[build-system] requires = ["setuptools==76.0.0", "wheel~=0.43.0"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "esphome" license = {text = "MIT"} description = "ESPHome is a system to configure your microcontrollers by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems." readme = "README.md" authors = [ {name = "The ESPHome Authors", email = "esphome@nabucasa.com"} ] keywords = ["home", "automation"] classifiers = [ "Environment :: Console", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Programming Language :: C++", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Topic :: Home Automation", ] requires-python = ">=3.9.0" dynamic = ["dependencies", "optional-dependencies", "version"] [project.urls] "Documentation" = "https://esphome.io" "Source Code" = "https://github.com/esphome/esphome" "Bug Tracker" = "https://github.com/esphome/issues/issues" "Feature Request Tracker" = "https://github.com/esphome/feature-requests/issues" "Discord" = "https://discord.gg/KhAMKrd" "Forum" = "https://community.home-assistant.io/c/esphome" "Twitter" = "https://twitter.com/esphome_" [project.scripts] esphome = "esphome.__main__:main" [tool.setuptools] platforms = ["any"] zip-safe = false include-package-data = true [tool.setuptools.dynamic] dependencies = {file = ["requirements.txt"]} version = {attr = "esphome.const.__version__"} [tool.setuptools.dynamic.optional-dependencies] dev = { file = ["requirements_dev.txt"] } test = { file = ["requirements_test.txt"] } displays = { file = ["requirements_optional.txt"] } [tool.setuptools.packages.find] include = ["esphome*"] [tool.pytest.ini_options] testpaths = [ "tests", ] addopts = [ "--cov=esphome", "--cov-branch", ] [tool.pylint.MAIN] py-version = "3.9" ignore = [ "api_pb2.py", ] persistent = false [tool.pylint.REPORTS] score = false [tool.pylint."MESSAGES CONTROL"] disable = [ "format", "missing-docstring", "fixme", "unused-argument", "global-statement", "too-few-public-methods", "too-many-lines", "too-many-locals", "too-many-ancestors", "too-many-branches", "too-many-statements", "too-many-arguments", "too-many-positional-arguments", "too-many-return-statements", "too-many-instance-attributes", "duplicate-code", "invalid-name", "cyclic-import", "redefined-builtin", "undefined-loop-variable", "useless-object-inheritance", "stop-iteration-return", "import-outside-toplevel", # Broken "unsupported-membership-test", "unsubscriptable-object", ] [tool.pylint.FORMAT] expected-line-ending-format = "LF" [tool.ruff] required-version = ">=0.5.0" target-version = "py39" exclude = ['generated'] [tool.ruff.lint] select = [ "E", # pycodestyle "F", # pyflakes/autoflake "I", # isort "PL", # pylint "UP", # pyupgrade ] ignore = [ "E501", # line too long "PLR0911", # Too many return statements ({returns} > {max_returns}) "PLR0912", # Too many branches ({branches} > {max_branches}) "PLR0913", # Too many arguments to function call ({c_args} > {max_args}) "PLR0915", # Too many statements ({statements} > {max_statements}) "PLR2004", # Magic value used in comparison, consider replacing {value} with a constant variable "PLW2901", # Outer {outer_kind} variable {name} overwritten by inner {inner_kind} target ] [tool.ruff.lint.isort] force-sort-within-sections = true known-first-party = [ "esphome", ] combine-as-imports = true split-on-trailing-comma = false