#include "remote_receiver.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #ifdef USE_ESP32 #include namespace esphome { namespace remote_receiver { static const char *const TAG = "remote_receiver.esp32"; void RemoteReceiverComponent::setup() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up Remote Receiver..."); this->pin_->setup(); rmt_config_t rmt{}; this->config_rmt(rmt); rmt.gpio_num = gpio_num_t(this->pin_->get_pin()); rmt.rmt_mode = RMT_MODE_RX; if (this->filter_us_ == 0) { rmt.rx_config.filter_en = false; } else { rmt.rx_config.filter_en = true; rmt.rx_config.filter_ticks_thresh = this->from_microseconds_(this->filter_us_); } rmt.rx_config.idle_threshold = this->from_microseconds_(this->idle_us_); esp_err_t error = rmt_config(&rmt); if (error != ESP_OK) { this->error_code_ = error; this->mark_failed(); return; } error = rmt_driver_install(this->channel_, this->buffer_size_, 0); if (error != ESP_OK) { this->error_code_ = error; this->mark_failed(); return; } error = rmt_get_ringbuf_handle(this->channel_, &this->ringbuf_); if (error != ESP_OK) { this->error_code_ = error; this->mark_failed(); return; } error = rmt_rx_start(this->channel_, true); if (error != ESP_OK) { this->error_code_ = error; this->mark_failed(); return; } } void RemoteReceiverComponent::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Remote Receiver:"); LOG_PIN(" Pin: ", this->pin_); if (this->pin_->digital_read()) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Remote Receiver Signal starts with a HIGH value. Usually this means you have to " "invert the signal using 'inverted: True' in the pin schema!"); } ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Channel: %d", this->channel_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " RMT memory blocks: %d", this->mem_block_num_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Clock divider: %u", this->clock_divider_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Tolerance: %u%%", this->tolerance_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Filter out pulses shorter than: %u us", this->filter_us_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Signal is done after %u us of no changes", this->idle_us_); if (this->is_failed()) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Configuring RMT driver failed: %s", esp_err_to_name(this->error_code_)); } } void RemoteReceiverComponent::loop() { size_t len = 0; auto *item = (rmt_item32_t *) xRingbufferReceive(this->ringbuf_, &len, 0); if (item != nullptr) { this->decode_rmt_(item, len); vRingbufferReturnItem(this->ringbuf_, item); if (this->temp_.empty()) return; this->call_listeners_dumpers_(); } } void RemoteReceiverComponent::decode_rmt_(rmt_item32_t *item, size_t len) { bool prev_level = false; uint32_t prev_length = 0; this->temp_.clear(); int32_t multiplier = this->pin_->is_inverted() ? -1 : 1; ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "START:"); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (item[i].level0) { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "%u A: ON %uus (%u ticks)", i, this->to_microseconds_(item[i].duration0), item[i].duration0); } else { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "%u A: OFF %uus (%u ticks)", i, this->to_microseconds_(item[i].duration0), item[i].duration0); } if (item[i].level1) { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "%u B: ON %uus (%u ticks)", i, this->to_microseconds_(item[i].duration1), item[i].duration1); } else { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "%u B: OFF %uus (%u ticks)", i, this->to_microseconds_(item[i].duration1), item[i].duration1); } } ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "\n"); this->temp_.reserve(len / 4); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (item[i].duration0 == 0u) { // Do nothing } else if (bool(item[i].level0) == prev_level) { prev_length += item[i].duration0; } else { if (prev_length > 0) { if (prev_level) { this->temp_.push_back(this->to_microseconds_(prev_length) * multiplier); } else { this->temp_.push_back(-int32_t(this->to_microseconds_(prev_length)) * multiplier); } } prev_level = bool(item[i].level0); prev_length = item[i].duration0; } if (this->to_microseconds_(prev_length) > this->idle_us_) { break; } if (item[i].duration1 == 0u) { // Do nothing } else if (bool(item[i].level1) == prev_level) { prev_length += item[i].duration1; } else { if (prev_length > 0) { if (prev_level) { this->temp_.push_back(this->to_microseconds_(prev_length) * multiplier); } else { this->temp_.push_back(-int32_t(this->to_microseconds_(prev_length)) * multiplier); } } prev_level = bool(item[i].level1); prev_length = item[i].duration1; } if (this->to_microseconds_(prev_length) > this->idle_us_) { break; } } if (prev_length > 0) { if (prev_level) { this->temp_.push_back(this->to_microseconds_(prev_length) * multiplier); } else { this->temp_.push_back(-int32_t(this->to_microseconds_(prev_length)) * multiplier); } } } } // namespace remote_receiver } // namespace esphome #endif