From b25b908aa90e728a1a70686ec4e6af4e82a67b8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jimmy Hedman Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 18:16:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Remove sleeps. - the sleeps is not needed. --- esphomeyaml/ | 24 ------------------------ 1 file changed, 24 deletions(-) diff --git a/esphomeyaml/ b/esphomeyaml/ index 55afc3246e..2651c5b6de 100644 --- a/esphomeyaml/ +++ b/esphomeyaml/ @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ from __future__ import print_function import codecs import os import unicodedata -from time import sleep import voluptuous as vol @@ -77,7 +76,6 @@ def print_step(step, big): print("============= STEP {} =============".format(step)) print(big) print("===================================") - sleep(0.25) def default_input(text, default): @@ -102,23 +100,17 @@ def wizard(path): "or chose another configuration file.".format(color('cyan', path))) return 1 print("Hi there!") - sleep(1.5) print("I'm the wizard of esphomeyaml :)") - sleep(1.25) print("And I'm here to help you get started with esphomeyaml.") - sleep(2.0) print("In 5 steps I'm going to guide you through creating a basic " "configuration file for your custom ESP8266/ESP32 firmware. Yay!") - sleep(3.0) print() print_step(1, CORE_BIG) print("First up, please choose a " + color('green', 'name') + " for your node.") print("It should be a unique name that can be used to identify the device later.") - sleep(1) print("For example, I like calling the node in my living room {}.".format( color('bold_white', "livingroom"))) print() - sleep(1) name = raw_input(color("bold_white", "(name): ")) while True: try: @@ -130,18 +122,15 @@ def wizard(path): name = strip_accents(name).replace(' ', '_') name = u''.join(c for c in name if c in cv.ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS) print("Shall I use \"{}\" as the name instead?".format(color('cyan', name))) - sleep(0.5) name = default_input("(name [{}]): ", name) print("Great! Your node is now called \"{}\".".format(color('cyan', name))) - sleep(1) print_step(2, ESP_BIG) print("Now I'd like to know which *board* you're using so that I can compile " "firmwares for it.") print("Are you using an " + color('green', 'ESP32') + " or " + color('green', 'ESP8266') + " based board?") while True: - sleep(0.5) print() print("Please enter either ESP32 or ESP8266.") platform = raw_input(color("bold_white", "(ESP32/ESP8266): ")) @@ -153,7 +142,6 @@ def wizard(path): "\"{}\". Please try again.".format(platform)) print("Thanks! You've chosen {} as your platform.".format(color('cyan', platform))) print() - sleep(1) if platform == ESP_PLATFORM_ESP32: board_link = '' @@ -161,7 +149,6 @@ def wizard(path): board_link = '' print("Next, I need to know what " + color('green', 'board') + " you're using.") - sleep(0.5) print("Please go to {} and choose a board.".format(color('green', board_link))) print() # Don't sleep because user needs to copy link @@ -178,22 +165,18 @@ def wizard(path): except vol.Invalid: print(color('red', "Sorry, I don't think the board \"{}\" exists.")) print() - sleep(0.25) print("Possible options are {}".format(', '.join(boards))) print() print("Way to go! You've chosen {} as your board.".format(color('cyan', board))) print() - sleep(1) print_step(3, WIFI_BIG) print("In this step, I'm going to create the configuration for " "WiFi.") print() - sleep(1) print("First, what's the " + color('green', 'SSID') + " (the name) of the WiFi network {} " "I should connect to?".format(name)) - sleep(1.5) print("For example \"{}\".".format(color('bold_white', "Abraham Linksys"))) while True: ssid = raw_input(color('bold_white', "(ssid): ")) @@ -204,26 +187,21 @@ def wizard(path): print(color('red', "Unfortunately, \"{}\" doesn't seem to be a valid SSID. " "Please try again.".format(ssid))) print() - sleep(1) print("Thank you very much! You've just chosen \"{}\" as your SSID.".format( color('cyan', ssid))) print() - sleep(0.75) print("Now please state the " + color('green', 'password') + " of the WiFi network so that I can connect to it.") print() print("For example \"{}\"".format(color('bold_white', 'PASSWORD42'))) - sleep(0.5) psk = raw_input(color('bold_white', '(PSK): ')) print("Perfect! WiFi is now set up (you can create static IPs and so on later).") - sleep(1.5) print_step(4, MQTT_BIG) print("Almost there! Now let's setup MQTT so that your node can connect to the outside world.") print() - sleep(1) print("Please enter the " + color('green', 'address') + " of your MQTT broker.") print() print("For example \"{}\".".format(color('bold_white', ''))) @@ -237,7 +215,6 @@ def wizard(path): broker, err))) print("Please try again.") print() - sleep(1) print("Thanks! Now enter the " + color('green', 'username') + " and " + color('green', 'password') + " for the MQTT broker. Leave empty for no authentication.") @@ -260,7 +237,6 @@ def wizard(path): print("This can be insecure if you do not trust the WiFi network. Do you want to set " "an " + color('green', 'OTA password') + " for remote updates?") print() - sleep(0.25) print("Press ENTER for no password") ota_password = raw_input(color('bold_white', '(password): '))