# PYTHON_ARGCOMPLETE_OK import argparse from datetime import datetime import functools import logging import os import re import sys import time import argcomplete from esphome import const, writer, yaml_util import esphome.codegen as cg from esphome.config import iter_component_configs, read_config, strip_default_ids from esphome.const import ( ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS, CONF_BAUD_RATE, CONF_BROKER, CONF_DEASSERT_RTS_DTR, CONF_DISABLED, CONF_ESPHOME, CONF_LEVEL, CONF_LOG_TOPIC, CONF_LOGGER, CONF_MDNS, CONF_MQTT, CONF_NAME, CONF_OTA, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PLATFORM, CONF_PLATFORMIO_OPTIONS, CONF_PORT, CONF_SUBSTITUTIONS, CONF_TOPIC, PLATFORM_BK72XX, PLATFORM_ESP32, PLATFORM_ESP8266, PLATFORM_RP2040, PLATFORM_RTL87XX, SECRETS_FILES, ) from esphome.core import CORE, EsphomeError, coroutine from esphome.helpers import get_bool_env, indent, is_ip_address from esphome.log import Fore, color, setup_log from esphome.util import ( get_serial_ports, list_yaml_files, run_external_command, run_external_process, safe_print, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def choose_prompt(options, purpose: str = None): if not options: raise EsphomeError( "Found no valid options for upload/logging, please make sure relevant " "sections (ota, api, mqtt, ...) are in your configuration and/or the " "device is plugged in." ) if len(options) == 1: return options[0][1] safe_print( f'Found multiple options{f" for {purpose}" if purpose else ""}, please choose one:' ) for i, (desc, _) in enumerate(options): safe_print(f" [{i + 1}] {desc}") while True: opt = input("(number): ") if opt in options: opt = options.index(opt) break try: opt = int(opt) if opt < 1 or opt > len(options): raise ValueError break except ValueError: safe_print(color(Fore.RED, f"Invalid option: '{opt}'")) return options[opt - 1][1] def choose_upload_log_host( default, check_default, show_ota, show_mqtt, show_api, purpose: str = None ): options = [] for port in get_serial_ports(): options.append((f"{port.path} ({port.description})", port.path)) if default == "SERIAL": return choose_prompt(options, purpose=purpose) if (show_ota and "ota" in CORE.config) or (show_api and "api" in CORE.config): options.append((f"Over The Air ({CORE.address})", CORE.address)) if default == "OTA": return CORE.address if ( show_mqtt and (mqtt_config := CORE.config.get(CONF_MQTT)) and mqtt_logging_enabled(mqtt_config) ): options.append((f"MQTT ({mqtt_config[CONF_BROKER]})", "MQTT")) if default == "OTA": return "MQTT" if default is not None: return default if check_default is not None and check_default in [opt[1] for opt in options]: return check_default return choose_prompt(options, purpose=purpose) def mqtt_logging_enabled(mqtt_config): log_topic = mqtt_config[CONF_LOG_TOPIC] if log_topic is None: return False if CONF_TOPIC not in log_topic: return False if log_topic.get(CONF_LEVEL, None) == "NONE": return False return True def get_port_type(port): if port.startswith("/") or port.startswith("COM"): return "SERIAL" if port == "MQTT": return "MQTT" return "NETWORK" def run_miniterm(config, port): import serial from esphome import platformio_api if CONF_LOGGER not in config: _LOGGER.info("Logger is not enabled. Not starting UART logs.") return 1 baud_rate = config["logger"][CONF_BAUD_RATE] if baud_rate == 0: _LOGGER.info("UART logging is disabled (baud_rate=0). Not starting UART logs.") return 1 _LOGGER.info("Starting log output from %s with baud rate %s", port, baud_rate) backtrace_state = False ser = serial.Serial() ser.baudrate = baud_rate ser.port = port # We can't set to False by default since it leads to toggling and hence # ESP32 resets on some platforms. if config["logger"][CONF_DEASSERT_RTS_DTR]: ser.dtr = False ser.rts = False tries = 0 while tries < 5: try: with ser: while True: try: raw = ser.readline() except serial.SerialException: _LOGGER.error("Serial port closed!") return 0 line = ( raw.replace(b"\r", b"") .replace(b"\n", b"") .decode("utf8", "backslashreplace") ) time_str = datetime.now().time().strftime("[%H:%M:%S]") message = time_str + line safe_print(message) backtrace_state = platformio_api.process_stacktrace( config, line, backtrace_state=backtrace_state ) except serial.SerialException: tries += 1 time.sleep(1) if tries >= 5: _LOGGER.error("Could not connect to serial port %s", port) return 1 return 0 def wrap_to_code(name, comp): coro = coroutine(comp.to_code) @functools.wraps(comp.to_code) async def wrapped(conf): cg.add(cg.LineComment(f"{name}:")) if comp.config_schema is not None: conf_str = yaml_util.dump(conf) conf_str = conf_str.replace("//", "") # remove tailing \ to avoid multi-line comment warning conf_str = conf_str.replace("\\\n", "\n") cg.add(cg.LineComment(indent(conf_str))) await coro(conf) if hasattr(coro, "priority"): wrapped.priority = coro.priority return wrapped def write_cpp(config): generate_cpp_contents(config) return write_cpp_file() def generate_cpp_contents(config): _LOGGER.info("Generating C++ source...") for name, component, conf in iter_component_configs(CORE.config): if component.to_code is not None: coro = wrap_to_code(name, component) CORE.add_job(coro, conf) CORE.flush_tasks() def write_cpp_file(): writer.write_platformio_project() code_s = indent(CORE.cpp_main_section) writer.write_cpp(code_s) return 0 def compile_program(args, config): from esphome import platformio_api _LOGGER.info("Compiling app...") rc = platformio_api.run_compile(config, CORE.verbose) if rc != 0: return rc idedata = platformio_api.get_idedata(config) return 0 if idedata is not None else 1 def upload_using_esptool(config, port, file): from esphome import platformio_api first_baudrate = config[CONF_ESPHOME][CONF_PLATFORMIO_OPTIONS].get( "upload_speed", 460800 ) if file is not None: flash_images = [platformio_api.FlashImage(path=file, offset="0x0")] else: idedata = platformio_api.get_idedata(config) firmware_offset = "0x10000" if CORE.is_esp32 else "0x0" flash_images = [ platformio_api.FlashImage( path=idedata.firmware_bin_path, offset=firmware_offset ), *idedata.extra_flash_images, ] mcu = "esp8266" if CORE.is_esp32: from esphome.components.esp32 import get_esp32_variant mcu = get_esp32_variant().lower() def run_esptool(baud_rate): cmd = [ "esptool.py", "--before", "default_reset", "--after", "hard_reset", "--baud", str(baud_rate), "--port", port, "--chip", mcu, "write_flash", "-z", "--flash_size", "detect", ] for img in flash_images: cmd += [img.offset, img.path] if os.environ.get("ESPHOME_USE_SUBPROCESS") is None: import esptool return run_external_command(esptool.main, *cmd) # pylint: disable=no-member return run_external_process(*cmd) rc = run_esptool(first_baudrate) if rc == 0 or first_baudrate == 115200: return rc # Try with 115200 baud rate, with some serial chips the faster baud rates do not work well _LOGGER.info( "Upload with baud rate %s failed. Trying again with baud rate 115200.", first_baudrate, ) return run_esptool(115200) def upload_using_platformio(config, port): from esphome import platformio_api upload_args = ["-t", "upload", "-t", "nobuild"] if port is not None: upload_args += ["--upload-port", port] return platformio_api.run_platformio_cli_run(config, CORE.verbose, *upload_args) def check_permissions(port): if os.name == "posix" and get_port_type(port) == "SERIAL": # Check if we can open selected serial port if not os.access(port, os.F_OK): raise EsphomeError( "The selected serial port does not exist. To resolve this issue, " "check that the device is connected to this computer with a USB cable and that " "the USB cable can be used for data and is not a power-only cable." ) if not (os.access(port, os.R_OK | os.W_OK)): raise EsphomeError( "You do not have read or write permission on the selected serial port. " "To resolve this issue, you can add your user to the dialout group " f"by running the following command: sudo usermod -a -G dialout {os.getlogin()}. " "You will need to log out & back in or reboot to activate the new group access." ) def upload_program(config, args, host): if get_port_type(host) == "SERIAL": check_permissions(host) if CORE.target_platform in (PLATFORM_ESP32, PLATFORM_ESP8266): file = getattr(args, "file", None) return upload_using_esptool(config, host, file) if CORE.target_platform in (PLATFORM_RP2040): return upload_using_platformio(config, args.device) if CORE.target_platform in (PLATFORM_BK72XX, PLATFORM_RTL87XX): return upload_using_platformio(config, host) return 1 # Unknown target platform ota_conf = {} for ota_item in config.get(CONF_OTA, []): if ota_item[CONF_PLATFORM] == CONF_ESPHOME: ota_conf = ota_item break if not ota_conf: raise EsphomeError( f"Cannot upload Over the Air