syntax = "proto3"; // The Home Assistant protocol is structured as a simple // TCP socket with short binary messages encoded in the protocol buffers format // First, a message in this protocol has a specific format: // * VarInt denoting the size of the message object. (type is not part of this) // * VarInt denoting the type of message. // * The message object encoded as a ProtoBuf message // The connection is established in 4 steps: // * First, the client connects to the server and sends a "Hello Request" identifying itself // * The server responds with a "Hello Response" and selects the protocol version // * After receiving this message, the client attempts to authenticate itself using // the password and a "Connect Request" // * The server responds with a "Connect Response" and notifies of invalid password. // If anything in this initial process fails, the connection must immediately closed // by both sides and _no_ disconnection message is to be sent. // Message sent at the beginning of each connection // Can only be sent by the client and only at the beginning of the connection message HelloRequest { // Description of client (like User Agent) // For example "Home Assistant" // Not strictly necessary to send but nice for debugging // purposes. string client_info = 1; } // Confirmation of successful connection request. // Can only be sent by the server and only at the beginning of the connection message HelloResponse { // The version of the API to use. The _client_ (for example Home Assistant) needs to check // for compatibility and if necessary adopt to an older API. // Major is for breaking changes in the base protocol - a mismatch will lead to immediate disconnect_client_ // Minor is for breaking changes in individual messages - a mismatch will lead to a warning message uint32 api_version_major = 1; uint32 api_version_minor = 2; // A string identifying the server (ESP); like client info this may be empty // and only exists for debugging/logging purposes. // For example "ESPHome v1.10.0 on ESP8266" string server_info = 3; } // Message sent at the beginning of each connection to authenticate the client // Can only be sent by the client and only at the beginning of the connection message ConnectRequest { // The password to log in with string password = 1; } // Confirmation of successful connection. After this the connection is available for all traffic. // Can only be sent by the server and only at the beginning of the connection message ConnectResponse { bool invalid_password = 1; } // Request to close the connection. // Can be sent by both the client and server message DisconnectRequest { // Do not close the connection before the acknowledgement arrives } message DisconnectResponse { // Empty - Both parties are required to close the connection after this // message has been received. } message PingRequest { // Empty } message PingResponse { // Empty } message DeviceInfoRequest { // Empty } message DeviceInfoResponse { bool uses_password = 1; // The name of the node, given by "App.set_name()" string name = 2; // The mac address of the device. For example "AC:BC:32:89:0E:A9" string mac_address = 3; // A string describing the ESPHome version. For example "1.10.0" string esphome_core_version = 4; // A string describing the date of compilation, this is generated by the compiler // and therefore may not be in the same format all the time. // If the user isn't using esphomeyaml, this will also not be set. string compilation_time = 5; // The model of the board. For example NodeMCU string model = 6; bool has_deep_sleep = 7; } message ListEntitiesRequest { // Empty } message ListEntitiesBinarySensorResponse { string object_id = 1; fixed32 key = 2; string name = 3; string unique_id = 4; string device_class = 5; bool is_status_binary_sensor = 6; } message ListEntitiesCoverResponse { string object_id = 1; fixed32 key = 2; string name = 3; string unique_id = 4; bool is_optimistic = 5; } message ListEntitiesFanResponse { string object_id = 1; fixed32 key = 2; string name = 3; string unique_id = 4; bool supports_oscillation = 5; bool supports_speed = 6; } message ListEntitiesLightResponse { string object_id = 1; fixed32 key = 2; string name = 3; string unique_id = 4; bool supports_brightness = 5; bool supports_rgb = 6; bool supports_white_value = 7; bool supports_color_temperature = 8; float min_mireds = 9; float max_mireds = 10; repeated string effects = 11; } message ListEntitiesSensorResponse { string object_id = 1; fixed32 key = 2; string name = 3; string unique_id = 4; string icon = 5; string unit_of_measurement = 6; int32 accuracy_decimals = 7; } message ListEntitiesSwitchResponse { string object_id = 1; fixed32 key = 2; string name = 3; string unique_id = 4; string icon = 5; bool optimistic = 6; } message ListEntitiesTextSensorResponse { string object_id = 1; fixed32 key = 2; string name = 3; string unique_id = 4; string icon = 5; } message ListEntitiesDoneResponse { // Empty } message SubscribeStatesRequest { // Empty } message BinarySensorStateResponse { fixed32 key = 1; bool state = 2; } message CoverStateResponse { fixed32 key = 1; enum CoverState { OPEN = 0; CLOSED = 1; } CoverState state = 2; } enum FanSpeed { LOW = 0; MEDIUM = 1; HIGH = 2; } message FanStateResponse { fixed32 key = 1; bool state = 2; bool oscillating = 3; FanSpeed speed = 4; } message LightStateResponse { fixed32 key = 1; bool state = 2; float brightness = 3; float red = 4; float green = 5; float blue = 6; float white = 7; float color_temperature = 8; string effect = 9; } message SensorStateResponse { fixed32 key = 1; float state = 2; } message SwitchStateResponse { fixed32 key = 1; bool state = 2; } message TextSensorStateResponse { fixed32 key = 1; string state = 2; } message CoverCommandRequest { fixed32 key = 1; enum CoverCommand { OPEN = 0; CLOSE = 1; STOP = 2; } bool has_state = 2; CoverCommand command = 3; } message FanCommandRequest { fixed32 key = 1; bool has_state = 2; bool state = 3; bool has_speed = 4; FanSpeed speed = 5; bool has_oscillating = 6; bool oscillating = 7; } message LightCommandRequest { fixed32 key = 1; bool has_state = 2; bool state = 3; bool has_brightness = 4; float brightness = 5; bool has_rgb = 6; float red = 7; float green = 8; float blue = 9; bool has_white = 10; float white = 11; bool has_color_temperature = 12; float color_temperature = 13; bool has_transition_length = 14; uint32 transition_length = 15; bool has_flash_length = 16; uint32 flash_length = 17; bool has_effect = 18; string effect = 19; } message SwitchCommandRequest { fixed32 key = 1; bool state = 2; } enum LogLevel { NONE = 0; ERROR = 1; WARN = 2; INFO = 3; DEBUG = 4; VERBOSE = 5; VERY_VERBOSE = 6; } message SubscribeLogsRequest { LogLevel level = 1; bool dump_config = 2; } message SubscribeLogsResponse { LogLevel level = 1; string tag = 2; string message = 3; } message SubscribeServiceCallsRequest { } message ServiceCallResponse { string service = 1; map data = 2; map data_template = 3; map variables = 4; } // 1. Client sends SubscribeHomeAssistantStatesRequest // 2. Server responds with zero or more SubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse (async) // 3. Client sends HomeAssistantStateResponse for state changes. message SubscribeHomeAssistantStatesRequest { } message SubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse { string entity_id = 1; } message HomeAssistantStateResponse { string entity_id = 1; string state = 2; } message GetTimeRequest { } message GetTimeResponse { fixed32 epoch_seconds = 1; }