import os import random import string import unicodedata import voluptuous as vol import esphome.config_validation as cv from esphome.helpers import get_bool_env, write_file from esphome.log import color, Fore # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string from esphome.storage_json import StorageJSON, ext_storage_path from esphome.util import safe_print from esphome.const import ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS, ENV_QUICKWIZARD CORE_BIG = r""" _____ ____ _____ ______ / ____/ __ \| __ \| ____| | | | | | | |__) | |__ | | | | | | _ /| __| | |___| |__| | | \ \| |____ \_____\____/|_| \_\______| """ ESP_BIG = r""" ______ _____ _____ | ____|/ ____| __ \\ | |__ | (___ | |__) | | __| \___ \| ___/ | |____ ____) | | |______|_____/|_| """ WIFI_BIG = r""" __ ___ ______ _ \ \ / (_) ____(_) \ \ /\ / / _| |__ _ \ \/ \/ / | | __| | | \ /\ / | | | | | \/ \/ |_|_| |_| """ OTA_BIG = r""" ____ _______ / __ \__ __|/\\ | | | | | | / \\ | | | | | | / /\ \\ | |__| | | |/ ____ \\ \____/ |_/_/ \_\\ """ BASE_CONFIG = """esphome: name: {name} platform: {platform} board: {board} # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: """ def sanitize_double_quotes(value): return value.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"') def wizard_file(**kwargs): letters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits ap_name_base = kwargs["name"].replace("_", " ").title() ap_name = f"{ap_name_base} Fallback Hotspot" if len(ap_name) > 32: ap_name = ap_name_base kwargs["fallback_name"] = ap_name kwargs["fallback_psk"] = "".join(random.choice(letters) for _ in range(12)) config = BASE_CONFIG.format(**kwargs) # Configure API if "password" in kwargs: config += f" password: \"{kwargs['password']}\"\n" # Configure OTA config += "\nota:\n" if "ota_password" in kwargs: config += f" password: \"{kwargs['ota_password']}\"" elif "password" in kwargs: config += f" password: \"{kwargs['password']}\"" # Configuring wifi config += "\n\nwifi:\n" if "ssid" in kwargs: # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string config += """ ssid: "{ssid}" password: "{psk}" """.format( **kwargs ) else: config += """ # ssid: "My SSID" # password: "mypassword" networks: """ # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string config += """ # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "{fallback_name}" password: "{fallback_psk}" captive_portal: """.format( **kwargs ) return config def wizard_write(path, **kwargs): from esphome.components.esp8266 import boards as esp8266_boards name = kwargs["name"] board = kwargs["board"] for key in ("ssid", "psk", "password", "ota_password"): if key in kwargs: kwargs[key] = sanitize_double_quotes(kwargs[key]) if "platform" not in kwargs: kwargs["platform"] = ( "ESP8266" if board in esp8266_boards.ESP8266_BOARD_PINS else "ESP32" ) platform = kwargs["platform"] write_file(path, wizard_file(**kwargs)) storage = StorageJSON.from_wizard(name, f"{name}.local", platform) storage_path = ext_storage_path(os.path.dirname(path), os.path.basename(path)) if get_bool_env(ENV_QUICKWIZARD): def sleep(time): pass else: from time import sleep def safe_print_step(step, big): safe_print() safe_print() safe_print(f"============= STEP {step} =============") safe_print(big) safe_print("===================================") sleep(0.25) def default_input(text, default): safe_print() safe_print(f"Press ENTER for default ({default})") return input(text.format(default)) or default # From def strip_accents(value): return "".join( c for c in unicodedata.normalize("NFD", str(value)) if unicodedata.category(c) != "Mn" ) def wizard(path): from esphome.components.esp32 import boards as esp32_boards from esphome.components.esp8266 import boards as esp8266_boards if not path.endswith(".yaml") and not path.endswith(".yml"): safe_print( f"Please make your configuration file {color(Fore.CYAN, path)} have the extension .yaml or .yml" ) return 1 if os.path.exists(path): safe_print( f"Uh oh, it seems like {color(Fore.CYAN, path)} already exists, please delete that file first or chose another configuration file." ) return 2 safe_print("Hi there!") sleep(1.5) safe_print("I'm the wizard of ESPHome :)") sleep(1.25) safe_print("And I'm here to help you get started with ESPHome.") sleep(2.0) safe_print( "In 4 steps I'm going to guide you through creating a basic " "configuration file for your custom ESP8266/ESP32 firmware. Yay!" ) sleep(3.0) safe_print() safe_print_step(1, CORE_BIG) safe_print(f"First up, please choose a {color(Fore.GREEN, 'name')} for your node.") safe_print( "It should be a unique name that can be used to identify the device later." ) sleep(1) safe_print( f"For example, I like calling the node in my living room {color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, 'livingroom')}." ) safe_print() sleep(1) name = input(color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, "(name): ")) while