as the {CONF_OTA} configuration is not present or does not include {CONF_PLATFORM}: {CONF_ESPHOME}" ) from esphome import espota2 remote_port = int(ota_conf[CONF_PORT]) password = ota_conf.get(CONF_PASSWORD, "") if ( not is_ip_address(CORE.address) # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions and (get_port_type(host) == "MQTT" or config[CONF_MDNS][CONF_DISABLED]) and CONF_MQTT in config and (not args.device or args.device in ("MQTT", "OTA")) ): from esphome import mqtt host = mqtt.get_esphome_device_ip( config, args.username, args.password, args.client_id ) if getattr(args, "file", None) is not None: return espota2.run_ota(host, remote_port, password, args.file) return espota2.run_ota(host, remote_port, password, CORE.firmware_bin) def show_logs(config, args, port): if "logger" not in config: raise EsphomeError("Logger is not configured!") if get_port_type(port) == "SERIAL": check_permissions(port) return run_miniterm(config, port) if get_port_type(port) == "NETWORK" and "api" in config: if config[CONF_MDNS][CONF_DISABLED] and CONF_MQTT in config: from esphome import mqtt port = mqtt.get_esphome_device_ip( config, args.username, args.password, args.client_id )[0] from esphome.components.api.client import run_logs return run_logs(config, port) if get_port_type(port) == "MQTT" and "mqtt" in config: from esphome import mqtt return mqtt.show_logs( config, args.topic, args.username, args.password, args.client_id ) raise EsphomeError("No remote or local logging method configured (api/mqtt/logger)") def clean_mqtt(config, args): from esphome import mqtt return mqtt.clear_topic( config, args.topic, args.username, args.password, args.client_id ) def command_wizard(args): from esphome import wizard return wizard.wizard(args.configuration) def command_config(args, config): if not CORE.verbose: config = strip_default_ids(config) output = yaml_util.dump(config, args.show_secrets) # add the console decoration so the front-end can hide the secrets if not args.show_secrets: output = re.sub( r"(password|key|psk|ssid)\: (.+)", r"\1: \\033[5m\2\\033[6m", output ) if not CORE.quiet: safe_print(output) _LOGGER.info("Configuration is valid!") return 0 def command_vscode(args): from esphome import vscode logging.disable(logging.INFO) logging.disable(logging.WARNING) vscode.read_config(args) def command_compile(args, config): exit_code = write_cpp(config) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code if args.only_generate: _LOGGER.info("Successfully generated source code.") return 0 exit_code = compile_program(args, config) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code _LOGGER.info("Successfully compiled program.") return 0 def command_upload(args, config): port = choose_upload_log_host( default=args.device, check_default=None, show_ota=True, show_mqtt=False, show_api=False, purpose="uploading", ) exit_code = upload_program(config, args, port) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code _LOGGER.info("Successfully uploaded program.") return 0 def command_discover(args, config): if "mqtt" in config: from esphome import mqtt return mqtt.show_discover(config, args.username, args.password, args.client_id) raise EsphomeError("No discover method configured (mqtt)") def command_logs(args, config): port = choose_upload_log_host( default=args.device, check_default=None, show_ota=False, show_mqtt=True, show_api=True, purpose="logging", ) return show_logs(config, args, port) def command_run(args, config): exit_code = write_cpp(config) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code exit_code = compile_program(args, config) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code _LOGGER.info("Successfully compiled program.") if CORE.is_host: from esphome.platformio_api import get_idedata idedata = get_idedata(config) if idedata is None: return 1 program_path = idedata.raw["prog_path"] return run_external_process(program_path) port = choose_upload_log_host( default=args.device, check_default=None, show_ota=True, show_mqtt=False, show_api=True, purpose="uploading", ) exit_code = upload_program(config, args, port) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code _LOGGER.info("Successfully uploaded program.") if args.no_logs: return 0 port = choose_upload_log_host( default=args.device, check_default=port, show_ota=False, show_mqtt=True, show_api=True, purpose="logging", ) return show_logs(config, args, port) def command_clean_mqtt(args, config): return clean_mqtt(config, args) def command_mqtt_fingerprint(args, config): from esphome import mqtt return mqtt.get_fingerprint(config) def command_version(args): safe_print(f"Version: {const.