from __future__ import print_function import argparse import logging import os import random import sys from esphomeyaml import core, mqtt, wizard, writer, yaml_util, const from esphomeyaml.config import core_to_code, get_component, iter_components, read_config from esphomeyaml.const import CONF_BAUD_RATE, CONF_DOMAIN, CONF_ESPHOMEYAML, CONF_HOSTNAME, \ CONF_LOGGER, CONF_MANUAL_IP, CONF_NAME, CONF_STATIC_IP, CONF_WIFI from esphomeyaml.core import ESPHomeYAMLError from esphomeyaml.helpers import AssignmentExpression, RawStatement, _EXPRESSIONS, add, add_task, \ color, get_variable, indent, quote, statement, Expression _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PRE_INITIALIZE = ['esphomeyaml', 'logger', 'wifi', 'ota', 'mqtt', 'web_server', 'i2c'] def get_name(config): return config[CONF_ESPHOMEYAML][CONF_NAME] def get_base_path(config): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(core.CONFIG_PATH), get_name(config)) def discover_serial_ports(): # from try: from import comports except ImportError: return None result = [] descs = [] for port, desc, info in comports(): if not port: continue if "VID:PID" in info: result.append(port) descs.append(desc) if not result: return None print(u"Found multiple serial port options, please choose one:") for i, (res, desc) in enumerate(zip(result, descs)): print(u" [{}] {} ({})".format(i, res, desc)) print(u" [{}] Over The Air".format(len(result))) print() while True: opt = raw_input('(number): ') if opt in result: opt = result.index(opt) break try: opt = int(opt) if opt < 0 or opt > len(result): raise ValueError break except ValueError: print(color('red', u"Invalid option: '{}'".format(opt))) if opt == len(result): return None return result[opt] def run_platformio(*cmd): def mock_exit(return_code): raise SystemExit(return_code) orig_argv = sys.argv orig_exit = sys.exit # mock sys.exit full_cmd = u' '.join(quote(x) for x in cmd)"Running: %s", full_cmd) try: import platformio.__main__ sys.argv = list(cmd) sys.exit = mock_exit return platformio.__main__.main() except KeyboardInterrupt: return 1 except SystemExit as err: return err.args[0] except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.error(u"Running platformio failed: %s", err) _LOGGER.error(u"Please try running %s locally.", full_cmd) finally: sys.argv = orig_argv sys.exit = orig_exit def run_miniterm(config, port): from import miniterm baud_rate = config.get(CONF_LOGGER, {}).get(CONF_BAUD_RATE, 115200) sys.argv = ['miniterm', '--raw', '--exit-char', '3'] miniterm.main( default_port=port, default_baudrate=baud_rate) def write_cpp(config):"Generating C++ source...") add_task(core_to_code, config[CONF_ESPHOMEYAML]) for domain in PRE_INITIALIZE: if domain == CONF_ESPHOMEYAML: continue if domain in config: add_task(get_component(domain).to_code, config[domain]) # Clear queue get_variable(None) add(RawStatement('')) for domain, component, conf in iter_components(config): if domain in PRE_INITIALIZE: continue if not hasattr(component, 'to_code'): continue add_task(component.to_code, conf) # Clear queue get_variable(None) add(RawStatement('')) add(RawStatement('')) all_code = [] for exp in _EXPRESSIONS: if core.SIMPLIFY: if isinstance(exp, Expression) and not exp.required: continue if isinstance(exp, AssignmentExpression) and not exp.obj.required: if not exp.has_side_effects(): continue exp = exp.rhs all_code.append(unicode(statement(exp))) platformio_ini_s = writer.get_ini_content(config) ini_path = os.path.join(get_base_path(config), 'platformio.ini') writer.write_platformio_ini(platformio_ini_s, ini_path) code_s = indent('\n'.join(line.rstrip() for line in all_code)) cpp_path = os.path.join(get_base_path(config), 'src', 'main.cpp') writer.write_cpp(code_s, cpp_path) return 0 def compile_program(config):"Compiling app...") return run_platformio('platformio', 'run', '-d', get_base_path(config)) def upload_program(config, args, port):"Uploading binary...") if port is not None: return run_platformio('platformio', 'run', '-d', get_base_path(config), '-t', 'upload', '--upload-port', port) if 'ota' not in config: _LOGGER.error("No serial port found and OTA not enabled. Can't upload!") return -1 DOMAIN = '.' + config[CONF_WIFI].get(CONF_DOMAIN, 'local') if CONF_MANUAL_IP in config[CONF_WIFI]: host = str(config[CONF_WIFI][CONF_MANUAL_IP][CONF_STATIC_IP]) elif CONF_HOSTNAME in config[CONF_WIFI]: host = config[CONF_WIFI][CONF_HOSTNAME] + DOMAIN else: host = config[CONF_ESPHOMEYAML][CONF_NAME] + DOMAIN from esphomeyaml.components import ota from esphomeyaml import espota bin_file = os.path.join(get_base_path(config), '.pioenvs', get_name(config), 'firmware.bin') if args.host_port is not None: host_port = args.host_port else: host_port = int(os.getenv('ESPHOMEYAML_OTA_HOST_PORT', random.randint(10000, 60000))) espota_args = ['', '--debug', '--progress', '-i', host, '-p', str(ota.get_port(config)), '-f', bin_file, '-a', ota.get_auth(config), '-P', str(host_port)] return espota.main(espota_args) def show_logs(config, args, port): if port is not None and port != 'OTA': run_miniterm(config, port) return 0 return mqtt.show_logs(config, args.topic, args.username, args.password, args.client_id) def clean_mqtt(config, args): return mqtt.clear_topic(config, args.topic, args.username, args.password, args.client_id) def setup_log(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) fmt = "%(levelname)s [%(name)s] %(message)s" colorfmt = "%(log_color)s{}%(reset)s".format(fmt) datefmt = '%H:%M:%S' logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.WARNING) try: from colorlog import ColoredFormatter logging.getLogger().handlers[0].setFormatter(ColoredFormatter( colorfmt, datefmt=datefmt, reset=True, log_colors={ 'DEBUG': 'cyan', 'INFO': 'green', 'WARNING': 'yellow', 'ERROR': 'red', 'CRITICAL': 'red', } )) except ImportError: pass def main(): setup_log() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='esphomeyaml') parser.add_argument('configuration', help='Your YAML configuration file.') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Commands', dest='command') subparsers.required = True subparsers.add_parser('config', help='Validate the configuration and spit it out.') subparsers.add_parser('compile', help='Read the configuration and compile a program.') parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser('upload', help='Validate the configuration ' 'and upload the latest binary.') parser_upload.add_argument('--upload-port', help="Manually specify the upload port to use. " "For example /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART.") parser_upload.add_argument('--host-port', help="Specify the host port.", type=int) parser_logs = subparsers.add_parser('logs', help='Validate the configuration ' 'and show all MQTT logs.') parser_logs.add_argument('--topic', help='Manually set the topic to subscribe to.') parser_logs.add_argument('--username', help='Manually set the username.') parser_logs.add_argument('--password', help='Manually set the password.') parser_logs.add_argument('--client-id', help='Manually set the client id.') parser_logs.add_argument('--serial-port', help="Manually specify a serial port to use" "For example /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART.") parser_run = subparsers.add_parser('run', help='Validate the configuration, create a binary, ' 'upload it, and start MQTT logs.') parser_run.add_argument('--upload-port', help="Manually specify the upload port to use. " "For example /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART.") parser_run.add_argument('--host-port', help="Specify the host port to use for OTA", type=int) parser_run.add_argument('--no-logs', help='Disable starting MQTT logs.', action='store_true') parser_run.add_argument('--topic', help='Manually set the topic to subscribe to for logs.') parser_run.add_argument('--username', help='Manually set the MQTT username for logs.') parser_run.add_argument('--password', help='Manually set the MQTT password for logs.') parser_run.add_argument('--client-id', help='Manually set the client id for logs.') parser_clean = subparsers.add_parser('clean-mqtt', help="Helper to clear an MQTT topic from " "retain messages.") parser_clean.add_argument('--topic', help='Manually set the topic to subscribe to.') parser_clean.add_argument('--username', help='Manually set the username.') parser_clean.add_argument('--password', help='Manually set the password.') parser_clean.add_argument('--client-id', help='Manually set the client id.') subparsers.add_parser('wizard', help="A helpful setup wizard that will guide " "you through setting up esphomeyaml.") subparsers.add_parser('mqtt-fingerprint', help="Get the SSL fingerprint from a MQTT broker.") subparsers.add_parser('version', help="Print the esphomeyaml version and exit.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.command == 'wizard': return wizard.wizard(args.configuration) core.CONFIG_PATH = args.configuration config = read_config(core.CONFIG_PATH) if config is None: return 1 if args.command == 'config': print(yaml_util.dump(config)) return 0 elif args.command == 'compile': try: exit_code = write_cpp(config) except ESPHomeYAMLError as e: _LOGGER.error(e) return 1 if exit_code != 0: return exit_code exit_code = compile_program(config) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code"Successfully compiled program.") return 0 elif args.command == 'upload': port = args.upload_port or discover_serial_ports() exit_code = upload_program(config, args, port) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code"Successfully uploaded program.") return 0 elif args.command == 'logs': port = args.serial_port or discover_serial_ports() return show_logs(config, args, port) elif args.command == 'clean-mqtt': return clean_mqtt(config, args) elif args.command == 'mqtt-fingerprint': return mqtt.get_fingerprint(config) elif args.command == 'run': exit_code = write_cpp(config) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code exit_code = compile_program(config) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code"Successfully compiled program.") port = args.upload_port or discover_serial_ports() exit_code = upload_program(config, args, port) if exit_code != 0: return exit_code"Successfully uploaded program.") if args.no_logs: return 0 return show_logs(config, args, port) elif args.command == 'version': print(u"Version: {}".format(const.__version__)) return 0 print(u"Unknown command {}".format(args.command)) return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())