diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8352ed3..0126afb 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ * [Amanda](http://www.amanda.org/) - Client-server model backup tool. * [Bareos](http://www.bareos.org/en/) - A fork of Bacula backup tool. * [BackupPC](https://backuppc.github.io/backuppc/) - BackupPC is a high-performance system for backing up to disk. -* [Backupninja](https://0xacab.org/riseuplabs/backupninja) - Lightweight, extensible meta-backup system. +* [Backupninja](https://0xacab.org/liberate/backupninja) - Lightweight, extensible meta-backup system. * [Barman](http://www.pgbarman.org) - Backup and Recovery Manager for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers. * [BorgBackup](https://github.com/borgbackup/borg) - A fork of [Attic](https://attic-backup.org) deduplicating backup program written in Python. * [Burp](http://burp.grke.org/) - Network backup and restore program. @@ -127,12 +127,13 @@ ## Client management -*Managing software on desktop computers.* +Managing software on desktop computers. + +_See also: [IT Asset Management](#it-asset-management)_ * [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/) – Windows CLI package manager written in .NET/PS, based on [NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/). * [just-install](https://just-install.github.io/) – Python script for downloading and silently installing MSI files. * [OCS Inventory NG](https://ocsinventory-ng.org/?lang=en) - Inventory, deployment and network scan. -* [Opsi](http://www.opsi.org) (open PC server integration) - Client Management for Windows based on Debian. * [WAPT](https://dev.tranquil.it/wiki/WAPT_-_apt-get_pour_Windows/en) - Network-wide (un)installation, configuration and upgrades of Windows based software. * [WPKG](http://wpkg.org/) - Software deployment, upgrade and removal program for Windows. @@ -151,7 +152,6 @@ * [Cobbler](http://cobbler.github.io/) - Cobbler is a Linux installation server that allows for rapid setup of network installation environments. * [Cracow Cloud One - Polish Private Cloud](http://cc1.ifj.edu.pl/) - The CC1 system provides a complete solution for Private Cloud Computing. * [Eucalyptus](https://www.eucalyptus.cloud/) - Private cloud software with AWS compatibility. -* [Flynn](https://flynn.io) - PaaS * [Mesos](http://mesos.apache.org/) - Develop and run resource-efficient distributed systems. * [OpenNebula](http://opennebula.org/) - User-driven cloud management platform for sysadmins and devops. * [Openshift](http://www.openshift.org) - PaaS product from Red Hat. @@ -188,11 +188,12 @@ ## Configuration Management Database -*Configuration management database (CMDB) software.* +Configuration management database (CMDB) software. + +_See also: [IT Asset Management]([Ralph](#it-asset-management))_ * [i-doit](http://www.i-doit.org/) - IT Documentation and CMDB. * [iTop](http://www.combodo.com/itop-193) - Complete ITIL web based service management tool. -* [Ralph](https://github.com/allegro/ralph) - Asset management, DCIM and CMDB system for large Data Centers as well as smaller LAN networks. * [Clusto](https://github.com/clusto/clusto) - Helps you keep track of your inventory, where it is, how it's connected, and provides an abstracted interface for interacting with the elements of the infrastructure. * [Collins](http://tumblr.github.io/collins/) - At Tumblr, it's the infrastructure source of truth and knowledge. * [netbox](https://github.com/digitalocean/netbox) - IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool @@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ * [PDNS Gui](https://github.com/odoucet/pdns-gui) - WebGUI which aids in administering domains and records for PowerDNS with MySQL. * [Pi-hole](https://pi-hole.net/) - A blackhole for Internet Advertisements with a gui for managing and monitoring * [Poweradmin](http://www.poweradmin.org/) - Friendly web-based DNS administration tool for PowerDNS server. -* Revision Control: see [awesome-selfhosted#project-management](https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted#project-management) +* Revision Control: see [awesome-selfhosted#project-management](https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted#project-management) * Virtualization * [OpenVZ Web Panel](https://github.com/sibprogrammer/owp) - Web panel to control OpenVZ virtual machines. * Server @@ -286,7 +287,6 @@ * [Lustre](http://lustre.org/) - Parallel distributed file system, generally used for large-scale cluster computing. * [Minio](https://minio.io/) - Minio is an open source object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs. ([Source Code](https://github.com/minio/minio)) `Apache-2.0` `Go` * [MooseFS](http://www.moosefs.org/) - Fault tolerant, network distributed file system. -* [MogileFS](http://mogilefs.org/) - Application level, network distributed file system. * [OpenAFS](http://www.openafs.org/) - Distributed network file system with read-only replicas and multi-OS support. * [Ori Filesystem](http://ori.scs.stanford.edu/) - A Secure Distributed File System built for