/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013-2021 "Filippo Scognamiglio" * https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term * * This file is part of cool-retro-term. * * cool-retro-term is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *******************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QMLTermWidget 1.0 import "menus" import "utils.js" as Utils Item{ id: terminalContainer property size virtualResolution: Qt.size(kterminal.totalWidth, kterminal.totalHeight) property alias mainTerminal: kterminal property ShaderEffectSource mainSource: kterminalSource property BurnInEffect burnInEffect: burnInEffect property SlowBurnIn slowBurnInEffect: slowBurnInEffect property real fontWidth: 1.0 property real screenScaling: 1.0 property real scaleTexture: 1.0 property alias title: ksession.title property alias kterminal: kterminal property size terminalSize: kterminal.terminalSize property size fontMetrics: kterminal.fontMetrics // Manage copy and paste Connections{ target: copyAction onTriggered: kterminal.copyClipboard(); } Connections{ target: pasteAction onTriggered: kterminal.pasteClipboard() } //When settings are updated sources need to be redrawn. Connections{ target: appSettings onFontScalingChanged: terminalContainer.updateSources(); onFontWidthChanged: terminalContainer.updateSources(); } Connections{ target: terminalContainer onWidthChanged: terminalContainer.updateSources(); onHeightChanged: terminalContainer.updateSources(); } function updateSources() { kterminal.update(); } QMLTermWidget { id: kterminal property int textureResolutionScale: appSettings.lowResolutionFont ? devicePixelRatio : 1 property int margin: appSettings.totalMargin / screenScaling property int totalWidth: Math.floor(parent.width / (screenScaling * fontWidth)) property int totalHeight: Math.floor(parent.height / screenScaling) property int rawWidth: totalWidth - 2 * margin property int rawHeight: totalHeight - 2 * margin textureSize: Qt.size(width / textureResolutionScale, height / textureResolutionScale) width: ensureMultiple(rawWidth, devicePixelRatio) height: ensureMultiple(rawHeight, devicePixelRatio) /** Ensure size is a multiple of factor. This is needed for pixel perfect scaling on highdpi screens. */ function ensureMultiple(size, factor) { return Math.round(size / factor) * factor; } colorScheme: "cool-retro-term" smooth: !appSettings.lowResolutionFont enableBold: false fullCursorHeight: true blinkingCursor: appSettings.blinkingCursor session: QMLTermSession { id: ksession onFinished: { Qt.quit() } } QMLTermScrollbar { id: kterminalScrollbar terminal: kterminal anchors.margins: width * 0.5 width: terminal.fontMetrics.width * 0.75 Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent anchors.topMargin: 1 anchors.bottomMargin: 1 color: "white" radius: width * 0.25 opacity: 0.7 } } function handleFontChanged(fontFamily, pixelSize, lineSpacing, screenScaling, fontWidth) { kterminal.antialiasText = !appSettings.lowResolutionFont; font.pixelSize = pixelSize; font.family = fontFamily; terminalContainer.fontWidth = fontWidth; terminalContainer.screenScaling = screenScaling; scaleTexture = Math.max(1.0, Math.floor(screenScaling * appSettings.windowScaling)); kterminal.lineSpacing = lineSpacing; } function startSession() { appSettings.initializedSettings.disconnect(startSession); // Retrieve the variable set in main.cpp if arguments are passed. if (defaultCmd) { ksession.setShellProgram(defaultCmd); ksession.setArgs(defaultCmdArgs); } else if (appSettings.useCustomCommand) { var args = Utils.tokenizeCommandLine(appSettings.customCommand); ksession.setShellProgram(args[0]); ksession.setArgs(args.slice(1)); } else if (!defaultCmd && Qt.platform.os === "osx") { // OSX Requires the following default parameters for auto login. ksession.setArgs(["-i", "-l"]); } if (workdir) ksession.initialWorkingDirectory = workdir; ksession.startShellProgram(); forceActiveFocus(); } Component.onCompleted: { appSettings.terminalFontChanged.connect(handleFontChanged); appSettings.initializedSettings.connect(startSession); appSettings.handleFontChanged() } } Component { id: shortContextMenu ShortContextMenu { } } Component { id: fullContextMenu FullContextMenu { } } Loader { id: menuLoader sourceComponent: (Qt.platform.os === "osx" || appSettings.showMenubar ? shortContextMenu : fullContextMenu) } property alias contextmenu: menuLoader.item MouseArea { property real margin: appSettings.totalMargin acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.MiddleButton | Qt.RightButton anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: kterminal.terminalUsesMouse ? Qt.ArrowCursor : Qt.IBeamCursor onWheel:{ if(wheel.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier){ wheel.angleDelta.y > 0 ? zoomIn.trigger() : zoomOut.trigger(); } else { var coord = correctDistortion(wheel.x, wheel.y); kterminal.simulateWheel(coord.x, coord.y, wheel.buttons, wheel.modifiers, wheel.angleDelta); } } onDoubleClicked: { var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y); kterminal.simulateMouseDoubleClick(coord.x, coord.y, mouse.button, mouse.buttons, mouse.modifiers); } onPressed: { if((!kterminal.terminalUsesMouse || mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) && mouse.button == Qt.RightButton) { contextmenu.popup(); } else { var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y); kterminal.simulateMousePress(coord.x, coord.y, mouse.button, mouse.buttons, mouse.modifiers) } } onReleased: { var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y); kterminal.simulateMouseRelease(coord.x, coord.y, mouse.button, mouse.buttons, mouse.modifiers); } onPositionChanged: { var coord = correctDistortion(mouse.x, mouse.y); kterminal.simulateMouseMove(coord.x, coord.y, mouse.button, mouse.buttons, mouse.modifiers); } function correctDistortion(x, y){ x = (x - margin) / width; y = (y - margin) / height; var cc = Qt.size(0.5 - x, 0.5 - y); var distortion = (cc.height * cc.height + cc.width * cc.width) * appSettings.screenCurvature * appConstants.screenCurvatureSize; return Qt.point((x - cc.width * (1+distortion) * distortion) * (kterminal.totalWidth), (y - cc.height * (1+distortion) * distortion) * (kterminal.totalHeight)) } } ShaderEffectSource{ id: kterminalSource sourceItem: kterminal hideSource: true wrapMode: ShaderEffectSource.Repeat visible: false textureSize: Qt.size(kterminal.totalWidth * scaleTexture, kterminal.totalHeight * scaleTexture) sourceRect: Qt.rect(-kterminal.margin, -kterminal.margin, kterminal.totalWidth, kterminal.totalHeight) } Item { id: burnInContainer property int burnInScaling: scaleTexture * appSettings.burnInQuality width: Math.round(appSettings.lowResolutionFont ? kterminal.totalWidth * Math.max(1, burnInScaling) : kterminal.totalWidth * scaleTexture * appSettings.burnInQuality) height: Math.round(appSettings.lowResolutionFont ? kterminal.totalHeight * Math.max(1, burnInScaling) : kterminal.totalHeight * scaleTexture * appSettings.burnInQuality) BurnInEffect { id: burnInEffect } SlowBurnIn { id: slowBurnInEffect } } }