#include "tm1637.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "esphome/core/helpers.h" namespace esphome { namespace tm1637 { static const char *const TAG = "display.tm1637"; const uint8_t TM1637_I2C_COMM1 = 0x40; const uint8_t TM1637_I2C_COMM2 = 0xC0; const uint8_t TM1637_I2C_COMM3 = 0x80; const uint8_t TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR = 0b11111111; // // A // --- // F | | B // -G- // E | | C // --- // D X // XABCDEFG const uint8_t TM1637_ASCII_TO_RAW[] PROGMEM = { 0b00000000, // ' ', ord 0x20 0b10110000, // '!', ord 0x21 0b00100010, // '"', ord 0x22 TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // '#', ord 0x23 TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // '$', ord 0x24 0b01001001, // '%', ord 0x25 TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // '&', ord 0x26 0b00000010, // ''', ord 0x27 0b01001110, // '(', ord 0x28 0b01111000, // ')', ord 0x29 0b01000000, // '*', ord 0x2A TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // '+', ord 0x2B 0b00010000, // ',', ord 0x2C 0b00000001, // '-', ord 0x2D 0b10000000, // '.', ord 0x2E TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // '/', ord 0x2F 0b01111110, // '0', ord 0x30 0b00110000, // '1', ord 0x31 0b01101101, // '2', ord 0x32 0b01111001, // '3', ord 0x33 0b00110011, // '4', ord 0x34 0b01011011, // '5', ord 0x35 0b01011111, // '6', ord 0x36 0b01110000, // '7', ord 0x37 0b01111111, // '8', ord 0x38 0b01111011, // '9', ord 0x39 0b01001000, // ':', ord 0x3A 0b01011000, // ';', ord 0x3B TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // '<', ord 0x3C TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // '=', ord 0x3D TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // '>', ord 0x3E 0b01100101, // '?', ord 0x3F 0b01101111, // '@', ord 0x40 0b01110111, // 'A', ord 0x41 0b00011111, // 'B', ord 0x42 0b01001110, // 'C', ord 0x43 0b00111101, // 'D', ord 0x44 0b01001111, // 'E', ord 0x45 0b01000111, // 'F', ord 0x46 0b01011110, // 'G', ord 0x47 0b00110111, // 'H', ord 0x48 0b00110000, // 'I', ord 0x49 0b00111100, // 'J', ord 0x4A TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // 'K', ord 0x4B 0b00001110, // 'L', ord 0x4C TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // 'M', ord 0x4D 0b00010101, // 'N', ord 0x4E 0b01111110, // 'O', ord 0x4F 0b01100111, // 'P', ord 0x50 0b11111110, // 'Q', ord 0x51 0b00000101, // 'R', ord 0x52 0b01011011, // 'S', ord 0x53 0b00000111, // 'T', ord 0x54 0b00111110, // 'U', ord 0x55 0b00111110, // 'V', ord 0x56 0b00111111, // 'W', ord 0x57 TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // 'X', ord 0x58 0b00100111, // 'Y', ord 0x59 0b01101101, // 'Z', ord 0x5A 0b01001110, // '[', ord 0x5B TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // '\', ord 0x5C 0b01111000, // ']', ord 0x5D TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // '^', ord 0x5E 0b00001000, // '_', ord 0x5F 0b00100000, // '`', ord 0x60 0b01110111, // 'a', ord 0x61 0b00011111, // 'b', ord 0x62 0b00001101, // 'c', ord 0x63 0b00111101, // 'd', ord 0x64 0b01001111, // 'e', ord 0x65 0b01000111, // 'f', ord 0x66 0b01011110, // 'g', ord 0x67 0b00010111, // 'h', ord 0x68 0b00010000, // 'i', ord 0x69 0b00111100, // 'j', ord 0x6A TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // 'k', ord 0x6B 0b00001110, // 'l', ord 0x6C TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // 'm', ord 0x6D 0b00010101, // 'n', ord 0x6E 0b00011101, // 'o', ord 0x6F 0b01100111, // 'p', ord 0x70 TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // 'q', ord 0x71 0b00000101, // 'r', ord 0x72 0b01011011, // 's', ord 0x73 0b00000111, // 't', ord 0x74 0b00011100, // 'u', ord 0x75 0b00011100, // 'v', ord 0x76 TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // 'w', ord 0x77 TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // 'x', ord 0x78 0b00100111, // 'y', ord 0x79 TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR, // 'z', ord 0x7A 0b00110001, // '{', ord 0x7B 0b00000110, // '|', ord 0x7C 0b00000111, // '}', ord 0x7D 0b01100011, // '~', ord 0x7E (degree symbol) }; void TM1637Display::setup() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up TM1637..."); this->clk_pin_->setup(); // OUTPUT this->clk_pin_->digital_write(false); // LOW this->dio_pin_->setup(); // OUTPUT this->dio_pin_->digital_write(false); // LOW this->display(); } void