__version__}") return 0 def command_clean(args, config): try: writer.clean_build() except OSError as err: _LOGGER.error("Error deleting build files: %s", err) return 1 _LOGGER.info("Done!") return 0 def command_dashboard(args): from esphome.dashboard import dashboard return dashboard.start_dashboard(args) def command_update_all(args): import click success = {} files = list_yaml_files(args.configuration) twidth = 60 def print_bar(middle_text): middle_text = f" {middle_text} " width = len(click.unstyle(middle_text)) half_line = "=" * ((twidth - width) // 2) click.echo(f"{half_line}{middle_text}{half_line}") for f in files: print(f"Updating {color(Fore.CYAN, f)}") print("-" * twidth) print() rc = run_external_process( "esphome", "--dashboard", "run", f, "--no-logs", "--device", "OTA" ) if rc == 0: print_bar(f"[{color(Fore.BOLD_GREEN, 'SUCCESS')}] {f}") success[f] = True else: print_bar(f"[{color(Fore.BOLD_RED, 'ERROR')}] {f}") success[f] = False print() print() print() print_bar(f"[{color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, 'SUMMARY')}]") failed = 0 for f in files: if success[f]: print(f" - {f}: {color(Fore.GREEN, 'SUCCESS')}") else: print(f" - {f}: {color(Fore.BOLD_RED, 'FAILED')}") failed += 1 return failed def command_idedata(args, config): import json from esphome import platformio_api logging.disable(logging.INFO) logging.disable(logging.WARNING) idedata = platformio_api.get_idedata(config) if idedata is None: return 1 print(json.dumps(idedata.raw, indent=2) + "\n") return 0 def command_rename(args, config): for c in args.name: if c not in ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS: print( color( Fore.BOLD_RED, f"'{c}' is an invalid character for names. Valid characters are: " f"{ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS} (lowercase, no spaces)", ) ) return 1 # Load existing yaml file with open(CORE.config_path, mode="r+", encoding="utf-8") as raw_file: raw_contents = raw_file.read() yaml = yaml_util.load_yaml(CORE.config_path) if CONF_ESPHOME not in yaml or CONF_NAME not in yaml[CONF_ESPHOME]: print( color(Fore.BOLD_RED, "Complex YAML files cannot be automatically renamed.") ) return 1 old_name = yaml[CONF_ESPHOME][CONF_NAME] match = re.match(r"^\$\{?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}?$", old_name) if match is None: new_raw = re.sub( rf"name:\s+[\"']?{old_name}[\"']?", f'name: "{args.name}"', raw_contents, ) else: old_name = yaml[CONF_SUBSTITUTIONS][match.group(1)] if ( len( re.findall( rf"^\s+{match.group(1)}:\s+[\"']?{old_name}[\"']?", raw_contents, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) ) > 1 ): print(color(Fore.BOLD_RED, "Too many matches in YAML to safely rename")) return 1 new_raw = re.sub( rf"^(\s+{match.group(1)}):\s+[\"']?{old_name}[\"']?", f'\\1: "{args.name}"', raw_contents, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) new_path = os.path.join(CORE.config_dir, args.name + ".yaml") print( f"Updating {color(Fore.CYAN, CORE.config_path)} to {color(Fore.CYAN, new_path)}" ) print() with open(new_path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as new_file: new_file.write(new_raw) rc = run_external_process("esphome", "config", new_path) if rc != 0: print(color(Fore.BOLD_RED, "Rename failed. Reverting changes.")) os.remove(new_path) return 1 cli_args = [ "run", new_path, "--no-logs", "--device", CORE.address, ] if args.dashboard: cli_args.insert(0, "--dashboard") try: rc = run_external_process("esphome", *cli_args) except KeyboardInterrupt: rc = 1 if rc != 0: os.remove(new_path) return 1 if CORE.config_path != new_path: os.remove(CORE.config_path) print(color(Fore.BOLD_GREEN, "SUCCESS")) print() return 0 PRE_CONFIG_ACTIONS = { "wizard": command_wizard, "version": command_version, "dashboard": command_dashboard, "vscode": command_vscode, "update-all": command_update_all, } POST_CONFIG_ACTIONS = { "config": command_config, "compile": command_compile, "upload": command_upload, "logs": command_logs, "run": command_run, "clean-mqtt": command_clean_mqtt, "mqtt-fingerprint": command_mqtt_fingerprint, "clean": command_clean, "idedata": command_idedata, "rename": command_rename, "discover": command_discover, } def