mirror of https://github.com/esphome/esphome.git synced 2025-02-01 10:40:56 +00:00
Otto Winter 067ec30c56
Add relative_url, streamer_mode, status_use_ping dashboard options (#461)
* Add relative_url, streamer_mode, status_use_ping dashboard options

Additionally Hass.io now stores all build files in /data, so that snapshots no longer get huge.

* Lint

* Lint

* Replace tabs with spaces
2019-03-03 16:50:06 +01:00

522 lines
19 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import os
import random
import sys
from esphome import const, core_config, mqtt, platformio_api, wizard, writer, yaml_util
from esphome.api.client import run_logs
from esphome.config import get_component, iter_components, read_config, strip_default_ids
from esphome.core import CORE, EsphomeError
from esphome.cpp_generator import Expression, RawStatement, add, statement
from esphome.helpers import color, indent
from esphome.py_compat import IS_PY2, safe_input, text_type
from esphome.storage_json import StorageJSON, storage_path
from esphome.util import run_external_command, run_external_process, safe_print, \
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PRE_INITIALIZE = ['esphome', 'logger', 'wifi', 'ethernet', 'ota', 'mqtt', 'web_server', 'api',
def get_serial_ports():
# from https://github.com/pyserial/pyserial/blob/master/serial/tools/list_ports.py
from serial.tools.list_ports import comports
result = []
for port, desc, info in comports():
if not port:
if "VID:PID" in info:
result.append((port, desc))
result.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
return result
def choose_prompt(options):
if not options:
raise ValueError
if len(options) == 1:
return options[0][1]
safe_print(u"Found multiple options, please choose one:")
for i, (desc, _) in enumerate(options):
safe_print(u" [{}] {}".format(i + 1, desc))
while True:
opt = safe_input('(number): ')
if opt in options:
opt = options.index(opt)
opt = int(opt)
if opt < 1 or opt > len(options):
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
safe_print(color('red', u"Invalid option: '{}'".format(opt)))
return options[opt - 1][1]
def choose_upload_log_host(default, check_default, show_ota, show_mqtt, show_api):
options = []
for res, desc in get_serial_ports():
options.append((u"{} ({})".format(res, desc), res))
if (show_ota and 'ota' in CORE.config) or (show_api and 'api' in CORE.config):
options.append((u"Over The Air ({})".format(CORE.address), CORE.address))
if default == 'OTA':
return CORE.address
if show_mqtt and 'mqtt' in CORE.config:
options.append((u"MQTT ({})".format(CORE.config['mqtt'][CONF_BROKER]), 'MQTT'))
if default == 'OTA':
return 'MQTT'
if default is not None:
return default
if check_default is not None and check_default in [opt[1] for opt in options]:
return check_default
return choose_prompt(options)
def get_port_type(port):
if port.startswith('/') or port.startswith('COM'):
return 'SERIAL'
if port == 'MQTT':
return 'MQTT'
return 'NETWORK'
def run_miniterm(config, port):
import serial
if CONF_LOGGER not in config:
_LOGGER.info("Logger is not enabled. Not starting UART logs.")
baud_rate = config['logger'][CONF_BAUD_RATE]
if baud_rate == 0:
_LOGGER.info("UART logging is disabled (baud_rate=0). Not starting UART logs.")
_LOGGER.info("Starting log output from %s with baud rate %s", port, baud_rate)
backtrace_state = False
with serial.Serial(port, baudrate=baud_rate) as ser:
while True:
raw = ser.readline()
except serial.SerialException:
_LOGGER.error("Serial port closed!")
if IS_PY2:
line = raw.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '')
line = raw.replace(b'\r', b'').replace(b'\n', b'').decode('utf8',
time = datetime.now().time().strftime('[%H:%M:%S]')
message = time + line
backtrace_state = platformio_api.process_stacktrace(
config, line, backtrace_state=backtrace_state)
def write_cpp(config):
_LOGGER.info("Generating C++ source...")
CORE.add_job(core_config.to_code, config[CONF_ESPHOME], domain='esphome')
for domain in PRE_INITIALIZE:
if domain == CONF_ESPHOME or domain not in config:
CORE.add_job(get_component(domain).to_code, config[domain], domain=domain)
for domain, component, conf in iter_components(config):
if domain in PRE_INITIALIZE or not hasattr(component, 'to_code'):
CORE.add_job(component.to_code, conf, domain=domain)
all_code = []
for exp in CORE.expressions:
if isinstance(exp, Expression) and not exp.required:
code_s = indent('\n'.join(line.rstrip() for line in all_code))
return 0
def compile_program(args, config):
_LOGGER.info("Compiling app...")
rc = platformio_api.run_compile(config, args.verbose)
if rc != 0 and CORE.is_dev_esphome_core_version and not is_dev_esphome_version():
_LOGGER.warning("You're using 'esphome_core_version: dev' but not using the "
"dev version of the ESPHome tool.")
_LOGGER.warning("Expect compile errors if these versions are out of sync.")
_LOGGER.warning("Please install the dev version of ESPHome too when using "
"'esphome_core_version: dev'.")
_LOGGER.warning(" - Hass.io: Install 'ESPHome (dev)' addon")
_LOGGER.warning(" - Docker: docker run [...] esphome/esphome:dev [...]")
