#include "api_server.h" #include "api_connection.h" #include "esphome/core/application.h" #include "esphome/core/defines.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "esphome/core/util.h" #include "esphome/core/version.h" #include "esphome/core/hal.h" #include "esphome/components/network/util.h" #include #ifdef USE_LOGGER #include "esphome/components/logger/logger.h" #endif #include namespace esphome { namespace api { static const char *const TAG = "api"; // APIServer void APIServer::setup() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up Home Assistant API server..."); this->setup_controller(); socket_ = socket::socket_ip(SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (socket_ == nullptr) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Could not create socket."); this->mark_failed(); return; } int enable = 1; int err = socket_->setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable, sizeof(int)); if (err != 0) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Socket unable to set reuseaddr: errno %d", err); // we can still continue } err = socket_->setblocking(false); if (err != 0) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Socket unable to set nonblocking mode: errno %d", err); this->mark_failed(); return; } struct sockaddr_storage server; socklen_t sl = socket::set_sockaddr_any((struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server), this->port_); if (sl == 0) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Socket unable to set sockaddr: errno %d", errno); this->mark_failed(); return; } err = socket_->bind((struct sockaddr *) &server, sl); if (err != 0) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Socket unable to bind: errno %d", errno); this->mark_failed(); return; } err = socket_->listen(4); if (err != 0) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Socket unable to listen: errno %d", errno); this->mark_failed(); return; } #ifdef USE_LOGGER if (logger::global_logger != nullptr) { logger::global_logger->add_on_log_callback([this](int level, const char *tag, const char *message) { for (auto &c : this->clients_) { if (!c->remove_) c->send_log_message(level, tag, message); } }); } #endif this->last_connected_ = millis(); #ifdef USE_ESP32_CAMERA if (esp32_camera::global_esp32_camera != nullptr && !esp32_camera::global_esp32_camera->is_internal()) { esp32_camera::global_esp32_camera->add_image_callback( [this](const std::shared_ptr &image) { for (auto &c : this->clients_) { if (!c->remove_) c->send_camera_state(image); } }); } #endif } void APIServer::loop() { // Accept new clients while (true) { struct sockaddr_storage source_addr; socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(source_addr); auto sock = socket_->accept((struct sockaddr *) &source_addr, &addr_len); if (!sock) break; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Accepted %s", sock->getpeername().c_str()); auto *conn = new APIConnection(std::move(sock), this); clients_.emplace_back(conn); conn->start(); } // Partition clients into remove and active auto new_end = std::partition(this->clients_.begin(), this->clients_.end(), [](const std::unique_ptr &conn) { return !conn->remove_; }); // print disconnection messages for (auto it = new_end; it != this->clients_.end(); ++it) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Removing connection to %s", (*it)->client_info_.c_str()); } // resize vector this->clients_.erase(new_end, this->clients_.end()); for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->loop(); } if (this->reboot_timeout_ != 0) { const uint32_t now = millis(); if (!this->is_connected()) { if (now - this->last_connected_ > this->reboot_timeout_) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "No client connected to API. Rebooting..."); App.reboot(); } this->status_set_warning(); } else { this->last_connected_ = now; this->status_clear_warning(); } } } void APIServer::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "API Server:"); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Address: %s:%u", network::get_use_address().c_str(), this->port_); #ifdef USE_API_NOISE ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Using noise encryption: YES"); #else ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Using noise encryption: NO"); #endif } bool APIServer::uses_password() const { return !this->password_.empty(); } bool APIServer::check_password(const std::string &password) const { // depend only on input password length const char *a = this->password_.c_str(); uint32_t len_a = this->password_.length(); const char *b = password.c_str(); uint32_t len_b = password.length(); // disable optimization with volatile volatile uint32_t length = len_b; volatile const char *left = nullptr; volatile const char *right = b; uint8_t result = 0; if (len_a == length) { left = *((volatile const char **) &a); result = 0; } if (len_a != length) { left = b; result = 1; } for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { result |= *left++ ^ *right++; // NOLINT } return result == 0; } void APIServer::handle_disconnect(APIConnection *conn) {} #ifdef USE_BINARY_SENSOR void APIServer::on_binary_sensor_update(binary_sensor::BinarySensor *obj, bool state) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_binary_sensor_state(obj, state); } #endif #ifdef USE_COVER void APIServer::on_cover_update(cover::Cover *obj) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_cover_state(obj); } #endif #ifdef USE_FAN void APIServer::on_fan_update(fan::Fan *obj) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_fan_state(obj); } #endif #ifdef USE_LIGHT void APIServer::on_light_update(light::LightState *obj) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_light_state(obj); } #endif #ifdef USE_SENSOR void APIServer::on_sensor_update(sensor::Sensor *obj, float state) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_sensor_state(obj, state); } #endif #ifdef USE_SWITCH void APIServer::on_switch_update(switch_::Switch *obj, bool state) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_switch_state(obj, state); } #endif #ifdef USE_TEXT_SENSOR void APIServer::on_text_sensor_update(text_sensor::TextSensor *obj, const std::string &state) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_text_sensor_state(obj, state); } #endif #ifdef USE_CLIMATE void APIServer::on_climate_update(climate::Climate *obj) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_climate_state(obj); } #endif #ifdef USE_NUMBER void APIServer::on_number_update(number::Number *obj, float state) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_number_state(obj, state); } #endif #ifdef USE_SELECT void APIServer::on_select_update(select::Select *obj, const std::string &state, size_t index) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_select_state(obj, state); } #endif #ifdef USE_LOCK void APIServer::on_lock_update(lock::Lock *obj) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_lock_state(obj, obj->state); } #endif #ifdef USE_MEDIA_PLAYER void APIServer::on_media_player_update(media_player::MediaPlayer *obj) { if (obj->is_internal()) return; for (auto &c : this->clients_) c->send_media_player_state(obj); } #endif float APIServer::get_setup_priority() const { return setup_priority::AFTER_WIFI; } void APIServer::set_port(uint16_t port) { this->port_ = port; } APIServer *global_api_server = nullptr; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables) void APIServer::set_password(const std::string &password) { this->password_ = password; } void APIServer::send_homeassistant_service_call(const HomeassistantServiceResponse &call) { for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_homeassistant_service_call(call); } } #ifdef USE_BLUETOOTH_PROXY void APIServer::send_bluetooth_le_advertisement(const BluetoothLEAdvertisementResponse &call) { for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_le_advertisement(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_device_connection(uint64_t address, bool connected, uint16_t mtu, esp_err_t error) { BluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse call; call.address = address; call.connected = connected; call.mtu = mtu; call.error = error; for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_device_connection_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_device_pairing(uint64_t address, bool paired, esp_err_t error) { BluetoothDevicePairingResponse call; call.address = address; call.paired = paired; call.error = error; for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_device_pairing_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_device_unpairing(uint64_t address, bool success, esp_err_t error) { BluetoothDeviceUnpairingResponse call; call.address = address; call.success = success; call.error = error; for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_device_unpairing_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_device_clear_cache(uint64_t address, bool success, esp_err_t error) { BluetoothDeviceClearCacheResponse call; call.address = address; call.success = success; call.error = error; for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_device_clear_cache_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_connections_free(uint8_t free, uint8_t limit) { BluetoothConnectionsFreeResponse call; call.free = free; call.limit = limit; for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_connections_free_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_gatt_read_response(const BluetoothGATTReadResponse &call) { for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_gatt_read_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_gatt_write_response(const BluetoothGATTWriteResponse &call) { for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_gatt_write_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_gatt_notify_data_response(const BluetoothGATTNotifyDataResponse &call) { for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_gatt_notify_data_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_gatt_notify_response(const BluetoothGATTNotifyResponse &call) { for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_gatt_notify_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_gatt_services(const BluetoothGATTGetServicesResponse &call) { for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_gatt_get_services_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_gatt_services_done(uint64_t address) { BluetoothGATTGetServicesDoneResponse call; call.address = address; for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_gatt_get_services_done_response(call); } } void APIServer::send_bluetooth_gatt_error(uint64_t address, uint16_t handle, esp_err_t error) { BluetoothGATTErrorResponse call; call.address = address; call.handle = handle; call.error = error; for (auto &client : this->clients_) { client->send_bluetooth_gatt_error_response(call); } } #endif APIServer::APIServer() { global_api_server = this; } void APIServer::subscribe_home_assistant_state(std::string entity_id, optional attribute, std::function f) { this->state_subs_.push_back(HomeAssistantStateSubscription{ .entity_id = std::move(entity_id), .attribute = std::move(attribute), .callback = std::move(f), }); } const std::vector &APIServer::get_state_subs() const { return this->state_subs_; } uint16_t APIServer::get_port() const { return this->port_; } void APIServer::set_reboot_timeout(uint32_t reboot_timeout) { this->reboot_timeout_ = reboot_timeout; } #ifdef USE_HOMEASSISTANT_TIME void APIServer::request_time() { for (auto &client : this->clients_) { if (!client->remove_ && client->connection_state_ == APIConnection::ConnectionState::CONNECTED) client->send_time_request(); } } #endif bool APIServer::is_connected() const { return !this->clients_.empty(); } void APIServer::on_shutdown() { for (auto &c : this->clients_) { c->send_disconnect_request(DisconnectRequest()); } delay(10); } } // namespace api } // namespace esphome