from esphome import yaml_util from esphome.components import substitutions from esphome.core import EsphomeError def test_include_with_vars(fixture_path): yaml_file = fixture_path / "yaml_util" / "includetest.yaml" actual = yaml_util.load_yaml(yaml_file) substitutions.do_substitution_pass(actual, None) assert actual["esphome"]["name"] == "original" assert actual["esphome"]["libraries"][0] == "Wire" assert actual["esp8266"]["board"] == "nodemcu" assert actual["wifi"]["ssid"] == "my_custom_ssid" def test_loading_a_broken_yaml_file(fixture_path): """Ensure we fallback to pure python to give good errors.""" yaml_file = fixture_path / "yaml_util" / "broken_includetest.yaml" try: yaml_util.load_yaml(yaml_file) except EsphomeError as err: assert "broken_included.yaml" in str(err) def test_loading_a_yaml_file_with_a_missing_component(fixture_path): """Ensure we show the filename for a yaml file with a missing component.""" yaml_file = fixture_path / "yaml_util" / "missing_comp.yaml" try: yaml_util.load_yaml(yaml_file) except EsphomeError as err: assert "missing_comp.yaml" in str(err) def test_loading_a_missing_file(fixture_path): """We throw EsphomeError when loading a missing file.""" yaml_file = fixture_path / "yaml_util" / "missing.yaml" try: yaml_util.load_yaml(yaml_file) except EsphomeError as err: assert "missing.yaml" in str(err)