diff --git a/devlib/utils/ssh.py b/devlib/utils/ssh.py
index 24c1c2e..f95aade 100644
--- a/devlib/utils/ssh.py
+++ b/devlib/utils/ssh.py
@@ -296,8 +296,56 @@ class SshConnectionBase(ConnectionBase):
         self.sudo_cmd = sanitize_cmd_template(sudo_cmd)
         self.platform = platform
         self.strict_host_check = strict_host_check
+        self.options = {}
         logger.debug('Logging in {}@{}'.format(username, host))
+    def push(self, source, dest, timeout=30):
+        dest = '{}@{}:{}'.format(self.username, self.host, dest)
+        return self._scp(source, dest, timeout)
+    def pull(self, source, dest, timeout=30):
+        source = '{}@{}:{}'.format(self.username, self.host, source)
+        return self._scp(source, dest, timeout)
+    def _scp(self, source, dest, timeout=30):
+        # NOTE: the version of scp in Ubuntu 12.04 occasionally (and bizarrely)
+        # fails to connect to a device if port is explicitly specified using -P
+        # option, even if it is the default port, 22. To minimize this problem,
+        # only specify -P for scp if the port is *not* the default.
+        port_string = '-P {}'.format(quote(str(self.port))) if (self.port and self.port != 22) else ''
+        keyfile_string = '-i {}'.format(quote(self.keyfile)) if self.keyfile else ''
+        options = " ".join(["-o {}={}".format(key, val)
+                            for key, val in self.options.items()])
+        command = '{} {} -r {} {} {} {}'.format(scp,
+                                                options,
+                                                keyfile_string,
+                                                port_string,
+                                                quote(source),
+                                                quote(dest))
+        command_redacted = command
+        logger.debug(command)
+        if self.password:
+            command, command_redacted = _give_password(self.password, command)
+        try:
+            check_output(command, timeout=timeout, shell=True)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+            raise_from(HostError("Failed to copy file with '{}'. Output:\n{}".format(
+                command_redacted, e.output)), None)
+        except TimeoutError as e:
+            raise TimeoutError(command_redacted, e.output)
+    def _get_default_options(self):
+        if self.strict_host_check:
+            options = {
+                'StrictHostKeyChecking': 'yes',
+            }
+        else:
+            options = {
+                'StrictHostKeyChecking': 'no',
+                'UserKnownHostsFile': '/dev/null',
+            }
+        return options
 class SshConnection(SshConnectionBase):
     # pylint: disable=unused-argument,super-init-not-called
@@ -717,16 +765,7 @@ class TelnetConnection(SshConnectionBase):
-        if self.strict_host_check:
-            options = {
-                'StrictHostKeyChecking': 'yes',
-            }
-        else:
-            options = {
-                'StrictHostKeyChecking': 'no',
-                'UserKnownHostsFile': '/dev/null',
-            }
-        self.options = options
+        self.options = self._get_default_options()
         self.lock = threading.Lock()
         self.password_prompt = password_prompt if password_prompt is not None else self.default_password_prompt
@@ -736,14 +775,6 @@ class TelnetConnection(SshConnectionBase):
         self.conn = telnet_get_shell(host, username, password, port, timeout, original_prompt)
-    def push(self, source, dest, timeout=30):
-        dest = '{}@{}:{}'.format(self.username, self.host, dest)
-        return self._scp(source, dest, timeout)
-    def pull(self, source, dest, timeout=30):
-        source = '{}@{}:{}'.format(self.username, self.host, source)
-        return self._scp(source, dest, timeout)
     def execute(self, command, timeout=None, check_exit_code=True,
                 as_root=False, strip_colors=True, will_succeed=False): #pylint: disable=unused-argument
         if command == '':
@@ -863,33 +894,6 @@ class TelnetConnection(SshConnectionBase):
             return False
-    def _scp(self, source, dest, timeout=30):
-        # NOTE: the version of scp in Ubuntu 12.04 occasionally (and bizarrely)
-        # fails to connect to a device if port is explicitly specified using -P
-        # option, even if it is the default port, 22. To minimize this problem,
-        # only specify -P for scp if the port is *not* the default.
-        port_string = '-P {}'.format(quote(str(self.port))) if (self.port and self.port != 22) else ''
-        keyfile_string = '-i {}'.format(quote(self.keyfile)) if self.keyfile else ''
-        options = " ".join(["-o {}={}".format(key, val)
-                            for key, val in self.options.items()])
-        command = '{} {} -r {} {} {} {}'.format(scp,
-                                                options,
-                                                keyfile_string,
-                                                port_string,
-                                                quote(source),
-                                                quote(dest))
-        command_redacted = command
-        logger.debug(command)
-        if self.password:
-            command, command_redacted = _give_password(self.password, command)
-        try:
-            check_output(command, timeout=timeout, shell=True)
-        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
-            raise_from(HostError("Failed to copy file with '{}'. Output:\n{}".format(
-                command_redacted, e.output)), None)
-        except TimeoutError as e:
-            raise TimeoutError(command_redacted, e.output)
     def _sendline(self, command):
         # Workaround for https://github.com/pexpect/pexpect/issues/552
         if len(command) == self._get_window_size()[1] - self._get_prompt_length():