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synced 2025-03-27 04:58:15 +00:00
## Description: Move esphome-core codebase into esphome (and a bunch of other refactors). See https://github.com/esphome/feature-requests/issues/97 Yes this is a shit ton of work and no there's no way to automate it :( But it will be worth it 👍 Progress: - Core support (file copy etc): 80% - Base Abstractions (light, switch): ~50% - Integrations: ~10% - Working? Yes, (but only with ported components). Other refactors: - Moves all codegen related stuff into a single class: `esphome.codegen` (imported as `cg`) - Rework coroutine syntax - Move from `component/platform.py` to `domain/component.py` structure as with HA - Move all defaults out of C++ and into config validation. - Remove `make_...` helpers from Application class. Reason: Merge conflicts with every single new integration. - Pointer Variables are stored globally instead of locally in setup(). Reason: stack size limit. Future work: - Rework const.py - Move all `CONF_...` into a conf class (usage `conf.UPDATE_INTERVAL` vs `CONF_UPDATE_INTERVAL`). Reason: Less convoluted import block - Enable loading from `custom_components` folder. **Related issue (if applicable):** https://github.com/esphome/feature-requests/issues/97 **Pull request in [esphome-docs](https://github.com/esphome/esphome-docs) with documentation (if applicable):** esphome/esphome-docs#<esphome-docs PR number goes here> ## Checklist: - [ ] The code change is tested and works locally. - [ ] Tests have been added to verify that the new code works (under `tests/` folder). If user exposed functionality or configuration variables are added/changed: - [ ] Documentation added/updated in [esphomedocs](https://github.com/OttoWinter/esphomedocs).
507 lines
12 KiB
Protocol Buffer
507 lines
12 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
// ==================== BASE PACKETS ====================
// The Home Assistant protocol is structured as a simple
// TCP socket with short binary messages encoded in the protocol buffers format
// First, a message in this protocol has a specific format:
// * VarInt denoting the size of the message object. (type is not part of this)
// * VarInt denoting the type of message.
// * The message object encoded as a ProtoBuf message
// The connection is established in 4 steps:
// * First, the client connects to the server and sends a "Hello Request" identifying itself
// * The server responds with a "Hello Response" and selects the protocol version
// * After receiving this message, the client attempts to authenticate itself using
// the password and a "Connect Request"
// * The server responds with a "Connect Response" and notifies of invalid password.
// If anything in this initial process fails, the connection must immediately closed
// by both sides and _no_ disconnection message is to be sent.
// Message sent at the beginning of each connection
// Can only be sent by the client and only at the beginning of the connection
// ID: 1
message HelloRequest {
// Description of client (like User Agent)
// For example "Home Assistant"
// Not strictly necessary to send but nice for debugging
// purposes.
string client_info = 1;
// Confirmation of successful connection request.
// Can only be sent by the server and only at the beginning of the connection
// ID: 2
message HelloResponse {
// The version of the API to use. The _client_ (for example Home Assistant) needs to check
// for compatibility and if necessary adopt to an older API.
// Major is for breaking changes in the base protocol - a mismatch will lead to immediate disconnect_client_
// Minor is for breaking changes in individual messages - a mismatch will lead to a warning message
uint32 api_version_major = 1;
uint32 api_version_minor = 2;
// A string identifying the server (ESP); like client info this may be empty
// and only exists for debugging/logging purposes.
// For example "ESPHome v1.10.0 on ESP8266"
string server_info = 3;
// Message sent at the beginning of each connection to authenticate the client
// Can only be sent by the client and only at the beginning of the connection
// ID: 3
message ConnectRequest {
// The password to log in with
string password = 1;
// Confirmation of successful connection. After this the connection is available for all traffic.
// Can only be sent by the server and only at the beginning of the connection
// ID: 4
message ConnectResponse {
bool invalid_password = 1;
// Request to close the connection.
// Can be sent by both the client and server
// ID: 5
message DisconnectRequest {
// Do not close the connection before the acknowledgement arrives
// ID: 6
message DisconnectResponse {
// Empty - Both parties are required to close the connection after this
// message has been received.
// ID: 7
message PingRequest {
// Empty
// ID: 8
message PingResponse {
// Empty
// ID: 9
message DeviceInfoRequest {
// Empty
// ID: 10
message DeviceInfoResponse {
bool uses_password = 1;
// The name of the node, given by "App.set_name()"
string name = 2;
// The mac address of the device. For example "AC:BC:32:89:0E:A9"
string mac_address = 3;
// A string describing the ESPHome version. For example "1.10.0"
string esphome_core_version = 4;
// A string describing the date of compilation, this is generated by the compiler
// and therefore may not be in the same format all the time.
