name: CI

# yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
    branches: [dev, beta, release]


  contents: read

  # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
  cancel-in-progress: true

    name: ${{ matrix.name }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
          - id: ci-custom
            name: Run script/ci-custom
          - id: lint-python
            name: Run script/lint-python
          - id: test
            file: tests/test1.yaml
            name: Test tests/test1.yaml
            pio_cache_key: test1
          - id: test
            file: tests/test2.yaml
            name: Test tests/test2.yaml
            pio_cache_key: test2
          - id: test
            file: tests/test3.yaml
            name: Test tests/test3.yaml
            pio_cache_key: test3
          - id: test
            file: tests/test4.yaml
            name: Test tests/test4.yaml
            pio_cache_key: test4
          - id: test
            file: tests/test5.yaml
            name: Test tests/test5.yaml
            pio_cache_key: test5
          - id: pytest
            name: Run pytest
          - id: clang-format
            name: Run script/clang-format
          - id: clang-tidy
            name: Run script/clang-tidy for ESP8266
            options: --environment esp8266-arduino-tidy --grep USE_ESP8266
            pio_cache_key: tidyesp8266
          - id: clang-tidy
            name: Run script/clang-tidy for ESP32 Arduino 1/4
            options: --environment esp32-arduino-tidy --split-num 4 --split-at 1
            pio_cache_key: tidyesp32
          - id: clang-tidy
            name: Run script/clang-tidy for ESP32 Arduino 2/4
            options: --environment esp32-arduino-tidy --split-num 4 --split-at 2
            pio_cache_key: tidyesp32
          - id: clang-tidy
            name: Run script/clang-tidy for ESP32 Arduino 3/4
            options: --environment esp32-arduino-tidy --split-num 4 --split-at 3
            pio_cache_key: tidyesp32
          - id: clang-tidy
            name: Run script/clang-tidy for ESP32 Arduino 4/4
            options: --environment esp32-arduino-tidy --split-num 4 --split-at 4
            pio_cache_key: tidyesp32
          - id: clang-tidy
            name: Run script/clang-tidy for ESP32 IDF
            options: --environment esp32-idf-tidy --grep USE_ESP_IDF
            pio_cache_key: tidyesp32-idf
          - id: yamllint
            name: Run yamllint

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Set up Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v4
        id: python
          python-version: "3.8"

      - name: Cache virtualenv
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          path: .venv
          # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
          key: venv-${{ steps.python.outputs.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt') }}
          restore-keys: |
            venv-${{ steps.python.outputs.python-version }}-

      - name: Set up virtualenv
        # yamllint disable rule:line-length
        run: |
          python -m venv .venv
          source .venv/bin/activate
          pip install -U pip
          pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements_optional.txt -r requirements_test.txt
          pip install -e .
          echo "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/.venv/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
        # yamllint enable rule:line-length

      # Use per check platformio cache because checks use different parts
      - name: Cache platformio
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          path: ~/.platformio
          # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
          key: platformio-${{ matrix.pio_cache_key }}-${{ hashFiles('platformio.ini') }}
        if: matrix.id == 'test' || matrix.id == 'clang-tidy'

      - name: Install clang tools
        run: |
          sudo apt-get install \
              clang-format-11 \
        if: matrix.id == 'clang-tidy' || matrix.id == 'clang-format'

      - name: Register problem matchers
        run: |
          echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/ci-custom.json"
          echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/lint-python.json"
          echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/python.json"
          echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/pytest.json"
          echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/gcc.json"
          echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/clang-tidy.json"

      - name: Lint Custom
        run: |
          script/build_codeowners.py --check
        if: matrix.id == 'ci-custom'

      - name: Lint Python
        run: script/lint-python -a
        if: matrix.id == 'lint-python'

      - run: esphome compile ${{ matrix.file }}
        if: matrix.id == 'test'
          # Also cache libdeps, store them in a ~/.platformio subfolder
          PLATFORMIO_LIBDEPS_DIR: ~/.platformio/libdeps

      - name: Run pytest
        run: |
          pytest -vv --tb=native tests
        if: matrix.id == 'pytest'

      # Also run git-diff-index so that the step is marked as failed on
      # formatting errors, since clang-format doesn't do anything but
      # change files if -i is passed.
      - name: Run clang-format
        run: |
          script/clang-format -i
          git diff-index --quiet HEAD --
        if: matrix.id == 'clang-format'

      - name: Run clang-tidy
        run: |
          script/clang-tidy --all-headers --fix ${{ matrix.options }}
        if: matrix.id == 'clang-tidy'
          # Also cache libdeps, store them in a ~/.platformio subfolder
          PLATFORMIO_LIBDEPS_DIR: ~/.platformio/libdeps

      - name: Run yamllint
        if: matrix.id == 'yamllint'
        uses: frenck/action-yamllint@v1.3.0

      - name: Suggested changes
        run: script/ci-suggest-changes
        # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
        if: always() && (matrix.id == 'clang-tidy' || matrix.id == 'clang-format' || matrix.id == 'lint-python')