from __future__ import print_function from collections import OrderedDict import importlib import json import logging import re from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Set, Union, Any, Dict import voluptuous as vol from esphomeyaml import core, core_config, yaml_util from esphomeyaml.components import substitutions from esphomeyaml.const import CONF_ESPHOMEYAML, CONF_PLATFORM, ESP_PLATFORMS from esphomeyaml.core import CORE, EsphomeyamlError, ConfigType from esphomeyaml.helpers import color, indent from esphomeyaml.util import safe_print _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _COMPONENT_CACHE = {} def get_component(domain): if domain in _COMPONENT_CACHE: return _COMPONENT_CACHE[domain] path = 'esphomeyaml.components.{}'.format(domain) try: module = importlib.import_module(path) except (ImportError, ValueError) as err: _LOGGER.debug(err) else: _COMPONENT_CACHE[domain] = module return module _LOGGER.error("Unable to find component %s", domain) return None def get_platform(domain, platform): return get_component("{}.{}".format(domain, platform)) def is_platform_component(component): return hasattr(component, 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA') def iter_components(config): for domain, conf in config.iteritems(): if domain == CONF_ESPHOMEYAML: yield CONF_ESPHOMEYAML, core_config, conf continue component = get_component(domain) yield domain, component, conf if is_platform_component(component): for p_config in conf: p_name = u"{}.{}".format(domain, p_config[CONF_PLATFORM]) platform = get_component(p_name) yield p_name, platform, p_config ConfigPath = List[Union[basestring, int]] def _path_begins_with_(path, other): # type: (ConfigPath, ConfigPath) -> bool if len(path) < len(other): return False return path[:len(other)] == other def _path_begins_with(path, other): # type: (ConfigPath, ConfigPath) -> bool ret = _path_begins_with_(path, other) # print('_path_begins_with({}, {}) -> {}'.format(path, other, ret)) return ret class Config(OrderedDict): def __init__(self): super(Config, self).__init__() self.errors = [] # type: List[Tuple[basestring, ConfigPath]] = [] # type: List[Tuple[ConfigPath, basestring]] def add_error(self, message, path): # type: (basestring, ConfigPath) -> None if not isinstance(message, unicode): message = unicode(message) self.errors.append((message, path)) def add_domain(self, path, name): # type: (ConfigPath, basestring) -> None, name)) def lookup_domain(self, path): # type: (ConfigPath) -> Optional[basestring] best_len = 0 best_domain = None for d_path, domain in if len(d_path) < best_len: continue if _path_begins_with(path, d_path): best_len = len(d_path) best_domain = domain return best_domain def is_in_error_path(self, path): for _, p in self.errors: if _path_begins_with(p, path): return True return False def get_error_for_path(self, path): for msg, p in self.errors: if p == path: return msg return None def nested_item(self, path): data = self for item_index in path: try: data = data[item_index] except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): return {} return data def iter_ids(config, path=None): path = path or [] if isinstance(config, core.ID): yield config, path elif isinstance(config, core.Lambda): for id in config.requires_ids: yield id, path elif isinstance(config, list): for i, item in enumerate(config): for result in iter_ids(item, path + [i]): yield result elif isinstance(config, dict): for key, value in config.iteritems(): for result in iter_ids(value, path + [key]): yield result def do_id_pass(result): # type: (Config) -> None from esphomeyaml.cpp_generator import MockObjClass declare_ids = [] # type: List[Tuple[core.ID, ConfigPath]] searching_ids = [] # type: List[Tuple[core.ID, ConfigPath]] for id, path in iter_ids(result): if id.is_declaration: if is not None and any(v[0].id == for v in declare_ids): result.add_error(u"ID {} redefined!".format(, path) continue declare_ids.append((id, path)) else: searching_ids.append((id, path)) # Resolve default ids after manual IDs for id, _ in declare_ids: id.resolve([v[0].id for v in declare_ids]) # Check searched IDs for id, path in searching_ids: if is not None: # manually declared match = next((v[0] for v in declare_ids if v[0].id ==, None) if match is None: # No declared ID with this name result.add_error("Couldn't find ID {}".format(, path) continue if not isinstance(match.type, MockObjClass) or not isinstance(id.type, MockObjClass): continue if not match.type.inherits_from(id.type): result.add_error("ID '{}' of type {} doesn't inherit from {}. Please double check " "your ID is pointing to the correct