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synced 2025-03-31 07:58:14 +01:00
124 lines
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124 lines
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#pragma once
#ifdef USE_ESP_IDF
#include <memory>
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "esphome/core/log.h"
#include "esphome/core/gpio.h"
#include "esphome/core/automation.h"
#include "esphome/components/network/util.h"
// esp_modem will use esphome logger (needed if other components include esphome/core/log.h)
// We need to do this because "cxx_include/esp_modem_api.hpp" is not a pure C++ header, and use logging.
// FIXME: Find another workaround ?.
// error: using declarations in the global namespace in headers are prohibited
// [google-global-names-in-headers,-warnings-as-errors]
using esphome::esp_log_printf_; // NOLINT(google-global-names-in-headers):
#include <driver/gpio.h>
#include <cxx_include/esp_modem_api.hpp>
#include <esp_modem_config.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
namespace esphome {
namespace modem {
using namespace esp_modem;
static const char *const TAG = "modem";
enum class ModemComponentState {
class ModemComponent : public Component {
void setup() override;
void loop() override;
void dump_config() override;
bool is_connected();
float get_setup_priority() const override;
bool can_proceed() override;
network::IPAddresses get_ip_addresses();
std::string get_use_address() const;
void set_use_address(const std::string &use_address);
void set_rx_pin(InternalGPIOPin *rx_pin) { this->rx_pin_ = rx_pin; }
void set_tx_pin(InternalGPIOPin *tx_pin) { this->tx_pin_ = tx_pin; }
void set_power_pin(GPIOPin *power_pin) { this->power_pin_ = power_pin; }
void set_status_pin(GPIOPin *status_pin) { this->status_pin_ = status_pin; }
void set_username(const std::string &username) { this->username_ = username; }
void set_password(const std::string &password) { this->password_ = password; }
void set_pin_code(const std::string &pin_code) { this->pin_code_ = pin_code; }
void set_apn(const std::string &apn) { this->apn_ = apn; }
void set_not_responding_cb(Trigger<> *not_responding_cb) { this->not_responding_cb_ = not_responding_cb; }
void enable_cmux() { this->cmux_ = true; }
void add_init_at_command(const std::string &cmd) { this->init_at_commands_.push_back(cmd); }
std::string send_at(const std::string &cmd);
bool get_imei(std::string &result);
bool get_power_status();
bool modem_ready();
void enable();
void disable();
void add_on_state_callback(std::function<void(ModemComponentState)> &&callback);
std::unique_ptr<DCE> dce{nullptr};
void create_dte_dce_(); // (re)create dte and dce
bool prepare_sim_();
void send_init_at_();
void start_connect_();
void poweron_();
void poweroff_();
static void ip_event_handler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data);
void dump_connect_params_();
InternalGPIOPin *tx_pin_;
InternalGPIOPin *rx_pin_;
GPIOPin *status_pin_{nullptr};
GPIOPin *power_pin_{nullptr};
std::string pin_code_;
std::string username_;
std::string password_;
std::string apn_;
std::vector<std::string> init_at_commands_;
size_t uart_rx_buffer_size_ = 2048; // 256-2048
size_t uart_tx_buffer_size_ = 1024; // 256-2048
uint8_t uart_event_queue_size_ = 30; // 10-40
size_t uart_event_task_stack_size_ = 2048; // 2000-6000
uint8_t uart_event_task_priority_ = 5; // 3-22
std::shared_ptr<DTE> dte_{nullptr};
esp_netif_t *ppp_netif_{nullptr};
ModemComponentState state_{ModemComponentState::DISABLED};
bool cmux_{false};
bool start_{false};
bool enabled_{false};
bool connected_{false};
bool got_ipv4_address_{false};
// date start (millis())
uint32_t connect_begin_;
std::string use_address_;
// timeout for AT commands
uint32_t command_delay_ = 500;
// Will be true when power transitionning
bool power_transition_ = false;
// separate handler for `on_not_responding` (we want to know when it's ended)
Trigger<> *not_responding_cb_{nullptr};
CallbackManager<void(ModemComponentState)> on_state_callback_;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables)
extern ModemComponent *global_modem_component;
} // namespace modem
} // namespace esphome