mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 11:09:07 +00:00
Scanlines now follow font scaling.
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ Window {
Text{text: qsTr("Font scaling:")}
Layout.fillWidth: true
decimals: 1
stepSize: 0.1
decimals: 2
stepSize: 0.25
value: shadersettings.font_scaling
minimumValue: 0.5
maximumValue: 1.5
maximumValue: 2.0
onValueChanged: shadersettings.font_scaling = value;
Item{Layout.fillHeight: true}
@ -27,11 +27,15 @@ ShaderEffect {
property variant source: theSource
property variant bloomSource: bloomSource
property size txt_Size: Qt.size(width, height)
property real bloom: shadersettings.bloom_strength
property int rasterization: shadersettings.rasterization
property real rasterization_strength: shadersettings.rasterization_strength
property real _lines: frame.sourceRect.height / terminal.paintedFontSize.height
property real _columns: frame.sourceRect.width / terminal.paintedFontSize.height
property real verticalPixelDensity: shadersettings.font.verticalPixelDensity
property real horizontalPixelDensity: shadersettings.font.horizontalPixelDensity
property size num_scanlines: Qt.size(_columns * horizontalPixelDensity, _lines * verticalPixelDensity)
property real noise_strength: shadersettings.noise_strength
property real screen_distorsion: shadersettings.screen_distortion
@ -49,9 +53,6 @@ ShaderEffect {
property real brightness: shadersettings.brightness * 1.5 + 0.5
property real deltay: 3 / parent.height
property real deltax: 3 / parent.width
property real time: timetimer.time
property variant randomFunctionSource: randfuncsource
@ -114,9 +115,7 @@ ShaderEffect {
varying highp vec2 originalCoord;
uniform highp vec4 font_color;
uniform highp vec4 background_color;
uniform highp float deltax;
uniform highp float deltay;" +
uniform highp vec4 background_color;" +
(bloom !== 0 ? "
uniform highp sampler2D bloomSource;" : "") +
@ -133,9 +132,9 @@ ShaderEffect {
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
float getScanlineIntensity(vec2 coord){
float result = step(0.4, fract(coord.y * txt_Size.y * 0.5));" +
float result = abs(sin(coord.y * "+(num_scanlines.height * Math.PI).toFixed(2)+"));" +
(rasterization === shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ? "
result *= step(0.4, fract(coord.x * txt_Size.x * 0.5));" : "") +
result *= abs(sin(coord.x * "+(num_scanlines.width * Math.PI).toFixed(2)+"));" : "") +
"return result;
}" : "") +
@ -186,16 +185,23 @@ ShaderEffect {
noise += horizontal_distortion;" : "")
: "") +
"float color = texture2D(source, coords).r;" +
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
vec2 txt_coords = coords;
txt_coords.y = floor(coords.y * "+num_scanlines.height.toFixed(1)+") / "+num_scanlines.height.toFixed(1)+";" +
(rasterization === shadersettings.pixel_rasterization ?
"txt_coords.x = floor(coords.x * "+num_scanlines.width.toFixed(1)+") / "+num_scanlines.width.toFixed(1)+";" : "")
: " vec2 txt_coords = coords;") +
"float color = texture2D(source, txt_coords).r;" +
(noise_strength !== 0 ? "
color += stepNoise(coords) * noise * (1.0 - distance * distance * 2.0);" : "") +
(glowing_line_strength !== 0 ? "
color += randomPass(coords) * glowing_line_strength;" : "") +
color += randomPass(txt_coords) * glowing_line_strength;" : "") +
(rasterization !== shadersettings.no_rasterization ? "
color = mix(color, color * getScanlineIntensity(originalCoord), "+ rasterization_strength.toFixed(1) +");"
color = mix(color, color * getScanlineIntensity(coords), "+ rasterization_strength.toFixed(1) +");"
: "") +
(bloom !== 0 ? "
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ Item{
property int pixelSize: fontlist.get(font_index).pixelSize
property real lineSpacing: fontlist.get(font_index).lineSpacing
property real verticalPixelDensity: fontlist.get(font_index).verticalPixelDensity
property real horizontalPixelDensity: fontlist.get(font_index).horizontalPixelDensity
id: currentfont
source: fontlist.get(font_index).source
@ -116,44 +118,58 @@ Item{
text: "Terminus (Modern)"
source: "fonts/modern-terminus/TerminusTTF-4.38.2.ttf"
pixelSize: 30
lineSpacing: 0.1
pixelSize: 32
lineSpacing: 0.12
verticalPixelDensity: 12
horizontalPixelDensity: 12
text: "Commodore PET (1977)"
source: "fonts/1977-commodore-pet/COMMODORE_PET.ttf"
pixelSize: 22
lineSpacing: 0.2
pixelSize: 25
lineSpacing: 0.1
verticalPixelDensity: 9
horizontalPixelDensity: 9
text: "Apple ][ (1977)"
source: "fonts/1977-apple2/PrintChar21.ttf"
pixelSize: 24
lineSpacing: 0.2
pixelSize: 25