// If the user isn't using ESPHome, this will also not be set.
string compilation_time = 5;
// The model of the board. For example NodeMCU
string model = 6;
bool has_deep_sleep = 7;
// ID: 11
message ListEntitiesRequest {
// Empty
// ID: 19
message ListEntitiesDoneResponse {
// Empty
// ID: 20
message SubscribeStatesRequest {
// Empty
// ==================== BINARY SENSOR ====================
// ID: 12
message ListEntitiesBinarySensorResponse {
string object_id = 1;
fixed32 key = 2;
string name = 3;
string unique_id = 4;
string device_class = 5;
bool is_status_binary_sensor = 6;
// ID: 21
message BinarySensorStateResponse {
fixed32 key = 1;
bool state = 2;
// ==================== COVER ====================
// ID: 13
message ListEntitiesCoverResponse {
string object_id = 1;
fixed32 key = 2;
string name = 3;
string unique_id = 4;
bool assumed_state = 5;
bool supports_position = 6;
bool supports_tilt = 7;
string device_class = 8;
// ID: 22
message CoverStateResponse {
fixed32 key = 1;
// legacy: state has been removed in 1.13
// clients/servers must still send/accept it until the next protocol change
enum LegacyCoverState {
OPEN = 0;
LegacyCoverState legacy_state = 2;
float position = 3;
float tilt = 4;
enum CoverOperation {
IDLE = 0;
CoverOperation current_operation = 5;
// ID: 30
message CoverCommandRequest {
fixed32 key = 1;
// legacy: command has been removed in 1.13
// clients/servers must still send/accept it until the next protocol change
enum LegacyCoverCommand {
OPEN = 0;
CLOSE = 1;
STOP = 2;
bool has_legacy_command = 2;
LegacyCoverCommand legacy_command = 3;
bool has_position = 4;
float position = 5;
bool has_tilt = 6;
float tilt = 7;
bool stop = 8;
// ==================== FAN ====================
// ID: 14
message ListEntitiesFanResponse {
string object_id = 1;
fixed32 key = 2;
string name = 3;
string unique_id = 4;
bool supports_oscillation = 5;
bool supports_speed = 6;
enum FanSpeed {
LOW = 0;
HIGH = 2;
// ID: 23
message FanStateResponse {
fixed32 key = 1;
bool state = 2;
bool oscillating = 3;
FanSpeed speed = 4;
// ID: 31
message FanCommandRequest {
fixed32 key = 1;
bool has_state = 2;
bool state = 3;
bool has_speed = 4;
FanSpeed speed = 5;
bool has_oscillating = 6;
bool oscillating = 7;
// ==================== LIGHT ====================
// ID: 15
message ListEntitiesLightResponse {
string object_id = 1;
fixed32 key = 2;
string name = 3;
string unique_id = 4;
bool supports_brightness = 5;
bool supports_rgb = 6;
bool supports_white_value = 7;
bool supports_color_temperature = 8;
float min_mireds = 9;
float max_mireds = 10;
repeated string effects = 11;
// ID: 24
message LightStateResponse {
fixed32 key = 1;
bool state = 2;
float brightness = 3;
float red = 4;
float green = 5;
float blue = 6;
float white = 7;
float color_temperature = 8;
string effect = 9;
// ID: 32
message LightCommandRequest {
fixed32 key = 1;
bool has_state = 2;
bool state = 3;
bool has_brightness = 4;
float brightness = 5;
bool has_rgb = 6;
float red = 7;
float green = 8;
float blue = 9;
bool has_white = 10;
float white = 11;
bool has_color_temperature = 12;
float color_temperature = 13;
bool has_transition_length = 14;
uint32 transition_length = 15;
bool has_flash_length = 16;
uint32 flash_length = 17;
bool has_effect = 18;
string effect = 19;
// ==================== SENSOR ====================
// ID: 16
message ListEntitiesSensorResponse {
string object_id = 1;
fixed32 key = 2;
string name = 3;
string unique_id = 4;
string icon = 5;
string unit_of_measurement = 6;
int32 accuracy_decimals = 7;
// ID: 25
message SensorStateResponse {
fixed32 key = 1;
float state = 2;
// ==================== SWITCH ====================
// ID: 17
message ListEntitiesSwitchResponse {
string object_id = 1;
fixed32 key = 2;
