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synced 2025-03-13 14:18:50 +00:00
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140 lines
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import QtQuick 2.0
import "utils.js" as Utils
Loader {
id: burnInEffect
property ShaderEffectSource source: item ? item.source : null
property real lastUpdate: 0
property real prevLastUpdate: 0
property real delay: (1.0 / appSettings.fps) * 1000
property real burnIn: appSettings.burnIn
property real burnInFadeTime: 1 / Utils.lint(_minBurnInFadeTime, _maxBurnInFadeTime, burnIn)
property real _minBurnInFadeTime: 160
property real _maxBurnInFadeTime: 1600
active: appSettings.burnIn !== 0
function completelyUpdate() {
prevLastUpdate = lastUpdate;
lastUpdate = timeManager.time;
function restartBlurSource(){
prevLastUpdate = timeManager.time;
lastUpdate = prevLastUpdate;
sourceComponent: Item {
property alias source: burnInEffectSource
property int burnInScaling: scaleTexture * appSettings.burnInQuality
width: appSettings.lowResolutionFont
? kterminal.width * Math.max(1, burnInScaling)
: kterminal.width * scaleTexture * appSettings.burnInQuality
height: appSettings.lowResolutionFont
? kterminal.height * Math.max(1, burnInScaling)
: kterminal.height * scaleTexture * appSettings.burnInQuality
ShaderEffectSource {
id: burnInEffectSource
anchors.fill: parent
sourceItem: burnInShaderEffect
live: false
recursive: true
hideSource: true
wrapMode: kterminalSource.wrapMode
format: ShaderEffectSource.RGBA
// Enabling smooth with a low burnInQuality causes bad artifacts because the FBO
// has different values when it's read back. This lowers the quality, but makes it more consistent.
smooth: appSettings.burnInQuality === 1.0
visible: false
Connections {
target: kterminal
onImagePainted: completelyUpdate()
// Restart blurred source settings change.
target: appSettings
onBurnInChanged: burnInEffect.restartBlurSource();
onTerminalFontChanged: burnInEffect.restartBlurSource();
onRasterizationChanged: burnInEffect.restartBlurSource();
onBurnInQualityChanged: burnInEffect.restartBlurSource();
Connections {
target: kterminalScrollbar
onOpacityChanged: completelyUpdate()
ShaderEffect {
id: burnInShaderEffect
property variant txt_source: kterminalSource
property variant burnInSource: burnInEffectSource
property real burnInTime: burnInFadeTime
property real lastUpdate: burnInEffect.lastUpdate
property real prevLastUpdate: burnInEffect.prevLastUpdate
anchors.fill: parent
blending: false
"#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
#endif\n" +
"uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;" +
"uniform lowp sampler2D txt_source;" +
"varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
uniform lowp sampler2D burnInSource;
uniform highp float burnInTime;
uniform highp float lastUpdate;
uniform highp float prevLastUpdate;" +
"float rgb2grey(vec3 v){
return dot(v, vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.04));
}" +
"void main() {
vec2 coords = qt_TexCoord0;
vec3 txtColor = texture2D(txt_source, coords).rgb;
vec4 accColor = texture2D(burnInSource, coords);
float prevMask = accColor.a;
float currMask = rgb2grey(txtColor);
highp float blurDecay = clamp((lastUpdate - prevLastUpdate) * burnInTime, 0.0, 1.0);
blurDecay = max(0.0, blurDecay - prevMask);
vec3 blurColor = accColor.rgb - vec3(blurDecay);
vec3 color = max(blurColor, txtColor);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, currMask);
onStatusChanged: if (log) console.log(log) //Print warning messages