#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e help() { echo "Usage: $0 [-e <config|compile|clean>] [-c <string>] [-t <string>]" 1>&2 echo 1>&2 echo " - e - Parameter for esphome command. Default compile. Common alternative is config." 1>&2 echo " - c - Component folder name to test. Default *. E.g. '-c logger'." 1>&2 echo " - t - Target name to test. Put '-t list' to display all possibilities. E.g. '-t esp32-s2-idf-51'." 1>&2 exit 1 } # Parse parameter: # - `e` - Parameter for `esphome` command. Default `compile`. Common alternative is `config`. # - `c` - Component folder name to test. Default `*`. esphome_command="compile" target_component="*" while getopts e:c:t: flag do case $flag in e) esphome_command=${OPTARG};; c) target_component=${OPTARG};; t) requested_target_platform=${OPTARG};; \?) help;; esac done cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." if ! [ -d "./tests/test_build_components/build" ]; then mkdir ./tests/test_build_components/build fi start_esphome() { if [ -n "$requested_target_platform" ] && [ "$requested_target_platform" != "$target_platform_with_version" ]; then echo "Skipping $target_platform_with_version" return fi # create dynamic yaml file in `build` folder. # `./tests/test_build_components/build/[target_component].[test_name].[target_platform_with_version].yaml` component_test_file="./tests/test_build_components/build/$target_component.$test_name.$target_platform_with_version.yaml" cp $target_platform_file $component_test_file if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then # macOS sed is...different sed -i '' "s!\$component_test_file!../../.$f!g" $component_test_file else sed -i "s!\$component_test_file!../../.$f!g" $component_test_file fi # Start esphome process echo "> [$target_component] [$test_name] [$target_platform_with_version]" set -x # TODO: Validate escape of Command line substitution value python -m esphome -s component_name $target_component -s component_dir ../../components/$target_component -s test_name $test_name -s target_platform $target_platform $esphome_command $component_test_file { set +x; } 2>/dev/null } # Find all test yaml files. # - `./tests/components/[target_component]/[test_name].[target_platform].yaml` # - `./tests/components/[target_component]/[test_name].all.yaml` for f in ./tests/components/$target_component/*.*.yaml; do [ -f "$f" ] || continue IFS='/' read -r -a folder_name <<< "$f" target_component="${folder_name[3]}" IFS='.' read -r -a file_name <<< "${folder_name[4]}" test_name="${file_name[0]}" target_platform="${file_name[1]}" file_name_parts=${#file_name[@]} if [ "$target_platform" = "all" ] || [ $file_name_parts = 2 ]; then # Test has *not* defined a specific target platform. Need to run tests for all possible target platforms. for target_platform_file in ./tests/test_build_components/build_components_base.*.yaml; do IFS='/' read -r -a folder_name <<< "$target_platform_file" IFS='.' read -r -a file_name <<< "${folder_name[3]}" target_platform="${file_name[1]}" start_esphome done else # Test has defined a specific target platform. # Validate we have a base test yaml for selected platform. # The target_platform is sourced from the following location. # 1. `./tests/test_build_components/build_components_base.[target_platform].yaml` # 2. `./tests/test_build_components/build_components_base.[target_platform]-ard.yaml` target_platform_file="./tests/test_build_components/build_components_base.$target_platform.yaml" if ! [ -f "$target_platform_file" ]; then echo "No base test file [./tests/test_build_components/build_components_base.$target_platform.yaml] for component test [$f] found." exit 1 fi for target_platform_file in ./tests/test_build_components/build_components_base.$target_platform*.yaml; do # trim off "./tests/test_build_components/build_components_base." prefix target_platform_with_version=${target_platform_file:52} # ...now remove suffix starting with "." leaving just the test target hardware and software platform (possibly with version) # For example: "esp32-s3-idf-50" target_platform_with_version=${target_platform_with_version%.*} start_esphome done fi done