string name = 3;
string unique_id = 4;
string icon = 5;
bool assumed_state = 6;
// ID: 26
message SwitchStateResponse {
fixed32 key = 1;
bool state = 2;
// ID: 33
message SwitchCommandRequest {
fixed32 key = 1;
bool state = 2;
// ==================== TEXT SENSOR ====================
// ID: 18
message ListEntitiesTextSensorResponse {
string object_id = 1;
fixed32 key = 2;
string name = 3;
string unique_id = 4;
string icon = 5;
// ID: 27
message TextSensorStateResponse {
fixed32 key = 1;
string state = 2;
// ==================== SUBSCRIBE LOGS ====================
enum LogLevel {
NONE = 0;
ERROR = 1;
WARN = 2;
INFO = 3;
DEBUG = 4;
// ID: 28
message SubscribeLogsRequest {
LogLevel level = 1;
bool dump_config = 2;
// ID: 29
message SubscribeLogsResponse {
LogLevel level = 1;
string tag = 2;
string message = 3;
bool send_failed = 4;
// ==================== HOMEASSISTANT.SERVICE ====================
// ID: 34
message SubscribeServiceCallsRequest {
// ID: 35
message ServiceCallResponse {
string service = 1;
map<string, string> data = 2;
map<string, string> data_template = 3;
map<string, string> variables = 4;
// ==================== IMPORT HOME ASSISTANT STATES ====================
// 1. Client sends SubscribeHomeAssistantStatesRequest
// 2. Server responds with zero or more SubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse (async)
// 3. Client sends HomeAssistantStateResponse for state changes.
// ID: 38
message SubscribeHomeAssistantStatesRequest {
// ID: 39
message SubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse {
string entity_id = 1;
// ID: 40
message HomeAssistantStateResponse {
string entity_id = 1;
string state = 2;
// ==================== IMPORT TIME ====================
// ID: 36
message GetTimeRequest {
// ID: 37
message GetTimeResponse {
fixed32 epoch_seconds = 1;
// ==================== USER-DEFINES SERVICES ====================
message ListEntitiesServicesArgument {
string name = 1;
enum Type {
BOOL = 0;
INT = 1;
FLOAT = 2;
Type type = 2;
// ID: 41
message ListEntitiesServicesResponse {
string name = 1;
fixed32 key = 2;
repeated ListEntitiesServicesArgument args = 3;
message ExecuteServiceArgument {
bool bool_ = 1;
int32 int_ = 2;
float float_ = 3;
string string_ = 4;
// ID: 42
message ExecuteServiceRequest {
fixed32 key = 1;
repeated ExecuteServiceArgument args = 2;
// ==================== CAMERA ====================
// ID: 43
message ListEntitiesCameraResponse {
string object_id = 1;
fixed32 key = 2;
string name = 3;
string unique_id = 4;
// ID: 44
message CameraImageResponse {
fixed32 key = 1;
bytes data = 2;
bool done = 3;
// ID: 45
message CameraImageRequest {
bool single = 1;
bool stream = 2;
// ==================== CLIMATE ====================
enum ClimateMode {
OFF = 0;
AUTO = 1;
COOL = 2;
HEAT = 3;
// ID: 46
message ListEntitiesClimateResponse {
string object_id = 1;
fixed32 key = 2;
string name = 3;
string unique_id = 4;
bool supports_current_temperature = 5;
bool supports_two_point_target_temperature = 6;
repeated ClimateMode supported_modes = 7;
float visual_min_temperature = 8;
float visual_max_temperature = 9;
float visual_temperature_step = 10;
bool supports_away = 11;
// ID: 47
message ClimateStateResponse {
fixed32 key = 1;
ClimateMode mode = 2;
float current_temperature = 3;
float target_temperature = 4;
float target_temperature_low = 5;
float target_temperature_high = 6;
bool away = 7;
// ID: 48
message ClimateCommandRequest {
fixed32 key = 1;
bool has_mode = 2;
ClimateMode mode = 3;
bool has_target_temperature = 4;
float target_temperature = 5;
bool has_target_temperature_low = 6;
float target_temperature_low = 7;
bool has_target_temperature_high = 8;
float target_temperature_high = 9;
bool has_away = 10;
bool away = 11;