mirror of https://github.com/esphome/esphome.git synced 2024-10-06 10:50:58 +01:00
2020-07-26 23:18:09 +02:00

475 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import codecs
import collections
import fnmatch
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
import sys
def find_all(a_str, sub):
for i, line in enumerate(a_str.splitlines()):
column = 0
while True:
column = line.find(sub, column)
if column == -1:
yield i, column
column += len(sub)
command = ['git', 'ls-files', '-s']
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, err = proc.communicate()
lines = [x.split() for x in output.decode('utf-8').splitlines()]
s[3].strip(): int(s[0]) for s in lines
files = [s[3].strip() for s in lines]
files = list(filter(os.path.exists, files))
file_types = ('.h', '.c', '.cpp', '.tcc', '.yaml', '.yml', '.ini', '.txt', '.ico', '.svg',
'.py', '.html', '.js', '.md', '.sh', '.css', '.proto', '.conf', '.cfg',
'.woff', '.woff2', '')
cpp_include = ('*.h', '*.c', '*.cpp', '*.tcc')
ignore_types = ('.ico', '.woff', '.woff2', '')
def run_check(lint_obj, fname, *args):
include = lint_obj['include']
exclude = lint_obj['exclude']
func = lint_obj['func']
if include is not None:
for incl in include:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, incl):
return None
for excl in exclude:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, excl):
return None
return func(*args)
def run_checks(lints, fname, *args):
for lint in lints:
add_errors(fname, run_check(lint, fname, *args))
def _add_check(checks, func, include=None, exclude=None):
'include': include,
'exclude': exclude or [],
'func': func,
def lint_file_check(**kwargs):
def decorator(func):
_add_check(LINT_FILE_CHECKS, func, **kwargs)
return func
return decorator
def lint_content_check(**kwargs):
def decorator(func):
_add_check(LINT_CONTENT_CHECKS, func, **kwargs)
return func
return decorator
def lint_post_check(func):
_add_check(LINT_POST_CHECKS, func)
return func
def lint_re_check(regex, **kwargs):
flags = kwargs.pop('flags', re.MULTILINE)
prog = re.compile(regex, flags)
decor = lint_content_check(**kwargs)
def decorator(func):
def new_func(fname, content):
errors = []
for match in prog.finditer(content):
if 'NOLINT' in match.group(0):
lineno = content.count("\n", 0, match.start()) + 1
substr = content[:match.start()]
col = len(substr) - substr.rfind('\n')
err = func(fname, match)
if err is None:
errors.append((lineno, col+1, err))
return errors
return decor(new_func)
return decorator
def lint_content_find_check(find, **kwargs):
decor = lint_content_check(**kwargs)
def decorator(func):
def new_func(fname, content):
find_ = find
if callable(find):
find_ = find(fname, content)
errors = []
for line, col in find_all(content, find_):
err = func(fname)
errors.append((line+1, col+1, err))
return errors
return decor(new_func)
return decorator
def lint_ino(fname):
return "This file extension (.ino) is not allowed. Please use either .cpp or .h"
@lint_file_check(exclude=[f'*{f}' for f in file_types] + [
'.clang-*', '.dockerignore', '.editorconfig', '*.gitignore', 'LICENSE', 'pylintrc',
'MANIFEST.in', 'docker/Dockerfile*', 'docker/rootfs/*', 'script/*',
def lint_ext_check(fname):
return "This file extension is not a registered file type. If this is an error, please " \
"update the script/ci-custom.py script."
'docker/rootfs/*', 'script/*', 'setup.py'
def lint_executable_bit(fname):
ex = EXECUTABLE_BIT[fname]
if ex != 100644:
return 'File has invalid executable bit {}. If running from a windows machine please ' \
'see disabling executable bit in git.'.format(ex)
return None
@lint_content_find_check('\t', exclude=[
'esphome/dashboard/static/ace.js', 'esphome/dashboard/static/ext-searchbox.js',
def lint_tabs(fname):
return "File contains tab character. Please convert tabs to spaces."
def lint_newline(fname):
return "File contains windows newline. Please set your editor to unix newline mode."
def lint_end_newline(fname, content):
if content and not content.endswith('\n'):
return "File does not end with a newline, please add an empty line at the end of the file."