parse_args(argv): options_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) options_parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="Enable verbose ESPHome logs.", action="store_true", default=get_bool_env("ESPHOME_VERBOSE"), ) options_parser.add_argument( "-q", "--quiet", help="Disable all ESPHome logs.", action="store_true" ) options_parser.add_argument( "-l", "--log-level", help="Set the log level.", default=os.getenv("ESPHOME_LOG_LEVEL", "INFO"), action="store", choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], ) options_parser.add_argument( "--dashboard", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action="store_true" ) options_parser.add_argument( "-s", "--substitution", nargs=2, action="append", help="Add a substitution", metavar=("key", "value"), ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=f"ESPHome {const.__version__}", parents=[options_parser] ) parser.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version=f"Version: {const.__version__}", help="Print the ESPHome version and exit.", ) mqtt_options = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) mqtt_options.add_argument("--topic", help="Manually set the MQTT topic.") mqtt_options.add_argument("--username", help="Manually set the MQTT username.") mqtt_options.add_argument("--password", help="Manually set the MQTT password.") mqtt_options.add_argument("--client-id", help="Manually set the MQTT client id.") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( help="Command to run:", dest="command", metavar="command" ) subparsers.required = True parser_config = subparsers.add_parser( "config", help="Validate the configuration and spit it out." ) parser_config.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file(s).", nargs="+" ) parser_config.add_argument( "--show-secrets", help="Show secrets in output.", action="store_true" ) parser_compile = subparsers.add_parser( "compile", help="Read the configuration and compile a program." ) parser_compile.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file(s).", nargs="+" ) parser_compile.add_argument( "--only-generate", help="Only generate source code, do not compile.", action="store_true", ) parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser( "upload", help="Validate the configuration and upload the latest binary.", parents=[mqtt_options], ) parser_upload.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file(s).", nargs="+" ) parser_upload.add_argument( "--device", help="Manually specify the serial port/address to use, for example /dev/ttyUSB0.", ) parser_upload.add_argument( "--file", help="Manually specify the binary file to upload.", ) parser_logs = subparsers.add_parser( "logs", help="Validate the configuration and show all logs.", aliases=["log"], parents=[mqtt_options], ) parser_logs.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file.", nargs=1 ) parser_logs.add_argument( "--device", help="Manually specify the serial port/address to use, for example /dev/ttyUSB0.", ) parser_discover = subparsers.add_parser( "discover", help="Validate the configuration and show all discovered devices.", parents=[mqtt_options], ) parser_discover.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file.", nargs=1 ) parser_run = subparsers.add_parser( "run", help="Validate the configuration, create a binary, upload it, and start logs.", parents=[mqtt_options], ) parser_run.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file(s).", nargs="+" ) parser_run.add_argument( "--device", help="Manually specify the serial port/address to use, for example /dev/ttyUSB0.", ) parser_run.add_argument( "--no-logs", help="Disable starting logs.", action="store_true" ) parser_clean = subparsers.add_parser( "clean-mqtt", help="Helper to clear retained messages from an MQTT topic.", parents=[mqtt_options], ) parser_clean.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file(s).", nargs="+" ) parser_wizard = subparsers.add_parser( "wizard", help="A helpful setup wizard that will guide you through setting up ESPHome.", ) parser_wizard.add_argument("configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file.") parser_fingerprint = subparsers.add_parser( "mqtt-fingerprint", help="Get the SSL fingerprint from a MQTT broker." ) parser_fingerprint.