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synced 2025-03-21 10:08:15 +00:00
486 lines
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486 lines
13 KiB
from typing import Union
import esphome.codegen as cg
from esphome.components import image
from esphome.components.color import CONF_HEX, ColorStruct, from_rgbw
from esphome.components.font import Font
from esphome.components.image import Image_
import esphome.config_validation as cv
from esphome.const import (
from esphome.core import CORE, ID, Lambda
from esphome.cpp_generator import MockObj
from esphome.cpp_types import ESPTime, uint32
from esphome.helpers import cpp_string_escape
from esphome.schema_extractors import SCHEMA_EXTRACT, schema_extractor
from . import types as ty
from .defines import (
from .helpers import add_lv_use, esphome_fonts_used, lv_fonts_used, requires_component
from .types import lv_font_t, lv_gradient_t
opacity_consts = LvConstant("LV_OPA_", "TRANSP", "COVER")
def opacity_validator(value):
if value == SCHEMA_EXTRACT:
return opacity_consts.choices
value = cv.Any(cv.percentage, opacity_consts.one_of)(value)
if isinstance(value, float):
return int(value * 255)
return value
opacity = LValidator(opacity_validator, uint32, retmapper=literal)
"aliceblue": 0xF0F8FF,
"antiquewhite": 0xFAEBD7,
"aqua": 0x00FFFF,
"aquamarine": 0x7FFFD4,
"azure": 0xF0FFFF,
"beige": 0xF5F5DC,
"bisque": 0xFFE4C4,
"black": 0x000000,
"blanchedalmond": 0xFFEBCD,
"blue": 0x0000FF,
"blueviolet": 0x8A2BE2,
"brown": 0xA52A2A,
"burlywood": 0xDEB887,
"cadetblue": 0x5F9EA0,
"chartreuse": 0x7FFF00,
"chocolate": 0xD2691E,
"coral": 0xFF7F50,
"cornflowerblue": 0x6495ED,
"cornsilk": 0xFFF8DC,
"crimson": 0xDC143C,
"cyan": 0x00FFFF,
"darkblue": 0x00008B,
"darkcyan": 0x008B8B,
"darkgoldenrod": 0xB8860B,
"darkgray": 0xA9A9A9,
"darkgreen": 0x006400,
"darkgrey": 0xA9A9A9,
"darkkhaki": 0xBDB76B,
"darkmagenta": 0x8B008B,
"darkolivegreen": 0x556B2F,
"darkorange": 0xFF8C00,
"darkorchid": 0x9932CC,
"darkred": 0x8B0000,
"darksalmon": 0xE9967A,
"darkseagreen": 0x8FBC8F,
"darkslateblue": 0x483D8B,
"darkslategray": 0x2F4F4F,
"darkslategrey": 0x2F4F4F,
"darkturquoise": 0x00CED1,
"darkviolet": 0x9400D3,
"deeppink": 0xFF1493,
"deepskyblue": 0x00BFFF,
"dimgray": 0x696969,
"dimgrey": 0x696969,
"dodgerblue": 0x1E90FF,
"firebrick": 0xB22222,
"floralwhite": 0xFFFAF0,
"forestgreen": 0x228B22,
"fuchsia": 0xFF00FF,
"gainsboro": 0xDCDCDC,
"ghostwhite": 0xF8F8FF,
"goldenrod": 0xDAA520,
"gold": 0xFFD700,
"gray": 0x808080,
"green": 0x008000,
"greenyellow": 0xADFF2F,
"grey": 0x808080,
"honeydew": 0xF0FFF0,
"hotpink": 0xFF69B4,
"indianred": 0xCD5C5C,
"indigo": 0x4B0082,
"ivory": 0xFFFFF0,
"khaki": 0xF0E68C,
"lavenderblush": 0xFFF0F5,
"lavender": 0xE6E6FA,
"lawngreen": 0x7CFC00,
"lemonchiffon": 0xFFFACD,
"lightblue": 0xADD8E6,
"lightcoral": 0xF08080,
"lightcyan": 0xE0FFFF,
"lightgoldenrodyellow": 0xFAFAD2,
"lightgray": 0xD3D3D3,
"lightgreen": 0x90EE90,
"lightgrey": 0xD3D3D3,
"lightpink": 0xFFB6C1,
"lightsalmon": 0xFFA07A,
"lightseagreen": 0x20B2AA,
"lightskyblue": 0x87CEFA,
"lightslategray": 0x778899,
"lightslategrey": 0x778899,
"lightsteelblue": 0xB0C4DE,
"lightyellow": 0xFFFFE0,
"lime": 0x00FF00,
