import codecs import logging import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Union import tempfile _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def ensure_unique_string(preferred_string, current_strings): test_string = preferred_string current_strings_set = set(current_strings) tries = 1 while test_string in current_strings_set: tries += 1 test_string = f"{preferred_string}_{tries}" return test_string def indent_all_but_first_and_last(text, padding=" "): lines = text.splitlines(True) if len(lines) <= 2: return text return lines[0] + "".join(padding + line for line in lines[1:-1]) + lines[-1] def indent_list(text, padding=" "): return [padding + line for line in text.splitlines()] def indent(text, padding=" "): return "\n".join(indent_list(text, padding)) # From def cpp_string_escape(string, encoding="utf-8"): def _should_escape(byte): # type: (int) -> bool if not 32 <= byte < 127: return True if byte in (ord("\\"), ord('"')): return True return False if isinstance(string, str): string = string.encode(encoding) result = "" for character in string: if _should_escape(character): result += f"\\{character:03o}" else: result += chr(character) return '"' + result + '"' def run_system_command(*args): import subprocess with subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as p: stdout, stderr = p.communicate() rc = p.returncode return rc, stdout, stderr def mkdir_p(path): if not path: # Empty path - means create current dir return try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as err: import errno if err.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: from esphome.core import EsphomeError raise EsphomeError(f"Error creating directories {path}: {err}") from err def is_ip_address(host): parts = host.split(".") if len(parts) != 4: return False try: for p in parts: int(p) return True except ValueError: return False def _resolve_with_zeroconf(host): from esphome.core import EsphomeError from esphome.zeroconf import Zeroconf try: zc = Zeroconf() except Exception as err: raise EsphomeError( "Cannot start mDNS sockets, is this a docker container without " "host network mode?" ) from err try: info = zc.resolve_host(host + ".") except Exception as err: raise EsphomeError(f"Error resolving mDNS hostname: {err}") from err finally: zc.close() if info is None: raise EsphomeError( "Error resolving address with mDNS: Did not respond. " "Maybe the device is offline." ) return info def resolve_ip_address(host): from esphome.core import EsphomeError import socket errs = [] if host.endswith(".local"): try: return _resolve_with_zeroconf(host) except EsphomeError as err: errs.append(str(err)) try: return socket.gethostbyname(host) except OSError as err: errs.append(str(err)) raise EsphomeError( "Error resolving IP address: {}" "".format(", ".join(errs)) ) from err def get_bool_env(var, default=False): return bool(os.getenv(var, default)) def is_hassio(): return get_bool_env("ESPHOME_IS_HASSIO") def walk_files(path): for root, _, files in os.walk(path): for name in files: yield os.path.join(root, name) def read_file(path): try: with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f_handle: return except OSError as err: from esphome.core import EsphomeError raise EsphomeError(f"Error reading file {path}: {err}") from err except UnicodeDecodeError as err: from esphome.core import EsphomeError raise EsphomeError(f"Error reading file {path}: {err}") from err def _write_file(path: Union[Path, str], text: Union[str, bytes]): """Atomically writes `text` to the given path. Automatically creates all parent directories. """ if not isinstance(path, Path): path = Path(path) data = text if isinstance(text, str): data = text.encode() directory = path.parent directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) tmp_path = None try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode="wb", dir=directory, delete=False ) as f_handle: tmp_path = f_handle.write(data) # Newer tempfile implementations create the file with mode 0o600 os.chmod(tmp_path, 0o644) # If destination exists, will be overwritten os.replace(tmp_path, path) finally: if tmp_path is not None and os.path.exists(tmp_path): try: os.remove(tmp_path) except OSError as err: _LOGGER.error("Write file cleanup failed: %s", err) def write_file(path: Union[Path, str], text: str): try: _write_file(path, text) except OSError as err: from esphome.core import EsphomeError raise EsphomeError(f"Could not write file at {path}") from err def write_file_if_changed(path: Union[Path, str], text: str): if not isinstance(path, Path): path = Path(path) src_content = None if path.is_file(): src_content = read_file(path) if src_content != text: write_file(path, text) def copy_file_if_changed(src: os.PathLike, dst: os.PathLike) -> None: import shutil if file_compare(src, dst): return mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(dst)) try: shutil.copy(src, dst) except OSError as err: from esphome.core import EsphomeError raise EsphomeError(f"Error copying file {src} to {dst}: {err}") from err def list_starts_with(list_, sub): return len(sub) <= len(list_) and all(list_[i] == x for i, x in enumerate(sub)) def file_compare(path1: os.PathLike, path2: os.PathLike) -> bool: """Return True if the files path1 and path2 have the same contents.""" import stat try: stat1, stat2 = os.stat(path1), os.stat(path2) except OSError: # File doesn't exist or another error -> not equal return False if ( stat.S_IFMT(stat1.st_mode) != stat.S_IFREG or stat.S_IFMT(stat2.st_mode) != stat.S_IFREG ): # At least one of them is not a regular file (or does not exist) return False if stat1.st_size != stat2.st_size: # Different sizes return False bufsize = 8 * 1024 # Read files in blocks until a mismatch is found with open(path1, "rb") as fh1, open(path2, "rb") as fh2: while True: blob1, blob2 =, if blob1 != blob2: # Different content return False if not blob1: # Reached end return True # A dict of types that need to be converted to heaptypes before a class can be added # to the object _TYPE_OVERLOADS = { int: type("EInt", (int,), dict()), float: type("EFloat", (float,), dict()), str: type("EStr", (str,), dict()), dict: type("EDict", (str,), dict()), list: type("EList", (list,), dict()), } # cache created classes here _CLASS_LOOKUP = {} def add_class_to_obj(value, cls): """Add a class to a python type. This function modifies value so that it has cls as a basetype. The value itself may be modified by this action! You must use the return value of this function however, since some types need to be copied first (heaptypes). """ if isinstance(value, cls): # If already is instance, do not add return value try: orig_cls = value.__class__ key = (orig_cls, cls) new_cls = _CLASS_LOOKUP.get(key) if new_cls is None: new_cls = orig_cls.__class__(orig_cls.__name__, (orig_cls, cls), {}) _CLASS_LOOKUP[key] = new_cls value.__class__ = new_cls return value except TypeError: # Non heap type, look in overloads dict for type_, func in _TYPE_OVERLOADS.items(): # Use type() here, we only need to trigger if it's the exact type, # as otherwise we don't need to overload the class if type(value) is type_: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck return add_class_to_obj(func(value), cls) raise