value" "".format(, match.type, id.type), path) if is None and id.type is not None: for v in declare_ids: if v[0] is None or not isinstance(v[0].type, MockObjClass): continue inherits = v[0].type.inherits_from(id.type) if inherits: = v[0].id break else: result.add_error("Couldn't resolve ID for type {}".format(id.type), path) def validate_config(config): result = Config() def _comp_error(ex, path): # type: (vol.Invalid, List[basestring]) -> None if isinstance(ex, vol.MultipleInvalid): errors = ex.errors else: errors = [ex] for e in errors: path_ = path + e.path domain = result.lookup_domain(path_) or '' result.add_error(_format_vol_invalid(e, config, path, domain), path_) skip_paths = list() # type: List[ConfigPath] # Step 1: Load everything result.add_domain([CONF_ESPHOMEYAML], CONF_ESPHOMEYAML) for domain, conf in config.iteritems(): domain = str(domain) if domain == CONF_ESPHOMEYAML or domain.startswith(u'.'): skip_paths.append([domain]) continue result.add_domain([domain], domain) result[domain] = conf if conf is None: config[domain] = conf = {} component = get_component(domain) if component is None: result.add_error(u"Component not found: {}".format(domain), [domain]) skip_paths.append([domain]) continue success = True dependencies = getattr(component, 'DEPENDENCIES', []) for dependency in dependencies: if dependency not in config: result.add_error(u"Component {} requires component {}".format(domain, dependency), [domain]) success = False if not success: skip_paths.append([domain]) continue success = True conflicts_with = getattr(component, 'CONFLICTS_WITH', []) for conflict in conflicts_with: if conflict not in config: result.add_error(u"Component {} cannot be used together with component {}" u"".format(domain, conflict), [domain]) success = False if not success: skip_paths.append([domain]) continue esp_platforms = getattr(component, 'ESP_PLATFORMS', ESP_PLATFORMS) if CORE.esp_platform not in esp_platforms: result.add_error(u"Component {} doesn't support {}.".format(domain, CORE.esp_platform), [domain]) skip_paths.append([domain]) continue if not hasattr(component, 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA'): continue if not isinstance(conf, list) and conf: result[domain] = conf = [conf] for i, p_config in enumerate(conf): if not isinstance(p_config, dict): result.add_error(u"Platform schemas must have 'platform:' key", [domain, i]) skip_paths.append([domain, i]) continue p_name = p_config.get('platform') if p_name is None: result.add_error(u"No platform specified for {}".format(domain), [domain, i]) skip_paths.append([domain, i]) continue p_domain = u'{}.{}'.format(domain, p_name) result.add_domain([domain, i], p_domain) platform = get_platform(domain, p_name) if platform is None: result.add_error(u"Platform not found: '{}'".format(p_domain), [domain, i]) skip_paths.append([domain, i]) continue success = True dependencies = getattr(platform, 'DEPENDENCIES', []) for dependency in dependencies: if dependency not in config: result.add_error(u"Platform {} requires component {}".format(p_domain, dependency), [domain, i]) success = False if not success: skip_paths.append([domain, i]) continue success = True conflicts_with = getattr(platform, 'CONFLICTS_WITH', []) for conflict in conflicts_with: if conflict not in config: result.add_error(u"Platform {} cannot be used together with component {}" u"".format(p_domain, conflict), [domain, i]) success = False if not success: skip_paths.append([domain, i]) continue esp_platforms = getattr(platform, 'ESP_PLATFORMS', ESP_PLATFORMS) if CORE.esp_platform not in esp_platforms: result.add_error(u"Platform {} doesn't support {}.".format(p_domain, CORE.esp_platform), [domain, i]) skip_paths.append([domain, i]) continue # Step 2: Validate configuration try: result[CONF_ESPHOMEYAML] = config[CONF_ESPHOMEYAML] result[CONF_ESPHOMEYAML] = core_config.CONFIG_SCHEMA(config[CONF_ESPHOMEYAML]) except vol.Invalid as ex: _comp_error(ex, [CONF_ESPHOMEYAML]) for domain, conf in config.iteritems(): domain = str(domain) if [domain] in skip_paths: continue component = get_component(domain) if hasattr(component, 'CONFIG_SCHEMA'): try: validated = component.CONFIG_SCHEMA(conf) result[domain] = validated except vol.Invalid as ex: _comp_error(ex, [domain]) continue if not hasattr(component, 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA'): continue for i, p_config in enumerate(conf): if [domain, i] in skip_paths: continue p_name = p_config['platform'] platform = get_platform(domain, p_name) if hasattr(platform, 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA'): try: p_validated = platform.PLATFORM_SCHEMA(p_config) except vol.Invalid as ex: _comp_error(ex, [domain, i]) continue result[domain][i] = p_validated do_id_pass(result) return result def _nested_getitem(data, path): for item_index in path: try: data = data[item_index] except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): return None return data def humanize_error(config, validation_error): offending_item_summary = _nested_getitem(config, validation_error.path) if isinstance(offending_item_summary, dict): try: offending_item_summary = json.dumps(offending_item_summary) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass validation_error = unicode(validation_error) m = re.match(r'^(.