lineSpacing: 0.1
verticalPixelDensity: 9
horizontalPixelDensity: 10
text: "Atari 400-800 (1979)"
source: "fonts/1979-atari-400-800/ATARI400800_original.TTF"
pixelSize: 22
lineSpacing: 0.25
pixelSize: 25
lineSpacing: 0.22
verticalPixelDensity: 10
horizontalPixelDensity: 10
text: "Commodore 64 (1982)"
source: "fonts/1982-commodore64/C64_User_Mono_v1.0-STYLE.ttf"
pixelSize: 22
lineSpacing: 0.25
pixelSize: 25
lineSpacing: 0.22
verticalPixelDensity: 10
horizontalPixelDensity: 10
text: "Atari ST (1985)"
source: "fonts/1985-atari-st/AtariST8x16SystemFont.ttf"
pixelSize: 26
lineSpacing: 0.2
lineSpacing: 0.15
verticalPixelDensity: 11
horizontalPixelDensity: 12
text: "IBM DOS (1985)"
source: "fonts/1985-ibm-pc-vga/Perfect DOS VGA 437.ttf"
pixelSize: 30
lineSpacing: 0.1
pixelSize: 32
lineSpacing: 0.17
verticalPixelDensity: 15
horizontalPixelDensity: 15
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ Item{
property real mBloom: shadersettings.bloom_strength
property size terminalSize
property size _paintedFontSize
property size paintedFontSize: _paintedFontSize ? _paintedFontSize : 0
//Force reload of the blursource when settings change
onMBloomChanged: restartBlurredSource()
@ -66,12 +68,13 @@ Item{
sourceComponent: KTerminal {
id: ktermitem
font.pixelSize: shadersettings.fontSize
font.pixelSize: shadersettings.font.pixelSize
font.family: shadersettings.font.name
colorScheme: "MyWhiteOnBlack"
onTerminalSizeChanged: terminalContainer.terminalSize = ktermitem.terminalSize
onPaintedFontSizeChanged: terminalContainer._paintedFontSize = ktermitem.paintedFontSize
session: KSession {
id: ksession
@ -86,8 +89,8 @@ Item{
Component.onCompleted: {
var scaling_factor = shadersettings.font_scaling * shadersettings.window_scaling;
var font_size = shadersettings.font.pixelSize * scaling_factor;
var line_spacing = Math.round(shadersettings.font.lineSpacing * font_size);
var font_size = Math.ceil(shadersettings.font.pixelSize * scaling_factor);
var line_spacing = Math.ceil(shadersettings.font.lineSpacing * font_size);
font.pixelSize = font_size;
font.family = shadersettings.font.name;
@ -194,7 +197,6 @@ Item{
"void main() {" +
"float color = texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord0).r * 256.0;" +
(mBlur !== 0 ?
"float blurredSourceColor = texture2D(blurredSource, qt_TexCoord0).r * 256.0;" +
"blurredSourceColor = blurredSourceColor - blurredSourceColor * " + (1.0 - motionBlurCoefficient) * fpsAttenuation+ ";" +
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE QtCreatorProject>
<!-- Written by QtCreator 3.0.1, 2014-05-27T21:59:57. -->
<!-- Written by QtCreator 3.0.1, 2014-05-29T01:07:57. -->
@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ void KTerminalDisplay::fontChange(const QFont&)
_fontAscent = fm.ascent();
emit changedFontMetricSignal( _fontHeight, _fontWidth );
emit paintedFontSizeChanged();
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class KONSOLEPRIVATE_EXPORT KTerminalDisplay : public QQuickPaintedItem
Q_PROPERTY(bool activeFocusOnClick READ autoFocus WRITE setAutoFocus NOTIFY changedAutoFocus)
Q_PROPERTY(bool ShowIMEOnClick READ autoVKB WRITE setAutoVKB NOTIFY changedAutoVKB)
Q_PROPERTY(QSize terminalSize READ getTerminalSize NOTIFY terminalSizeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QSize paintedFontSize READ getFontSize NOTIFY paintedFontSizeChanged)
@ -194,10 +194,14 @@ public:
* Return size of the terminal as columns lines.
QSize getTerminalSize(){
QSize getTerminalSize() {
return QSize(columns(), lines());
QSize getFontSize() {
return QSize(fontWidth(), fontHeight());
* Sets which characters, in addition to letters and numbers,
* are regarded as being part of a word for the purposes
@ -417,6 +421,7 @@ signals:
void clicked();
void terminalSizeChanged();
void paintedFontSizeChanged();
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Module {
Property { name: "activeFocusOnClick"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "ShowIMEOnClick"; type: "bool" }
Property { name: "terminalSize"; type: "QSize" }
Property { name: "paintedFontSize"; type: "QSize"}
Signal {
name: "changedScheme"
Parameter { name: "scheme"; type: "string" }
@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ Module {
Parameter { name: "session"; type: "KSession"; isPointer: true }
Signal { name: "terminalSizeChanged" }
Singal { name: "paintedFontSizeChanged" }
Signal { name: "updatedImage" }
Method { name: "forcedFocus" }
Method {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user