uart: - id: uart_havells_solar tx_pin: ${tx_pin} rx_pin: ${rx_pin} baud_rate: 9600 modbus: flow_control_pin: ${flow_control_pin} sensor: - platform: havells_solar update_interval: 60s phase_a: voltage: name: Phase A Voltage current: name: Phase A Current phase_b: voltage: name: Voltage Phase B current: name: Current Phase B phase_c: voltage: name: Voltage Phase C current: name: Current Phase C pv1: voltage: name: PV1 Voltage current: name: PV1 Current active_power: name: PV1 Active Power voltage_sampled_by_secondary_cpu: name: PV1 Voltage Sampled By Secondary CPU insulation_of_p_to_ground: name: PV1 Insulation Of +VE To Ground pv2: voltage: name: PV2 Voltage current: name: PV2 Current active_power: name: PV2 Active Power voltage_sampled_by_secondary_cpu: name: PV2 Voltage Sampled By Secondary CPU insulation_of_p_to_ground: name: PV2 Insulation Of +VE To Ground active_power: name: Active Power reactive_power: name: Reactive Power frequency: name: Frequency energy_production_day: name: Today's Generation total_energy_production: name: Total Energy Production total_generation_time: name: Total Generation Time today_generation_time: name: Today Generation Time inverter_module_temp: name: Inverter Module Temp inverter_inner_temp: name: Inverter Inner Temp inverter_bus_voltage: name: Inverter BUS Voltage insulation_of_pv_n_to_ground: name: Insulation Of PV- To Ground gfci_value: name: GFCI Value dci_of_r: name: DCI Of R dci_of_s: name: DCI Of S dci_of_t: name: DCI Of T