#include "esphome/core/application.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "esphome/core/version.h" #include "esphome/core/hal.h" #ifdef USE_STATUS_LED #include "esphome/components/status_led/status_led.h" #endif namespace esphome { static const char *const TAG = "app"; void Application::register_component_(Component *comp) { if (comp == nullptr) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Tried to register null component!"); return; } for (auto *c : this->components_) { if (comp == c) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Component %s already registered! (%p)", c->get_component_source(), c); return; } } this->components_.push_back(comp); } void Application::setup() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Running through setup()..."); ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Sorting components by setup priority..."); std::stable_sort(this->components_.begin(), this->components_.end(), [](const Component *a, const Component *b) { return a->get_actual_setup_priority() > b->get_actual_setup_priority(); }); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < this->components_.size(); i++) { Component *component = this->components_[i]; component->call(); this->scheduler.process_to_add(); this->feed_wdt(); if (component->can_proceed()) continue; std::stable_sort(this->components_.begin(), this->components_.begin() + i + 1, [](Component *a, Component *b) { return a->get_loop_priority() > b->get_loop_priority(); }); do { uint32_t new_app_state = STATUS_LED_WARNING; this->scheduler.call(); this->feed_wdt(); for (uint32_t j = 0; j <= i; j++) { this->components_[j]->call(); new_app_state |= this->components_[j]->get_component_state(); this->app_state_ |= new_app_state; this->feed_wdt(); } this->app_state_ = new_app_state; yield(); } while (!component->can_proceed()); } ESP_LOGI(TAG, "setup() finished successfully!"); this->schedule_dump_config(); this->calculate_looping_components_(); } void Application::loop() { uint32_t new_app_state = 0; this->scheduler.call(); this->feed_wdt(); for (Component *component : this->looping_components_) { { WarnIfComponentBlockingGuard guard{component}; component->call(); } new_app_state |= component->get_component_state(); this->app_state_ |= new_app_state; this->feed_wdt(); } this->app_state_ = new_app_state; const uint32_t now = millis(); if (HighFrequencyLoopRequester::is_high_frequency()) { yield(); } else { uint32_t delay_time = this->loop_interval_; if (now - this->last_loop_ < this->loop_interval_) delay_time = this->loop_interval_ - (now - this->last_loop_); uint32_t next_schedule = this->scheduler.next_schedule_in().value_or(delay_time); // next_schedule is max 0.5*delay_time // otherwise interval=0 schedules result in constant looping with almost no sleep next_schedule = std::max(next_schedule, delay_time / 2); delay_time = std::min(next_schedule, delay_time); delay(delay_time); } this->last_loop_ = now; if (this->dump_config_at_ < this->components_.size()) { if (this->dump_config_at_ == 0) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ESPHome version " ESPHOME_VERSION " compiled on %s", this->compilation_time_); #ifdef ESPHOME_PROJECT_NAME ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Project " ESPHOME_PROJECT_NAME " version " ESPHOME_PROJECT_VERSION); #endif } this->components_[this->dump_config_at_]->call_dump_config(); this->dump_config_at_++; } } void IRAM_ATTR HOT Application::feed_wdt() { static uint32_t last_feed = 0; uint32_t now = micros(); if (now - last_feed > 3000) { arch_feed_wdt(); last_feed = now; #ifdef USE_STATUS_LED if (status_led::global_status_led != nullptr) { status_led::global_status_led->call(); } #endif } } void Application::reboot() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Forcing a reboot..."); for (auto it = this->components_.rbegin(); it != this->components_.rend(); ++it) { (*it)->on_shutdown(); } arch_restart(); } void Application::safe_reboot() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Rebooting safely..."); run_safe_shutdown_hooks(); arch_restart(); } void Application::run_safe_shutdown_hooks() { for (auto it = this->components_.rbegin(); it != this->components_.rend(); ++it) { (*it)->on_safe_shutdown(); } for (auto it = this->components_.rbegin(); it != this->components_.rend(); ++it) { (*it)->on_shutdown(); } } void Application::calculate_looping_components_() { for (auto *obj : this->components_) { if (obj->has_overridden_loop()) this->looping_components_.push_back(obj); } } Application App; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables) } // namespace esphome