offline operation. * [Perkeep](https://perkeep.org/) (née Camlistore) - A set of open source formats, protocols, and software for modeling, storing, searching, sharing and synchronizing data. @@ -368,17 +368,18 @@ * [easy-rsa](https://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa) - bash script to build and manage a PKI CA. * [Smallstep Certificates](https://smallstep.com/certificates/) - A private certificate authority (X.509 & SSH) and related tools for secure automated certificate management. * [SAML Jackson](https://boxyhq.com/docs/jackson/overview) - A SAML SSO service designed as an OAuth 2.0 flow. Integrate SAML with just a few lines of code. +* [ZITADEL](https://github.com/caos/zitadel) - Cloud-native Identity & Access Management solution providing a platform for secure authentication, authorization and identity management. ## IT Asset Management *IT Assets Management software.* * [GLPI](https://www.glpi-project.org/) - Information Resource-Manager with an additional Administration Interface. -* [OCS Inventory NG](https://ocsinventory-ng.org/?lang=en) - Enables users to inventory their IT assets. -* [OPSI](http://www.opsi.org) - Hardware and software inventory, deployment, and patching for Linux and Windows. -* [RackTables](http://racktables.org/) - Datacenter and server room asset management like document hardware assets, network addresses, space in racks, networks configuration. -* [Ralph](https://github.com/allegro/ralph) - Asset management, DCIM and CMDB system for large Data Centers as well as smaller LAN networks. -* [Snipe IT](https://snipeitapp.com/) - Asset & license management software. +* [OCS Inventory NG](https://ocsinventory-ng.org/) - Asset management and deployment solution for all devices in your IT Department. ([Source Code](https://github.com/OCSInventory-NG)) `GPL-2.0` `PHP/Perl` +* [OPSI](http://www.opsi.org) - Hardware and software inventory, client management, deployment, and patching for Linux and Windows. ([Source Code](https://github.com/opsi-org/)) `GPL-3.0/AGPL-3.0` `OVF/Python` +* [RackTables](http://racktables.org/) - Datacenter and server room asset management like document hardware assets, network addresses, space in racks, networks configuration. ([Source Code](https://github.com/RackTables/racktables), [Demo](https://www.racktables.org/demo.php)) `GPL-2.0` `PHP` +* [Ralph](https://ralph.allegro.tech/) - Asset management, DCIM and CMDB system for large Data Centers as well as smaller LAN networks. ([Source Code](https://github.com/allegro/ralph), [Demo](https://github.com/allegro/ralph#live-demo)) `Apache-2.0` `Python/Docker` +* [Snipe IT](https://snipeitapp.com/) - Asset & license management software. ([Source Code](https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it)) `AGPL-3.0` `PHP` ## Log Management @@ -392,6 +393,7 @@ * [Hindsight](http://mozilla-services.github.io/hindsight/) - Stream processing system which may be used for log aggregation (Replaces Heka). * [Kibana](https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana) - Visualize logs and time-stamped data. * [Logstash](https://www.elastic.co/products/logstash) - Tool for managing events and logs. +* [Loki](https://grafana.com/oss/loki/) - horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. * [Octopussy](http://www.octopussy.pm) - Log Management Solution (Visualize / Alert / Report). ## Mail Clients @@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ * [eZ Server Monitor](http://www.ezservermonitor.com) - A lightweight and simple dashboard monitor for Linux, available in Web and Bash application. * [Flapjack](http://flapjack.io/) - Monitoring notification routing & event processing system. * [Healthchecks](https://healthchecks.io/) - Monitoring for cron jobs, background services and scheduled tasks. -* [Icinga](https://www.icinga.org/) - Nagios fork that has since lapped nagios several times. Comes with the possibility of clustered monitoring - ([Source Code](https://github.com/Icinga)) - `GPLv2` +* [Icinga](https://www.icinga.com/) - Nagios fork that has since lapped nagios several times. Comes with the possibility of clustered monitoring - ([Source Code](https://github.com/Icinga)) - `GPLv2` * [LibreNMS](http://www.librenms.org) - Fully featured network monitoring system that provides a wealth of features and device support. * [Monit](http://mmonit.com/monit/#home) - Small utility for managing and monitoring Unix systems. * [Munin](http://munin-monitoring.org/) - Networked resource monitoring tool. @@ -439,6 +441,7 @@ * [pyDash](https://k3oni.github.io/pydash/) - Small web-based monitoring dashboard for linux. * [Riemann](http://riemann.io/) - Flexible and fast events processor allowing complex events/metrics analysis. * [rtop](https://github.com/rapidloop/rtop) - an interactive, remote system monitoring tool based on SSH. +* [Scrutiny](https://github.com/AnalogJ/scrutiny) - Hard Drive S.M.A.R.T Monitoring, Historical Trends & Real World Failure Thresholds * [Sensu](https://sensuapp.org/) - Monitoring framework. * [ServerStatus BotoX](https://github.com/BotoX/ServerStatus) - Display