_LOGGER.warning(" - PIP: pip install -U https://github.com/esphome/esphome/archive/dev.zip")
return rc
def upload_using_esptool(config, port):
path = CORE.firmware_bin
cmd = ['esptool.py', '--before', 'default_reset', '--after', 'hard_reset',
'--chip', 'esp8266', '--port', port, 'write_flash', '0x0', path]
if os.environ.get('ESPHOME_USE_SUBPROCESS') is None:
import esptool
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return run_external_command(esptool._main, *cmd)
return run_external_process(*cmd)
def upload_program(config, args, host):
# if upload is to a serial port use platformio, otherwise assume ota
if get_port_type(host) == 'SERIAL':
if CORE.is_esp8266:
return upload_using_esptool(config, host)
return platformio_api.run_upload(config, args.verbose, host)
from esphome.components import ota
from esphome import espota2
if args.host_port is not None:
host_port = args.host_port
host_port = int(os.getenv('ESPHOME_OTA_HOST_PORT', random.randint(10000, 60000)))
verbose = args.verbose
remote_port = ota.get_port(config)
password = ota.get_auth(config)
storage = StorageJSON.load(storage_path())
res = espota2.run_ota(host, remote_port, password, CORE.firmware_bin)
if res == 0:
if storage is not None and storage.use_legacy_ota:
storage.use_legacy_ota = False
return res
if storage is not None and not storage.use_legacy_ota:
return res
_LOGGER.warning("OTA v2 method failed. Trying with legacy OTA...")
return espota2.run_legacy_ota(verbose, host_port, host, remote_port, password,
def show_logs(config, args, port):
if 'logger' not in config:
raise EsphomeError("Logger is not configured!")
if get_port_type(port) == 'SERIAL':
run_miniterm(config, port)
return 0
if get_port_type(port) == 'NETWORK' and 'api' in config:
return run_logs(config, port)
if get_port_type(port) == 'MQTT' and 'mqtt' in config:
return mqtt.show_logs(config, args.topic, args.username, args.password, args.client_id)
raise ValueError
def clean_mqtt(config, args):
return mqtt.clear_topic(config, args.topic, args.username, args.password, args.client_id)
def setup_log(debug=False):
log_level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO
fmt = "%(levelname)s %(message)s"
colorfmt = "%(log_color)s{}%(reset)s".format(fmt)
datefmt = '%H:%M:%S'
from colorlog import ColoredFormatter
'DEBUG': 'cyan',
'INFO': 'green',
'WARNING': 'yellow',
'ERROR': 'red',
'CRITICAL': 'red',
except ImportError:
def command_wizard(args):
return wizard.wizard(args.configuration)
def command_config(args, config):
_LOGGER.info("Configuration is valid!")
if not args.verbose:
config = strip_default_ids(config)
return 0
def command_compile(args, config):
exit_code = write_cpp(config)
if exit_code != 0:
return exit_code
if args.only_generate:
_LOGGER.info(u"Successfully generated source code.")
return 0
exit_code = compile_program(args, config)
if exit_code != 0:
return exit_code
_LOGGER.info(u"Successfully compiled program.")
return 0
def command_upload(args, config):
port = choose_upload_log_host(default=args.upload_port, check_default=None,
show_ota=True, show_mqtt=False, show_api=False)
exit_code = upload_program(config, args, port)
if exit_code != 0:
return exit_code
_LOGGER.info(u"Successfully uploaded program.")
return 0
def command_logs(args, config):
port = choose_upload_log_host(default=args.serial_port, check_default=None,
show_ota=False, show_mqtt=True, show_api=True)
return show_logs(config, args, port)
def command_run(args, config):
exit_code = write_cpp(config)
if exit_code != 0:
return exit_code
exit_code = compile_program(args, config)
if exit_code != 0:
return exit_code
_LOGGER.info(u"Successfully compiled program.")
port = choose_upload_log_host(default=args.upload_port, check_default=None,
show_ota=True, show_mqtt=False, show_api=True)
exit_code = upload_program(config, args, port)
if exit_code != 0:
return exit_code
_LOGGER.info(u"Successfully uploaded program.")
if args.no_logs:
return 0
port = choose_upload_log_host(default=args.upload_port, check_default=port,
show_ota=False, show_mqtt=True, show_api=True)
return show_logs(config, args, port)
def command_clean_mqtt(args, config):
return clean_mqtt(config, args)
def command_mqtt_fingerprint(args, config):
return mqtt.get_fingerprint(config)
def command_version(args):
safe_print(u"Version: {}".format(const.__version__))
return 0
def command_clean(args, config):
except OSError as err:
_LOGGER.error("Error deleting build files: %s", err)
return 1
return 0
def command_hass_config(args, config):
from esphome.components import mqtt as mqtt_component
_LOGGER.info("This is what you should put in your Home Assistant YAML configuration.")
_LOGGER.info("Please note this is only necessary if you're not using MQTT discovery.")
data = mqtt_component.GenerateHassConfigData(config)
hass_config = OrderedDict()
for domain, component, conf in iter_components(config):
if not hasattr(component, 'to_hass_config'):
func = getattr(component, 'to_hass_config')
ret = func(data, conf)
if not isinstance(ret, (list, tuple)):
ret = [ret]
ret = [x for x in ret if x is not None]
domain_conf = hass_config.setdefault(domain.split('.')[0], [])
domain_conf += ret