*)\s*for dictionary value @.*$', validation_error) if m is not None: validation_error = validation_error = validation_error.strip() if not validation_error.endswith(u'.'): validation_error += u'.' return u"{} Got '{}'".format(validation_error, offending_item_summary) def _format_vol_invalid(ex, config, path, domain): # type: (vol.Invalid, ConfigType, ConfigPath, basestring) -> unicode message = u'' if u'extra keys not allowed' in ex.error_message: message += u'[{}] is an invalid option for [{}].'.format(ex.path[-1], domain) elif u'required key not provided' in ex.error_message: message += u"'{}' is a required option for [{}].".format(ex.path[-1], domain) else: message += u'{}.'.format(humanize_error(_nested_getitem(config, path), ex)) return message def load_config(): try: config = yaml_util.load_yaml(CORE.config_path) except OSError: raise EsphomeyamlError(u"Could not read configuration file at {}".format(CORE.config_path)) CORE.raw_config = config config = substitutions.do_substitution_pass(config) core_config.preload_core_config(config) try: result = validate_config(config) except EsphomeyamlError: raise except Exception: _LOGGER.error(u"Unexpected exception while reading configuration:") raise return result def line_info(obj): """Display line config source.""" if hasattr(obj, '__config_file__'): return color('cyan', "[source {}:{}]" .format(obj.__config_file__, obj.__line__ or '?')) return None def _print_on_next_line(obj): if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, dict)): return True if isinstance(obj, str): return len(obj) > 80 if isinstance(obj, core.Lambda): return len(obj.value) > 80 return False def dump_dict(config, path, at_root=True): # type: (Config, ConfigPath, bool) -> Tuple[unicode, bool] conf = config.nested_item(path) ret = u'' multiline = False if at_root: error = config.get_error_for_path(path) if error is not None: ret += u'\n' + color('bold_red', error) + u'\n' if isinstance(conf, (list, tuple)): multiline = True for i, obj in enumerate(conf): path_ = path + [i] error = config.get_error_for_path(path_) if error is not None: ret += u'\n' + color('bold_red', error) + u'\n' sep = u'- ' if config.is_in_error_path(path_): sep = color('red', sep) msg, _ = dump_dict(config, path_, at_root=False) msg = indent(msg) inf = line_info(config.nested_item(path_)) if inf is not None: msg = inf + u'\n' + msg elif msg: msg = msg[2:] ret += sep + msg + u'\n' elif isinstance(conf, dict): multiline = True for k, v in conf.iteritems(): path_ = path + [k] error = config.get_error_for_path(path_) if error is not None: ret += u'\n' + color('bold_red', error) + u'\n' st = u'{}: '.format(k) if config.is_in_error_path(path_): st = color('red', st) msg, m = dump_dict(config, path_, at_root=False) inf = line_info(config.nested_item(path_)) if m: msg = u'\n' + indent(msg) if inf is not None: if m: msg = u' ' + inf + msg else: msg = msg + u' ' + inf ret += st + msg + u'\n' elif isinstance(conf, str): if len(conf) > 80: ret += u'|-\n' conf = indent(conf) error = config.get_error_for_path(path) col = 'bold_red' if error else 'white' ret += color(col, unicode(conf)) elif isinstance(conf, core.Lambda): ret += u'|-\n' conf = indent(unicode(conf.value)) error = config.get_error_for_path(path) col = 'bold_red' if error else 'white' ret += color(col, conf) else: error = config.get_error_for_path(path) col = 'bold_red' if error else 'white' ret += color(col, unicode(conf)) multiline = u'\n' in ret return ret, multiline def read_config():"Reading configuration...") try: res = load_config() except EsphomeyamlError as err: _LOGGER.error(u"Error while reading config: %s", err) return None if res.errors: safe_print(color('bold_red', u"Failed config")) safe_print('') for path, domain in if not res.is_in_error_path(path): continue safe_print(color('bold_red', u'{}:'.format(domain)) + u' ' + (line_info(res.nested_item(path)) or u'')) safe_print(indent(dump_dict(res, path)[0])) return None return OrderedDict(res)