and monitor your servers statistics in a beatiful way. * [ServerStatus moejda](https://github.com/mojeda/ServerStatus) - Server Status website script, displays uptime (days), free RAM, free HDD @@ -452,15 +455,8 @@ ### Status Pages -* [Cachet](https://cachethq.io) - Status page system written in PHP. -* [Stashboard](http://www.stashboard.org) - Status page for cloud services and APIs. -* [Statusfy](https://statusfy.co/) - A modern status page for presenting critical service updates. -* [System Status Dashboard (SSD)](http://www.system-status-dashboard.com/) - Overview about an organization's infrastructure health status. -* [Staytus](http://staytus.co/) - Staytus is a complete solution for publishing the latest information about any issues with your web applications, networks or services. -* [vigil](https://github.com/valeriansaliou/vigil) - Microservices Status Page. Monitors a distributed infrastructure and sends alerts to Slack. Written in Rust. -* [Statping](https://github.com/hunterlong/statping) - Status page system written in Go. -* [Uptime Kuma](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma) - Self-hosted status page similar to "Uptime Robot". -* [netcheck](https://demo.ncheck.eu/#/info) – Simple ping status system written in Java, similar to Pingdom and StatusCake. +**Please visit [awesome-selfhosted/Status / Uptime Pages](https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted#status--uptime-pages)** + ### Metric & Metric Collection @@ -489,9 +485,10 @@ * [InfluxDB](https://influxdb.com/) - Distributed time series database with no external dependencies. * Packages - * [Prometheus](http://prometheus.io/) - Service monitoring system and time series database. - * [Packetbeat](https://www.elastic.co/products/beats) - Captures network traffic and displays it in a custom Kibana dashboard for easy viewing. * [Graphite](http://graphite.readthedocs.org/en/latest/) - Scalable graphing server. + * [Packetbeat](https://www.elastic.co/products/beats) - Captures network traffic and displays it in a custom Kibana dashboard for easy viewing. + * [Prometheus](http://prometheus.io/) - Service monitoring system and time series database. + * [VictoriaMetrics](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics) - Service monitoring system and time series database. ## Network Configuration Management @@ -527,7 +524,7 @@ * [MongoDB](https://www.mongodb.org/) - Another document-oriented database system. * [RavenDB](http://ravendb.net/) - Document based database with ACID/Transactional features. * [RethinkDB](http://www.rethinkdb.com/) - Distributed document store database, focuses on JSON. - * [eXist-DB] (Https://www.exist-db.org/) - Open Source XML Database + * [eXist-DB](Https://www.exist-db.org/) - Open Source XML Database * Graph * [FlockDB](https://github.com/twitter/flockdb) - Twitter's distributed, fault-tolerant graph database. * [Neo4j](http://neo4j.com/) - Graph database. @@ -547,7 +544,7 @@ Comparison of NoSQL servers: http://kkovacs.eu/cassandra-vs-mongodb-vs-couchdb-v ## Project Management -*Web-based project management and bug tracking systems*: see https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted#project-management +*Web-based project management and bug tracking systems*: see https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted#project-management ## Queuing @@ -602,7 +599,6 @@ Comparison of NoSQL servers: http://kkovacs.eu/cassandra-vs-mongodb-vs-couchdb-v *Troubleshooting Tools.* -* [genet](https://github.com/genet-app/genet) - Caffeinated Packet Analyzer. * [grml](https://grml.org) – bootable Debian Live CD with powerful CLI tools. * [mitmproxy](http://mitmproxy.org/) - A Python tool used for intercepting, viewing and modifying network traffic. Invaluable in troubleshooting certain problems. * [mtr](https://www.bitwizard.nl/mtr/) - Network utility that combines traceroute and ping. @@ -639,12 +635,13 @@ Comparison of NoSQL servers: http://kkovacs.eu/cassandra-vs-mongodb-vs-couchdb-v * [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/) - Virtualization product from Oracle Corporation. * [XCP-ng](http://www.xcp-ng.org/) - Based on Citrix XenServer, XCP-ng is a fully open source virtualization platform. * [Xen](http://www.xenproject.org/) - Virtual machine monitor for 32/64 bit Intel / AMD (IA 64) and PowerPC 970 architectures. -* [XenServer](http://xenserver.org/) - Turnkey virtualization platform based on CentOS distribution, using Xen and an extended toolstack/API. ## VPN *VPN software.* +* [Firezone](https://www.firez.one/) - WireGuard based VPN Server and Firewall. +* [Headscale](https://github.com/juanfont/headscale) - Self-hostable fork of [Tailscale](https://tailscale.com), cross-platform clients, simple to use, built-in (currently experimental) monitoring tools. * [ocserv](http://www.infradead.org/ocserv/) - Cisco AnyConnect-compatible VPN server * [OpenVPN](https://community.openvpn.net) - Uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange. * [Pritunl](http://pritunl.com/) - OpenVPN based solution. Easy to set up.