import logging import multiprocessing import os import re import esphome.codegen as cg import esphome.config_validation as cv from esphome import automation from esphome.const import ( CONF_ARDUINO_VERSION, CONF_BOARD, CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE, CONF_BUILD_PATH, CONF_COMMENT, CONF_COMPILE_PROCESS_LIMIT, CONF_ESPHOME, CONF_FRAMEWORK, CONF_INCLUDES, CONF_LIBRARIES, CONF_MIN_VERSION, CONF_NAME, CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME, CONF_ON_BOOT, CONF_ON_LOOP, CONF_ON_SHUTDOWN, CONF_PLATFORM, CONF_PLATFORMIO_OPTIONS, CONF_PRIORITY, CONF_PROJECT, CONF_SOURCE, CONF_TRIGGER_ID, CONF_TYPE, CONF_VERSION, KEY_CORE, TARGET_PLATFORMS, PLATFORM_ESP8266, __version__ as ESPHOME_VERSION, ) from esphome.core import CORE, coroutine_with_priority from esphome.helpers import copy_file_if_changed, walk_files _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) BUILD_FLASH_MODES = ["qio", "qout", "dio", "dout"] StartupTrigger = cg.esphome_ns.class_( "StartupTrigger", cg.Component, automation.Trigger.template() ) ShutdownTrigger = cg.esphome_ns.class_( "ShutdownTrigger", cg.Component, automation.Trigger.template() ) LoopTrigger = cg.esphome_ns.class_( "LoopTrigger", cg.Component, automation.Trigger.template() ) VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(r"^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:[ab]\d+)?$") CONF_NAME_ADD_MAC_SUFFIX = "name_add_mac_suffix" VALID_INCLUDE_EXTS = {".h", ".hpp", ".tcc", ".ino", ".cpp", ".c"} def validate_hostname(config): max_length = 31 if config[CONF_NAME_ADD_MAC_SUFFIX]: max_length -= 7 # "-AABBCC" is appended when add mac suffix option is used if len(config[CONF_NAME]) > max_length: raise cv.Invalid( f"Hostnames can only be {max_length} characters long", path=[CONF_NAME] ) if "_" in config[CONF_NAME]: _LOGGER.warning( "'%s': Using the '_' (underscore) character in the hostname is discouraged " "as it can cause problems with some DHCP and local name services. " "For more information, see", config[CONF_NAME], ) return config def valid_include(value): try: return except cv.Invalid: pass value = cv.file_(value) _, ext = os.path.splitext(value) if ext not in VALID_INCLUDE_EXTS: raise cv.Invalid( f"Include has invalid file extension {ext} - valid extensions are {', '.join(VALID_INCLUDE_EXTS)}" ) return value def valid_project_name(value: str): if value.count(".") != 1: raise cv.Invalid("project name needs to have a namespace") value = value.replace(" ", "_") return value def validate_version(value: str): min_version = cv.Version.parse(value) current_version = cv.Version.parse(ESPHOME_VERSION) if current_version < min_version: raise cv.Invalid( f"Your ESPHome version is too old. Please update to at least {min_version}" ) return value if "ESPHOME_DEFAULT_COMPILE_PROCESS_LIMIT" in os.environ: _compile_process_limit_default = min( int(os.environ["ESPHOME_DEFAULT_COMPILE_PROCESS_LIMIT"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count(), ) else: _compile_process_limit_default = cv.UNDEFINED CONF_ESP8266_RESTORE_FROM_FLASH = "esp8266_restore_from_flash" CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All( cv.Schema( { cv.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.valid_name, cv.Optional(CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME, ""): cv.string, cv.Optional(CONF_COMMENT): cv.string, cv.Required(CONF_BUILD_PATH): cv.string, cv.Optional(CONF_PLATFORMIO_OPTIONS, default={}): cv.Schema( { cv.string_strict: cv.Any([cv.string], cv.string), } ), cv.Optional(CONF_ON_BOOT): automation.validate_automation( { cv.GenerateID(CONF_TRIGGER_ID): cv.declare_id(StartupTrigger), cv.Optional(CONF_PRIORITY, default=600.0): cv.float_, } ), cv.Optional(CONF_ON_SHUTDOWN): automation.validate_automation( { cv.GenerateID(CONF_TRIGGER_ID): cv.declare_id(ShutdownTrigger), cv.Optional(CONF_PRIORITY, default=600.0): cv.float_, } ), cv.Optional(CONF_ON_LOOP): automation.validate_automation( { cv.GenerateID(CONF_TRIGGER_ID): cv.declare_id(LoopTrigger), } ), cv.Optional(CONF_INCLUDES, default=[]): cv.ensure_list(valid_include), cv.Optional(CONF_LIBRARIES, default=[]): cv.ensure_list(cv.string_strict), cv.Optional(CONF_NAME_ADD_MAC_SUFFIX, default=False): cv.boolean, cv.Optional(CONF_PROJECT): cv.Schema( { cv.