mirror of https://github.com/esphome/esphome.git synced 2025-03-03 17:28:16 +00:00

333 lines
12 KiB

from dataclasses import dataclass
import json
from typing import List, Union
from pathlib import Path
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
from esphome.const import KEY_CORE
from esphome.core import CORE, EsphomeError
from esphome.util import run_external_command, run_external_process
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def patch_structhash():
# Patch platformio's structhash to not recompile the entire project when files are
# removed/added. This might have unintended consequences, but this improves compile
# times greatly when adding/removing components and a simple clean build solves
# all issues
from platformio.commands.run import helpers, command
from os.path import join, isdir, getmtime
from os import makedirs
def patched_clean_build_dir(build_dir, *args):
from platformio import fs
from platformio.project.helpers import get_project_dir
platformio_ini = join(get_project_dir(), "platformio.ini")
# if project's config is modified
if isdir(build_dir) and getmtime(platformio_ini) > getmtime(build_dir):
if not isdir(build_dir):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
helpers.clean_build_dir = patched_clean_build_dir
command.clean_build_dir = patched_clean_build_dir
IGNORE_LIB_WARNINGS = f"(?:{'|'.join(['Hash', 'Update'])})"
r"Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option.*",
r"CONFIGURATION: https://docs.platformio.org/.*",
r"DEBUG: Current.*",
r"LDF Modes:.*",
r"LDF: Library Dependency Finder -> http://bit.ly/configure-pio-ldf.*",
f"Looking for {IGNORE_LIB_WARNINGS} library in registry",
f"Warning! Library `.*'{IGNORE_LIB_WARNINGS}.*` has not been found in PlatformIO Registry.",
f"You can ignore this message, if `.*{IGNORE_LIB_WARNINGS}.*` is a built-in library.*",
r"Scanning dependencies...",
r"Found \d+ compatible libraries",
r"Memory Usage -> http://bit.ly/pio-memory-usage",
r"Found: https://platformio.org/lib/show/.*",
r"Using cache: .*",
r"Installing dependencies",
r"Library Manager: Already installed, built-in library",
r"Building in .* mode",
r"Advanced Memory Usage is available via .*",
r"Merged .* ELF section",
r"esptool.py v.*",
r"Checking size .*",
r"Retrieving maximum program size .*",
r"PLATFORM: .*",
r" - framework-arduinoespressif.* \(.*\)",
r" - tool-esptool.* \(.*\)",
r" - toolchain-.* \(.*\)",
r"Creating BIN file .*",
def run_platformio_cli(*args, **kwargs) -> Union[str, int]:
os.environ["PLATFORMIO_FORCE_COLOR"] = "true"
os.environ["PLATFORMIO_BUILD_DIR"] = os.path.abspath(CORE.relative_pioenvs_path())
"PLATFORMIO_LIBDEPS_DIR", os.path.abspath(CORE.relative_piolibdeps_path())
cmd = ["platformio"] + list(args)
if not CORE.verbose:
kwargs["filter_lines"] = FILTER_PLATFORMIO_LINES
if os.environ.get("ESPHOME_USE_SUBPROCESS") is not None:
return run_external_process(*cmd, **kwargs)
import platformio.__main__
return run_external_command(platformio.__main__.main, *cmd, **kwargs)
def run_platformio_cli_run(config, verbose, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[str, int]:
command = ["run", "-d", CORE.build_path]
if verbose:
command += ["-v"]
command += list(args)
return run_platformio_cli(*command, **kwargs)
def run_compile(config, verbose):
return run_platformio_cli_run(config, verbose)
def _run_idedata(config):
args = ["-t", "idedata"]
stdout = run_platformio_cli_run(config, False, *args, capture_stdout=True)
match = re.search(r'{\s*".*}', stdout)
if match is None:
_LOGGER.error("Could not match idedata, please report this error")
_LOGGER.error("Stdout: %s", stdout)
raise EsphomeError
return json.loads(match.group())
except ValueError:
_LOGGER.error("Could not parse idedata", exc_info=True)
_LOGGER.error("Stdout: %s", stdout)
def _load_idedata(config):
platformio_ini = Path(CORE.relative_build_path("platformio.ini"))
temp_idedata = Path(CORE.relative_internal_path("idedata", f"{CORE.name}.json"))
changed = False
if not platformio_ini.is_file() or not temp_idedata.is_file():
changed = True
elif platformio_ini.stat().st_mtime >= temp_idedata.stat().st_mtime:
changed = True
if not changed:
return json.loads(temp_idedata.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
except ValueError:
temp_idedata.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
data = _run_idedata(config)
temp_idedata.write_text(json.dumps(data, indent=2) + "\n", encoding="utf-8")
return data
KEY_IDEDATA = "idedata"
def get_idedata(config) -> "IDEData":
idedata = IDEData(_load_idedata(config))
CORE.data[KEY_CORE][KEY_IDEDATA] = idedata
return idedata
# ESP logs stack trace decoder, based on https://github.com/me-no-dev/EspExceptionDecoder
0: "Illegal instruction (Is the flash damaged?)",
1: "SYSCALL instruction",
2: "InstructionFetchError: Processor internal physical address or data error during "
"instruction fetch",
3: "LoadStoreError: Processor internal physical address or data error during load or store",
4: "Level1Interrupt: Level-1 interrupt as indicated by set level-1 bits in the INTERRUPT "
5: "Alloca: MOVSP instruction, if caller's registers are not in the register file",
6: "Integer Divide By Zero",
7: "reserved",
8: "Privileged: Attempt to execute a privileged operation when CRING ? 0",