return None
CPP_RE_EOL = r'\s*?(?://.*?)?$'
def highlight(s):
return f'\033[36m{s}\033[0m'
@lint_re_check(r'^#define\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s+([0-9bx]+)' + CPP_RE_EOL,
include=cpp_include, exclude=['esphome/core/log.h'])
def lint_no_defines(fname, match):
s = highlight('static const uint8_t {} = {};'.format(match.group(1), match.group(2)))
return ("#define macros for integer constants are not allowed, please use "
"{} style instead (replace uint8_t with the appropriate "
"datatype). See also Google style guide.".format(s))
@lint_re_check(r'^\s*delay\((\d+)\);' + CPP_RE_EOL, include=cpp_include)
def lint_no_long_delays(fname, match):
duration_ms = int(match.group(1))
if duration_ms < 50:
return None
return (
"{} - long calls to delay() are not allowed in ESPHome because everything executes "
"in one thread. Calling delay() will block the main thread and slow down ESPHome.\n"
"If there's no way to work around the delay() and it doesn't execute often, please add "
"a '// NOLINT' comment to the line."
def lint_const_ordered(fname, content):
lines = content.splitlines()
errors = []
for start in ['CONF_', 'ICON_', 'UNIT_']:
matching = [(i+1, line) for i, line in enumerate(lines) if line.startswith(start)]
ordered = list(sorted(matching, key=lambda x: x[1].replace('_', ' ')))
ordered = [(mi, ol) for (mi, _), (_, ol) in zip(matching, ordered)]
for (mi, ml), (oi, ol) in zip(matching, ordered):
if ml == ol:
target = next(i for i, l in ordered if l == ml)
target_text = next(l for i, l in matching if target == i)
errors.append((ml, None,
"Constant {} is not ordered, please make sure all constants are ordered. "
"See line {} (should go to line {}, {})"
"".format(highlight(ml), mi, target, target_text)))
return errors
@lint_re_check(r'^\s*CONF_([A-Z_0-9a-z]+)\s+=\s+[\'"](.*?)[\'"]\s*?$', include=['*.py'])
def lint_conf_matches(fname, match):
const = match.group(1)
value = match.group(2)
const_norm = const.lower()
value_norm = value.replace('.', '_')
if const_norm == value_norm:
return None
return ("Constant {} does not match value {}! Please make sure the constant's name matches its "
"".format(highlight('CONF_' + const), highlight(value)))
CONF_RE = r'^(CONF_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*[\'"].*?[\'"]\s*?$'
with codecs.open('esphome/const.py', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f_handle:
constants_content = f_handle.read()
CONSTANTS = [m.group(1) for m in re.finditer(CONF_RE, constants_content, re.MULTILINE)]
CONSTANTS_USES = collections.defaultdict(list)
@lint_re_check(CONF_RE, include=['*.py'], exclude=['esphome/const.py'])
def lint_conf_from_const_py(fname, match):
name = match.group(1)
if name not in CONSTANTS:
return None
return ("Constant {} has already been defined in const.py - please import the constant from "
"const.py directly.".format(highlight(name)))
RAW_PIN_ACCESS_RE = r'^\s(pinMode|digitalWrite|digitalRead)\((.*)->get_pin\(\),\s*([^)]+).*\)'
@lint_re_check(RAW_PIN_ACCESS_RE, include=cpp_include)
def lint_no_raw_pin_access(fname, match):
func = match.group(1)
pin = match.group(2)
mode = match.group(3)
new_func = {
'pinMode': 'pin_mode',
'digitalWrite': 'digital_write',
'digitalRead': 'digital_read',
new_code = highlight(f'{pin}->{new_func}({mode})')
return (f"Don't use raw {func} calls. Instead, use the `->{new_func}` function: {new_code}")
# Functions from Arduino framework that are forbidden to use directly
'digitalWrite', 'digitalRead', 'pinMode',
'shiftOut', 'shiftIn',
'radians', 'degrees',
'interrupts', 'noInterrupts',
'lowByte', 'highByte',
'bitRead', 'bitSet', 'bitClear', 'bitWrite',
'bit', 'analogRead', 'analogWrite',
'pulseIn', 'pulseInLong',
ARDUINO_FORBIDDEN_RE = r'[^\w\d](' + r'|'.join(ARDUINO_FORBIDDEN) + r')\(.*'
@lint_re_check(ARDUINO_FORBIDDEN_RE, include=cpp_include, exclude=[
def lint_no_arduino_framework_functions(fname, match):
nolint = highlight("// NOLINT")
return (
f"The function {highlight(match.group(1))} from the Arduino framework is forbidden to be "
f"used directly in the ESPHome codebase. Please use ESPHome's abstractions and equivalent "
f"C++ instead.\n"
f"(If the function is strictly necessary, please add `{nolint}` to the end of the line)"
@lint_re_check(r'[^\w\d]byte\s+[\w\d]+\s*=.*', include=cpp_include, exclude={
def lint_no_byte_datatype(fname, match):
return (
f"The datatype {highlight('byte')} is not allowed to be used in ESPHome. "
f"Please use {highlight('uint8_t')} instead."
