/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013 "Filippo Scognamiglio" * https://github.com/Swordifish90/cool-old-term * * This file is part of cool-old-term. * * cool-old-term is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *******************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.2 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 import org.kde.konsole 0.1 Item{ id: terminalContainer property variant theSource: finalSource property variant bloomSource: bloomSourceLoader.item property variant rasterizationSource: rasterizationEffectSource property alias kterminal: kterminal signal sizeChanged onWidthChanged: sizeChanged() onHeightChanged: sizeChanged() //The blur effect has to take into account the framerate property real fpsAttenuation: 60 / shadersettings.fps property real mBlur: shadersettings.motion_blur property real motionBlurCoefficient: (_maxBlurCoefficient * mBlur + _minBlurCoefficient * (1 - mBlur)) property real _minBlurCoefficient: 0.75 property real _maxBlurCoefficient: 0.95 property real scanlineWidth: 1 property real scanlineHeight: 1 property size virtual_resolution: Qt.size(width / scanlineWidth, height / scanlineHeight) property real deltay: 0.5 / virtual_resolution.height property real deltax: 0.5 / virtual_resolution.width property real mBloom: shadersettings.bloom_strength property int mScanlines: shadersettings.rasterization onMScanlinesChanged: restartBlurredSource() property size terminalSize: kterminal.terminalSize property size paintedTextSize onPaintedTextSizeChanged: console.log(paintedTextSize) //Force reload of the blursource when settings change onMBlurChanged: restartBlurredSource() function restartBlurredSource(){ if(!blurredSource) return; blurredSource.live = true; livetimer.restart() } function pasteClipboard(){ kterminal.pasteClipboard(); } function copyClipboard(){ kterminal.copyClipboard(); } KTerminal { id: kterminal anchors.fill: parent font.pixelSize: shadersettings.font.pixelSize font.family: shadersettings.font.name colorScheme: "MyWhiteOnBlack" session: KSession { id: ksession kbScheme: "linux" onFinished: { Qt.quit() } } Text{id: fontMetrics; text: "B"; visible: false} function handleFontChange(){ var scaling_factor = shadersettings.window_scaling; var font_size = shadersettings.font.pixelSize * scaling_factor; font.pixelSize = font_size; font.family = shadersettings.font.name; fontMetrics.font = font; var vertical_density = shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.height; var horizontal_density = shadersettings.font.virtualResolution.width; var scanline_height = fontMetrics.paintedHeight / vertical_density; var scanline_width = fontMetrics.paintedWidth / horizontal_density; var scanline_spacing = shadersettings.font.lineSpacing; var line_spacing = Math.round(scanline_spacing * scanline_height); // console.log("Font height: " + fontMetrics.paintedHeight) // console.log("Scanline Height: " + scanline_height) // console.log("Line Spacing: " + line_spacing) terminalContainer.scanlineHeight = scanline_height; terminalContainer.scanlineWidth = scanline_width; setLineSpacing(line_spacing); restartBlurredSource(); } Component.onCompleted: { shadersettings.terminalFontChanged.connect(handleFontChange); handleFontChange(); forceActiveFocus(); } } Menu{ id: contextmenu MenuItem{action: copyAction} MenuItem{action: pasteAction} MenuSeparator{} MenuItem{action: fullscreenAction} } MouseArea{ acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.MiddleButton | Qt.RightButton anchors.fill: parent onWheel: wheel.angleDelta.y > 0 ? kterminal.scrollUp() : kterminal.scrollDown() onClicked: { if (mouse.button == Qt.RightButton){ contextmenu.popup(); } else if (mouse.button == Qt.MiddleButton){ kterminal.pasteSelection(); } } onDoubleClicked: { if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton){ var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y); kterminal.mouseDoubleClick(coord.width, coord.height); } } onPositionChanged: { var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y); kterminal.mouseMove(coord.width, coord.height); } onPressed: { if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton){ var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y); kterminal.mousePress(coord.width, coord.height); } } onReleased: { if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton){ kterminal.mouseRelease(mouse.x, mouse.y); } } //Frame displacement properties property real dtop: frame.item.displacementTop property real dleft:frame.item.displacementLeft property real dright: frame.item.displacementRight property real dbottom: frame.item.displacementBottom function correctDistortion(x, y){ x = x / width; y = y / height; x = (-dleft + x * (width + dleft + dright)) / width y = (-dtop + y * (height + dtop + dbottom)) / height var cc = Qt.size(0.5 - x, 0.5 - y); var distortion = (cc.height * cc.height + cc.width * cc.width) * shadersettings.screen_distortion; return Qt.size((x - cc.width * (1+distortion) * distortion) * width, (y - cc.height * (1+distortion) * distortion) * height) } } ShaderEffectSource{ id: source sourceItem: kterminal hideSource: true smooth: false } ShaderEffectSource{ id: blurredSource sourceItem: blurredterminal recursive: true live: true smooth: false antialiasing: false Timer{ id: livetimer running: true onTriggered: parent.live = false; function updateImageHandler(){ livetimer.restart(); blurredSource.live = true; } Component.onCompleted: kterminal.updatedImage.connect(updateImageHandler); } } ShaderEffectSource{ id: finalSource sourceItem: blurredterminal sourceRect: frame.sourceRect } ShaderEffect { id: blurredterminal anchors.fill: parent property variant source: source property variant blurredSource: (mBlur !== 0) ? blurredSource : undefined property size virtual_resolution: parent.virtual_resolution property size delta: Qt.size((mScanlines == shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ? deltax : 0), mScanlines != shadersettings.no_rasterization ? deltay : 0) z: 2 fragmentShader: "uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;" + "uniform lowp sampler2D source;" + "uniform highp vec2 delta;" + "varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0; uniform highp vec2 virtual_resolution;" + (mBlur !== 0 ? "uniform lowp sampler2D blurredSource;" : "") + "void main() {" + "vec2 coords = qt_TexCoord0;" + (mScanlines != shadersettings.no_rasterization ? " coords.y = floor(virtual_resolution.y * coords.y) / virtual_resolution.y;" + (mScanlines == shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ? " coords.x = floor(virtual_resolution.x * coords.x) / virtual_resolution.x;" : "") : "") + "float color = texture2D(source, coords + delta).r * 256.0;" + (mBlur !== 0 ? "float blurredSourceColor = texture2D(blurredSource, qt_TexCoord0).r * 256.0;" + "blurredSourceColor = blurredSourceColor - blurredSourceColor * " + (1.0 - motionBlurCoefficient) * fpsAttenuation+ ";" + "color = step(1.0, color) * color + step(color, 1.0) * blurredSourceColor;" : "") + "gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(floor(color) / 256.0), 1.0);" + "}" } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //EFFECTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Bloom Loader{ id: bloomEffectLoader active: mBloom != 0 anchors.fill: parent sourceComponent: FastBlur{ radius: 32 source: kterminal transparentBorder: true smooth: false } } Loader{ id: bloomSourceLoader active: mBloom != 0 sourceComponent: ShaderEffectSource{ sourceItem: bloomEffectLoader.item hideSource: true sourceRect: frame.sourceRect smooth: false } } //Rasterization mask ShaderEffect { id: rasterizationEffect anchors.fill: parent property size virtual_resolution: terminalContainer.virtual_resolution fragmentShader: "uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;" + "varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0; uniform highp vec2 virtual_resolution; float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 coords) { float result = 1.0;" + (mScanlines != shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "result *= abs(sin(coords.y * virtual_resolution.y * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") + (mScanlines == shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ? "result *= abs(sin(coords.x * virtual_resolution.x * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") + " return result; }" + "void main() {" + "gl_FragColor = vec4(getScanlineIntensity(qt_TexCoord0));" + "}" } ShaderEffectSource{ id: rasterizationEffectSource sourceItem: rasterizationEffect sourceRect: frame.sourceRect hideSource: true smooth: true } }