Adam DeMuri
Add support for using BMP280 with SPI ( #7053 )
Co-authored-by: Keith Burzinski <>
2024-09-05 17:08:02 +12:00
Improve temperature precision in BME280 and BMP280 ( #6124 )
* Update bme280_base.cpp
Change read_temperature to get better precision
float const temperature = (*t_fine * 5 + 128);
return temperature / 25600.0f;
* Update bmp280.cpp
increase precision in read_temperature
* Update bmp280.cpp
clang-format correction
2024-01-20 19:57:39 -06:00
Jesse Hills
Update components "if x in config" ( #5181 )
2023-08-02 16:25:26 +12:00
Martin Murray
Apply configured IIR filter setting in generated BMP280 code ( #4975 )
Co-authored-by: Martin Murray <>
2023-06-21 11:53:21 +12:00
Add a soft reset in setup() for bmp280 ( #4329 )
2023-01-26 12:11:10 +13:00
Jesse Hills
Initialize all child sensors to nullptr ( #3808 )
2022-09-15 11:53:22 +12:00
Oxan van Leeuwen
Force braces around multi-line statements ( #3094 )
Co-authored-by: Jesse Hills <>
2022-01-25 08:56:36 +13:00
Otto Winter
ESP-IDF support and generic target platforms ( #2303 )
* Socket refactor and SSL
* esp-idf temp
* Fixes
* Echo component and noise
* Add noise API transport support
* Updates
* Complete
* Fixes
* Fixes
* Versions update
* New i2c APIs
* Complete i2c refactor
* SPI migration
* Revert ESP Preferences migration, too complex for now
* OTA support
* Remove echo again
* Remove ssl again
* GPIOFlags updates
* Rename esphal and ICACHE_RAM_ATTR
* Make ESP32 arduino compilable again
* Fix GPIO flags
* Complete pin registry refactor and fixes
* Fixes to make test1 compile
* Remove sdkconfig file
* Ignore sdkconfig file
* Fixes in reviewing
* Make test2 compile
* Make test4 compile
* Make test5 compile
* Run clang-format
* Fix lint errors
* Use esp-idf APIs instead of btStart
* Another round of fixes
* Start implementing ESP8266
* Make test3 compile
* Guard esp8266 code
* Lint
* Reformat
* Fixes
* Fixes v2
* more fixes
* ESP-IDF tidy target
* Update WiFiSignalSensor
* Update time ifdefs
* OTA needs millis from hal
* RestartSwitch needs delay from hal
* ESP-IDF Uart
* Fix OTA blank password
* Allow setting sdkconfig
* Fix idf partitions and allow setting sdkconfig from yaml
* Re-add read/write compat APIs and fix esp8266 uart
* Fix esp8266 store log strings in flash
* Fix ESP32 arduino preferences not initialized
* Update ifdefs
* Change how sdkconfig change is detected
* Add checks to ci-custom and fix them
* Run clang-format
* Add esp-idf clang-tidy target and fix errors
* Fixes from clang-tidy idf round 2
* Fixes from compiling tests with esp-idf
* Run clang-format
* Switch test5.yaml to esp-idf
* Implement ESP8266 Preferences
* Lint
* Re-do PIO package version selection a bit
* Fix arduinoespressif32 package version
* Fix unit tests
* Lint
* Lint fixes
* Fix readv/writev not defined
* Fix graphing component
* Re-add all old options from core/
Co-authored-by: Jesse Hills <>
2021-09-20 11:47:51 +02:00
Oxan van Leeuwen
Compatibility with clang-tidy v14 ( #2272 )
2021-09-13 09:35:55 +02:00
Otto Winter
Convert sensor_schema to use kwargs ( #2094 )
Co-authored-by: Jesse Hills <>
2021-08-01 12:21:32 +02:00
Stefan Agner
Avoid non-const globals and enable clang-tidy check ( #1892 )
2021-06-11 08:19:44 +12:00
Franck Nijhof
Add support for Sensor state class ( #1835 )
Co-authored-by: Jesse Hills <>
2021-06-03 13:49:56 +12:00
Otto Winter
Convert components to async-def syntax ( #1821 )
2021-05-24 10:58:29 +02:00
Guillermo Ruffino
add-black ( #1593 )
* Add black
Update pre commit
Update pre commit
add empty line
* Format with black
2021-03-07 16:03:16 -03:00
Add default device classes to sensor components ( #1533 )
* Add device_class arg to homeassistant sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to mqtt_subscribe sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to dht sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to dht12 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to am2320 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to atc_mithermometer sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to atm90e32 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to bh1750 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ble_rssi sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to bme280 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to bme680 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to bmp085 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to bmp280 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to binary_sensor_map sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to apds9960 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to as3935 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ccs811 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to cse7766 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ct_clamp sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to dallas sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to duty_cycle sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to esp32_hall sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to hdc1080 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to hlw8012 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to hm3301 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to hmc5883l sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to htu21d sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to hx711 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ina219 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ina226 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ina3221 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ibsth1 