/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013 "Filippo Scognamiglio" * https://github.com/Swordifish90/cool-old-term * * This file is part of cool-old-term. * * cool-old-term is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *******************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.2 Item{ property bool fullscreen: false property real ambient_light: 0.2 property real contrast: 0.85 property real brightness: 0.75 //On resize shows an overlay with the current size property bool show_terminal_size: true property real window_scaling: 1.0 onWindow_scalingChanged: handleFontChanged(); property real fps: 60 function mix(c1, c2, alpha){ return Qt.rgba(c1.r * alpha + c2.r * (1-alpha), c1.g * alpha + c2.g * (1-alpha), c1.b * alpha + c2.b * (1-alpha), c1.a * alpha + c2.a * (1-alpha)) } function strToColor(s){ var r = parseInt(s.substring(1,3), 16) / 256; var g = parseInt(s.substring(3,5), 16) / 256; var b = parseInt(s.substring(5,7), 16) / 256; return Qt.rgba(r, g, b, 1.0); } //Probably there is a better way to cast string to colors. property string _background_color: "#000000" property string _font_color: "#ff9400" property color font_color: mix(strToColor(_font_color), strToColor(_background_color), 0.7 + (contrast * 0.3)) property color background_color: mix(strToColor(_background_color), strToColor(_font_color), 0.7 + (contrast * 0.3)) property real noise_strength: 0.1 property real screen_distortion: 0.15 property real glowing_line_strength: 0.4 property real motion_blur: 0.65 property real bloom_strength: 0.6 property real horizontal_sincronization: 0.1 property real brightness_flickering: 0.12 readonly property int no_rasterization: 0 readonly property int scanline_rasterization: 1 readonly property int pixel_rasterization: 2 property int rasterization: no_rasterization property string frame_source: frames_list.get(frames_index).source property int frames_index: 1 property var frames_list: framelist signal terminalFontChanged property var _font_scalings: [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.0] property var font: currentfont property int font_index: 0 property var fonts_list: fontlist property bool frame_reflections: true property real frame_reflection_strength: ((frame_reflections && framelist.get(frames_index).reflections) ? 1.0 : 0.0) * 0.15 property alias profiles_list: profileslist property int profiles_index: 0 onProfiles_indexChanged: loadProfile(profiles_index); onFont_indexChanged: handleFontChanged(); onFont_scaling_indexChanged: handleFontChanged(); function handleFontChanged(){ var f = fontlist.get(font_index); var metrics = f.metrics.get(font_scaling_index); currentfont.source = f.source; currentfont.pixelSize = metrics.pixelSize; currentfont.lineSpacing = f.lineSpacing; currentfont.virtualResolution = Qt.size(metrics.virtualWidth, metrics.virtualHeight); terminalFontChanged(); } FontLoader{ property int pixelSize property real lineSpacing property size virtualResolution id: currentfont source: fontlist.get(font_index).source } ListModel{ id: framelist ListElement{text: "No frame"; source: "./frames/NoFrame.qml"; reflections: false} ListElement{text: "Simple white frame"; source: "./frames/WhiteSimpleFrame.qml"; reflections: true} ListElement{text: "Rough black frame"; source: "./frames/BlackRoughFrame.qml"; reflections: true} } property int font_scaling_index: 0 ListModel{ id: fontlist ListElement{ text: "Terminus (Modern)" source: "fonts/modern-terminus/TerminusTTF-Bold-4.38.2.ttf" lineSpacing: 2 metrics: [ ListElement{pixelSize: 18; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 6}, ListElement{pixelSize: 24; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 35; virtualWidth: 5; virtualHeight: 12}, ListElement{pixelSize: 43; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 11}, ListElement{pixelSize: 54; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 11}, ListElement{pixelSize: 64; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 11}, ListElement{pixelSize: 75; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 11}] } ListElement{ text: "Commodore PET (1977)" source: "fonts/1977-commodore-pet/COMMODORE_PET.ttf" lineSpacing: 2 metrics: [ ListElement{pixelSize: 11; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0}, ListElement{pixelSize: 17; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 6}, ListElement{pixelSize: 24; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 40; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}] } ListElement{ text: "Apple ][ (1977)" source: "fonts/1977-apple2/PrintChar21.ttf" lineSpacing: 2 metrics: [ ListElement{pixelSize: 11; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0}, ListElement{pixelSize: 17; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 6}, ListElement{pixelSize: 24; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 40; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 7; virtualHeight: 8}] } ListElement{ text: "Atari 400-800 (1979)" source: "fonts/1979-atari-400-800/ATARI400800_original.TTF" lineSpacing: 3 metrics: [ ListElement{pixelSize: 11; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0}, ListElement{pixelSize: 17; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 6}, ListElement{pixelSize: 24; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 40; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}] } ListElement{ text: "Commodore 64 (1982)" source: "fonts/1982-commodore64/C64_User_Mono_v1.0-STYLE.ttf" lineSpacing: 