/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 Jørgen Lind * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "screen_data.h" #include "block.h" #include "screen.h" #include "scrollback.h" #include "cursor.h" #include #include #include ScreenData::ScreenData(size_t max_scrollback, Screen *screen) : QObject(screen) , m_screen(screen) , m_scrollback(new Scrollback(max_scrollback, this)) , m_screen_height(0) , m_height(0) , m_width(0) , m_block_count(0) , m_old_total_lines(0) { connect(screen, SIGNAL(heightAboutToChange(int, int, int)), this, SLOT(setHeight(int, int, int))); connect(screen, SIGNAL(widthAboutToChange(int)), this, SLOT(setWidth(int))); } ScreenData::~ScreenData() { for (auto it = m_screen_blocks.begin(); it != m_screen_blocks.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } delete m_scrollback; } int ScreenData::contentHeight() const { return m_height + m_scrollback->height(); } void ScreenData::setHeight(int height, int currentCursorLine, int currentContentHeight) { Q_UNUSED(currentContentHeight); m_screen_height = height; if (height == m_height) return; if (m_height > height) { const int to_remove = m_height - height; const int remove_from_end = std::min((m_height -1) - currentCursorLine, to_remove); const int remove_from_start = to_remove - remove_from_end; if (remove_from_end) { remove_lines_from_end(remove_from_end); } if (remove_from_start) { push_at_most_to_scrollback(remove_from_start); } } else { ensure_at_least_height(height); } } void ScreenData::setWidth(int width) { m_width = width; for (Block *block : m_screen_blocks) { int before_count = block->lineCount(); block->setWidth(width); m_height += block->lineCount() - before_count; } if (m_height > m_screen_height) { push_at_most_to_scrollback(m_height - m_screen_height); } else { ensure_at_least_height(m_screen_height); } m_scrollback->setWidth(width); } void ScreenData::clearToEndOfLine(const QPoint &point) { auto it = it_for_row_ensure_single_line_block(point.y()); (*it)->clearToEnd(point.x()); } void ScreenData::clearToEndOfScreen(int y) { auto it = it_for_row_ensure_single_line_block(y); while(it != m_screen_blocks.end()) { clearBlock(it); ++it; } } void ScreenData::clearToBeginningOfLine(const QPoint &point) { auto it = it_for_row_ensure_single_line_block(point.y()); (*it)->clearCharacters(0,point.x()); } void ScreenData::clearToBeginningOfScreen(int y) { auto it = it_for_row_ensure_single_line_block(y); if (it != m_screen_blocks.end()) (*it)->clear(); while(it != m_screen_blocks.begin()) { --it; clearBlock(it); } } void ScreenData::clearLine(const QPoint &point) { (*it_for_row_ensure_single_line_block(point.y()))->clear(); } void ScreenData::clear() { for (auto it = m_screen_blocks.begin(); it != m_screen_blocks.end(); ++it) { clearBlock(it); } } void ScreenData::releaseTextObjects() { for (auto it = m_screen_blocks.begin(); it != m_screen_blocks.end(); ++it) { (*it)->releaseTextObjects(); } } void ScreenData::clearCharacters(const QPoint &point, int to) { auto it = it_for_row_ensure_single_line_block(point.y()); (*it)->clearCharacters(point.x(),to); } void ScreenData::deleteCharacters(const QPoint &point, int to) { auto it = it_for_row(point.y()); if (it == m_screen_blocks.end()) return; int line_in_block = point.y() - (*it)->index(); int chars_to_line = line_in_block * m_width; (*it)->deleteCharacters(chars_to_line + point.x(), chars_to_line + to); } CursorDiff ScreenData::replace(const QPoint &point, const QString &text, const TextStyle &style, bool only_latin) { return modify(point,text,style,true, only_latin); } CursorDiff ScreenData::insert(const QPoint &point, const QString &text, const TextStyle &style, bool only_latin) { return modify(point,text,style,false, only_latin); } void ScreenData::moveLine(int from, int to) { if (from == to) return; if (to > from) to++; auto from_it = it_for_row_ensure_single_line_block(from); auto to_it = it_for_row_ensure_single_line_block(to); (*from_it)->clear(); m_screen_blocks.splice(to_it, m_screen_blocks, from_it); } void ScreenData::insertLine(int row, int topMargin) { auto row_it = it_for_row(row + 1); if (!topMargin && m_height - m_screen_blocks.front()->lineCount() >= m_screen_height) { push_at_most_to_scrollback(1); } else { auto row_top_margin = it_for_row_ensure_single_line_block(topMargin); if (row == topMargin) { (*row_top_margin)->clear(); return; } delete (*row_top_margin); m_screen_blocks.erase(row_top_margin); m_height--; m_block_count--; } Block *block_to_insert = new Block(m_screen); m_screen_blocks.insert(row_it,block_to_insert); m_height++; m_block_count++; } void ScreenData::fill(const QChar &character) { clear(); auto it = --m_screen_blocks.end(); for (int i = 0; i < m_block_count; --it, i++) { QString fill_str(m_screen->width(), character); (*it)->replaceAtPos(0, fill_str, m_screen->defaultTextStyle()); } } void ScreenData::dispatchLineEvents() { if (!m_block_count) return; const int content_height = contentHeight(); int i = 0; for (auto it = m_screen_blocks.begin(); it != m_screen_blocks.end(); ++it) { int line = content_height - m_height + i; (*it)->setIndex(line); (*it)->dispatchEvents(); i+= (*it)->lineCount(); } if (content_height != m_old_total_lines) { m_old_total_lines = contentHeight(); emit contentHeightChanged(); } } void ScreenData::printRuler(QDebug &debug) const { QString ruler = QString("|----i----").repeated((m_width/10)+1).append("|"); debug << " " << (void *) this << ruler; } void ScreenData::printStyleInformation() const { auto it = m_screen_blocks.end(); std::advance(it, -m_block_count); for (int i = 0; it != m_screen_blocks.end(); ++it, i++) { if (i % 5 == 0) { QDebug debug = qDebug(); debug << "Ruler:"; printRuler(debug); } QDebug debug = qDebug(); (*it)->printStyleList(debug); } qDebug() << "On screen height" << m_height; } Screen *ScreenData::screen() const { return m_screen; } void ScreenData::ensureVisiblePages(int top_line) { m_scrollback->ensureVisiblePages(top_line); } Scrollback *ScreenData::scrollback() const { return m_scrollback; } CursorDiff ScreenData::modify(const QPoint &point, const QString &text, const TextStyle &style, bool replace, bool only_latin) { auto it = it_for_row(point.y()); Block *block = *it; int start_char = (point.y() - block->index()) * m_width + point.x(); size_t lines_before = block->lineCount(); int lines_changed = block->lineCountAfterModified(start_char, text.size(), replace) - lines_before; m_height += lines_changed; if (lines_changed > 0) { int removed = 0; auto to_merge_inn = it; ++to_merge_inn; while(removed < lines_changed && to_merge_inn != m_screen_blocks.end()) { Block *to_be_reduced = *to_merge_inn; bool remove_block = removed + to_be_reduced->lineCount() <= lines_changed; int lines_to_remove = remove_block ? to_be_reduced->lineCount() : to_be_reduced->lineCount() - (lines_changed - removed); block->moveLinesFromBlock(to_be_reduced, 0, lines_to_remove); removed += lines_to_remove; if (remove_block) { delete to_be_reduced; to_merge_inn = m_screen_blocks.erase(to_merge_inn); m_block_count--; } else { ++to_merge_inn; } } m_height -= removed; } if (m_height > m_screen_height) push_at_most_to_scrollback(m_height - m_screen_height); if (replace) { block->replaceAtPos(start_char, text, style, only_latin); } else { block->insertAtPos(start_char, text, style, only_latin); } int end_char = (start_char + text.size()) % m_width; if (end_char == 0) end_char = m_width -1; return { lines_changed, end_char - point.x()}; } void ScreenData::clearBlock(std::list::iterator line) { int before_count = (*line)->lineCount(); (*line)->clear(); int diff_line = before_count - (*line)->lineCount(); if (diff_line > 0) { ++line; for (int i = 0; i < diff_line; i++) { m_screen_blocks.insert(line, new Block(m_screen)); } m_block_count+=diff_line; } } std::list::iterator ScreenData::it_for_row_ensure_single_line_block(int row) { auto it = it_for_row(row); int index = (*it)->index(); int lines = (*it)->lineCount(); if (index == row && lines == 1) { return it; } int line_diff = row - index; return split_out_row_from_block(it, line_diff); } std::list::iterator ScreenData::split_out_row_from_block(std::list::iterator it, int row_in_block) { int lines = (*it)->lineCount(); if (row_in_block == 0 && lines == 1) return it; if (row_in_block == 0) { auto insert_before = (*it)->takeLine(0); insert_before->setIndex(row_in_block); m_block_count++; return m_screen_blocks.insert(it,insert_before); } else if (row_in_block == lines -1) { auto insert_after = (*it)->takeLine(lines -1); insert_after->setIndex(row_in_block); ++it; m_block_count++; return m_screen_blocks.insert(it, insert_after); } auto half = (*it)->split(row_in_block); ++it; auto it_width_first = m_screen_blocks.insert(it, half); auto the_one = half->takeLine(0); m_block_count+=2; return m_screen_blocks.insert(it_width_first,the_one); } void ScreenData::push_at_most_to_scrollback(int lines) { int pushed = 0; auto it = m_screen_blocks.begin(); while (it != m_screen_blocks.end() && pushed + (*it)->lineCount() <= lines) { m_block_count--; const int block_height = (*it)->lineCount(); m_height -= block_height; pushed += block_height; m_scrollback->addBlock(*it); it = m_screen_blocks.erase(it); } } void ScreenData::reclaim_at_least(int lines) { int lines_reclaimed = 0; while (m_scrollback->blockCount() && lines_reclaimed < lines) { Block *block = m_scrollback->reclaimBlock(); m_height += block->lineCount(); lines_reclaimed += block->lineCount(); m_block_count++; m_screen_blocks.push_front(block); } } void ScreenData::remove_lines_from_end(int lines) { int removed = 0; auto it = m_screen_blocks.end(); while (it != m_screen_blocks.begin() && removed < lines) { --it; const int block_height = (*it)->lineCount(); if (removed + block_height <= lines) { removed += block_height; m_height -= block_height; m_block_count--; delete (*it); it = m_screen_blocks.erase(it); } else { const int to_remove = lines - removed; removed += to_remove; m_height -= to_remove; Block *block = *it; for (int i = 0; i < to_remove; i++) { block->removeLine(block->lineCount()-1); } } } } void ScreenData::ensure_at_least_height(int height) { if (m_height > height) return; int to_grow = height - m_height; reclaim_at_least(to_grow); if (height > m_height) { int to_insert = height - m_height; for (int i = 0; i < to_insert; i++) { m_screen_blocks.push_back(new Block(m_screen)); } m_height += to_insert; m_block_count += to_insert; } }