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to max31855 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to max31856 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to max31865 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to mhz19 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to max6675 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to mpu6050 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ms5611 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to mcp9808 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ntc sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to pid sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to pmsx003 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to pulse_counter sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to pulse_width sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to pzem004t sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to pzemac sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to pzemdc sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to qmc5883l sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to resistance sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to rotary_encoder sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ruuvitag sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to scd30 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to sds011 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to senseair sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to sgp30 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to sht3xd sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to shtcx sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to sps30 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to sts3x sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to sun sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to tcs34725 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to teleinfo sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to template sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to tmp102 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to tmp117 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to tsl2561 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to tx20 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ultrasonic sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to uptime sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to vl53l0x sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to wifi_signal sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_cgd1 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_cgg1 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_gcls002 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_hhccjcy01 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_hhccpot002 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_jqjcy01ym sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_lywsd02 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_lywsd03mmc sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_lywsdcgq sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_mhoc401 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_mjyd02yla sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to xiaomi_wx08zm sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to zyaura sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ads1115 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to adc sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to ade7953 sensor_schema call
* Add device_class arg to aht10 sensor_schema call
* Make args of sensor_schema required
* lint
Co-authored-by: Guillermo Ruffino <>
2021-02-27 19:28:06 -03:00
Otto Winter
Cleanup dashboard JS ( #491 )
* Cleanup dashboard JS
* Add vscode
* Save start_mark/end_mark
* Updates
* Updates
* Remove need for cv.nameable
It's a bit hacky but removes so much bloat from integrations
* Add enum helper
* Document APIs, and Improvements
* Fixes
* Fixes
* Update
* Updates
* Updates
* Updates
2019-04-22 21:56:30 +02:00
Otto Winter
🏗 Merge C++ into python codebase ( #504 )
## Description:
Move esphome-core codebase into esphome (and a bunch of other refactors). See
Yes this is a shit ton of work and no there's no way to automate it :( But it will be worth it 👍
- Core support (file copy etc): 80%
- Base Abstractions (light, switch): ~50%
- Integrations: ~10%
- Working? Yes, (but only with ported components).
Other refactors:
- Moves all codegen related stuff into a single class: `esphome.codegen` (imported as `cg`)
- Rework coroutine syntax
- Move from `component/` to `domain/` structure as with HA
- Move all defaults out of C++ and into config validation.
- Remove `make_...` helpers from Application class. Reason: Merge conflicts with every single new integration.
- Pointer Variables are stored globally instead of locally in setup(). Reason: stack size limit.
Future work:
- Rework - Move all `CONF_...` into a conf class (usage `conf.UPDATE_INTERVAL` vs `CONF_UPDATE_INTERVAL`). Reason: Less convoluted import block
- Enable loading from `custom_components` folder.
**Related issue (if applicable):**
**Pull request in [esphome-docs]( ) with documentation (if applicable):** esphome/esphome-docs#<esphome-docs PR number goes here>
## Checklist:
- [ ] The code change is tested and works locally.
- [ ] Tests have been added to verify that the new code works (under `tests/` folder).
If user exposed functionality or configuration variables are added/changed:
- [ ] Documentation added/updated in [esphomedocs]( ).
2019-04-17 12:06:00 +02:00