3 metrics: [ ListElement{pixelSize: 11; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0}, ListElement{pixelSize: 17; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 6}, ListElement{pixelSize: 24; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 40; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 8}] } ListElement{ text: "Atari ST (1985)" source: "fonts/1985-atari-st/AtariST8x16SystemFont.ttf" lineSpacing: 2 metrics: [ ListElement{pixelSize: 16; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0}, ListElement{pixelSize: 23; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 7}, ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 4; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 40; virtualWidth: 4; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 4; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 4; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 64; virtualWidth: 8; virtualHeight: 16}] } ListElement{ text: "IBM DOS (1985)" source: "fonts/1985-ibm-pc-vga/Perfect DOS VGA 437.ttf" lineSpacing: 2 metrics: [ ListElement{pixelSize: 18; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0}, ListElement{pixelSize: 25; virtualWidth: 0; virtualHeight: 0}, ListElement{pixelSize: 32; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 8}, ListElement{pixelSize: 36; virtualWidth: 6; virtualHeight: 12}, ListElement{pixelSize: 48; virtualWidth: 9; virtualHeight: 16}, ListElement{pixelSize: 56; virtualWidth: 9; virtualHeight: 16}, ListElement{pixelSize: 64; virtualWidth: 9; virtualHeight: 16}] } } Storage{id: storage} function composeSettingsString(){ var settings = { fps: fps, window_scaling: window_scaling, show_terminal_size: show_terminal_size, brightness: brightness, contrast: contrast, ambient_light: ambient_light, font_scaling_index: font_scaling_index, } return JSON.stringify(settings); } function composeProfileString(){ var settings = { background_color: _background_color, font_color: _font_color, brightness_flickering: brightness_flickering, horizontal_sincronization: horizontal_sincronization, noise_strength: noise_strength, screen_distortion: screen_distortion, glowing_line_strength: glowing_line_strength, frames_index: frames_index, font_index: font_index, motion_blur: motion_blur, bloom_strength: bloom_strength, rasterization: rasterization } return JSON.stringify(settings); } function loadSettings(){ var settingsString = storage.getSetting("_CURRENT_SETTINGS"); var profileString = storage.getSetting("_CURRENT_PROFILE"); if(!settingsString) return; if(!profileString) return; loadSettingsString(settingsString); loadProfileString(profileString); console.log("Loading settings: " + settingsString + profileString); } function storeSettings(){ var settingsString = composeSettingsString(); var profileString = composeProfileString(); storage.setSetting("_CURRENT_SETTINGS", settingsString); storage.setSetting("_CURRENT_PROFILE", profileString); console.log("Storing settings :" + settingsString + profileString); } function loadSettingsString(settingsString){ var settings = JSON.parse(settingsString); ambient_light = settings.ambient_light !== undefined ? settings.ambient_light : ambient_light; contrast = settings.contrast !== undefined ? settings.contrast : contrast; brightness = settings.brightness !== undefined ? settings.brightness : brightness show_terminal_size = settings.show_terminal_size ? settings.show_terminal_size : show_terminal_size fps = settings.fps !== undefined ? settings.fps: fps window_scaling = settings.window_scaling ? settings.window_scaling : window_scaling font_scaling_index = settings.font_scaling_index !== undefined ? settings.font_scaling_index: font_scaling_index; } function loadProfileString(profileString){ var settings = JSON.parse(profileString); _background_color = settings.background_color !== undefined ? settings.background_color : _background_color; _font_color = settings.font_color !== undefined ? settings.font_color : _font_color; horizontal_sincronization = settings.horizontal_sincronization !== undefined ? settings.horizontal_sincronization : horizontal_sincronization brightness_flickering = settings.brightness_flickering !== undefined ? settings.brightness_flickering : brightness_flickering; noise_strength = settings.noise_strength !== undefined ? settings.noise_strength : noise_strength; screen_distortion = settings.screen_distortion !== undefined ? settings.screen_distortion : screen_distortion; glowing_line_strength = settings.glowing_line_strength !== undefined ? settings.glowing_line_strength : glowing_line_strength; motion_blur = settings.motion_blur !== undefined ? settings.motion_blur : motion_blur bloom_strength = settings.bloom_strength !== undefined ? settings.bloom_strength : bloom_strength frames_index = settings.frames_index !== undefined ? settings.frames_index : frames_index; font_index = settings.font_index !== undefined ? settings.font_index : font_index; rasterization = settings.rasterization !== undefined ? settings.rasterization : rasterization; } function storeCustomProfiles(){ storage.setSetting("_CUSTOM_PROFILES", composeCustomProfilesString()); } function loadCustomProfiles(){ var customProfileString = storage.getSetting("_CUSTOM_PROFILES"); if(customProfileString === undefined) customProfileString = "[]"; loadCustomProfilesString(customProfileString); } function loadCustomProfilesString(customProfilesString){ var customProfiles = JSON.parse(customProfilesString); for (var i=0; i