from functools import reduce import operator import esphome.config_validation as cv from esphome.const import ( CONF_ALLOW_OTHER_USES, CONF_IGNORE_STRAPPING_WARNING, CONF_INPUT, CONF_INVERTED, CONF_MODE, CONF_NUMBER, CONF_OPEN_DRAIN, CONF_OUTPUT, CONF_PULLDOWN, CONF_PULLUP, ) from esphome.core import CORE class PinRegistry(dict): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.pins_used = {} def reset(self): self.pins_used = {} def get_count(self, key, id, number): """ Get the number of places a given pin is used. :param key: The key of the registered pin schema. :param id: The ID of the defining component :param number: The pin number :return: The number of places the pin is used. """ pin_key = (key, id, number) return len(self.pins_used[pin_key]) if pin_key in self.pins_used else 0 def register(self, name, schema, final_validate=None): """ Register a pin schema :param name: :param schema: :param final_validate: :return: """ def decorator(fun): self[name] = (fun, schema, final_validate) return fun return decorator def validate(self, conf, key=None): """ Validate a pin against a registered schema :param conf The pin config :param key: an optional scalar key (e.g. platform) :return: The transformed result """ from esphome.config import path_context key = self.get_key(conf) if key is None else key # Element 1 is the pin validation function # evaluate here so a validation failure skips the rest result = self[key][1](conf) if CONF_NUMBER in result: # key maps to the pin schema if key != CORE.target_platform: pin_key = (key, conf[key], result[CONF_NUMBER]) else: pin_key = (key, key, result[CONF_NUMBER]) if pin_key not in self.pins_used: self.pins_used[pin_key] = [] # client_id identifies the instance of the providing component client_id = result.get(key) self.pins_used[pin_key].append((path_context.get(), client_id, result)) # return the validated pin config return result def get_key(self, conf): """ Is there a key in conf corresponding to a registered pin schema? If not, fall back to the default platform schema. :param conf The config for the component :return: the schema key """ keys = list(filter(lambda k: k in conf, self)) return keys[0] if keys else CORE.target_platform def get_to_code(self, key): """ Return the code generator function for a pin schema, stored as tuple element 0 :param conf: The pin config :param key An optional specific key :return: The awaitable coroutine """ key = self.get_key(key) if isinstance(key, dict) else key return self[key][0] def final_validate(self, fconf): """ Run the final validation for all pins, and check for reuse :param fconf: The full config """ for (key, _, _), pin_list in self.pins_used.items(): count = len(pin_list) # number of places same pin used. final_val_fun = self[key][2] # final validation function for pin_path, client_id, pin_config in pin_list: with fconf.catch_error([cv.ROOT_CONFIG_PATH] + pin_path): if final_val_fun is not None: # Get the containing path of the config providing this pin. parent_path = fconf.get_path_for_id(client_id)[:-1] parent_config = fconf.get_config_for_path(parent_path) final_val_fun(pin_config, parent_config) allow_others = pin_config.get(CONF_ALLOW_OTHER_USES, False) if count != 1 and not allow_others: raise cv.Invalid( f"Pin {pin_config[CONF_NUMBER]} is used in multiple places" ) if count == 1 and allow_others: raise cv.Invalid( f"Pin {pin_config[CONF_NUMBER]} incorrectly sets {CONF_ALLOW_OTHER_USES}: true" ) PIN_SCHEMA_REGISTRY = PinRegistry() def _set_mode(value, default_mode): if CONF_MODE not in value: return {**value, CONF_MODE: default_mode} mode = value[CONF_MODE] if not isinstance(mode, str): return value # mode is a string, try parsing it like arduino pin modes PIN_MODES = { "INPUT": { CONF_INPUT: True, }, "OUTPUT": { CONF_OUTPUT: True, }, "INPUT_PULLUP": { CONF_INPUT: True, CONF_PULLUP: True, }, "OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN": { CONF_OUTPUT: True, CONF_OPEN_DRAIN: True, }, "INPUT_PULLDOWN_16": { CONF_INPUT: True, CONF_PULLDOWN: True, }, "INPUT_PULLDOWN": { CONF_INPUT: True, CONF_PULLDOWN: True, }, "INPUT_OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN": { CONF_INPUT: True, CONF_OUTPUT: True, CONF_OPEN_DRAIN: True, }, } if mode.upper() not