from __future__ import print_function import codecs import fnmatch import logging import os from collections import OrderedDict import yaml from esphomeyaml.core import ESPHomeYAMLError, HexInt, IPAddress _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Mostly copied from Home Assistant because that code works fine and # let's not reinvent the wheel here SECRET_YAML = u'secrets.yaml' class NodeListClass(list): """Wrapper class to be able to add attributes on a list.""" pass class NodeStrClass(unicode): """Wrapper class to be able to add attributes on a string.""" pass class SafeLineLoader(yaml.SafeLoader): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Loader class that keeps track of line numbers.""" def compose_node(self, parent, index): """Annotate a node with the first line it was seen.""" last_line = self.line # type: int node = super(SafeLineLoader, self).compose_node(parent, index) # type: yaml.nodes.Node node.__line__ = last_line + 1 return node def load_yaml(fname): """Load a YAML file.""" try: with, encoding='utf-8') as conf_file: return yaml.load(conf_file, Loader=SafeLineLoader) or OrderedDict() except yaml.YAMLError as exc: _LOGGER.error(exc) raise ESPHomeYAMLError(exc) except UnicodeDecodeError as exc: _LOGGER.error(u"Unable to read file %s: %s", fname, exc) raise ESPHomeYAMLError(exc) def dump(dict_): """Dump YAML to a string and remove null.""" return yaml.safe_dump( dict_, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True) def _ordered_dict(loader, node): """Load YAML mappings into an ordered dictionary to preserve key order.""" loader.flatten_mapping(node) nodes = loader.construct_pairs(node) seen = {} for (key, _), (child_node, _) in zip(nodes, node.value): line = child_node.start_mark.line try: hash(key) except TypeError: fname = getattr(, 'name', '') raise yaml.MarkedYAMLError( context="invalid key: \"{}\"".format(key), context_mark=yaml.Mark(fname, 0, line, -1, None, None) ) if key in seen: fname = getattr(, 'name', '') raise ESPHomeYAMLError(u'YAML file {} contains duplicate key "{}". ' u'Check lines {} and {}.'.format(fname, key, seen[key], line)) seen[key] = line return _add_reference(OrderedDict(nodes), loader, node) def _construct_seq(loader, node): """Add line number and file name to Load YAML sequence.""" obj, = loader.construct_yaml_seq(node) return _add_reference(obj, loader, node) def _add_reference(obj, loader, node): """Add file reference information to an object.""" if isinstance(obj, (str, unicode)): obj = NodeStrClass(obj) if isinstance(obj, list): return obj setattr(obj, '__config_file__', setattr(obj, '__line__', node.start_mark.line) return obj def _env_var_yaml(_, node): """Load environment variables and embed it into the configuration YAML.""" args = node.value.split() # Check for a default value if len(args) > 1: return os.getenv(args[0], u' '.join(args[1:])) elif args[0] in os.environ: return os.environ[args[0]] raise ESPHomeYAMLError(u"Environment variable {} not defined.".format(node.value)) def _include_yaml(loader, node): """Load another YAML file and embeds it using the !include tag. Example: device_tracker: !include device_tracker.yaml """ fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, node.value) return _add_reference(load_yaml(fname), loader, node) def _is_file_valid(name): """Decide if a file is valid.""" return not name.startswith(u'.') def _find_files(directory, pattern): """Recursively load files in a directory.""" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory, topdown=True): dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if _is_file_valid(d)] for basename in files: if _is_file_valid(basename) and fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, pattern): filename = os.path.join(root, basename) yield filename def _include_dir_named_yaml(loader, node): """Load multiple files from directory as a dictionary.""" mapping = OrderedDict() # type: OrderedDict loc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, node.value) for fname in _find_files(loc, '*.yaml'): filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] mapping[filename] = load_yaml(fname) return _add_reference(mapping, loader, node) def _include_dir_merge_named_yaml(loader, node): """Load multiple files from directory as a merged dictionary.""" mapping = OrderedDict() # type: OrderedDict loc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, node.value) for fname in _find_files(loc, '*.yaml'): if os.path.basename(fname) == SECRET_YAML: continue loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname) if isinstance(loaded_yaml, dict): mapping.update(loaded_yaml) return _add_reference(mapping, loader, node) def _include_dir_list_yaml(loader, node): """Load multiple files from directory as a list.""" loc = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, node.value) return [load_yaml(f) for f in _find_files(loc, '*.yaml') if os.path.basename(f) != SECRET_YAML] def _include_dir_merge_list_yaml(loader, node): """Load multiple files from directory as a merged list.""" path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, node.value) merged_list = [] for fname in _find_files(path, '*.yaml'): if os.path.basename(fname) == SECRET_YAML: continue loaded_yaml = load_yaml(fname) if isinstance(loaded_yaml, list): merged_list.extend(loaded_yaml) return _add_reference(merged_list, loader, node) # pylint: disable=protected-access def _secret_yaml(loader, node): """Load secrets and embed it into the configuration YAML.""" secret_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, SECRET_YAML) secrets = load_yaml(secret_path) if node.value not in secrets: raise ESPHomeYAMLError(u"Secret {} not defined".format(node.value)) return secrets[node.value] yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, _ordered_dict) yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_TAG, _construct_seq) yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor('!env_var', _env_var_yaml) yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor('!secret', _secret_yaml) yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor('!include', _include_yaml) yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor('!include_dir_list', _include_dir_list_yaml) yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor('!include_dir_merge_list', _include_dir_merge_list_yaml) yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor('!include_dir_named', _include_dir_named_yaml) yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor('!include_dir_merge_named', _include_dir_merge_named_yaml) # From: # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def represent_odict(dump, tag, mapping, flow_style=None): """Like BaseRepresenter.represent_mapping but does not issue the sort().""" value = [] node = yaml.MappingNode(tag, value, flow_style=flow_style) if dump.alias_key is not None: dump.represented_objects[dump.alias_key] = node best_style = True if hasattr(mapping, 'items'): mapping = mapping.items() for item_key, item_value in mapping: node_key = dump.represent_data(item_key) node_value = dump.represent_data(item_value) if not (isinstance(node_key, yaml.ScalarNode) and not best_style = False if not (isinstance(node_value, yaml.ScalarNode) and not best_style = False value.append((node_key, node_value)) if flow_style is None: if dump.default_flow_style is not None: node.flow_style = dump.default_flow_style else: node.flow_style = best_style return node def unicode_representer(_, uni): node = yaml.ScalarNode(tag=u',2002:str', value=uni) return node def hex_int_representer(_, data): node = yaml.ScalarNode(tag=u',2002:int', value=str(data)) return node def ipaddress_representer(_, data): node = yaml.ScalarNode(tag=u',2002:str', value=str(data)) return node yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer( OrderedDict, lambda dumper, value: represent_odict(dumper, ',2002:map', value) ) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer( NodeListClass, lambda dumper, value: dumper.represent_sequence(dumper, ',2002:map', value) ) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(unicode, unicode_representer) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(HexInt, hex_int_representer) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(IPAddress, ipaddress_representer)