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synced 2025-03-03 09:18:16 +00:00
277 lines
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277 lines
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import datetime
import logging
import math
import voluptuous as vol
import esphomeyaml.config_validation as cv
from esphomeyaml import automation
from esphomeyaml.const import CONF_CRON, CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH, CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK, CONF_HOURS, \
from esphomeyaml.helpers import App, NoArg, Pvariable, add, add_job, esphomelib_ns
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
time_ns = esphomelib_ns.namespace('time')
CronTrigger = time_ns.CronTrigger
def _tz_timedelta(td):
offset_hour = int(td.total_seconds() / (60 * 60))
offset_minute = int(abs(td.total_seconds() / 60)) % 60
offset_second = int(abs(td.total_seconds())) % 60
if offset_hour == 0 and offset_minute == 0 and offset_second == 0:
return '0'
elif offset_minute == 0 and offset_second == 0:
return '{}'.format(offset_hour)
elif offset_second == 0:
return '{}:{}'.format(offset_hour, offset_minute)
return '{}:{}:{}'.format(offset_hour, offset_minute, offset_second)
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/16804556/8924614
def _week_of_month(dt):
first_day = dt.replace(day=1)
dom = dt.day
adjusted_dom = dom + first_day.weekday()
return int(math.ceil(adjusted_dom / 7.0))
def _tz_dst_str(dt):
td = datetime.timedelta(hours=dt.hour, minutes=dt.minute, seconds=dt.second)
return 'M{}.{}.{}/{}'.format(dt.month, _week_of_month(dt), dt.isoweekday() % 7,
def detect_tz():
import tzlocal
import pytz
except ImportError:
raise vol.Invalid("No timezone specified and 'tzlocal' not installed. To automatically "
"detect the timezone please install tzlocal (pip2 install tzlocal)")
tz = tzlocal.get_localzone()
except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError:
_LOGGER.warning("Could not auto-detect timezone. Using UTC...")
return 'UTC'
def _dst(dt, is_dst):
return tz.dst(dt, is_dst=is_dst)
except TypeError: # stupid pytz...
return tz.dst(dt)
def _tzname(dt, is_dst):
return tz.tzname(dt, is_dst=is_dst)
except TypeError: # stupid pytz...
return tz.tzname(dt)
def _utcoffset(dt, is_dst):
return tz.utcoffset(dt, is_dst=is_dst)
except TypeError: # stupid pytz...
return tz.utcoffset(dt)
dst_begins = None
dst_tzname = None
dst_utcoffset = None
dst_ends = None
norm_tzname = None
norm_utcoffset = None
hour = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
this_year = datetime.datetime.now().year
dt = datetime.datetime(year=this_year, month=1, day=1)
last_dst = None
while dt.year == this_year:
current_dst = _dst(dt, not last_dst)
is_dst = bool(current_dst)
if is_dst != last_dst:
if is_dst:
dst_begins = dt
dst_tzname = _tzname(dt, True)
dst_utcoffset = _utcoffset(dt, True)
dst_ends = dt + hour
norm_tzname = _tzname(dt, False)
norm_utcoffset = _utcoffset(dt, False)
last_dst = is_dst
dt += hour
tzbase = '{}{}'.format(norm_tzname, _tz_timedelta(-1 * norm_utcoffset))
if dst_begins is None:
# No DST in this timezone
_LOGGER.info("Auto-detected timezone '%s' with UTC offset %s",
norm_tzname, _tz_timedelta(norm_utcoffset))
return tzbase
tzext = '{}{},{},{}'.format(dst_tzname, _tz_timedelta(-1 * dst_utcoffset),
_tz_dst_str(dst_begins), _tz_dst_str(dst_ends))
_LOGGER.info("Auto-detected timezone '%s' with UTC offset %s and daylight savings time from "
"%s to %s",
norm_tzname, _tz_timedelta(norm_utcoffset), dst_begins.strftime("%x %X"),
dst_ends.strftime("%x %X"))
return tzbase + tzext
def _parse_cron_int(value, special_mapping, message):
special_mapping = special_mapping or {}
if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)) and value in special_mapping:
return special_mapping[value]
return int(value)
except ValueError:
raise vol.Invalid(message.format(value))
def _parse_cron_part(part, min_value, max_value, special_mapping):
if part == '*' or part == '?':
return set(x for x in range(min_value, max_value + 1))
if '/' in part:
data = part.split('/')
if len(data) > 2:
raise vol.Invalid(u"Can't have more than two '/' in one time expression, got {}"
offset, repeat = data
offset_n = 0
if offset:
offset_n = _parse_cron_int(offset, special_mapping,
u"Offset for '/' time expression must be an integer, got {}")
repeat_n = int(repeat)
except ValueError:
