#include "ota_component.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "esphome/core/helpers.h" #include "esphome/core/application.h" #include "esphome/core/util.h" #include #include #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #include #endif #include namespace esphome { namespace ota { static const char *TAG = "ota"; uint8_t OTA_VERSION_1_0 = 1; void OTAComponent::setup() { this->server_ = new WiFiServer(this->port_); this->server_->begin(); this->dump_config(); } void OTAComponent::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Over-The-Air Updates:"); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Address: %s:%u", network_get_address().c_str(), this->port_); if (!this->password_.empty()) { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Using Password."); } if (this->has_safe_mode_ && this->safe_mode_rtc_value_ > 1) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Last Boot was an unhandled reset, will proceed to safe mode in %d restarts", this->safe_mode_num_attempts_ - this->safe_mode_rtc_value_); } } void OTAComponent::loop() { this->handle_(); if (this->has_safe_mode_ && (millis() - this->safe_mode_start_time_) > this->safe_mode_enable_time_) { this->has_safe_mode_ = false; // successful boot, reset counter ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter."); this->clean_rtc(); } } void OTAComponent::handle_() { OTAResponseTypes error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_UNKNOWN; bool update_started = false; uint32_t total = 0; uint32_t last_progress = 0; uint8_t buf[1024]; char *sbuf = reinterpret_cast(buf); uint32_t ota_size; uint8_t ota_features; (void) ota_features; if (!this->client_.connected()) { this->client_ = this->server_->available(); if (!this->client_.connected()) return; } // enable nodelay for outgoing data this->client_.setNoDelay(true); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Starting OTA Update from %s...", this->client_.remoteIP().toString().c_str()); this->status_set_warning(); if (!this->wait_receive_(buf, 5)) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Reading magic bytes failed!"); goto error; } // 0x6C, 0x26, 0xF7, 0x5C, 0x45 if (buf[0] != 0x6C || buf[1] != 0x26 || buf[2] != 0xF7 || buf[3] != 0x5C || buf[4] != 0x45) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Magic bytes do not match! 0x%02X-0x%02X-0x%02X-0x%02X-0x%02X", buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4]); error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_MAGIC; goto error; } // Send OK and version - 2 bytes this->client_.write(OTA_RESPONSE_OK); this->client_.write(OTA_VERSION_1_0); // Read features - 1 byte if (!this->wait_receive_(buf, 1)) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Reading features failed!"); goto error; } ota_features = buf[0]; // NOLINT ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OTA features is 0x%02X", ota_features); // Acknowledge header - 1 byte this->client_.write(OTA_RESPONSE_HEADER_OK); if (!this->password_.empty()) { this->client_.write(OTA_RESPONSE_REQUEST_AUTH); MD5Builder md5_builder{}; md5_builder.begin(); sprintf(sbuf, "%08X", random_uint32()); md5_builder.add(sbuf); md5_builder.calculate(); md5_builder.getChars(sbuf); ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Auth: Nonce is %s", sbuf); // Send nonce, 32 bytes hex MD5 if (this->client_.write(reinterpret_cast(sbuf), 32) != 32) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Auth: Writing nonce failed!"); goto error; } // prepare challenge md5_builder.begin(); md5_builder.add(this->password_.c_str()); // add nonce md5_builder.add(sbuf); // Receive cnonce, 32 bytes hex MD5 if (!this->wait_receive_(buf, 32)) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Auth: Reading cnonce failed!"); goto error; } sbuf[32] = '\0'; ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Auth: CNonce is %s", sbuf); // add cnonce md5_builder.add(sbuf); // calculate result md5_builder.calculate(); md5_builder.getChars(sbuf); ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Auth: Result is %s", sbuf); // Receive result, 32 bytes hex MD5 if (!this->wait_receive_(buf + 64, 32)) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Auth: Reading response failed!"); goto error; } sbuf[64 + 32] = '\0'; ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Auth: Response is %s", sbuf + 64); bool matches = true; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) matches = matches && buf[i] == buf[64 + i]; if (!matches) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Auth failed! Passwords do not match!"); error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_AUTH_INVALID; goto error; } } // Acknowledge auth OK - 1 byte this->client_.write(OTA_RESPONSE_AUTH_OK); // Read size, 4 bytes MSB first if (!this->wait_receive_(buf, 4)) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Reading size failed!"); goto error; } ota_size = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ota_size <<= 8; ota_size |= buf[i]; } ESP_LOGV(TAG, "OTA size is %u bytes", ota_size); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 global_preferences.prevent_write(true); #endif if (!Update.begin(ota_size, U_FLASH)) { StreamString ss; Update.printError(ss); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 if (ss.indexOf("Invalid bootstrapping") != -1) { error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_INVALID_BOOTSTRAPPING; goto error; } if (ss.indexOf("new Flash config wrong") != -1 || ss.indexOf("new Flash config wsong") != -1) { error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_WRONG_NEW_FLASH_CONFIG; goto error; } if (ss.indexOf("Flash config wrong real") != -1 || ss.indexOf("Flash config wsong real") != -1) { error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_WRONG_CURRENT_FLASH_CONFIG; goto error; } if (ss.indexOf("Not Enough Space") != -1) { error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_ESP8266_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE; goto error; } #endif #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 