in PIN_MODES: raise cv.Invalid(f"Unknown pin mode {mode}", [CONF_MODE]) return {**value, CONF_MODE: PIN_MODES[mode.upper()]} def _schema_creator(default_mode, internal: bool = False): def validator(value): if not isinstance(value, dict): return validator({CONF_NUMBER: value}) value = _set_mode(value, default_mode) if internal: return PIN_SCHEMA_REGISTRY.validate(value, CORE.target_platform) return PIN_SCHEMA_REGISTRY.validate(value) return validator def _internal_number_creator(mode): def validator(value): if isinstance(value, dict): if CONF_MODE in value or CONF_INVERTED in value: raise cv.Invalid( "This variable only supports pin numbers, not full pin schemas " "(with inverted and mode)." ) value_d = value else: value_d = {CONF_NUMBER: value} value_d = _set_mode(value_d, mode) return PIN_SCHEMA_REGISTRY.validate(value_d, CORE.target_platform)[CONF_NUMBER] return validator def gpio_flags_expr(mode): """Convert the given mode dict to a gpio Flags expression""" import esphome.codegen as cg FLAGS_MAPPING = { CONF_INPUT: cg.gpio_Flags.FLAG_INPUT, CONF_OUTPUT: cg.gpio_Flags.FLAG_OUTPUT, CONF_OPEN_DRAIN: cg.gpio_Flags.FLAG_OPEN_DRAIN, CONF_PULLUP: cg.gpio_Flags.FLAG_PULLUP, CONF_PULLDOWN: cg.gpio_Flags.FLAG_PULLDOWN, } active_flags = [v for k, v in FLAGS_MAPPING.items() if mode.get(k)] if not active_flags: return cg.gpio_Flags.FLAG_NONE return reduce(operator.or_, active_flags) gpio_pin_schema = _schema_creator internal_gpio_pin_number = _internal_number_creator gpio_output_pin_schema = _schema_creator( { CONF_OUTPUT: True, } ) gpio_input_pin_schema = _schema_creator( { CONF_INPUT: True, } ) gpio_input_pullup_pin_schema = _schema_creator( { CONF_INPUT: True, CONF_PULLUP: True, } ) internal_gpio_output_pin_schema = _schema_creator( { CONF_OUTPUT: True, }, internal=True, ) internal_gpio_output_pin_number = _internal_number_creator({CONF_OUTPUT: True}) internal_gpio_input_pin_schema = _schema_creator( { CONF_INPUT: True, }, internal=True, ) internal_gpio_input_pin_number = _internal_number_creator({CONF_INPUT: True}) internal_gpio_input_pullup_pin_schema = _schema_creator( { CONF_INPUT: True, CONF_PULLUP: True, }, internal=True, ) internal_gpio_input_pullup_pin_number = _internal_number_creator( { CONF_INPUT: True, CONF_PULLUP: True, } ) def check_strapping_pin(conf, strapping_pin_list, logger): num = conf[CONF_NUMBER] if num in strapping_pin_list and not conf.get(CONF_IGNORE_STRAPPING_WARNING): logger.warning( f"GPIO{num} is a strapping PIN and should only be used for I/O with care.\n" "Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures.\n" "See", ) # mitigate undisciplined use of strapping: if num not in strapping_pin_list and conf.get(CONF_IGNORE_STRAPPING_WARNING): raise cv.Invalid(f"GPIO{num} is not a strapping pin") GPIO_STANDARD_MODES = ( CONF_INPUT, CONF_OUTPUT, CONF_OPEN_DRAIN, CONF_PULLUP, CONF_PULLDOWN, ) def gpio_validate_modes(value): if not value[CONF_INPUT] and not value[CONF_OUTPUT]: raise cv.Invalid("Mode must be input or output") return value def gpio_base_schema( pin_type, number_validator, modes=GPIO_STANDARD_MODES, mode_validator=gpio_validate_modes, invertable=True, ): """ Generate a base gpio pin schema :param pin_type: The type for the pin variable :param number_validator: A validator for the pin number :param modes: The available modes, default is all standard modes :param mode_validator: A validator function for the pin mode :param invertable: If the pin supports hardware inversion :return: A schema for the pin """ mode_default = len(modes) == 1 mode_dict = dict( map(lambda m: (cv.Optional(m, default=mode_default), cv.boolean), modes) ) def _number_validator(value): if isinstance(value, str) and value.upper().startswith("GPIOX"): raise cv.Invalid( f"Found placeholder '{value}' when expecting a GPIO pin number.\n" "You must replace this with an actual pin number." ) return number_validator(value) schema = cv.Schema( { cv.GenerateID(): cv.declare_id(pin_type), cv.Required(CONF_NUMBER): _number_validator, cv.Optional(CONF_ALLOW_OTHER_USES): cv.boolean, cv.Optional(CONF_MODE, default={}): cv.All(mode_dict, mode_validator), } ) if invertable: return schema.extend({cv.Optional(CONF_INVERTED, default=False): cv.boolean}) return schema