9: "LoadStoreAlignmentCause: Load or store to an unaligned address",
10: "reserved",
11: "reserved",
12: "InstrPIFDataError: PIF data error during instruction fetch",
13: "LoadStorePIFDataError: Synchronous PIF data error during LoadStore access",
14: "InstrPIFAddrError: PIF address error during instruction fetch",
15: "LoadStorePIFAddrError: Synchronous PIF address error during LoadStore access",
16: "InstTLBMiss: Error during Instruction TLB refill",
17: "InstTLBMultiHit: Multiple instruction TLB entries matched",
18: "InstFetchPrivilege: An instruction fetch referenced a virtual address at a ring level "
"less than CRING",
19: "reserved",
20: "InstFetchProhibited: An instruction fetch referenced a page mapped with an attribute "
"that does not permit instruction fetch",
21: "reserved",
22: "reserved",
23: "reserved",
24: "LoadStoreTLBMiss: Error during TLB refill for a load or store",
25: "LoadStoreTLBMultiHit: Multiple TLB entries matched for a load or store",
26: "LoadStorePrivilege: A load or store referenced a virtual address at a ring level less "
"than ",
27: "reserved",
28: "Access to invalid address: LOAD (wild pointer?)",
29: "Access to invalid address: STORE (wild pointer?)",
def _decode_pc(config, addr):
idedata = get_idedata(config)
if not idedata.addr2line_path or not idedata.firmware_elf_path:
_LOGGER.debug("decode_pc no addr2line")
command = [idedata.addr2line_path, "-pfiaC", "-e", idedata.firmware_elf_path, addr]
translation = subprocess.check_output(command).decode().strip()
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
_LOGGER.debug("Caught exception for command %s", command, exc_info=1)
if "?? ??:0" in translation:
# Nothing useful
translation = translation.replace(" at ??:?", "").replace(":?", "")
_LOGGER.warning("Decoded %s", translation)
def _parse_register(config, regex, line):
match = regex.match(line)
if match is not None:
_decode_pc(config, match.group(1))
STACKTRACE_ESP8266_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RE = re.compile(r"[eE]xception \((\d+)\):")
STACKTRACE_ESP8266_PC_RE = re.compile(r"epc1=0x(4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})")
STACKTRACE_ESP8266_EXCVADDR_RE = re.compile(r"excvaddr=0x(4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})")
STACKTRACE_ESP32_PC_RE = re.compile(r".*PC\s*:\s*(?:0x)?(4[0-9a-fA-F]{7}).*")
STACKTRACE_ESP32_EXCVADDR_RE = re.compile(r"EXCVADDR\s*:\s*(?:0x)?(4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})")
STACKTRACE_ESP32_C3_PC_RE = re.compile(r"MEPC\s*:\s*(?:0x)?(4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})")
STACKTRACE_ESP32_C3_RA_RE = re.compile(r"RA\s*:\s*(?:0x)?(4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})")
r"^last failed alloc call: (4[0-9a-fA-F]{7})\((\d+)\)$"
STACKTRACE_ESP32_BACKTRACE_PC_RE = re.compile(r"4[0-9a-f]{7}")
STACKTRACE_ESP8266_BACKTRACE_PC_RE = re.compile(r"4[0-9a-f]{7}")
def process_stacktrace(config, line, backtrace_state):
line = line.strip()
# ESP8266 Exception type
match = re.match(STACKTRACE_ESP8266_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RE, line)
if match is not None:
code = int(match.group(1))
"Exception type: %s", ESP8266_EXCEPTION_CODES.get(code, "unknown")
_parse_register(config, STACKTRACE_ESP8266_PC_RE, line)
_parse_register(config, STACKTRACE_ESP8266_EXCVADDR_RE, line)
_parse_register(config, STACKTRACE_ESP32_PC_RE, line)
_parse_register(config, STACKTRACE_ESP32_EXCVADDR_RE, line)
# ESP32-C3 PC/RA
_parse_register(config, STACKTRACE_ESP32_C3_PC_RE, line)
_parse_register(config, STACKTRACE_ESP32_C3_RA_RE, line)
# bad alloc
match = re.match(STACKTRACE_BAD_ALLOC_RE, line)
if match is not None:
"Memory allocation of %s bytes failed at %s", match.group(2), match.group(1)
_decode_pc(config, match.group(1))
# ESP32 single-line backtrace
match = re.match(STACKTRACE_ESP32_BACKTRACE_RE, line)
if match is not None:
_LOGGER.warning("Found stack trace! Trying to decode it")
for addr in re.finditer(STACKTRACE_ESP32_BACKTRACE_PC_RE, line):
_decode_pc(config, addr.group())
# ESP8266 multi-line backtrace
if ">>>stack>>>" in line:
# Start of backtrace
backtrace_state = True
_LOGGER.warning("Found stack trace! Trying to decode it")
elif "<<<stack<<<" in line:
# End of backtrace
backtrace_state = False
if backtrace_state:
for addr in re.finditer(STACKTRACE_ESP8266_BACKTRACE_PC_RE, line):
_decode_pc(config, addr.group())
return backtrace_state
class FlashImage:
path: str
offset: str
class IDEData:
def __init__(self, raw):
self.raw = raw
def firmware_elf_path(self):
return self.raw["prog_path"]
def firmware_bin_path(self) -> str:
return str(Path(self.firmware_elf_path).with_suffix(".bin"))
def extra_flash_images(self) -> List[FlashImage]:
return [
FlashImage(path=entry["path"], offset=entry["offset"])
for entry in self.raw["extra"]["flash_images"]
def cc_path(self) -> str:
# For example /Users/<USER>/.platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa32/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc
return self.raw["cc_path"]
def addr2line_path(self) -> str:
# replace gcc at end with addr2line
# Windows
if self.cc_path.endswith(".exe"):
return f"{self.cc_path[:-7]}addr2line.exe"
return f"{self.cc_path[:-3]}addr2line"