def lint_constants_usage():
errors = []
for constant, uses in CONSTANTS_USES.items():
if len(uses) < 4:
errors.append("Constant {} is defined in {} files. Please move all definitions of the "
"constant to const.py (Uses: {})"
"".format(highlight(constant), len(uses), ', '.join(uses)))
return errors
def relative_cpp_search_text(fname, content):
parts = fname.split('/')
integration = parts[2]
return f'#include "esphome/components/{integration}'
@lint_content_find_check(relative_cpp_search_text, include=['esphome/components/*.cpp'])
def lint_relative_cpp_import(fname):
return ("Component contains absolute import - Components must always use "
"relative imports.\n"
' #include "esphome/components/abc/abc.h"\n'
' #include "abc.h"\n\n')
def relative_py_search_text(fname, content):
parts = fname.split('/')
integration = parts[2]
return f'esphome.components.{integration}'
@lint_content_find_check(relative_py_search_text, include=['esphome/components/*.py'],
def lint_relative_py_import(fname):
return ("Component contains absolute import - Components must always use "
"relative imports within the integration.\n"
' from esphome.components.abc import abc_ns"\n'
' from . import abc_ns\n\n')
@lint_content_check(include=['esphome/components/*.h', 'esphome/components/*.cpp',
def lint_namespace(fname, content):
expected_name = re.match(r'^esphome/components/([^/]+)/.*',
fname.replace(os.path.sep, '/')).group(1)
search = f'namespace {expected_name}'
if search in content:
return None
return 'Invalid namespace found in C++ file. All integration C++ files should put all ' \
'functions in a separate namespace that matches the integration\'s name. ' \
'Please make sure the file contains {}'.format(highlight(search))
@lint_content_find_check('"esphome.h"', include=cpp_include, exclude=['tests/custom.h'])
def lint_esphome_h(fname):
return ("File contains reference to 'esphome.h' - This file is "
"auto-generated and should only be used for *custom* "
"components. Please replace with references to the direct files.")
def lint_pragma_once(fname, content):
if '#pragma once' not in content:
return ("Header file contains no 'pragma once' header guard. Please add a "
"'#pragma once' line at the top of the file.")
return None
@lint_re_check(r'(whitelist|blacklist|slave)', exclude=['script/ci-custom.py'],
def lint_inclusive_language(fname, match):
# From https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=49decddd39e5f6132ccd7d9fdc3d7c470b0061bb
return ("Avoid the use of whitelist/blacklist/slave.\n"
"Recommended replacements for 'master / slave' are:\n"
" '{primary,main} / {secondary,replica,subordinate}\n"
" '{initiator,requester} / {target,responder}'\n"
" '{controller,host} / {device,worker,proxy}'\n"
" 'leader / follower'\n"
" 'director / performer'\n"
"Recommended replacements for 'blacklist/whitelist' are:\n"
" 'denylist / allowlist'\n"
" 'blocklist / passlist'")
@lint_content_find_check('ESP_LOG', include=['*.h', '*.tcc'], exclude=[
def lint_log_in_header(fname):
return ('Found reference to ESP_LOG in header file. Using ESP_LOG* in header files '
'is currently not possible - please move the definition to a source file (.cpp)')
errors = collections.defaultdict(list)
def add_errors(fname, errs):
if not isinstance(errs, list):
errs = [errs]
for err in errs:
if err is None:
lineno, col, msg = err
except ValueError:
lineno = 1
col = 1
msg = err
if not isinstance(msg, str):
raise ValueError("Error is not instance of string!")
if not isinstance(lineno, int):
raise ValueError("Line number is not an int!")
if not isinstance(col, int):
raise ValueError("Column number is not an int!")
errors[fname].append((lineno, col, msg))
for fname in files:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
run_checks(LINT_FILE_CHECKS, fname, fname)
if ext in ignore_types:
with codecs.open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f_handle:
content = f_handle.read()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
add_errors(fname, "File is not readable as UTF-8. Please set your editor to UTF-8 mode.")
run_checks(LINT_CONTENT_CHECKS, fname, fname, content)
run_checks(LINT_POST_CHECKS, 'POST')
for f, errs in sorted(errors.items()):
print(f"\033[0;32m************* File \033[1;32m{f}\033[0m")
for lineno, col, msg in errs:
print(f"ERROR {f}:{lineno}:{col} - {msg}")