import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 ApplicationWindow{ id: terminalWindow width: 1024 height: 768 title: qsTr("Terminal") menuBar: MenuBar { id: menubar Menu { title: qsTr("File") MenuItem { text: "Close"; onTriggered: terminalWindow.close()} } Menu { title: qsTr("Edit") MenuItem { text: qsTr("Settings") onTriggered: { var component = Qt.createComponent("SettingsWindow.qml"); component.createObject(terminalWindow); } } } } visible: true Item{ id: maincontainer anchors.fill: parent menuBar.bottom clip: true ShaderEffectSource{ id: theSource sourceItem: terminal sourceRect: frame.sourceRect } ShaderEffect { id: shadercontainer anchors.fill: terminal blending: true z: 1.9 property color font_color: shadersettings.font_color property color background_color: shadersettings.background_color property variant source: theSource property size txt_Size: Qt.size(terminal.width, terminal.height) property real time: 0 property real noise_strength: shadersettings.noise_strength property real screen_distorsion: shadersettings.screen_distortion property real glowing_line_strength: shadersettings.glowing_line_strength property real brightness: 1.0 property real scanlines: shadersettings.scanlines ? 1.0 : 0.0 Behavior on brightness { NumberAnimation{ duration: 250 onRunningChanged: if(!running) shadercontainer.brightness = 1.0; } } Behavior on horizontal_distortion { NumberAnimation{ duration: 150 onRunningChanged: if(!running) shadercontainer.horizontal_distortion = 0.0; } } Loader{ active: shadersettings.screen_flickering != 0 sourceComponent: Timer{ property real randval id: flickertimer interval: 500 onTriggered: { randval = Math.random(); if(randval < shadersettings.screen_flickering){ shadercontainer.horizontal_distortion = Math.random() * shadersettings.screen_flickering; } randval = Math.random(); if(randval < shadersettings.screen_flickering) shadercontainer.brightness = Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.5; } repeat: true running: true } } property real deltay: 3 / terminal.height property real deltax: 3 / terminal.width property real horizontal_distortion: 0.0 //property real faulty_screen_prob: shadersettings.faulty_screen_prob NumberAnimation on time{ from: -1 to: 100 duration: 5000 loops: Animation.Infinite } fragmentShader: " uniform sampler2D source; uniform highp float qt_Opacity; uniform highp float time; uniform highp vec2 txt_Size; varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0; uniform highp vec4 font_color; uniform highp vec4 background_color; uniform highp float noise_strength; uniform highp float screen_distorsion; uniform highp float glowing_line_strength; uniform highp float brightness; uniform highp float deltax; uniform highp float deltay; uniform highp float scanlines; uniform highp float horizontal_distortion; float rand(vec2 co, float time){ return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(0.37898 * time ,0.78233))) * 437.5875453); } float stepNoise(vec2 p){ vec2 newP = p * txt_Size*0.25; return rand(floor(newP), time); } float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 pos){ return abs(sin(pos.y * txt_Size.y)) * 0.5; } vec2 distortCoordinates(vec2 coords){ vec2 cc = coords - vec2(0.5); float dist = dot(cc, cc) * screen_distorsion ; return (coords + cc * (1.0 + dist) * dist); } float randomPass(vec2 coords){ return fract(smoothstep(-0.2, 0.0, coords.y - time * 0.03)) * glowing_line_strength; } vec4 blurredColor(sampler2D source, vec2 coords){ vec4 sum = vec4(0.0); sum += texture2D(source, coords - vec2(-deltax, -deltay)) * 0.11; sum += texture2D(source, coords - vec2(-deltax, 0.0)) * 0.11; sum += texture2D(source, coords - vec2(-deltax, +deltay)) * 0.11; sum += texture2D(source, coords - vec2(0.0, -deltay)) * 0.11; sum += texture2D(source, coords - vec2(0.0, 0.0)) * 0.11; sum += texture2D(source, coords - vec2(0.0, +deltay)) * 0.11; sum += texture2D(source, coords - vec2(+deltax, -deltay)) * 0.11; sum += texture2D(source, coords - vec2(+deltax, 0.0)) * 0.11; sum += texture2D(source, coords - vec2(+deltax, +deltay)) * 0.11; return sum; } void main() { vec2 coords = distortCoordinates(qt_TexCoord0); //TODO This formula could be improved float distortion = (sin(coords.y * 20.0 * fract(time * 0.1) + sin(fract(time * 0.2))) + sin(time * 0.05)); coords.x = coords.x + distortion * 0.3 * horizontal_distortion; float color = (blurredColor(source, coords).r + texture2D(source, coords).r) * 0.5; float scanline_alpha = getScanlineIntensity(coords) * scanlines; float noise = stepNoise(coords) * noise_strength; float randomPass = randomPass(coords) * glowing_line_strength; color += noise + randomPass; vec3 finalColor = mix(background_color, font_color, color).rgb; finalColor = mix(finalColor, vec3(0.0), scanline_alpha); gl_FragColor = vec4(finalColor * brightness, 1.0); }" } Loader{ property rect sourceRect: item.sourceRect id: frame anchors.fill: parent z: 2.1 source: shadersettings.frame_source } TerminalScreen { id: terminal anchors.fill: parent //FIXME: Ugly forced clear terminal at the beginning Component.onCompleted: { terminal.screen.sendKey("l", 76, 67108864); terminal.setTerminalHeight(); terminal.setTerminalWidth(); } } RadialGradient{ id: ambientreflection z: 2.0 anchors.fill: parent cached: true opacity: shadersettings.ambient_light * 0.66 gradient: Gradient{ GradientStop{position: 0.0; color: "white"} GradientStop{position: 0.7; color: "#00000000"} } } } }