if (ss.indexOf("Bad Size Given") != -1) { error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_ESP32_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE; goto error; } #endif ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Preparing OTA partition failed! '%s'", ss.c_str()); error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_UPDATE_PREPARE; goto error; } update_started = true; // Acknowledge prepare OK - 1 byte this->client_.write(OTA_RESPONSE_UPDATE_PREPARE_OK); // Read binary MD5, 32 bytes if (!this->wait_receive_(buf, 32)) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Reading binary MD5 checksum failed!"); goto error; } sbuf[32] = '\0'; ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Update: Binary MD5 is %s", sbuf); Update.setMD5(sbuf); // Acknowledge MD5 OK - 1 byte this->client_.write(OTA_RESPONSE_BIN_MD5_OK); while (!Update.isFinished()) { size_t available = this->wait_receive_(buf, 0); if (!available) { goto error; } uint32_t written = Update.write(buf, available); if (written != available) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Error writing binary data to flash: %u != %u!", written, available); // NOLINT error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_WRITING_FLASH; goto error; } total += written; uint32_t now = millis(); if (now - last_progress > 1000) { last_progress = now; float percentage = (total * 100.0f) / ota_size; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "OTA in progress: %0.1f%%", percentage); // slow down OTA update to avoid getting killed by task watchdog (task_wdt) delay(10); } } // Acknowledge receive OK - 1 byte this->client_.write(OTA_RESPONSE_RECEIVE_OK); if (!Update.end()) { error_code = OTA_RESPONSE_ERROR_UPDATE_END; goto error; } // Acknowledge Update end OK - 1 byte this->client_.write(OTA_RESPONSE_UPDATE_END_OK); // Read ACK if (!this->wait_receive_(buf, 1, false) || buf[0] != OTA_RESPONSE_OK) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Reading back acknowledgement failed!"); // do not go to error, this is not fatal } this->client_.flush(); this->client_.stop(); delay(10); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "OTA update finished!"); this->status_clear_warning(); delay(100); // NOLINT App.safe_reboot(); error: if (update_started) { StreamString ss; Update.printError(ss); ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Update end failed! Error: %s", ss.c_str()); } if (this->client_.connected()) { this->client_.write(static_cast(error_code)); this->client_.flush(); } this->client_.stop(); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 if (update_started) { Update.abort(); } #endif #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 if (update_started) { Update.end(); } #endif this->status_momentary_error("onerror", 5000); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 global_preferences.prevent_write(false); #endif } size_t OTAComponent::wait_receive_(uint8_t *buf, size_t bytes, bool check_disconnected) { size_t available = 0; uint32_t start = millis(); do { App.feed_wdt(); if (check_disconnected && !this->client_.connected()) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Error client disconnected while receiving data!"); return 0; } int availi = this->client_.available(); if (availi < 0) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Error reading data!"); return 0; } uint32_t now = millis(); if (availi == 0 && now - start > 10000) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Timeout waiting for data!"); return 0; } available = size_t(availi); yield(); } while (bytes == 0 ? available == 0 : available < bytes); if (bytes == 0) bytes = std::min(available, size_t(1024)); bool success = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; !success && i < 100; i++) { int res = this->client_.read(buf, bytes); if (res != int(bytes)) { // ESP32 implementation has an issue where calling read can fail with EAGAIN (race condition) // so just re-try it until it works (with generous timeout of 1s) // because we check with available() first this should not cause us any trouble in all other cases delay(10); } else { success = true; } } if (!success) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Reading %u bytes of binary data failed!", bytes); // NOLINT return 0; } return bytes; } void OTAComponent::set_auth_password(const std::string &password) { this->password_ = password; } float OTAComponent::get_setup_priority() const { return setup_priority::AFTER_WIFI; } uint16_t OTAComponent::get_port() const { return this->port_; } void OTAComponent::set_port(uint16_t port) { this->port_ = port; } bool OTAComponent::should_enter_safe_mode(uint8_t num_attempts, uint32_t enable_time) { this->has_safe_mode_ = true; this->safe_mode_start_time_ = millis(); this->safe_mode_enable_time_ = enable_time; this->safe_mode_num_attempts_ = num_attempts; this->rtc_ = global_preferences.make_preference(233825507UL, false); this->safe_mode_rtc_value_ = this->read_rtc_(); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "There have been %u suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.", this->safe_mode_rtc_value_); if (this->safe_mode_rtc_value_ >= num_attempts) { this->clean_rtc(); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Boot loop detected. Proceeding to safe mode."); this->status_set_error(); this->set_timeout(enable_time, []() { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "No OTA attempt made, restarting."); App.reboot(); }); App.setup(); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Waiting for OTA attempt."); return true; } else { // increment counter this->write_rtc_(this->safe_mode_rtc_value_ + 1); return false; } } void OTAComponent::write_rtc_(uint32_t val) { this->rtc_.save(&val); } uint32_t OTAComponent::read_rtc_() { uint32_t val; if (!this->rtc_.load(&val)) return 0; return val; } void OTAComponent::clean_rtc() { this->write_rtc_(0); } void OTAComponent::on_safe_shutdown() { if (this->has_safe_mode_) this->clean_rtc(); } } // namespace ota } // namespace esphome