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file(s).", nargs="+" ) subparsers.add_parser("version", help="Print the ESPHome version and exit.") parser_clean = subparsers.add_parser( "clean", help="Delete all temporary build files." ) parser_clean.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file(s).", nargs="+" ) parser_dashboard = subparsers.add_parser( "dashboard", help="Create a simple web server for a dashboard." ) parser_dashboard.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file directory." ) parser_dashboard.add_argument( "--port", help="The HTTP port to open connections on. Defaults to 6052.", type=int, default=6052, ) parser_dashboard.add_argument( "--address", help="The address to bind to.", type=str, default="", ) parser_dashboard.add_argument( "--username", help="The optional username to require for authentication.", type=str, default="", ) parser_dashboard.add_argument( "--password", help="The optional password to require for authentication.", type=str, default="", ) parser_dashboard.add_argument( "--open-ui", help="Open the dashboard UI in a browser.", action="store_true" ) parser_dashboard.add_argument( "--ha-addon", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action="store_true" ) parser_dashboard.add_argument( "--socket", help="Make the dashboard serve under a unix socket", type=str ) parser_vscode = subparsers.add_parser("vscode") parser_vscode.add_argument("configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file.") parser_vscode.add_argument("--ace", action="store_true") parser_update = subparsers.add_parser("update-all") parser_update.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file directories.", nargs="+" ) parser_idedata = subparsers.add_parser("idedata") parser_idedata.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file(s).", nargs=1 ) parser_rename = subparsers.add_parser( "rename", help="Rename a device in YAML, compile the binary and upload it.", ) parser_rename.add_argument( "configuration", help="Your YAML configuration file.", nargs=1 ) parser_rename.add_argument("name", help="The new name for the device.", type=str) # Keep backward compatibility with the old command line format of # esphome . # # Unfortunately this can't be done by adding another configuration argument to the # main config parser, as argparse is greedy when parsing arguments, so in regular # usage it'll eat the command as the configuration argument and error out out # because it can't parse the configuration as a command. # # Instead, if parsing using the current format fails, construct an ad-hoc parser # that doesn't actually process the arguments, but parses them enough to let us # figure out if the old format is used. In that case, swap the command and # configuration in the arguments and retry with the normal parser (and raise # a deprecation warning). arguments = argv[1:] argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) return parser.parse_args(arguments) def run_esphome(argv): args = parse_args(argv) CORE.dashboard = args.dashboard # Override log level if verbose is set if args.verbose: args.log_level = "DEBUG" elif args.quiet: args.log_level = "CRITICAL" setup_log( log_level=args.log_level, # Show timestamp for dashboard access logs include_timestamp=args.command == "dashboard", ) if args.command in PRE_CONFIG_ACTIONS: try: return PRE_CONFIG_ACTIONS[args.command](args) except EsphomeError as e: _LOGGER.error(e, exc_info=args.verbose) return 1 _LOGGER.info("ESPHome %s", const.__version__) for conf_path in args.configuration: if any(os.path.basename(conf_path) == x for x in SECRETS_FILES): _LOGGER.warning("Skipping secrets file %s", conf_path) continue CORE.config_path = conf_path CORE.dashboard = args.dashboard config = read_config(dict(args.substitution) if args.substitution else {}) if config is None: return 2 CORE.config = config if args.command not in POST_CONFIG_ACTIONS: safe_print(f"Unknown command {args.command}") try: rc = POST_CONFIG_ACTIONS[args.command](args, config) except EsphomeError as e: _LOGGER.error(e, exc_info=args.verbose) return 1 if rc != 0: return rc CORE.reset() return 0 def main(): try: return run_esphome(sys.argv) except EsphomeError as e: _LOGGER.error(e) return 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())