mirror of https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term.git synced 2024-10-06 02:50:50 +01:00

Move scanlines computations in main shader. This reduces GPU memory consumption, may improve performace and increases scanlines quality.

This commit is contained in:
Filippo Scognamiglio 2014-12-14 10:31:38 +01:00
parent 2876076cea
commit c9f918784c
2 changed files with 77 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
ShaderEffect {
property ShaderEffectSource source
property ShaderEffectSource rasterizationSource
property ShaderEffectSource bloomSource
property color font_color: appSettings.font_color
@ -54,6 +53,10 @@ ShaderEffect {
property real screen_brightness: appSettings.brightness * 1.5 + 0.5
property real dispX
property real dispY
property size virtual_resolution
id: timeManager
enableTimer: terminalWindow.visible
@ -144,8 +147,11 @@ ShaderEffect {
uniform highp vec4 font_color;
uniform highp vec4 background_color;
uniform highp sampler2D rasterizationSource;
uniform lowp float screen_brightness;" +
uniform lowp float screen_brightness;
uniform highp vec2 virtual_resolution;
uniform highp float dispX;
uniform highp float dispY;" +
(bloom_strength !== 0 ? "
uniform highp sampler2D bloomSource;
@ -183,7 +189,18 @@ ShaderEffect {
return fract(smoothstep(-0.2, 0.0, coords.y - 3.0 * fract(time * 0.0001))) * glowing_line_strength;
}" : "") +
"float rgb2grey(vec3 v){
"highp float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 coords) {
highp float result = 1.0;" +
(appSettings.rasterization != appSettings.no_rasterization ?
"result *= abs(sin(coords.y * virtual_resolution.y * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") +
(appSettings.rasterization == appSettings.pixel_rasterization ?
"result *= abs(sin(coords.x * virtual_resolution.x * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") + "
return result;
float rgb2grey(vec3 v){
return dot(v, vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.04));
}" +
@ -256,7 +273,9 @@ ShaderEffect {
"vec3 finalColor = mix(background_color.rgb, font_color.rgb, greyscale_color);") +
"finalColor *= texture2D(rasterizationSource, coords).a;" +
"finalColor *= getScanlineIntensity(coords);
finalColor *= smoothstep(-dispX, 0.0, coords.x) - smoothstep(1.0, 1.0 + dispX, coords.x);
finalColor *= smoothstep(-dispY, 0.0, coords.y) - smoothstep(1.0, 1.0 + dispY, coords.y);" +
(bloom_strength !== 0 ?
"vec4 bloomFullColor = texture2D(bloomSource, coords);

View File

@ -3,13 +3,17 @@ import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
property alias title: terminal.title
property alias terminalSize: terminal.terminalSize
id: mainShader
opacity: appSettings.windowOpacity * 0.3 + 0.7
blending: false
source: terminal.mainSource
dispX: (12 / width) * appSettings.window_scaling
dispY: (12 / height) * appSettings.window_scaling
virtual_resolution: terminal.virtualResolution
id: frame
anchors.fill: parent
@ -22,8 +26,6 @@ ShaderTerminal{
anchors.fill: parent
source: terminal.mainSource
// EFFECTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@ -54,60 +56,64 @@ ShaderTerminal{
bloomSource: bloomSourceLoader.item
ShaderEffect {
id: rasterizationEffect
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
property real outColor: 0.0
property real dispX: (5 / width) * appSettings.window_scaling
property real dispY: (5 / height) * appSettings.window_scaling
property size virtual_resolution: terminal.virtualResolution
// This shader might be useful in the future. Since we used it only for a couple
// of calculations is probably best to move those in the main shader. If in
// we will need to store another fullScreen channel this might be handy.
blending: false
// ShaderEffect {
// id: rasterizationEffect
// width: parent.width
// height: parent.height
// property real outColor: 0.0
// property real dispX: (5 / width) * appSettings.window_scaling
// property real dispY: (5 / height) * appSettings.window_scaling
// property size virtual_resolution: terminal.virtualResolution
"uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;" +
// blending: false
"varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
uniform highp vec2 virtual_resolution;
uniform highp float dispX;
uniform highp float dispY;
uniform mediump float outColor;
// fragmentShader:
// "uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;" +
highp float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 coords) {
highp float result = 1.0;" +
// "varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
// uniform highp vec2 virtual_resolution;
// uniform highp float dispX;
// uniform highp float dispY;
// uniform mediump float outColor;
(appSettings.rasterization != appSettings.no_rasterization ?
"result *= abs(sin(coords.y * virtual_resolution.y * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") +
(appSettings.rasterization == appSettings.pixel_rasterization ?
"result *= abs(sin(coords.x * virtual_resolution.x * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") + "
// highp float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 coords) {
// highp float result = 1.0;" +
return result;
}" +
// (appSettings.rasterization != appSettings.no_rasterization ?
// "result *= abs(sin(coords.y * virtual_resolution.y * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") +
// (appSettings.rasterization == appSettings.pixel_rasterization ?
// "result *= abs(sin(coords.x * virtual_resolution.x * "+Math.PI+"));" : "") + "
"void main() {" +
"highp float color = getScanlineIntensity(qt_TexCoord0);" +
// return result;
// }" +
"float distance = length(vec2(0.5) - qt_TexCoord0);" +
"color = mix(color, 0.0, 1.2 * distance * distance);" +
// "void main() {" +
// "highp float color = getScanlineIntensity(qt_TexCoord0);" +
"color *= outColor + smoothstep(0.00, dispX, qt_TexCoord0.x) * (1.0 - outColor);" +
"color *= outColor + smoothstep(0.00, dispY, qt_TexCoord0.y) * (1.0 - outColor);" +
"color *= outColor + (1.0 - smoothstep(1.00 - dispX, 1.00, qt_TexCoord0.x)) * (1.0 - outColor);" +
"color *= outColor + (1.0 - smoothstep(1.00 - dispY, 1.00, qt_TexCoord0.y)) * (1.0 - outColor);" +
// "float distance = length(vec2(0.5) - qt_TexCoord0);" +
// "color = mix(color, 0.0, 1.2 * distance * distance);" +
"gl_FragColor.a = color;" +
// "color *= outColor + smoothstep(0.00, dispX, qt_TexCoord0.x) * (1.0 - outColor);" +
// "color *= outColor + smoothstep(0.00, dispY, qt_TexCoord0.y) * (1.0 - outColor);" +
// "color *= outColor + (1.0 - smoothstep(1.00 - dispX, 1.00, qt_TexCoord0.x)) * (1.0 - outColor);" +
// "color *= outColor + (1.0 - smoothstep(1.00 - dispY, 1.00, qt_TexCoord0.y)) * (1.0 - outColor);" +
onStatusChanged: if (log) console.log(log) //Print warning messages
// "gl_FragColor.a = color;" +
// "}"
rasterizationSource: ShaderEffectSource{
id: rasterizationEffectSource
sourceItem: rasterizationEffect
hideSource: true
smooth: true
wrapMode: ShaderEffectSource.ClampToEdge
visible: false
// onStatusChanged: if (log) console.log(log) //Print warning messages
// }
// rasterizationSource: ShaderEffectSource{
// id: rasterizationEffectSource
// sourceItem: rasterizationEffect
// hideSource: true
// smooth: true
// wrapMode: ShaderEffectSource.ClampToEdge
// visible: false
// }