import esphome.codegen as cg from esphome.components import esp32 import esphome.config_validation as cv from esphome.const import KEY_CORE, KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION from esphome.core import CORE CODEOWNERS = ["@jesserockz"] RMT_TX_CHANNELS = { esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32S2: [0, 1, 2, 3], esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32S3: [0, 1, 2, 3], esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32C3: [0, 1], esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32C6: [0, 1], esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32H2: [0, 1], } RMT_RX_CHANNELS = { esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32S2: [0, 1, 2, 3], esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32S3: [4, 5, 6, 7], esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32C3: [2, 3], esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32C6: [2, 3], esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32H2: [2, 3], } rmt_channel_t = cg.global_ns.enum("rmt_channel_t") RMT_CHANNEL_ENUMS = { 0: rmt_channel_t.RMT_CHANNEL_0, 1: rmt_channel_t.RMT_CHANNEL_1, 2: rmt_channel_t.RMT_CHANNEL_2, 3: rmt_channel_t.RMT_CHANNEL_3, 4: rmt_channel_t.RMT_CHANNEL_4, 5: rmt_channel_t.RMT_CHANNEL_5, 6: rmt_channel_t.RMT_CHANNEL_6, 7: rmt_channel_t.RMT_CHANNEL_7, } def use_new_rmt_driver(): framework_version =[KEY_CORE][KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION] if CORE.using_esp_idf and framework_version >= cv.Version(5, 0, 0): return True return False def validate_clock_resolution(): def _validator(value): cv.only_on_esp32(value) value = cv.int_(value) variant = esp32.get_esp32_variant() if variant == esp32.const.VARIANT_ESP32H2 and value > 32000000: raise cv.Invalid( f"ESP32 variant {variant} has a max clock_resolution of 32000000." ) if value > 80000000: raise cv.Invalid( f"ESP32 variant {variant} has a max clock_resolution of 80000000." ) return value return _validator def validate_rmt_channel(*, tx: bool): rmt_channels = RMT_TX_CHANNELS if tx else RMT_RX_CHANNELS def _validator(value): cv.only_on_esp32(value) value = cv.int_(value) variant = esp32.get_esp32_variant() if variant not in rmt_channels: raise cv.Invalid(f"ESP32 variant {variant} does not support RMT.") if value not in rmt_channels[variant]: raise cv.Invalid( f"RMT channel {value} does not support {'transmitting' if tx else 'receiving'} for ESP32 variant {variant}." ) return cv.enum(RMT_CHANNEL_ENUMS)(value) return _validator