/// signal and stops only after the ring buffer is empty after receiving the COMMAND_STOP_GRACEFULLY signal. Stops if
/// the ring buffer hasn't read data for more than timeout_ milliseconds. When stopping, it deallocates the buffers,
/// stops the I2S driver, unlocks the I2S port, and deletes the task. It communicates the state and any errors via
/// event_group_.
/// @param params I2SAudioSpeaker component
static void speaker_task(void *params);
/// @brief Sends a stop command to the speaker task via event_group_.
/// @param wait_on_empty If false, sends the COMMAND_STOP signal. If true, sends the COMMAND_STOP_GRACEFULLY signal.
void stop_(bool wait_on_empty);
/// @brief Sets the corresponding ERR_ESP event group bits.
/// @param err esp_err_t error code.
/// @return True if an ERR_ESP bit is set and false if err == ESP_OK
bool send_esp_err_to_event_group_(esp_err_t err);
/// @brief Allocates the data buffer and ring buffer
/// @param data_buffer_size Number of bytes to allocate for the data buffer.
/// @param ring_buffer_size Number of bytes to allocate for the ring buffer.
/// @return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if either buffer fails to allocate
/// ESP_OK if successful
esp_err_t allocate_buffers_(size_t data_buffer_size, size_t ring_buffer_size);
/// @brief Starts the ESP32 I2S driver.
/// Attempts to lock the I2S port, starts the I2S driver, and sets the data out pin. If it fails, it will unlock
/// the I2S port and uninstall the driver, if necessary.
/// @return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if the I2S port is already locked.
/// ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if installing the driver or setting the data out pin fails due to a parameter error.
/// ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if the driver fails to install due to a memory allocation error.
/// ESP_FAIL if setting the data out pin fails due to an IO error
/// ESP_OK if successful
esp_err_t start_i2s_driver_();
/// @brief Adjusts the I2S driver configuration to match the incoming audio stream.
/// Modifies I2S driver's sample rate, bits per sample, and number of channel settings. If the I2S is in secondary
/// mode, it only modifies the number of channels.
/// @param audio_stream_info Describes the incoming audio stream
/// @return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if there is a parameter error, if there is more than 2 channels in the stream, or if
/// the audio settings are incompatible with the configuration.
/// ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if the driver fails to reconfigure due to a memory allocation error.
/// ESP_OK if successful.
esp_err_t reconfigure_i2s_stream_info_(audio::AudioStreamInfo &audio_stream_info);
/// @brief Deletes the speaker's task.
/// Deallocates the data_buffer_ and audio_ring_buffer_, if necessary, and deletes the task. Should only be called by
/// the speaker_task itself.
/// @param buffer_size The allocated size of the data_buffer_.
void delete_task_(size_t buffer_size);
TaskHandle_t speaker_task_handle_{nullptr};
EventGroupHandle_t event_group_{nullptr};
QueueHandle_t i2s_event_queue_;
uint8_t *data_buffer_;
std::shared_ptr<RingBuffer> audio_ring_buffer_;
uint32_t buffer_duration_ms_;
optional<uint32_t> timeout_;
uint8_t dout_pin_;
bool task_created_{false};
int16_t q15_volume_factor_{INT16_MAX};
i2s_dac_mode_t internal_dac_mode_{I2S_DAC_CHANNEL_DISABLE};
i2s_comm_format_t i2s_comm_fmt_;
} // namespace i2s_audio
} // namespace esphome
#endif // USE_ESP32