raise vol.Invalid(u"Repeat for '/' time expression must be an integer, got {}"
return set(x for x in range(offset_n, max_value + 1, repeat_n))
if '-' in part:
data = part.split('-')
if len(data) > 2:
raise vol.Invalid(u"Can't have more than two '-' in range time expression '{}'"
begin, end = data
begin_n = _parse_cron_int(begin, special_mapping, u"Number for time range must be integer, "
u"got {}")
end_n = _parse_cron_int(end, special_mapping, u"Number for time range must be integer, "
u"got {}")
if end_n < begin_n:
return set(x for x in range(end_n, max_value + 1)) | \
set(x for x in range(min_value, begin_n + 1))
return set(x for x in range(begin_n, end_n + 1))
return {_parse_cron_int(part, special_mapping, u"Number for time expression must be an "
u"integer, got {}")}
def cron_expression_validator(name, min_value, max_value, special_mapping=None):
def validator(value):
if isinstance(value, list):
for v in value:
if not isinstance(v, int):
raise vol.Invalid(
"Expected integer for {} '{}', got {}".format(v, name, type(v)))
if v < min_value or v > max_value:
raise vol.Invalid(
"{} {} is out of range (min={} max={}).".format(name, v, min_value,
return list(sorted(value))
value = cv.string(value)
values = set()
for part in value.split(','):
values |= _parse_cron_part(part, min_value, max_value, special_mapping)
return validator(list(values))
return validator
validate_cron_seconds = cron_expression_validator('seconds', 0, 60)
validate_cron_minutes = cron_expression_validator('minutes', 0, 59)
validate_cron_hours = cron_expression_validator('hours', 0, 23)
validate_cron_days_of_month = cron_expression_validator('days of month', 1, 31)
validate_cron_months = cron_expression_validator('months', 1, 12, {
'JAN': 1, 'FEB': 2, 'MAR': 3, 'APR': 4, 'MAY': 5, 'JUN': 6, 'JUL': 7, 'AUG': 8,
'SEP': 9, 'OCT': 10, 'NOV': 11, 'DEC': 12
validate_cron_days_of_week = cron_expression_validator('days of week', 1, 7, {
'SUN': 1, 'MON': 2, 'TUE': 3, 'WED': 4, 'THU': 5, 'FRI': 6, 'SAT': 7
def validate_cron_raw(value):
value = cv.string(value)
value = value.split(' ')
if len(value) != 6:
raise vol.Invalid("Cron expression must consist of exactly 6 space-separated parts, "
"not {}".format(len(value)))
seconds, minutes, hours, days_of_month, months, days_of_week = value
return {
CONF_SECONDS: validate_cron_seconds(seconds),
CONF_MINUTES: validate_cron_minutes(minutes),
CONF_HOURS: validate_cron_hours(hours),
CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH: validate_cron_days_of_month(days_of_month),
CONF_MONTHS: validate_cron_months(months),
CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK: validate_cron_days_of_week(days_of_week),
def validate_cron_keys(value):
if CONF_CRON in value:
for key in value.keys():
if key in CRON_KEYS:
raise vol.Invalid("Cannot use option {} when cron: is specified.".format(key))
cron_ = value[CONF_CRON]
value = {x: value[x] for x in value if x != CONF_CRON}
return value
return cv.has_at_least_one_key(*CRON_KEYS)(value)
vol.Optional(CONF_TIMEZONE, default=detect_tz): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_ON_TIME): automation.validate_automation({
cv.GenerateID(CONF_TRIGGER_ID): cv.declare_variable_id(CronTrigger),
vol.Optional(CONF_SECONDS): validate_cron_seconds,
vol.Optional(CONF_MINUTES): validate_cron_minutes,
vol.Optional(CONF_HOURS): validate_cron_hours,
vol.Optional(CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH): validate_cron_days_of_month,
vol.Optional(CONF_MONTHS): validate_cron_months,
vol.Optional(CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK): validate_cron_days_of_week,
vol.Optional(CONF_CRON): validate_cron_raw,
}, validate_cron_keys),
def setup_time_core_(time_var, config):
for conf in config.get(CONF_ON_TIME, []):
rhs = App.register_component(time_var.Pmake_cron_trigger())
trigger = Pvariable(conf[CONF_TRIGGER_ID], rhs)
for second in conf.get(CONF_SECONDS, [x for x in range(0, 61)]):
for minute in conf.get(CONF_MINUTES, [x for x in range(0, 60)]):
for hour in conf.get(CONF_HOURS, [x for x in range(0, 24)]):
for day_of_month in conf.get(CONF_DAYS_OF_MONTH, [x for x in range(1, 32)]):
for month in conf.get(CONF_MONTHS, [x for x in range(1, 13)]):
for day_of_week in conf.get(CONF_DAYS_OF_WEEK, [x for x in range(1, 8)]):
automation.build_automation(trigger, NoArg, conf)
def setup_time(time_var, config):
add_job(setup_time_core_, time_var, config)