# Contributing to ESPHome

For a detailed guide, please see https://esphome.io/guides/contributing.html#contributing-to-esphome

Things to note when contributing:

 - Please test your changes :)
 - If a new feature is added or an existing user-facing feature is changed, you should also 
   update the [docs](https://github.com/esphome/esphome-docs). See [contributing to esphome-docs](https://esphome.io/guides/contributing.html#contributing-to-esphomedocs)
   for more information.
 - Please also update the tests in the `tests/` folder. You can do so by just adding a line in one of the YAML files
   which checks if your new feature compiles correctly.
 - Sometimes I will let pull requests linger because I'm not 100% sure about them. Please feel free to ping
   me after some time.