TM1637Display::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "TM1637:"); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " INTENSITY: %d", this->intensity_); LOG_PIN(" CLK Pin: ", this->clk_pin_); LOG_PIN(" DIO Pin: ", this->dio_pin_); LOG_UPDATE_INTERVAL(this); } void TM1637Display::update() { for (uint8_t &i : this->buffer_) i = 0; if (this->writer_.has_value()) (*this->writer_)(*this); this->display(); } float TM1637Display::get_setup_priority() const { return setup_priority::PROCESSOR; } void TM1637Display::bit_delay_() { delayMicroseconds(100); } void TM1637Display::start_() { this->dio_pin_->pin_mode(OUTPUT); this->bit_delay_(); } void TM1637Display::stop_() { this->dio_pin_->pin_mode(OUTPUT); bit_delay_(); this->clk_pin_->pin_mode(INPUT); bit_delay_(); this->dio_pin_->pin_mode(INPUT); bit_delay_(); } void TM1637Display::display() { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "Display %02X%02X%02X%02X", buffer_[0], buffer_[1], buffer_[2], buffer_[3]); // Write COMM1 this->start_(); this->send_byte_(TM1637_I2C_COMM1); this->stop_(); // Write COMM2 + first digit address this->start_(); this->send_byte_(TM1637_I2C_COMM2); // Write the data bytes for (auto b : this->buffer_) { this->send_byte_(b); } this->stop_(); // Write COMM3 + brightness this->start_(); this->send_byte_(TM1637_I2C_COMM3 + ((this->intensity_ & 0x7) | 0x08)); this->stop_(); } bool TM1637Display::send_byte_(uint8_t b) { uint8_t data = b; // 8 Data Bits for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // CLK low this->clk_pin_->pin_mode(OUTPUT); this->bit_delay_(); // Set data bit if (data & 0x01) this->dio_pin_->pin_mode(INPUT); else this->dio_pin_->pin_mode(OUTPUT); this->bit_delay_(); // CLK high this->clk_pin_->pin_mode(INPUT); this->bit_delay_(); data = data >> 1; } // Wait for acknowledge // CLK to zero this->clk_pin_->pin_mode(OUTPUT); this->dio_pin_->pin_mode(INPUT); this->bit_delay_(); // CLK to high this->clk_pin_->pin_mode(INPUT); this->bit_delay_(); uint8_t ack = this->dio_pin_->digital_read(); if (ack == 0) { this->dio_pin_->pin_mode(OUTPUT); } this->bit_delay_(); this->clk_pin_->pin_mode(OUTPUT); this->bit_delay_(); return ack; } uint8_t TM1637Display::print(uint8_t start_pos, const char *str) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Print at %d: %s", start_pos, str); uint8_t pos = start_pos; for (; *str != '\0'; str++) { uint8_t data = TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR; if (*str >= ' ' && *str <= '~') data = pgm_read_byte(&TM1637_ASCII_TO_RAW[*str - ' ']); if (data == TM1637_UNKNOWN_CHAR) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Encountered character '%c' with no TM1637 representation while translating string!", *str); } // Remap segments, for compatibility with MAX7219 segment definition which is // XABCDEFG, but TM1637 is // XGFEDCBA data = ((data & 0x80) ? 0x80 : 0) | // no move X ((data & 0x40) ? 0x1 : 0) | // A ((data & 0x20) ? 0x2 : 0) | // B ((data & 0x10) ? 0x4 : 0) | // C ((data & 0x8) ? 0x8 : 0) | // D ((data & 0x4) ? 0x10 : 0) | // E ((data & 0x2) ? 0x20 : 0) | // F ((data & 0x1) ? 0x40 : 0); // G if (*str == '.') { if (pos != start_pos) pos--; this->buffer_[pos] |= 0b10000000; } else { if (pos >= 6) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "String is too long for the display!"); break; } this->buffer_[pos] = data; } pos++; } return pos - start_pos; } uint8_t TM1637Display::print(const char *str) { return this->print(0, str); } uint8_t TM1637Display::printf(uint8_t pos, const char *format, ...) { va_list arg; va_start(arg, format); char buffer[64]; int ret = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, arg); va_end(arg); if (ret > 0) return this->print(pos, buffer); return 0; } uint8_t TM1637Display::printf(const char *format, ...) { va_list arg; va_start(arg, format); char buffer[64]; int ret = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, arg); va_end(arg); if (ret > 0) return this->print(buffer); return 0; } #ifdef USE_TIME uint8_t TM1637Display::strftime(uint8_t pos, const char *format, time::ESPTime time) { char buffer[64]; size_t ret = time.strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format); if (ret > 0) return this->print(pos, buffer); return 0; } uint8_t TM1637Display::strftime(const char *format, time::ESPTime time) { return this->strftime(0, format, time); } #endif } // namespace tm1637 } // namespace esphome