mirror of https://github.com/ARM-software/devlib.git synced 2025-02-12 07:58:07 +00:00
Pierre-Clement Tosi 63d2fb53fc Instrument/BaylibreAcme: Add IIO-based ACME instr.
Add BaylibreAcmeInstrument, a new instrument providing support for the
Baylibre ACME board as a wrapper for the IIO interface. This class
provides better access to the ACME hardware (e.g. the ability to control
the sampling frequency) and to the retrieved samples than what the other
instrument, AcmeCapeInstrument, provides. Furthermore, it removes an
unnecessary and limiting dependency by interfacing directly with the IIO
drivers instead of relying on an intermediate script ("iio-capture") potentially
introducing unexpected bugs. Finally, it allows handling multiple probes
(the ACME can have up to 8) through an easy-to-use single instance of this
class instead of having to have an instance of AcmeCapeInstrument per channel
potentially (untested) leading to race conditions between the underlying
scripts for accessing the hardware.

This commit does not overwrite AcmeCapeInstrument as
BaylibreAcmeInstrument does not provide interface compatibility with
that class. Anyhow, we believe that anything that can be achieved with
AcmeCapeInstrument can be done with BaylibreAcmeInstrument (the
reciprocal is not true) so that BaylibreAcmeInstrument might eventually
replace AcmeCapeInstrument.

Add BaylibreAcmeInstrument documentation detailing the class interface
and the ACME instrument itself and discussing the way it works and its
potential limitations.
2018-08-22 16:00:25 +01:00

558 lines
20 KiB

#pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
import collections
import functools
import re
import threading
from past.builtins import basestring
import iio
except ImportError as e:
iio_import_failed = True
iio_import_error = e
iio_import_failed = False
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from devlib import CONTINUOUS, Instrument, HostError, MeasurementsCsv, TargetError
from devlib.utils.ssh import SshConnection
class IIOINA226Channel(object):
def __init__(self, iio_channel):
channel_id = iio_channel.id
channel_type = iio_channel.attrs['type'].value
re_measure = r'(?P<measure>\w+)(?P<index>\d*)$'
re_dtype = r'le:(?P<sign>\w)(?P<width>\d+)/(?P<size>\d+)>>(?P<align>\d+)'
match_measure = re.search(re_measure, channel_id)
match_dtype = re.search(re_dtype, channel_type)
if not match_measure:
msg = "IIO channel ID '{}' does not match expected RE '{}'"
raise ValueError(msg.format(channel_id, re_measure))
if not match_dtype:
msg = "'IIO channel type '{}' does not match expected RE '{}'"
raise ValueError(msg.format(channel_type, re_dtype))
self.measure = match_measure.group('measure')
self.iio_dtype = 'int{}'.format(match_dtype.group('width'))
self.iio_channel = iio_channel
# Data is reported in amps, volts, watts and microseconds:
self.iio_scale = (1. if 'scale' not in iio_channel.attrs
else float(iio_channel.attrs['scale'].value))
self.iio_scale /= 1000
# As calls to iio_store_buffer will be blocking and probably coming
# from a loop retrieving samples from the ACME, we want to provide
# consistency in processing timing between iterations i.e. we want
# iio_store_buffer to be o(1) for every call (can't have that with []):
self.sample_buffers = collections.deque()
def iio_store_buffer_samples(self, iio_buffer):
# IIO buffers receive and store their data as an interlaced array of
# samples from all the IIO channels of the IIO device. The IIO library
# provides a reliable function to extract the samples (bytes, actually)
# corresponding to a channel from the received buffer; in Python, it is
# iio.Channel.read(iio.Buffer).
# NB: As this is called in a potentially tightly timed loop, we do as
# little work as possible:
def iio_get_samples(self, absolute_timestamps=False):