True: try: name = cv.valid_name(name) break except vol.Invalid: safe_print( color( Fore.RED, f'Oh noes, "{name}" isn\'t a valid name. Names can only ' f"include numbers, lower-case letters and hyphens. ", ) ) name = strip_accents(name).lower().replace(" ", "-") name = strip_accents(name).lower().replace("_", "-") name = "".join(c for c in name if c in ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS) safe_print(f'Shall I use "{color(Fore.CYAN, name)}" as the name instead?') sleep(0.5) name = default_input("(name [{}]): ", name) safe_print(f'Great! Your node is now called "{color(Fore.CYAN, name)}".') sleep(1) safe_print_step(2, ESP_BIG) safe_print( "Now I'd like to know what microcontroller you're using so that I can compile " "firmwares for it." ) safe_print( f"Are you using an {color(Fore.GREEN, 'ESP32')} or {color(Fore.GREEN, 'ESP8266')} platform? (Choose ESP8266 for Sonoff devices)" ) while True: sleep(0.5) safe_print() safe_print("Please enter either ESP32 or ESP8266.") platform = input(color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, "(ESP32/ESP8266): ")) try: platform = vol.All(vol.Upper, vol.Any("ESP32", "ESP8266"))(platform) break except vol.Invalid: safe_print( f'Unfortunately, I can\'t find an espressif microcontroller called "{platform}". Please try again.' ) safe_print(f"Thanks! You've chosen {color(Fore.CYAN, platform)} as your platform.") safe_print() sleep(1) if platform == "ESP32": board_link = ( "" ) else: board_link = ( "" ) safe_print(f"Next, I need to know what {color(Fore.GREEN, 'board')} you're using.") sleep(0.5) safe_print(f"Please go to {color(Fore.GREEN, board_link)} and choose a board.") if platform == "ESP32": safe_print(f"(Type {color(Fore.GREEN, 'esp01_1m')} for Sonoff devices)") safe_print() # Don't sleep because user needs to copy link if platform == "ESP32": safe_print(f"For example \"{color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, 'nodemcu-32s')}\".") boards = list(esp32_boards.ESP32_BOARD_PINS.keys()) else: safe_print(f"For example \"{color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, 'nodemcuv2')}\".") boards = list(esp8266_boards.ESP8266_BOARD_PINS.keys()) safe_print(f"Options: {', '.join(sorted(boards))}") while True: board = input(color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, "(board): ")) try: board = vol.All(vol.Lower, vol.Any(*boards))(board) break except vol.Invalid: safe_print( color(Fore.RED, f'Sorry, I don\'t think the board "{board}" exists.') ) safe_print() sleep(0.25) safe_print() safe_print(f"Way to go! You've chosen {color(Fore.CYAN, board)} as your board.") safe_print() sleep(1) safe_print_step(3, WIFI_BIG) safe_print("In this step, I'm going to create the configuration for " "WiFi.") safe_print() sleep(1) safe_print( f"First, what's the {color(Fore.GREEN, 'SSID')} (the name) of the WiFi network {name} should connect to?" ) sleep(1.5) safe_print(f"For example \"{color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, 'Abraham Linksys')}\".") while True: ssid = input(color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, "(ssid): ")) try: ssid = cv.ssid(ssid) break except vol.Invalid: safe_print( color( Fore.RED, f'Unfortunately, "{ssid}" doesn\'t seem to be a valid SSID. Please try again.', ) ) safe_print() sleep(1) safe_print( f'Thank you very much! You\'ve just chosen "{color(Fore.CYAN, ssid)}" as your SSID.' ) safe_print() sleep(0.75) safe_print( f"Now please state the {color(Fore.GREEN, 'password')} of the WiFi network so that I can connect to it (Leave empty for no password)" ) safe_print() safe_print(f"For example \"{color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, 'PASSWORD42')}\"") sleep(0.5) psk = input(color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, "(PSK): ")) safe_print( "Perfect! WiFi is now set up (you can create static IPs and so on later)." ) sleep(1.5) safe_print_step(4, OTA_BIG) safe_print( "Almost there! ESPHome can automatically upload custom firmwares over WiFi " "(over the air) and integrates into Home Assistant with a native API." ) safe_print( f"This can be insecure if you do not trust the WiFi network. Do you want to set a {color(Fore.GREEN, 'password')} for connecting to this ESP?" ) safe_print() sleep(0.25) safe_print("Press ENTER for no password") password = input(color(Fore.BOLD_WHITE, "(password): ")) wizard_write( path=path, name=name, platform=platform, board=board, ssid=ssid, psk=psk, password=password, ) safe_print() safe_print( color(Fore.CYAN, "DONE! I've now written a new configuration file to ") + color(Fore.BOLD_CYAN, path) ) safe_print() safe_print("Next steps:") safe_print( ' > Check your Home Assistant "integrations" screen. If all goes well, you ' "should see your ESP being discovered automatically." ) safe_print(" > Then follow the rest of the getting started guide:") safe_print(" >") return 0