return 0
def command_dashboard(args):
from esphome.dashboard import dashboard
return dashboard.start_web_server(args)
'wizard': command_wizard,
'version': command_version,
'dashboard': command_dashboard
'config': command_config,
'compile': command_compile,
'upload': command_upload,
'logs': command_logs,
'run': command_run,
'clean-mqtt': command_clean_mqtt,
'mqtt-fingerprint': command_mqtt_fingerprint,
'clean': command_clean,
'hass-config': command_hass_config,
def parse_args(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='esphome')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="Enable verbose esphome logs.",
parser.add_argument('--dashboard', help="Internal flag to set if the command is run from the "
"dashboard.", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('configuration', help='Your YAML configuration file.')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Commands', dest='command')
subparsers.required = True
subparsers.add_parser('config', help='Validate the configuration and spit it out.')
parser_compile = subparsers.add_parser('compile',
help='Read the configuration and compile a program.')
help="Only generate source code, do not compile.",
parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser('upload', help='Validate the configuration '
'and upload the latest binary.')
parser_upload.add_argument('--upload-port', help="Manually specify the upload port to use. "
"For example /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART.")
parser_upload.add_argument('--host-port', help="Specify the host port.", type=int)
parser_logs = subparsers.add_parser('logs', help='Validate the configuration '
'and show all MQTT logs.')
parser_logs.add_argument('--topic', help='Manually set the topic to subscribe to.')
parser_logs.add_argument('--username', help='Manually set the username.')
parser_logs.add_argument('--password', help='Manually set the password.')
parser_logs.add_argument('--client-id', help='Manually set the client id.')
parser_logs.add_argument('--serial-port', help="Manually specify a serial port to use"
"For example /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART.")
parser_run = subparsers.add_parser('run', help='Validate the configuration, create a binary, '
'upload it, and start MQTT logs.')
parser_run.add_argument('--upload-port', help="Manually specify the upload port/ip to use. "
"For example /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART.")
parser_run.add_argument('--host-port', help="Specify the host port to use for OTA", type=int)
parser_run.add_argument('--no-logs', help='Disable starting MQTT logs.',
parser_run.add_argument('--topic', help='Manually set the topic to subscribe to for logs.')
parser_run.add_argument('--username', help='Manually set the MQTT username for logs.')
parser_run.add_argument('--password', help='Manually set the MQTT password for logs.')
parser_run.add_argument('--client-id', help='Manually set the client id for logs.')
parser_clean = subparsers.add_parser('clean-mqtt', help="Helper to clear an MQTT topic from "
"retain messages.")
parser_clean.add_argument('--topic', help='Manually set the topic to subscribe to.')
parser_clean.add_argument('--username', help='Manually set the username.')
parser_clean.add_argument('--password', help='Manually set the password.')
parser_clean.add_argument('--client-id', help='Manually set the client id.')
subparsers.add_parser('wizard', help="A helpful setup wizard that will guide "
"you through setting up esphome.")
subparsers.add_parser('mqtt-fingerprint', help="Get the SSL fingerprint from a MQTT broker.")
subparsers.add_parser('version', help="Print the esphome version and exit.")
subparsers.add_parser('clean', help="Delete all temporary build files.")
dashboard = subparsers.add_parser('dashboard',
help="Create a simple web server for a dashboard.")
dashboard.add_argument("--port", help="The HTTP port to open connections on. Defaults to 6052.",
type=int, default=6052)
dashboard.add_argument("--password", help="The optional password to require for all requests.",
type=str, default='')
dashboard.add_argument("--open-ui", help="Open the dashboard UI in a browser.",
help="Internal flag used to tell esphome is started as a Hass.io "
help="Make the dashboard serve under a unix socket", type=str)
help="Dump the configuration entries that should be added "
"to Home Assistant when not using MQTT discovery.")
return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
def run_esphome(argv):
args = parse_args(argv)
CORE.dashboard = args.dashboard
if args.command in PRE_CONFIG_ACTIONS:
return PRE_CONFIG_ACTIONS[args.command](args)
except EsphomeError as e:
return 1
CORE.config_path = args.configuration
config = read_config(args.verbose)
if config is None:
return 1
CORE.config = config
if args.command in POST_CONFIG_ACTIONS:
return POST_CONFIG_ACTIONS[args.command](args, config)
except EsphomeError as e:
return 1
safe_print(u"Unknown command {}".format(args.command))
return 1
def main():
return run_esphome(sys.argv)
except EsphomeError as e:
return 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":