mirror of
synced 2025-01-20 21:04:03 +00:00
* Socket refactor and SSL * esp-idf temp * Fixes * Echo component and noise * Add noise API transport support * Updates * ESP-IDF * Complete * Fixes * Fixes * Versions update * New i2c APIs * Complete i2c refactor * SPI migration * Revert ESP Preferences migration, too complex for now * OTA support * Remove echo again * Remove ssl again * GPIOFlags updates * Rename esphal and ICACHE_RAM_ATTR * Make ESP32 arduino compilable again * Fix GPIO flags * Complete pin registry refactor and fixes * Fixes to make test1 compile * Remove sdkconfig file * Ignore sdkconfig file * Fixes in reviewing * Make test2 compile * Make test4 compile * Make test5 compile * Run clang-format * Fix lint errors * Use esp-idf APIs instead of btStart * Another round of fixes * Start implementing ESP8266 * Make test3 compile * Guard esp8266 code * Lint * Reformat * Fixes * Fixes v2 * more fixes * ESP-IDF tidy target * Convert ARDUINO_ARCH_ESPxx * Update WiFiSignalSensor * Update time ifdefs * OTA needs millis from hal * RestartSwitch needs delay from hal * ESP-IDF Uart * Fix OTA blank password * Allow setting sdkconfig * Fix idf partitions and allow setting sdkconfig from yaml * Re-add read/write compat APIs and fix esp8266 uart * Fix esp8266 store log strings in flash * Fix ESP32 arduino preferences not initialized * Update ifdefs * Change how sdkconfig change is detected * Add checks to ci-custom and fix them * Run clang-format * Add esp-idf clang-tidy target and fix errors * Fixes from clang-tidy idf round 2 * Fixes from compiling tests with esp-idf * Run clang-format * Switch test5.yaml to esp-idf * Implement ESP8266 Preferences * Lint * Re-do PIO package version selection a bit * Fix arduinoespressif32 package version * Fix unit tests * Lint * Lint fixes * Fix readv/writev not defined * Fix graphing component * Re-add all old options from core/config.py Co-authored-by: Jesse Hills <3060199+jesserockz@users.noreply.github.com>
158 lines
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158 lines
7.0 KiB
#include "captive_portal.h"
#include "esphome/core/log.h"
#include "esphome/core/application.h"
#include "esphome/components/wifi/wifi_component.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace captive_portal {
static const char *const TAG = "captive_portal";
void CaptivePortal::handle_index(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
AsyncResponseStream *stream = request->beginResponseStream("text/html");
stream->print(F("<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><meta name=\"viewport\" "
stream->print(F("</title><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/stylesheet.css\">"));
stream->print(F("<script>function c(l){document.getElementById('ssid').value=l.innerText||l.textContent; "
stream->print(F("<body><div class=\"main\"><h1>WiFi Networks</h1>"));
if (request->hasArg("save")) {
stream->print(F("<div class=\"info\">The ESP will now try to connect to the network...<br/>Please give it some "
"time to connect.<br/>Note: Copy the changed network to your YAML file - the next OTA update will "
"overwrite these settings.</div>"));
for (auto &scan : wifi::global_wifi_component->get_scan_result()) {
if (scan.get_is_hidden())
stream->print(F("<div class=\"network\" onclick=\"c(this)\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"network-left\">"));
if (scan.get_rssi() >= -50) {
stream->print(F("<img src=\"/wifi-strength-4.svg\">"));
} else if (scan.get_rssi() >= -65) {
stream->print(F("<img src=\"/wifi-strength-3.svg\">"));
} else if (scan.get_rssi() >= -85) {
stream->print(F("<img src=\"/wifi-strength-2.svg\">"));
} else {
stream->print(F("<img src=\"/wifi-strength-1.svg\">"));
stream->print(F("<span class=\"network-ssid\">"));
if (scan.get_with_auth()) {
stream->print(F("<img src=\"/lock.svg\">"));
stream->print(F("<h3>WiFi Settings</h3><form method=\"GET\" action=\"/wifisave\"><input id=\"ssid\" name=\"ssid\" "
"length=32 placeholder=\"SSID\"><br/><input id=\"psk\" name=\"psk\" length=64 type=\"password\" "
