#ifdef USE_ESP32_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO #include "esphome/core/application.h" #include "esphome/core/defines.h" #include "esphome/core/helpers.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "uart_component_esp32_arduino.h" #ifdef USE_LOGGER #include "esphome/components/logger/logger.h" #endif namespace esphome { namespace uart { static const char *const TAG = "uart.arduino_esp32"; static const uint32_t UART_PARITY_EVEN = 0 << 0; static const uint32_t UART_PARITY_ODD = 1 << 0; static const uint32_t UART_PARITY_ENABLE = 1 << 1; static const uint32_t UART_NB_BIT_5 = 0 << 2; static const uint32_t UART_NB_BIT_6 = 1 << 2; static const uint32_t UART_NB_BIT_7 = 2 << 2; static const uint32_t UART_NB_BIT_8 = 3 << 2; static const uint32_t UART_NB_STOP_BIT_1 = 1 << 4; static const uint32_t UART_NB_STOP_BIT_2 = 3 << 4; static const uint32_t UART_TICK_APB_CLOCK = 1 << 27; uint32_t ESP32ArduinoUARTComponent::get_config() { uint32_t config = 0; /* * All bits numbers below come from * framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/esp32/esp32-hal-uart.h * And more specifically conf0 union in uart_dev_t. * * Below is bit used from conf0 union. * : * parity:0 0:even 1:odd * parity_en:1 Set this bit to enable uart parity check. * bit_num:2-4 0:5bits 1:6bits 2:7bits 3:8bits * stop_bit_num:4-6 stop bit. 1:1bit 2:1.5bits 3:2bits * tick_ref_always_on:27 select the clock.1:apb clock:ref_tick */ if (this->parity_ == UART_CONFIG_PARITY_EVEN) config |= UART_PARITY_EVEN | UART_PARITY_ENABLE; else if (this->parity_ == UART_CONFIG_PARITY_ODD) config |= UART_PARITY_ODD | UART_PARITY_ENABLE; switch (this->data_bits_) { case 5: config |= UART_NB_BIT_5; break; case 6: config |= UART_NB_BIT_6; break; case 7: config |= UART_NB_BIT_7; break; case 8: config |= UART_NB_BIT_8; break; } if (this->stop_bits_ == 1) config |= UART_NB_STOP_BIT_1; else config |= UART_NB_STOP_BIT_2; config |= UART_TICK_APB_CLOCK; return config; } void ESP32ArduinoUARTComponent::setup() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up UART..."); // Use Arduino HardwareSerial UARTs if all used pins match the ones // preconfigured by the platform. For example if RX disabled but TX pin // is 1 we still want to use Serial. bool is_default_tx, is_default_rx; #ifdef CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3 is_default_tx = tx_pin_ == nullptr || tx_pin_->get_pin() == 21; is_default_rx = rx_pin_ == nullptr || rx_pin_->get_pin() == 20; #else is_default_tx = tx_pin_ == nullptr || tx_pin_->get_pin() == 1; is_default_rx = rx_pin_ == nullptr || rx_pin_->get_pin() == 3; #endif if (is_default_tx && is_default_rx) { this->hw_serial_ = &Serial; } else { static uint8_t next_uart_num = 1; this->hw_serial_ = new HardwareSerial(next_uart_num++); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory) } int8_t tx = this->tx_pin_ != nullptr ? this->tx_pin_->get_pin() : -1; int8_t rx = this->rx_pin_ != nullptr ? this->rx_pin_->get_pin() : -1; bool invert = false; if (tx_pin_ != nullptr && tx_pin_->is_inverted()) invert = true; if (rx_pin_ != nullptr && rx_pin_->is_inverted()) invert = true; this->hw_serial_->begin(this->baud_rate_, get_config(), rx, tx, invert); this->hw_serial_->setRxBufferSize(this->rx_buffer_size_); } void ESP32ArduinoUARTComponent::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "UART Bus:"); LOG_PIN(" TX Pin: ", tx_pin_); LOG_PIN(" RX Pin: ", rx_pin_); if (this->rx_pin_ != nullptr) { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " RX Buffer Size: %u", this->rx_buffer_size_); } ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Baud Rate: %u baud", this->baud_rate_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Data Bits: %u", this->data_bits_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Parity: %s", LOG_STR_ARG(parity_to_str(this->parity_))); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Stop bits: %u", this->stop_bits_); this->check_logger_conflict(); } void ESP32ArduinoUARTComponent::write_array(const uint8_t *data, size_t len) { this->hw_serial_->write(data, len); #ifdef USE_UART_DEBUGGER for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { this->debug_callback_.call(UART_DIRECTION_TX, data[i]); } #endif } bool ESP32ArduinoUARTComponent::peek_byte(uint8_t *data) { if (!this->check_read_timeout_()) return false; *data = this->hw_serial_->peek(); return true; } bool ESP32ArduinoUARTComponent::read_array(uint8_t *data, size_t len) { if (!this->check_read_timeout_(len)) return false; this->hw_serial_->readBytes(data, len); #ifdef USE_UART_DEBUGGER for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { this->debug_callback_.call(UART_DIRECTION_RX, data[i]); } #endif return true; } int ESP32ArduinoUARTComponent::available() { return this->hw_serial_->available(); } void ESP32ArduinoUARTComponent::flush() { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Flushing..."); this->hw_serial_->flush(); } void ESP32ArduinoUARTComponent::check_logger_conflict() { #ifdef USE_LOGGER if (this->hw_serial_ == nullptr || logger::global_logger->get_baud_rate() == 0) { return; } if (this->hw_serial_ == logger::global_logger->get_hw_serial()) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, " You're using the same serial port for logging and the UART component. Please " "disable logging over the serial port by setting logger->baud_rate to 0."); } #endif } } // namespace uart } // namespace esphome #endif // USE_ESP32_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO