import QtQuick 2.2 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import "utils.js" as Utils ShaderTerminal { property alias title: terminal.title property alias terminalSize: terminal.terminalSize id: mainShader opacity: appSettings.windowOpacity * 0.3 + 0.7 blending: false source: terminal.mainSource burnInEffect: terminal.burnInEffect dispX: (12 / width) * appSettings.windowScaling dispY: (12 / height) * appSettings.windowScaling virtual_resolution: terminal.virtualResolution TimeManager{ id: timeManager enableTimer: terminalWindow.visible } Loader{ id: frame anchors.fill: parent property real displacementLeft: item ? item.displacementLeft : 0 property real displacementTop: item ? item.displacementTop : 0 property real displacementRight: item ? item.displacementRight : 0 property real displacementBottom: item ? item.displacementBottom : 0 asynchronous: true visible: status === Loader.Ready z: 2.1 source: appSettings.frameSource } PreprocessedTerminal{ id: terminal anchors.fill: parent } // EFFECTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Loader{ id: bloomEffectLoader active: appSettings.bloom asynchronous: true width: parent.width * appSettings.bloomQuality height: parent.height * appSettings.bloomQuality sourceComponent: FastBlur{ radius: Utils.lint(16, 64, appSettings.bloomQuality * appSettings.windowScaling); source: terminal.mainSource transparentBorder: true } } Loader{ id: bloomSourceLoader active: appSettings.bloom !== 0 asynchronous: true sourceComponent: ShaderEffectSource{ id: _bloomEffectSource sourceItem: bloomEffectLoader.item hideSource: true smooth: true visible: false } } bloomSource: bloomSourceLoader.item // This shader might be useful in the future. Since we used it only for a couple // of calculations is probably best to move those in the main shader. If in the future // we need to store another fullScreen channel this might be handy. // ShaderEffect { // id: rasterizationEffect // width: parent.width // height: parent.height // property real outColor: 0.0 // property real dispX: (5 / width) * appSettings.windowScaling // property real dispY: (5 / height) * appSettings.windowScaling // property size virtual_resolution: terminal.virtualResolution // blending: false // fragmentShader: // "uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;" + // "varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0; // uniform highp vec2 virtual_resolution; // uniform highp float dispX; // uniform highp float dispY; // uniform mediump float outColor; // highp float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 coords) { // highp float result = 1.0;" + // (appSettings.rasterization != appSettings.no_rasterization ? // "result *= abs(sin(coords.y * virtual_resolution.y * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") + // (appSettings.rasterization == appSettings.pixel_rasterization ? // "result *= abs(sin(coords.x * virtual_resolution.x * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") + " // return result; // }" + // "void main() {" + // "highp float color = getScanlineIntensity(qt_TexCoord0);" + // "float distance = length(vec2(0.5) - qt_TexCoord0);" + // "color = mix(color, 0.0, 1.2 * distance * distance);" + // "color *= outColor + smoothstep(0.00, dispX, qt_TexCoord0.x) * (1.0 - outColor);" + // "color *= outColor + smoothstep(0.00, dispY, qt_TexCoord0.y) * (1.0 - outColor);" + // "color *= outColor + (1.0 - smoothstep(1.00 - dispX, 1.00, qt_TexCoord0.x)) * (1.0 - outColor);" + // "color *= outColor + (1.0 - smoothstep(1.00 - dispY, 1.00, qt_TexCoord0.y)) * (1.0 - outColor);" + // "gl_FragColor.a = color;" + // "}" // onStatusChanged: if (log) console.log(log) //Print warning messages // } // rasterizationSource: ShaderEffectSource{ // id: rasterizationEffectSource // sourceItem: rasterizationEffect // hideSource: true // smooth: true // wrapMode: ShaderEffectSource.ClampToEdge // visible: false // } }