# Up to this point, the data is not interpreted yet i.e. these are
# bytearrays. Hence the use of np.dtypes.
buffers = [np.frombuffer(b, dtype=self.iio_dtype)
for b in self.sample_buffers]
must_shift = (self.measure == 'timestamp' and not absolute_timestamps)
samples = np.concatenate(buffers)
return (samples - samples[0] if must_shift else samples) * self.iio_scale
def iio_forget_samples(self):
# Decorators for the attributes of IIOINA226Instrument:
def only_set_to(valid_values, dynamic=False):
def validating_wrapper(func):
def wrapper(self, value):
values = (valid_values if not dynamic
else getattr(self, valid_values))
if value not in values:
msg = '{} is invalid; expected values are {}'
raise ValueError(msg.format(value, valid_values))
return func(self, value)
return wrapper
return validating_wrapper
def with_input_as(wanted_type):
def typecasting_wrapper(func):
def wrapper(self, value):
return func(self, wanted_type(value))
return wrapper
return typecasting_wrapper
def _IIODeviceAttr(attr_name, attr_type, writable=False, dyn_vals=None, stat_vals=None):
def getter(self):
return attr_type(self.iio_device.attrs[attr_name].value)
def setter(self, value):
self.iio_device.attrs[attr_name].value = str(attr_type(value))
if writable and (dyn_vals or stat_vals):
vals, dyn = dyn_vals or stat_vals, dyn_vals is not None
setter = with_input_as(attr_type)(only_set_to(vals, dyn)(setter))
return property(getter, setter if writable else None)
def _IIOChannelIntTime(chan_name):
attr_name, attr_type = 'integration_time', float
def getter(self):
ch = self.iio_device.find_channel(chan_name)
return attr_type(ch.attrs[attr_name].value)
@only_set_to('INTEGRATION_TIMES_AVAILABLE', dynamic=True)
def setter(self, value):
ch = self.iio_device.find_channel(chan_name)
ch.attrs[attr_name].value = str(value)
return property(getter, setter)
def _setify(x):
return {x} if isinstance(x, basestring) else set(x) #Py3: basestring->str
class IIOINA226Instrument(object):
IIO_DEVICE_NAME = 'ina226'
def __init__(self, iio_device):
if iio_device.name != self.IIO_DEVICE_NAME:
msg = 'IIO device is {}; expected {}'
raise TargetError(msg.format(iio_device.name, self.IIO_DEVICE_NAME))
self.iio_device = iio_device
self.absolute_timestamps = False
self.high_resolution = True
self.buffer_samples_count = None
self.buffer_is_circular = False
self.collector = None
self.work_done = threading.Event()
self.collector_exception = None
self.data = collections.OrderedDict()
channels = {
'timestamp': 'timestamp',
'shunt' : 'voltage0',
'voltage' : 'voltage1', # bus
'power' : 'power2',
'current' : 'current3',
self.computable_channels = {'current' : {'shunt'},
'power' : {'shunt', 'voltage'}}
self.uncomputable_channels = set(channels) - set(self.computable_channels)
self.channels = {k: IIOINA226Channel(self.iio_device.find_channel(v))
for k, v in channels.items()}
# We distinguish between "output" channels (as seen by the user of this
# class) and "hardware" channels (as requested from the INA226).
# This is necessary because of the 'high_resolution' feature which
# requires outputting computed channels:
self.active_channels = set() # "hardware" channels
self.wanted_channels = set() # "output" channels
# Properties
OVERSAMPLING_RATIOS_AVAILABLE = (1, 4, 16, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024)
INTEGRATION_TIMES_AVAILABLE = _IIODeviceAttr('integration_time_available',
lambda x: tuple(map(float, x.split())))
sample_rate_hz = _IIODeviceAttr('in_sampling_frequency', int)
shunt_resistor = _IIODeviceAttr('in_shunt_resistor' , int, True)
oversampling_ratio = _IIODeviceAttr('in_oversampling_ratio', int, True,
integration_time_shunt = _IIOChannelIntTime('voltage0')
integration_time_bus = _IIOChannelIntTime('voltage1')
def list_channels(self):
return self.channels.keys()
def activate(self, channels=None):
all_channels = set(self.channels)
requested_channels = (all_channels if channels is None
else _setify(channels))
unknown = ', '.join(requested_channels - all_channels)
if unknown:
raise ValueError('Unknown channel(s): {}'.format(unknown))
self.wanted_channels |= requested_channels
def deactivate(self, channels=None):
unwanted_channels = (self.wanted_channels if channels is None
else _setify(channels))
unknown = ', '.join(unwanted_channels - set(self.channels))
if unknown:
raise ValueError('Unknown channel(s): {}'.format(unknown))
unactive = ', '.join(unwanted_channels - self.wanted_channels)
if unactive:
raise ValueError('Already unactive channel(s): {}'.format(unactive))
self.wanted_channels -= unwanted_channels
def sample_collector(self):
class Collector(threading.Thread):
def run(collector_self):
for name, ch in self.channels.items():
ch.iio_channel.enabled = (name in self.active_channels)