"limegreen": 0x32CD32,
"linen": 0xFAF0E6,
"magenta": 0xFF00FF,
"maroon": 0x800000,
"mediumaquamarine": 0x66CDAA,
"mediumblue": 0x0000CD,
"mediumorchid": 0xBA55D3,
"mediumpurple": 0x9370DB,
"mediumseagreen": 0x3CB371,
"mediumslateblue": 0x7B68EE,
"mediumspringgreen": 0x00FA9A,
"mediumturquoise": 0x48D1CC,
"mediumvioletred": 0xC71585,
"midnightblue": 0x191970,
"mintcream": 0xF5FFFA,
"mistyrose": 0xFFE4E1,
"moccasin": 0xFFE4B5,
"navajowhite": 0xFFDEAD,
"navy": 0x000080,
"oldlace": 0xFDF5E6,
"olive": 0x808000,
"olivedrab": 0x6B8E23,
"orange": 0xFFA500,
"orangered": 0xFF4500,
"orchid": 0xDA70D6,
"palegoldenrod": 0xEEE8AA,
"palegreen": 0x98FB98,
"paleturquoise": 0xAFEEEE,
"palevioletred": 0xDB7093,
"papayawhip": 0xFFEFD5,
"peachpuff": 0xFFDAB9,
"peru": 0xCD853F,
"pink": 0xFFC0CB,
"plum": 0xDDA0DD,
"powderblue": 0xB0E0E6,
"purple": 0x800080,
"rebeccapurple": 0x663399,
"red": 0xFF0000,
"rosybrown": 0xBC8F8F,
"royalblue": 0x4169E1,
"saddlebrown": 0x8B4513,
"salmon": 0xFA8072,
"sandybrown": 0xF4A460,
"seagreen": 0x2E8B57,
"seashell": 0xFFF5EE,
"sienna": 0xA0522D,
"silver": 0xC0C0C0,
"skyblue": 0x87CEEB,
"slateblue": 0x6A5ACD,
"slategray": 0x708090,
"slategrey": 0x708090,
"snow": 0xFFFAFA,
"springgreen": 0x00FF7F,
"steelblue": 0x4682B4,
"tan": 0xD2B48C,
"teal": 0x008080,
"thistle": 0xD8BFD8,
"tomato": 0xFF6347,
"turquoise": 0x40E0D0,
"violet": 0xEE82EE,
"wheat": 0xF5DEB3,
"white": 0xFFFFFF,
"whitesmoke": 0xF5F5F5,
"yellow": 0xFFFF00,
"yellowgreen": 0x9ACD32,
def color(value):
if value == SCHEMA_EXTRACT:
return ["hex color value", "color ID"]
return cv.Any(cv.int_, cv.one_of(*COLOR_NAMES, lower=True), cv.use_id(ColorStruct))(
def color_retmapper(value):
if isinstance(value, cv.Lambda):
return cv.returning_lambda(value)
if isinstance(value, str) and value in COLOR_NAMES:
value = COLOR_NAMES[value]
if isinstance(value, int):
return literal(
f"lv_color_make({(value >> 16) & 0xFF}, {(value >> 8) & 0xFF}, {value & 0xFF})"
if isinstance(value, ID):
cval = [x for x in CORE.config[CONF_COLOR] if x[CONF_ID] == value][0]
if CONF_HEX in cval:
r, g, b = cval[CONF_HEX]
r, g, b, _ = from_rgbw(cval)
return literal(f"lv_color_make({r}, {g}, {b})")
assert False
def option_string(value):
value = cv.string(value).strip()
if value.find("\n") != -1:
raise cv.Invalid("Options strings must not contain newlines")
return value
lv_color = LValidator(color, ty.lv_color_t, retmapper=color_retmapper)
def pixels_or_percent_validator(value):
"""A length in one axis - either a number (pixels) or a percentage"""
if value == SCHEMA_EXTRACT:
return ["pixels", "..%"]
if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower().endswith("px"):
value = cv.int_(value[:-2])
value = cv.Any(cv.int_, cv.percentage)(value)
if isinstance(value, int):
return value
return f"lv_pct({int(value * 100)})"
pixels_or_percent = LValidator(pixels_or_percent_validator, uint32, retmapper=literal)
def zoom(value):
value = cv.float_range(0.1, 10.0)(value)
return int(value * 256)
def angle(value):
Validation for an angle in degrees, converted to an integer representing 0.1deg units
:param value: The input in the range 0..360
:return: An angle in 1/10 degree units.