"placeholder=\"Password\"><br/><br/><button type=\"submit\">Save</button></form><br><hr><br>"));
stream->print(F("<h1>OTA Update</h1><form method=\"POST\" action=\"/update\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"><input "
"type=\"file\" name=\"update\"><button type=\"submit\">Update</button></form>"));
void CaptivePortal::handle_wifisave(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
std::string ssid = request->arg("ssid").c_str();
std::string psk = request->arg("psk").c_str();
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Captive Portal Requested WiFi Settings Change:");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, " SSID='%s'", ssid.c_str());
ESP_LOGI(TAG, " Password=" LOG_SECRET("'%s'"), psk.c_str());
wifi::global_wifi_component->save_wifi_sta(ssid, psk);
void CaptivePortal::setup() {}
void CaptivePortal::start() {
if (!this->initialized_) {
this->dns_server_ = make_unique<DNSServer>();
network::IPAddress ip = wifi::global_wifi_component->wifi_soft_ap_ip();
this->dns_server_->start(53, "*", (uint32_t) ip);
this->base_->get_server()->onNotFound([this](AsyncWebServerRequest *req) {
bool not_found = false;
if (!this->active_) {
not_found = true;
} else if (req->host().c_str() == wifi::global_wifi_component->wifi_soft_ap_ip().str()) {
not_found = true;
if (not_found) {
req->send(404, "text/html", "File not found");
auto url = "http://" + wifi::global_wifi_component->wifi_soft_ap_ip().str();
this->initialized_ = true;
this->active_ = true;
R"(*{box-sizing:inherit}div,input{padding:5px;font-size:1em}input{width:95%}body{text-align:center;font-family:sans-serif}button{border:0;border-radius:.3rem;background-color:#1fa3ec;color:#fff;line-height:2.4rem;font-size:1.2rem;width:100%;padding:0}.main{text-align:left;display:inline-block;min-width:260px}.network{display:flex;justify-content:space-between;align-items:center}.network-left{display:flex;align-items:center}.network-ssid{margin-bottom:-7px;margin-left:10px}.info{border:1px solid;margin:10px 0;padding:15px 10px;color:#4f8a10;background-color:#dff2bf})";
const char LOCK_SVG[] PROGMEM =
R"(<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 17a2 2 0 0 0 2-2 2 2 0 0 0-2-2 2 2 0 0 0-2 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2m6-9a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h1V6a5 5 0 0 1 5-5 5 5 0 0 1 5 5v2h1m-6-5a3 3 0 0 0-3 3v2h6V6a3 3 0 0 0-3-3z"/></svg>)";
void CaptivePortal::handleRequest(AsyncWebServerRequest *req) {
if (req->url() == "/") {
} else if (req->url() == "/wifisave") {
} else if (req->url() == "/stylesheet.css") {
req->send_P(200, "text/css", STYLESHEET_CSS);
} else if (req->url() == "/lock.svg") {
req->send_P(200, "image/svg+xml", LOCK_SVG);
AsyncResponseStream *stream = req->beginResponseStream("image/svg+xml");
stream->print(F("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\"><path d=\"M12 3A18.9 18.9 0 0 "
"0 .38 7C4.41 12.06 7.89 16.37 12 21.5L23.65 7C20.32 4.41 16.22 3 12 "));
if (req->url() == "/wifi-strength-4.svg") {
} else {
if (req->url() == "/wifi-strength-1.svg") {
stream->print(F("3m0 2c3.07 0 6.09.86 8.71 2.45l-5.1 6.36a8.43 8.43 0 0 0-7.22-.01L3.27 7.4"));
} else if (req->url() == "/wifi-strength-2.svg") {
stream->print(F("3m0 2c3.07 0 6.09.86 8.71 2.45l-3.21 3.98a11.32 11.32 0 0 0-11 0L3.27 7.4"));
} else if (req->url() == "/wifi-strength-3.svg") {
stream->print(F("3m0 2c3.07 0 6.09.86 8.71 2.45l-1.94 2.43A13.6 13.6 0 0 0 12 8C9 8 6.68 9 5.21 9.84l-1.94-2."));
stream->print(F("4A16.94 16.94 0 0 1 12 5z"));
CaptivePortal::CaptivePortal(web_server_base::WebServerBase *base) : base_(base) { global_captive_portal = this; }
float CaptivePortal::get_setup_priority() const {
// Before WiFi
return setup_priority::WIFI + 1.0f;
void CaptivePortal::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Captive Portal:"); }
CaptivePortal *global_captive_portal = nullptr; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables)
} // namespace captive_portal
} // namespace esphome
#endif // USE_ARDUINO