samples_count = self.buffer_samples_count or self.sample_rate_hz
iio_buffer = iio.Buffer(self.iio_device, samples_count,
# NB: This buffer creates a communication pipe to the
# BeagleBone (or is it between the BBB and the ACME?)
# that locks down any configuration. The IIO drivers
# do not limit access when a buffer exists so that
# configuring the INA226 (i.e. accessing iio.Device.attrs
# or iio.Channel.attrs from iio.Device.channels i.e.
# assigning to or reading from any property of this class
# or calling its setup or reset methods) will screw up the
# whole system and will require rebooting the BBB-ACME board!
self.collector_exception = None
refilled_once = False
while not (refilled_once and self.work_done.is_set()):
refilled_once = True
for name in self.active_channels:
except Exception as e:
self.collector_exception = e
del iio_buffer
for ch in self.channels.values():
ch.enabled = False
return Collector()
def start_capturing(self):
if not self.wanted_channels:
raise TargetError('No active channel: aborting.')
self.active_channels = self.wanted_channels.copy()
if self.high_resolution:
self.active_channels &= self.uncomputable_channels
for channel, dependencies in self.computable_channels.items():
if channel in self.wanted_channels:
self.active_channels |= dependencies
self.collector = self.sample_collector()
self.collector.daemon = True
def stop_capturing(self):
if self.collector_exception:
raise self.collector_exception
for channel in self.active_channels:
ch = self.channels[channel]
self.data[channel] = ch.iio_get_samples(self.absolute_timestamps)
if self.high_resolution:
res_ohm = 1e-6 * self.shunt_resistor
current = self.data['shunt'] / res_ohm
if 'current' in self.wanted_channels:
self.data['current'] = current
if 'power' in self.wanted_channels:
self.data['power'] = current * self.data['voltage']
for channel in set(self.data) - self.wanted_channels:
del self.data[channel]
def get_data(self):
return self.data
class BaylibreAcmeInstrument(Instrument):
def __init__(self, target=None, iio_context=None,
use_base_iio_context=False, probe_names=None):
if iio_import_failed:
raise HostError('Could not import "iio": {}'.format(iio_import_error))
super(BaylibreAcmeInstrument, self).__init__(target)
if isinstance(probe_names, basestring):
probe_names = [probe_names]
self.iio_context = (iio_context if not use_base_iio_context
else iio.Context(iio_context))
if probe_names is not None:
if len(probe_names) != len(set(probe_names)):
msg = 'Probe names should be unique: {}'
raise ValueError(msg.format(probe_names))
if len(probe_names) != len(self.iio_context.devices):
msg = ('There should be as many probe_names ({}) '
'as detected probes ({}).')
raise ValueError(msg.format(len(probe_names),
probes = [IIOINA226Instrument(d) for d in self.iio_context.devices]
self.probes = (dict(zip(probe_names, probes)) if probe_names
else {p.iio_device.id : p for p in probes})
self.active_probes = set()
for probe in self.probes:
for measure in ['voltage', 'power', 'current']:
self.add_channel(site=probe, measure=measure)
self.add_channel('timestamp', 'time_us')
self.data = pd.DataFrame()
def check_version(self):
msg = ('The IIO drivers running on {} ({}) are out-of-date; '
'devlib requires {} or later.')
if iio.version[:2] < self.MINIMAL_HOST_IIO_DRIVERS_VERSION:
ver_str = '.'.join(map(str, iio.version[:2]))
min_str = '.'.join(map(str, self.MINIMAL_HOST_IIO_DRIVERS_VERSION))
raise HostError(msg.format('this host', ver_str, min_str))
if self.version[:2] < self.MINIMAL_ACME_IIO_DRIVERS_VERSION:
ver_str = '.'.join(map(str, self.version[:2]))
min_str = '.'.join(map(str, self.MINIMAL_ACME_IIO_DRIVERS_VERSION))
raise TargetError(msg.format('the BBB', ver_str, min_str))
# properties
def probes_unique_property(self, property_name):
probes = self.active_probes or self.probes
# This will fail if there is not exactly one single value:
(value,) = {getattr(self.probes[p], property_name) for p in probes}
except ValueError:
msg = 'Probes have different values for {}.'
