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if (!begin && hasNewPort) M.toast({html: "Discovered new serial port."}); }); }; const getUploadPort = () => { const inst = M.FormSelect.getInstance(portSelect); if (inst === undefined) { return "OTA"; } inst._setSelectedStates(); return inst.getSelectedValues()[0]; }; setInterval(fetchSerialPorts, 5000); fetchSerialPorts(true); const logsModalElem = document.getElementById("modal-logs"); document.querySelectorAll(".action-show-logs").forEach((showLogs) => { showLogs.addEventListener('click', (e) => { configuration ='data-node'); const modalInstance = M.Modal.getInstance(logsModalElem); const log = logsModalElem.querySelector(".log"); log.innerHTML = ""; const colorState = initializeColorState(); const stopLogsButton = logsModalElem.querySelector(".stop-logs"); let stopped = false; stopLogsButton.innerHTML = "Stop";; const filenameField = logsModalElem.querySelector('.filename'); filenameField.innerHTML = configuration; const logSocket = new WebSocket(wsUrl + "/logs"); logSocket.addEventListener('message', (event) => { const data = JSON.parse(; 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} stopLogsButton.innerHTML = "Close"; stopped = true; } }); logSocket.addEventListener('open', () => { const msg = JSON.stringify({configuration: configuration}); logSocket.send(msg); }); logSocket.addEventListener('close', () => { if (!stopped) { M.toast({html: 'Terminated process.'}); } }); modalInstance.options.onCloseStart = () => { logSocket.close(); }; }); }); const compileModalElem = document.getElementById("modal-compile"); const downloadButton = compileModalElem.querySelector('.download-binary'); document.querySelectorAll(".action-compile").forEach((upload) => { upload.addEventListener('click', (e) => { configuration ='data-node'); const modalInstance = M.Modal.getInstance(compileModalElem); const log = compileModalElem.querySelector(".log"); log.innerHTML = ""; const colorState = initializeColorState(); const stopLogsButton = compileModalElem.querySelector(".stop-logs"); let stopped = false; stopLogsButton.innerHTML = "Stop"; downloadButton.classList.add('disabled');; const filenameField = compileModalElem.querySelector('.filename'); filenameField.innerHTML = configuration; const logSocket = new WebSocket(wsUrl + "/compile"); logSocket.addEventListener('message', (event) => { const data = JSON.parse(; if (data.event === "line") { colorReplace(log, colorState,; } else if (data.event === "exit") { if (data.code === 0) { M.toast({html: "Program exited successfully."}); downloadButton.classList.remove('disabled'); } else { M.toast({html: `Program failed with code ${data.code}`}); } stopLogsButton.innerHTML = "Close"; stopped = true; } }); logSocket.addEventListener('open', () => { const msg = JSON.stringify({configuration: configuration}); logSocket.send(msg); }); logSocket.addEventListener('close', () => { if (!stopped) { M.toast({html: 'Terminated process.'}); } }); modalInstance.options.onCloseStart = () => { logSocket.close(); }; }); }); downloadButton.addEventListener('click', () => { const link = document.createElement("a"); = name; link.href = '/download.bin?configuration=' + encodeURIComponent(configuration);; 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logSocket.send(msg); }); logSocket.addEventListener('close', () => { if (!stopped) { M.toast({html: 'Terminated process.'}); } }); modalInstance.options.onCloseStart = () => { logSocket.close(); }; }); }); const cleanModalElem = document.getElementById("modal-clean"); document.querySelectorAll(".action-clean").forEach((btn) => { btn.addEventListener('click', (e) => { configuration ='data-node'); const modalInstance = M.Modal.getInstance(cleanModalElem); const log = cleanModalElem.querySelector(".log"); log.innerHTML = ""; const colorState = initializeColorState(); const stopLogsButton = cleanModalElem.querySelector(".stop-logs"); let stopped = false; stopLogsButton.innerHTML = "Stop";; const filenameField = cleanModalElem.querySelector('.filename'); filenameField.innerHTML = configuration; const logSocket = new WebSocket(wsUrl + "/clean"); logSocket.addEventListener('message', (event) => { const data = JSON.parse(; if (data.event === "line") { colorReplace(log, colorState,; } else if (data.event === "exit") { if (data.code === 0) { M.toast({html: "Program exited successfully."}); downloadButton.classList.remove('disabled'); } else { M.toast({html: `Program failed with code ${data.code}`}); } stopLogsButton.innerHTML = "Close"; stopped = true; } }); logSocket.addEventListener('open', () => { const msg = JSON.stringify({configuration: configuration}); logSocket.send(msg); }); logSocket.addEventListener('close', () => { if (!stopped) { M.toast({html: 'Terminated process.'}); } }); modalInstance.options.onCloseStart = () => { logSocket.close(); }; }); }); const hassConfigModalElem = document.getElementById("modal-hass-config"); document.querySelectorAll(".action-hass-config").forEach((btn) => { btn.addEventListener('click', (e) => { configuration ='data-node'); const modalInstance = M.Modal.getInstance(hassConfigModalElem); const log = hassConfigModalElem.querySelector(".log"); log.innerHTML = ""; const colorState = initializeColorState(); const stopLogsButton = hassConfigModalElem.querySelector(".stop-logs"); let stopped = false; stopLogsButton.innerHTML = "Stop";; const filenameField = hassConfigModalElem.querySelector('.filename'); filenameField.innerHTML = configuration; const logSocket = new WebSocket(wsUrl + "/hass-config"); logSocket.addEventListener('message', (event) => { const data = JSON.parse(; if (data.event === "line") { colorReplace(log, colorState,; } else if (data.event === "exit") { if (data.code === 0) { M.toast({html: "Program exited successfully."}); downloadButton.classList.remove('disabled'); } else { M.toast({html: `Program failed with code ${data.code}`}); } stopLogsButton.innerHTML = "Close"; stopped = true; } }); logSocket.addEventListener('open', () => { const msg = JSON.stringify({configuration: configuration}); logSocket.send(msg); }); logSocket.addEventListener('close', () => { if (!stopped) { M.toast({html: 'Terminated process.'}); } }); modalInstance.options.onCloseStart = () => { logSocket.close(); }; }); }); const editModalElem = document.getElementById("modal-editor"); const editorElem = editModalElem.querySelector("#editor"); 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