#include "text_sensor.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" namespace esphome { namespace text_sensor { static const char *const TAG = "text_sensor"; TextSensor::TextSensor() : TextSensor("") {} TextSensor::TextSensor(const std::string &name) : EntityBase(name) {} void TextSensor::publish_state(const std::string &state) { this->raw_state = state; this->raw_callback_.call(state); ESP_LOGV(TAG, "'%s': Received new state %s", this->name_.c_str(), state.c_str()); if (this->filter_list_ == nullptr) { this->internal_send_state_to_frontend(state); } else { this->filter_list_->input(state); } } void TextSensor::add_filter(Filter *filter) { // inefficient, but only happens once on every sensor setup and nobody's going to have massive amounts of // filters ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "TextSensor(%p)::add_filter(%p)", this, filter); if (this->filter_list_ == nullptr) { this->filter_list_ = filter; } else { Filter *last_filter = this->filter_list_; while (last_filter->next_ != nullptr) last_filter = last_filter->next_; last_filter->initialize(this, filter); } filter->initialize(this, nullptr); } void TextSensor::add_filters(const std::vector &filters) { for (Filter *filter : filters) { this->add_filter(filter); } } void TextSensor::set_filters(const std::vector &filters) { this->clear_filters(); this->add_filters(filters); } void TextSensor::clear_filters() { if (this->filter_list_ != nullptr) { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "TextSensor(%p)::clear_filters()", this); } this->filter_list_ = nullptr; } void TextSensor::add_on_state_callback(std::function callback) { this->callback_.add(std::move(callback)); } void TextSensor::add_on_raw_state_callback(std::function callback) { this->raw_callback_.add(std::move(callback)); } std::string TextSensor::get_state() const { return this->state; } std::string TextSensor::get_raw_state() const { return this->raw_state; } void TextSensor::internal_send_state_to_frontend(const std::string &state) { this->state = this->raw_state; this->has_state_ = true; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "'%s': Sending state '%s'", this->name_.c_str(), state.c_str()); this->callback_.call(state); } std::string TextSensor::unique_id() { return ""; } bool TextSensor::has_state() { return this->has_state_; } uint32_t TextSensor::hash_base() { return 334300109UL; } } // namespace text_sensor } // namespace esphome