raise ValueError(msg.format(property_name) if probes else 'No probe')
return value
def version(self):
return self.iio_context.version
return self.probes_unique_property('OVERSAMPLING_RATIOS_AVAILABLE')
return self.probes_unique_property('INTEGRATION_TIMES_AVAILABLE')
def sample_rate_hz(self):
return self.probes_unique_property('sample_rate_hz')
# This setter is required for compliance with the inherited methods
def sample_rate_hz(self, value):
if value is not None:
raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
# initialization and teardown
def setup(self, shunt_resistor,
def pseudo_list(v, i):
return v[i]
except TypeError:
return v
for i, p in enumerate(self.probes.values()):
for attr, val in locals().items():
if attr != 'self':
setattr(p, attr, pseudo_list(val, i))
self.absolute_timestamps = all(pseudo_list(absolute_timestamps, i)
for i in range(len(self.probes)))
def reset(self, sites=None, kinds=None, channels=None):
# populate self.active_channels:
super(BaylibreAcmeInstrument, self).reset(sites, kinds, channels)
for ch in self.active_channels:
if ch.site != 'timestamp':
self.probes[ch.site].activate(['timestamp', ch.kind])
def teardown(self):
del self.active_channels[:]
def start(self):
for p in self.active_probes:
def stop(self):
for p in self.active_probes:
max_rate_probe = max(self.active_probes,
key=lambda p: self.probes[p].sample_rate_hz)
probes_dataframes = {
probe: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.probes[probe].get_data())
for probe in self.active_probes
for df in probes_dataframes.values():
df.set_index(pd.to_datetime(df.index, unit='us'), inplace=True)
final_index = probes_dataframes[max_rate_probe].index
df = pd.concat(probes_dataframes, axis=1).sort_index()
df.columns = ['_'.join(c).strip() for c in df.columns.values]
self.data = df.interpolate('time').reindex(final_index)
if not self.absolute_timestamps:
epoch_index = self.data.index.astype(np.int64) // 1000
self.data.set_index(epoch_index, inplace=True)
# self.data.index is in [us]
# columns are in volts, amps and watts
def get_data(self, outfile=None, **to_csv_kwargs):
if outfile is None:
return self.data
self.data.to_csv(outfile, **to_csv_kwargs)
return MeasurementsCsv(outfile, self.active_channels)
class BaylibreAcmeLocalInstrument(BaylibreAcmeInstrument):
def __init__(self, target=None, probe_names=None):
if iio_import_failed:
raise HostError('Could not import "iio": {}'.format(iio_import_error))
super(BaylibreAcmeLocalInstrument, self).__init__(
class BaylibreAcmeXMLInstrument(BaylibreAcmeInstrument):
def __init__(self, target=None, xmlfile=None, probe_names=None):
if iio_import_failed:
raise HostError('Could not import "iio": {}'.format(iio_import_error))
super(BaylibreAcmeXMLInstrument, self).__init__(
class BaylibreAcmeNetworkInstrument(BaylibreAcmeInstrument):
def __init__(self, target=None, hostname=None, probe_names=None):
if iio_import_failed:
raise HostError('Could not import "iio": {}'.format(iio_import_error))
super(BaylibreAcmeNetworkInstrument, self).__init__(
self.ssh_connection = SshConnection(hostname, username='root', password=None)
except TargetError as e:
msg = 'No SSH connexion could be established to {}: {}'
self.logger.debug(msg.format(hostname, e))
self.ssh_connection = None
def check_version(self):
super(BaylibreAcmeNetworkInstrument, self).check_version()
cmd = r"""sed -nr 's/^VERSION_ID="(.+)"$/\1/p' < /etc/os-release"""
ver_str = self._ssh(cmd).rstrip()
ver = tuple(map(int, ver_str.split('.')))
except Exception as e:
self.logger.debug('Unable to verify ACME SD image version through SSH: {}'.format(e))
min_str = '.'.join(map(str, self.MINIMAL_ACME_SD_IMAGE_VERSION))
msg = ('The ACME SD image for the BBB (ver. {}) is out-of-date; '
'devlib requires {} or later.')
raise TargetError(msg.format(ver_str, min_str))
def _ssh(self, cmd=''):
"""Connections are assumed to be rare."""
if self.ssh_connection is None:
raise TargetError('No SSH connection; see log.')
return self.ssh_connection.execute(cmd)
def _reboot(self):
"""Always delete the object after calling its _reboot method"""