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.All( cv.string_strict, valid_project_name ), cv.Required(CONF_VERSION): cv.string_strict, } ), cv.Optional(CONF_MIN_VERSION, default=ESPHOME_VERSION): cv.All( cv.version_number, validate_version ), cv.Optional( CONF_COMPILE_PROCESS_LIMIT, default=_compile_process_limit_default ): cv.int_range(min=1, max=multiprocessing.cpu_count()), } ), validate_hostname, ) PRELOAD_CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.Schema( { cv.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.valid_name, cv.Optional(CONF_BUILD_PATH): cv.string, # Compat options, these were moved to target-platform specific sections # but we'll keep these around for a long time because every config would # be impacted cv.Optional(CONF_PLATFORM): cv.one_of(*TARGET_PLATFORMS, lower=True), cv.Optional(CONF_BOARD): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_ESP8266_RESTORE_FROM_FLASH): cv.valid, cv.Optional(CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE): cv.valid, cv.Optional(CONF_ARDUINO_VERSION): cv.valid, }, extra=cv.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) def preload_core_config(config, result): with cv.prepend_path(CONF_ESPHOME): conf = PRELOAD_CONFIG_SCHEMA(config[CONF_ESPHOME]) = conf[CONF_NAME] CORE.friendly_name = conf.get(CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME)[KEY_CORE] = {} if CONF_BUILD_PATH not in conf: conf[CONF_BUILD_PATH] = f".esphome/build/{}" CORE.build_path = CORE.relative_config_path(conf[CONF_BUILD_PATH]) has_oldstyle = CONF_PLATFORM in conf newstyle_found = [key for key in TARGET_PLATFORMS if key in config] oldstyle_opts = [ CONF_ESP8266_RESTORE_FROM_FLASH, CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE, CONF_ARDUINO_VERSION, CONF_BOARD, ] if not has_oldstyle and not newstyle_found: raise cv.Invalid( "Platform missing. You must include one of the available platform keys: " + ", ".join(TARGET_PLATFORMS), [CONF_ESPHOME], ) if has_oldstyle and newstyle_found: raise cv.Invalid( f"Please remove the `platform` key from the [esphome] block. You're already using the new style with the [{conf[CONF_PLATFORM]}] block", [CONF_ESPHOME, CONF_PLATFORM], ) if len(newstyle_found) > 1: raise cv.Invalid( f"Found multiple target platform blocks: {', '.join(newstyle_found)}. Only one is allowed.", [newstyle_found[0]], ) if newstyle_found: # Convert to newstyle for key in oldstyle_opts: if key in conf: raise cv.Invalid( f"Please move {key} to the [{newstyle_found[0]}] block.", [CONF_ESPHOME, key], ) if has_oldstyle: plat = conf.pop(CONF_PLATFORM) plat_conf = {} if CONF_ESP8266_RESTORE_FROM_FLASH in conf: plat_conf["restore_from_flash"] = conf.pop(CONF_ESP8266_RESTORE_FROM_FLASH) if CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE in conf: plat_conf[CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE] = conf.pop(CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE) if CONF_ARDUINO_VERSION in conf: plat_conf[CONF_FRAMEWORK] = {} if plat != PLATFORM_ESP8266: plat_conf[CONF_FRAMEWORK][CONF_TYPE] = "arduino" try: if conf[CONF_ARDUINO_VERSION] not in ("recommended", "latest", "dev"): cv.Version.parse(conf[CONF_ARDUINO_VERSION]) plat_conf[CONF_FRAMEWORK][CONF_VERSION] = conf.pop(CONF_ARDUINO_VERSION) except ValueError: plat_conf[CONF_FRAMEWORK][CONF_SOURCE] = conf.pop(CONF_ARDUINO_VERSION) if CONF_BOARD in conf: plat_conf[CONF_BOARD] = conf.pop(CONF_BOARD) # Insert generated target platform config to main config config[plat] = plat_conf config[CONF_ESPHOME] = conf def include_file(path, basename): parts = basename.split(os.path.sep) dst = CORE.relative_src_path(*parts) copy_file_if_changed(path, dst) _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if ext in [".h", ".hpp", ".tcc"]: # Header, add include statement cg.add_global(cg.RawStatement(f'#include "{basename}"')) ARDUINO_GLUE_CODE = """\ #define yield() esphome::yield() #define millis() esphome::millis() #define micros() esphome::micros() #define delay(x) esphome::delay(x) #define delayMicroseconds(x) esphome::delayMicroseconds(x) """ @coroutine_with_priority(-999.0) async def add_arduino_global_workaround(): # The Arduino framework defined these itself in the global # namespace. For the esphome codebase that is not a problem, # but when custom code # 1. writes `millis()` for example AND # 2. has `using namespace esphome;` like our guides suggest # Then the compiler will complain that the call is ambiguous # Define a hacky macro so that the call is never ambiguous # and always uses the esphome namespace one. # See also # Priority -999 so that it runs before adding includes, as those # also might reference these symbols for line in ARDUINO_GLUE_CODE.splitlines(): cg.add_global(cg.RawStatement(line)) @coroutine_with_priority(-1000.0) async def add_includes(includes): # Add includes at the very end, so that the included files can access global variables for include in includes: path = CORE.relative_config_path(include) if os.path.isdir(path): # Directory, copy tree for p in walk_files(path): basename = os.path.relpath(p, os.path.dirname(path)) include_file(p, basename) else: # Copy file basename = os.path.basename(path) include_file(path, basename) @coroutine_with_priority(-1000.0) async def _add_platformio_options(pio_options): # Add includes at the very end, so that they override everything for key, val in pio_options.items(): cg.add_platformio_option(key, val) @coroutine_with_priority(30.0) async def _add_automations(config): for conf in config.get(CONF_ON_BOOT, []): trigger = cg.new_Pvariable(conf[CONF_TRIGGER_ID], conf.get(CONF_PRIORITY)) await cg.register_component(trigger, conf) await automation.build_automation(trigger, [], conf) for conf in config.get(CONF_ON_SHUTDOWN, []): trigger = cg.new_Pvariable(conf[CONF_TRIGGER_ID], conf.get(CONF_PRIORITY)) await cg.register_component(trigger, conf) await automation.build_automation(trigger, [], conf) for conf in config.get(CONF_ON_LOOP, []): trigger = cg.new_Pvariable(conf[CONF_TRIGGER_ID]) await cg.register_component(trigger, conf) await automation.build_automation(trigger, [], conf) @coroutine_with_priority(100.0) async def to_code(config): cg.add_global(cg.global_ns.namespace("esphome").using) # These can be used by user lambdas, put them to default scope cg.add_global(cg.RawExpression("using std::isnan")) cg.add_global(cg.RawExpression("using std::min")) cg.add_global(cg.RawExpression("using std::max")) cg.add( cg.App.pre_setup( config[CONF_NAME], config[CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME], config.get(CONF_COMMENT, ""), cg.RawExpression('__DATE__ ", " __TIME__'), config[CONF_NAME_ADD_MAC_SUFFIX], ) ) CORE.add_job(_add_automations, config) cg.add_build_flag("-fno-exceptions") # Libraries for lib in config[CONF_LIBRARIES]: if "@" in lib: name, vers = lib.split("@", 1) cg.add_library(name, vers) elif "://" in lib: # Repository... if "=" in lib: name, repo = lib.split("=", 1) cg.add_library(name, None, repo) else: cg.add_library(None, None, lib) else: cg.add_library(lib, None) cg.add_build_flag("-Wno-unused-variable") cg.add_build_flag("-Wno-unused-but-set-variable") cg.add_build_flag("-Wno-sign-compare") if CORE.using_arduino: CORE.add_job(add_arduino_global_workaround) if config[CONF_INCLUDES]: CORE.add_job(add_includes, config[CONF_INCLUDES]) if CONF_PROJECT in config: cg.add_define("ESPHOME_PROJECT_NAME", config[CONF_PROJECT][CONF_NAME]) cg.add_define("ESPHOME_PROJECT_VERSION", config[CONF_PROJECT][CONF_VERSION]) if config[CONF_PLATFORMIO_OPTIONS]: CORE.add_job(_add_platformio_options, config[CONF_PLATFORMIO_OPTIONS])