return int(cv.float_range(0.0, 360.0)(cv.angle(value)) * 10)
lv_angle = LValidator(angle, uint32)
def size_validator(value):
"""A size in one axis - one of "size_content", a number (pixels) or a percentage"""
if value == SCHEMA_EXTRACT:
return ["SIZE_CONTENT", "number of pixels", "percentage"]
if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower().endswith("px"):
value = cv.int_(value[:-2])
if isinstance(value, str) and value.upper() == "SIZE_CONTENT":
return pixels_or_percent_validator(value)
size = LValidator(size_validator, uint32, retmapper=literal)
def pixels_validator(value):
if isinstance(value, str) and value.lower().endswith("px"):
return cv.int_(value[:-2])
return cv.int_(value)
pixels = LValidator(pixels_validator, uint32, retmapper=literal)
radius_consts = LvConstant("LV_RADIUS_", "CIRCLE")
def fraction_validator(value):
if value == SCHEMA_EXTRACT:
return radius_consts.choices
value = cv.Any(size, cv.percentage, radius_consts.one_of)(value)
if isinstance(value, float):
return int(value * 255)
return value
lv_fraction = LValidator(fraction_validator, uint32, retmapper=literal)
def id_name(value):
if value == SCHEMA_EXTRACT:
return "id"
return cv.validate_id_name(value)
def stop_value(value):
return cv.int_range(0, 255)(value)
lv_images_used = set()
def image_validator(value):
value = requires_component("image")(value)
value = cv.use_id(Image_)(value)
add_lv_use("img", "label")
return value
lv_image = LValidator(
lv_image_list = LValidator(
lv_bool = LValidator(cv.boolean, cg.bool_, retmapper=literal)
def lv_pct(value: Union[int, float]):
if isinstance(value, float):
value = int(value * 100)
return literal(f"lv_pct({value})")
def lvms_validator_(value):
if value == "never":
value = "2147483647ms"
return cv.positive_time_period_milliseconds(value)
lv_milliseconds = LValidator(
lvms_validator_, cg.int32, retmapper=lambda x: x.total_milliseconds
class TextValidator(LValidator):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(cv.string, cg.std_string, lambda s: cg.safe_exp(f"{s}"))
def __call__(self, value):
if isinstance(value, dict) and CONF_FORMAT in value:
return value
return super().__call__(value)
async def process(self, value, args=()):
if isinstance(value, dict):
if format_str := value.get(CONF_FORMAT):
args = [str(x) for x in value[CONF_ARGS]]
arg_expr = cg.RawExpression(",".join(args))
format_str = cpp_string_escape(format_str)
return literal(f"str_sprintf({format_str}, {arg_expr}).c_str()")
if time_format := value.get(CONF_TIME_FORMAT):
source = value[CONF_TIME]
if isinstance(source, Lambda):
time_format = cpp_string_escape(time_format)
return cg.RawExpression(
await cg.process_lambda(source, args, return_type=ESPTime)
+ f".strftime({time_format}).c_str()"
# must be an ID
source = await cg.get_variable(source)
return source.now().strftime(time_format).c_str()
if isinstance(value, Lambda):
value = call_lambda(
await cg.process_lambda(value, args, return_type=self.rtype)
# Was the lambda call reduced to a string?
if value.endswith("c_str()") or (
value.endswith('"') and value.startswith('"')
# Either a std::string or a lambda call returning that. We need const char*
value = f"({value}).c_str()"
return cg.RawExpression(value)
return await super().process(value, args)
lv_text = TextValidator()
lv_float = LValidator(cv.float_, cg.float_)
lv_int = LValidator(cv.int_, cg.int_)
lv_positive_int = LValidator(cv.positive_int, cg.int_)
lv_brightness = LValidator(cv.percentage, cg.float_, retmapper=lambda x: int(x * 255))
def gradient_mapper(value):
return MockObj(value)
def gradient_validator(value):
return cv.use_id(lv_gradient_t)(value)
lv_gradient = LValidator(
def is_lv_font(font):
return isinstance(font, str) and font.lower() in LV_FONTS
class LvFont(LValidator):
def __init__(self):
def lv_builtin_font(value):
fontval = cv.one_of(*LV_FONTS, lower=True)(value)
return fontval
def validator(value):
if value == SCHEMA_EXTRACT:
return LV_FONTS
if is_lv_font(value):
return lv_builtin_font(value)
fontval = cv.use_id(Font)(value)
return requires_component("font")(fontval)
super().__init__(validator, lv_font_t)
async def process(self, value, args=()):
if is_lv_font(value):
return literal(f"&lv_font_{value}")
return literal(f"{value}_engine->get_lv_font()")
lv_font = LvFont()
def animated(value):
if isinstance(value, bool):
value = "ON" if value else "OFF"
return LvConstant("LV_ANIM_", "OFF", "ON").one_of(value)
def key_code(value):
value = cv.Any(cv.All(cv.string_strict, cv.Length(min=1, max=1)), cv.uint8_t)(value)
if isinstance(value, str):
return ord(value[0])
return value
async def get_end_value(config):
return await lv_int.process(config.get(CONF_END_VALUE))
async def get_start_value(config):
if CONF_START_VALUE in config:
value = config[CONF_START_VALUE]
value = config.get(CONF_VALUE)
return await lv_int.process(value)